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Guild Guiders Of Lost | Closed Guild |

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Amun_Ra, Nov 19, 2016.

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  1. DeniedINC

    DeniedINC Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: DeniedINC
    Main Class/Level: Archer 6
    Title (example, Amun_Ra is 'the Sun God'):
    Location and Timezone: Texas, USA Central
    Previous Guild: None
    How long is your Wynncraft experience: I've only been playing for 30-40 minutes.
    Why do you wish to join?: I'm overwhelmed by the world but want to get into it.
    What is the best thing about yourself?: I have a lot of time to spend and experience in MMOs
    Why do you think you are right for this guild?: I'm lost and you are the Guiders of Lost xD
    Anything else you would like us to know?
  2. HandyMandy

    HandyMandy Newbie Adventurer

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    Main Class/Level: warrior

    Title (example, Amun_Ra is 'the Sun God'): i dont know
    Location and Timezone: Darien ct eastern US
    Previous Guild: none
    How long is your Wynncraft experience: about a year, i took a break for a long time then came back.
    Why do you wish to join?: Because being battling over territory and defending it sound exciting
    What is the best thing about yourself?: I'm loyal and active and i am willin
    Why do you think you are right for this guild?: see above
    Anything else you would like us to know? im active on most days so i can be anywhere or do anything required
  3. HandyMandy

    HandyMandy Newbie Adventurer

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    IGN: peririto
    Main Class/Level: warrior

    Title (example, Amun_Ra is 'the Sun God'): idk
    Location and Timezone: Darien CT eastern united states
    Previous Guild: none
    How long is your Wynncraft experience: year, i took a little break
    Why do you wish to join?: because i would love to try out being in a guild
    What is the best thing about yourself?: I am loyal and active
    Why do you think you are right for this guild?: Because i can donate any amount required and do anything required
    Anything else you would like us to know? I am more active on weekends
  4. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven Potato Wedge Enthusiast

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    IGN: AshTalonGaming

    Main Class/Level: Mage/32?

    Title (example, Amun_Ra is 'the Sun God'): *No Title* ;3

    Location and Timezone: (UTC) Minot,ND
    Central Time Zone

    Previous Guild?: *None*

    How long is your Wynncraft experience?: 3 years

    Why do you wish to join?: 1: I love to help others anyway and being known in a guild will make me official... XD 2: I find that i am gaining lvl 60 items at lvl 32 and i would like some help with that X3.

    What is the best thing about yourself?: I feel the best thing about me is my ability to sympathize.

    Why do you think you are right for this guild?: I love to help others

    Anything else you would like us to know?: I am extremely cooperative. I cannot promise to be on every day, i will definitely be on every other week. The week i post this i do not have access to the internet, next week i will, the next week after that i will not, it might go on like that for a while, i will tell you otherwise. I have 2 bans 1 was minor (travel mods): and the other was major: (brother got access to my account and used it to get me banned.) - flight hacks ,and rudeness to others. my current ban appeal (the second one) may not be approved so i may never be able to play on the server.
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry all of you: This guild has sadly gone offline as I can't go online as much as I used to. For these reasons, I'm closing this guild.

    I won't kick any of you out, and i will remain in this guild. If you still want to be recruited and be promoted, tell me. Otherwise, I will close all applications.
  6. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    nooooo ;-;
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