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Gm Implementation.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by MrSoulPenguin, Jan 26, 2019.


Have you not been able to complete a quest due to an issue you encountered?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. MrSoulPenguin

    MrSoulPenguin Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    Since the 1.17 update there seems to be a rise in issues with quest and the ability to complete them. These are small issues but issues nonetheless. Especially with quest like The Dark Decent and older classes. As thing are now, there doesn't seems to be any clear cut way of getting a hold of someone that can help you out of a spot with having to /kill or use a teleport scroll and possibly breaking the quest for yourself beyond repair.

    I feel like there should be a more reliable way of getting a hold of a staff member that has the ability to help players out in these sort of situations. Currently the best way to get a hold of someone ingame is the use of a shout bomb. Yes there is the Bug report forum but that doesn't really help in the way of in the moment issues.

    Something along the line of /helpop would suffice. All that is needed is a way to get a hold of an online staff member that can help.
  2. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    The issue then is that mods are then still over whelmed by the requests for help.
    Also lot of the time the best option is to /kill since a mod teleport may put you to far ahead (missing a quest update and breaking the quest further) or to far back again breaking the quest.
    And sometimes th quests just don't work in general.... looking at you envoy P1

    It's a pain but I don't think a quick summon for a mods help would actually change anything.

    Partially because of above reasons of just making things worse and also due to the fact that mods
    A) already have a lot on their plate and so responding to them would be unlikely
    B) they are not our servants. Sure they have a job to do which they volunteer to do and are expected to do that a decent amount f the time. But they also play the game and deserve time away from the moddy stuff.

    Eh just my 2cents.

    In theory a very good idea but in practice has to many flaws to actually be of any use in my eyes.
  3. Micm

    Micm Wynncraft Enthusiast

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    Yeah, just the other day I was mid-quest and there were other players in the boss room that picked up the quest item the boss dropped and I was trapped inside. I had to /kill and it put me a good distance away from the quest location.

    I know not all players use the Wynncraft discord, but we could possibly have a discord lobby where players can ask questions/request help from a staff member. Or possibly doing something in-game is always an option too.
  4. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    I see what you’re trying to do, and the idea is good, but I’m worried this would be really spammy for the GMs or mods or QAs or whoever is notified by this command. They have a job to do, and they can’t spend all their time reading these messages, plus the fact that people are going to use them in situations that aren’t actually bugs like times when 1.13 auses crashing or a mod breaks something.
    SaltyKing likes this.
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