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General feedback (with potential spoilers)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by vdsch, Jan 1, 2024.

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  1. vdsch

    vdsch Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hi all!

    This is a general feedback that is based on quite a few years of me with (and without) Wynncraft.
    Feel free to comment, I am open to anything that helps to clear my mindset which comes from my previous experience. Maybe there is a "right way" to play the game, and I am completely doing it wrong?
    I also hope that this helps to understand a few players (or at least my experience).

    I first started playing in August 2019, became quickly addicted to it, was very active until around 2021, then became more and more inactive and ever since I haven’t even tried 2.0 (yet).

    Why do the review now, then?

    Because I recognised that although I do miss the game, I also kind of “dread” playing it again (a little), and here is why.

    I have to start with the fact that my very first class was a Warrior. Yeah, I know… at least after reading a few of the forum comments while being in my later game (and I have played over 300 hours total with Warrior…), that it is an unfortunate choice, as it is the hardest to play. I also experienced this myself after playing around with Dark Wizard, after reaching level 105 with my Warrior.

    Although it was really hard at times, I stuck with my choice and felt rewarded many times after some of the more challenging quests or fights. But there are many other fights that I just couldn’t win and got tired of it after a while. For example, I only tried Orange Wybel 1-2 times, and I could only beat Aledar and Tasim with the help of a really strong player. After learning the mechanics of The Eye, which already took a great while, my success rate was below 50% (which can also be explained by the fact that my partners died before me and then it was just me against that monstrosity). And these are just some examples, so although I have almost maxxed out my character, I feel that I am way too weak for too many parts of the game and I could not figure out how to overcome this.

    I mean sure, it is due to my bad build choices…? So, I spent a few days testing different builds on my own, including some of my favourite items that I saved. My bank is always full of saved items like weapons, helmets, … and there is literally never enough space in it because I am always saving new ones… I tried to choose those to ditch, but I don’t know how to decide on which ones to throw away.

    I also tried using the two builder websites to make use of my existing things, but I always found that I preferred Very Fast and Super Fast weapons and could not play with normal or slow ones. I was really bothered by moving slowly and taking more damage and not being able to push enemies away quickly. So, I ended up using the same builds with little to no variation.

    I also read and searched for threads to understand builds better, but I am either not smart enough for the mechanics, or it is intentionally that complex and hard to make players just go with what works and not spend time calculating and speculating, or maybe it’s just me who can’t get the hang of it and I am totally alone with this.

    Either way, I wanted to play and have a great time and not calculate for days...!

    (I also found a mythic but I stopped playing shortly after finding it because I felt that it is not much more useful than my current build, especially given that my Pure is level 65 only. But mostly, I had the impression that in order to make good use of it, I need to start calculations again...)

    Anyway, most of the time, my playstyle is to play alone, and I only seek others’ help when I get stuck with e.g. the previously mentioned bosses, or with the ??? quest. I also helped others to give back to the community, and I always posted threads about bugs and solutions, to help the game.

    Maybe it is just me and my poor choice of class, but I felt that the game is - especially towards the end - just too hard to beat, too much of a challenge, and not worth the hours anymore to invest in it. (Even considering the hours already put into it, and the fact that I am easily addicted to games where I can level up and develop my character and I consider myself (and others also consider me) to be very persistent.

    I also like gathering mechanics in games generally, but the Professions system is too much, even for me… too tedious, for someone who works a lot on the computer anyway, just not worth it. I got to between level 50-60 with my second class, where I planned to progress my XP and Professions XP in parallel, before giving it all up.

    I already had at least two classes when the Ability Tree was introduced. I chose some traits and hoped that they were the right choices. I mean this is a game, I should not be too afraid of making choices… but I had the impression that choices matter too much, just like my experience with classes and builds. This impression (which may be wrong) adds to the negatives which discourage me of playing. Mainly because of the game is so huge, so long and such great effort is needed to “finish” it. I am probably afraid that if I make bad choices again I would be in the same situation where I am not strong enough to defeat some of the strongest enemies, let alone Legendary Island.

