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Guide Gale & Ohms: Official Information Thread

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Selvut283, Jan 18, 2016.

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  1. TheAule

    TheAule The Smithy of the Valar

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    Since when have we said that Ohms became a golem? Ohms is a Golemancer, he makes the Golems. Maybe he is a Golem as well, a Cyberman-esque story. Perhaps he, overcame by grief at the loss of Gale, forced himself into a golem so that he cannot Hurt anymore. However this plays out, your idea does sound rather interesting.
  2. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks A Lone Wanderer

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    The wires themselves were mobs, surges of electricity that did damage. Tho now that the lab is locked, it may be the exitway for a quest.

    And we did technically fight Gale, as her spirit works for Qira. Ohms may be in the same boat, but instead of Qira, he's doing is own 2spooky4me thingy in his lab.
  3. FishWaffle

    FishWaffle It's ya boi VIP

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    Hold on, so if we fight Ohms, then there has to be a reason why, and like TheAule said, it could be the same curse as what happened to his golem.
    So, in that case, what if Gale was fighting for Qira in a sorta-contract like manner in return for Qira's power to free Ohms?
    I dunno, I'd like to see your guys' thoughts on this.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    So I checked out the Ice Canyons. Nothing there. Will continue looking.
  5. TheAule

    TheAule The Smithy of the Valar

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    Ohms hasn't been added yet, so it is possible that there is nothing to find... YET

    That could make sense. Qira is stated to be a powerful entity that could fight the decay. Perhaps Gale is serving Qira in hopes that she will one day cure Ohms so his soul can find peace. Kinda reminds me of Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean. I previously theorized that Gale was fighting for Qira so that Qira would heal the Decay from Gale's town/Ohms but your theory seems more plausible in light of new revelations.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Well it was an area that Selvut mentioned after my way-too-long list of high places.
  7. KitKat

    KitKat Not Candy VIP+

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    I was going to suggest that Gale's Tomb could be around the Bantisu Temple because it's an air temple, but I'm not sure now that Ohms is supposedly in Wynn.
    Cobra likes this.
  8. TheAule

    TheAule The Smithy of the Valar

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    After some time, I have created a semi-plausible Edit: Turns out most everything is wrong. Oh well. But at least you can read it and enjoy it! story of Ohms and Gale. Please read it and leave your thoughts, as well literary criticism!

    Ohms and Gale lived together a long time ago in Gavel, training their skills. Gale, her archery, Ohms, his Golemancy. But then Ohms' projects backfired. One of his Golems became cursed and attacked him. In the ensuing battle with this enraged beast, Gale perished, but the golem was defeated. Due to the strength of their love, and gale's willpower, her spirit remained with Ohms. Ohms buried Gale somewhere high up, somewhere magical. (I have a few theories on where, but I doubt any of them will come to fruition) However, in the battle, Ohms had received a poisoned blow, and he was now cursed with some sort of decaying magic. Gale, in a desperate attempt to save her lover, turned to one of the only beings in Gavel that had the power to fight such magic: Qira. Qira, being moved by Gale's tale, allowed to join, and in return for some amount of service, would cure Ohms so that he and Gale could once again be with each other happily.

    While Gale was working with Qira, the curse on Ohms worsened. Ohms fled to Wynn in an attempt to find foreign cures to the sickness. (Wynn contains the Fountain of Youth, as well as the Gemstone Dust, which Elrund mentions can be made into a healing drink). Ohms, finding the Dernel Jungle, decided to create a lair of his in the vicinity of the area.

    What follows is old lore about the Tower of Ascension that I vaguely recall from before 9/7. It may be false, and I would appreciate verification.

    A long time ago, the Ice Canyon was not iced over, but a volcanic area. Then a meteor struck it, destroying the Volcano, and in the ensuing years, it froze over. This would explain why the lava area exists (remember Keibon), and why deposits of Gunpowder can be found around the Ice Canyon. Now this meteor contains powerful magics, sort of like the meteors from Purple and Blue. The ToA was built in this crater to harness the magical energies there. (Notice the purple crystal upon the tower). Ohms, remaining there over this time, still unable to find any cures, began to dabble once again in the art of Golemancy, drawing energy from the Crystal nearby. With his Golem companions, Ohms endured the long years. Nevertheless, he was growing old, and the Curse was draining his strength.

