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Archer/Hunter Glassy Divzer build help

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by KeanuReee, Aug 20, 2023.

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  1. KeanuReee

    KeanuReee Well-Known Adventurer

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    I recently just sunk my entire life savings into my first ever Mythic weapon, a Divzer. (I managed to find one for cheap on the market for a little over 1 LE stack). However, having run the gale force up until now, I had to shift my entire air dam and agility focused build into a Dex focused build.

    Here's the current build I run with my Divzer. Any suggestions on how to improve it?
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Prosencephalon
    > Stratosphere
    > Tera
    > Ornate Shadow Cloud
    > Finesse
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Anya's Penumbra
    > Kernel
    > Divzer [t6t6t6]

    I would switch the Kernel for the Contrast, but I lost my Hive Bow like a year ago when I accidentally dropped it and lost where it was (didn't know what /itemlock was at the time). So I no longer have access to the Hive Master set :(
  2. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    first you would want to use manasteal with divz so you need a tierdown item - high manasteal is optimal for gameplay, hope you didn't buy something like red or low yellow ms
    etw builds often use Chaos-Woven Greaves from master hive so that's unfortunate, consider getting another master voucher

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Caesura
    > Bete Noire
    > Asphyxia
    > Electro Mage's Boots
    > Draoi Fair
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Enmity
    > Lightning Flash
    > Divzer [t6t6t6]

    use Chaos-Woven if you get it
    use Struggle if ms feels lacking
    Caesura needs to have good rolls
    get cheaper arrow storm if you feel confident about melee sniping for ms without homing
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2023
  3. KeanuReee

    KeanuReee Well-Known Adventurer

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    Can Divzer boltslingers be viable? I invested most of my savings into it, so I can't affored anymore expensive gear. I didn't get the draoi fair when I did the order of grook quest (which I now know was a mistake).
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