    My third class choice was a Dark Wizard, and I am at level 78 with only 55 hours, and it definitely felt easier. Of course, I remembered many things from before, and I became generally better at the game, but I can also feel the class differences a lot.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this game, I posted a positive review of the 1.20 update quests back then, and I always posted bugs and solutions in order to help others.
    I love the map, the cities and towns, quests, most of the lore, characters, mobs… it is all AMAZING that you guys created!!!

    So in spite of all the constructive criticism…

    I would really like to love this game again!

    Some other discouraging things, which are minor compared to the above:

    I have to admit that I used the wiki a lot to help my progress, because I don’t have all the time in the world anymore to find out everything myself, now that I am a working grown-up. I think this is not a bad thing, but there are still some tasks that are too hard for me, e.g. the disappearing blocks parkour. I love almost every location, except for the island which turns into a horror movie, that I wouldn’t mind skipping (Craftmas Chaos quest I think). I like most of the quests, maybe Lari could be a little less annoying.

    P.S. Oh, and I love listening to the OST while working. Such good vibes!
    100klemonreimu and Mardeknius like this.
  2. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Architect of the Realm Item Team HERO

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    I hate to respond to a well-crafted criticism with "skill issue", so I'm not going to.

    The fact of the matter is that the building mechanic of the game is a central component to it. You put in the hours to understand how casting spells works, how dodging and strafing works - however, if you don't want to put in the work to learn this one, there's a workaround: you can get help on these forums or the discord.
    I know it's highly irritating to hear "no, your issue is invalid, and in fact the opposite is true", when you're struggling with the game, but that's the unfortunate reality: you're just playing with a really terrible build if you consider the game too hard. I'm a mediocre player, and I can shred the eye in under two minutes with a non-mythic build. The game, time and time again, has an issue of being too easy - that is, if you're using a decent build.
    In this case, the problem is that your build is bad, and adjusting the game's content to fix that would just break everything. I can help you get a better build, if you'd like, or even teach you how to make one yourself, but it's a part of the game you have to deal with in one way or another.

    also, warrior - at least, as of 2.0 - is not a bad class, nor particularly difficult. Try Battle Monk and Paladin if you're struggling.

    About the ability tree: you're totally right, the tree requires you to know how it works in order to use it properly, but there isn't an "easy fix" for this - if we take away the building mechanic, then we're taking away a huge and central part of the game. The best solution - if you don't want to learn how to build - is, unfortunately, just to ask others for help.
    Elysium_ and vdsch like this.
  3. vdsch

    vdsch Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I appreciate your honest answer, I believe that it helps self-reflection and to identify how to move forward!
    Elysium_ and Mardeknius like this.
  4. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    Warrior no longer sucks in 2.0 since there’s a way to deal non rate limited damage and it has tons of multiplicative damage bonuses now
    vdsch likes this.
  5. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    I can recommend archer or shaman if you wanna play around controling enemies.
    A big difference from warrior will be hp management.
    They both are very weak in terms of defense, unless you build your items around mostly just that.
    vdsch likes this.
  6. 100klemonreimu

    100klemonreimu Poison Warrior Supermacy

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    What is your build? I'm just curious excuse me
  7. vdsch

    vdsch Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hi, I just logged in to check my last build because it was such a long time ago I did not remember a thing. :)
    https://wynnbuilder.github.io/builder?v=6#8_07R02u0T-0lC0TQ0U60Jg0Ji0q71B0K0i1p0j1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0- WynnBuilder build: > Cancer֎ > Azurite > Ornate Shadow Cover > Signal Flare > Draoi Fair > Detective's Ring > Clockwork > Contrast > Tisaun's Proof []
    (I guess the values like HP/DPS could have changed since then.)

    Ability tree: I did not assign my points because that was part of the overwhelm which caused me to quit. :(
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