    In an effort to stay alive for Gale to come, he began a great labor - a self-golemancitation (please think of a better word for this XD). He fused himself into a Golem, this giving his body and mind a pseudo-immortality. But what he did not realize is that to be a Golem is so very cold (People who pay attention to An Iron Heart's dialogue can see as such. - This also is reminiscent of Cybermen from Doctor Who: metallic beings that upgraded themselves at the cost of their soul). Ohms unwittingly ripped out his emotions when he became a golem, and the Curse remained. It dominated him. Ohms became a being maddened with pain and driven by the curse. In one last effort of will, he sealed his Lab from the outside world, to save any people who would come to him. In this agony, he waited, for Gale to come with Qira and release him.

    Thus enters the player: They fight Gale in The Qira Hive and realize that this story of her and Ohms exists from this fight and from several legendary items they find throughout their journey. They searched far and wide throughout Gavel, and one day happen upon Gale's Tomb. There, met by an echo of her spirit, they learn the story of what Gale knows, and a little more: this echo points them towards the Ice Canyon, where Qira says an old trace of magic still lingers.

    The Player, returning to The Ice Canyon, finds a cave filled with Golems. In the back, they find a peculiar structure, and feel an odd taint in the air, reminding them of the feel of older quests they have done. The player solves a mysterious puzzle, and a passage opens. A blast of dark feelings races through the player, the hatred of many centuries. Warily moving into this place, they discover Ohm's Lab. Deep within, they discover the wretched Golem of Ohms, who has lain for much time in a state of anguish. Ohms awakens, and the Curse again kicks into effect, driving Ohms' body to attack the player. The Curse also harnesses Ohms skills at Golemancy and begins to summon and create new minions to help defeat this insect that dares disturb them.

    After and long and exhausting fight, the player smites Ohm's body, disabling him. In this time, Ohms true being resurfaces and tells the story of what happened. The player then has a choice: Leave, and let Ohms wait until Gale returns, or Destroy Ohms, allowing his soul to seek out Gale so that they can live together in the Afterlife. Whatever choice they make, it ends with the player leaving Ohms' Lab, sealing it for what they hope is for good, a bit more learned in the world of magic, love, willpower, and Determination.

    Now, this is in no way perfect. I am my own biggest critic (I hope), and this story is far from perfect, and I see a few major holes.

    First, this assumes that Ohms' lab truly is in The Ice Canyon and assumes why Gale fights for Qira.

    Second, the scene inside Gale's Tomb is a bit weak. Why would Qira be there, and how would the player find it? I say this: Gale's Tomb might points the player to Ohms' lab, and since Ohms left after Gale joined Qira, Gale would have no idea of this happening. Qira, however, with her massive powers, just might be able to see, and out of respect for the player, who bested her, helps them with this little bit.

    This also assumes that my knowledge about the ToA is correct, and not made up. Even if it is, it should not affect the tale that much.

    Also, I am making huge leaps as to the "self-golemancitation" of Ohms. I chose this because Ohms is known to have existed from a long time ago, yet his body remains in the corporeal sense. It would make sense to assume that Ohms made some sort of 'improvement' to postpone aging, and since he is a Golemancer, this seems like a plausible route to take.

    At the end of the fight with Ohms, I have a choice. Why? Because I could not decide how to end my tale, with a cruel player or benevolent one. This was hard to choose, so I left two paths open that both converge back to the same ending.

    This is just a running theory, and I doubt it will be wholly correct, but it is a good way to stop and gather one's thoughts on a subject.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    XavierEXE likes this.
  9. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Erm. Not right at all...except for one thing that I'd hoped to be a surprise...
    XavierEXE likes this.
  10. TheAule

    TheAule The Smithy of the Valar

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    :O Well there goes my theory. As for what the true fact could be, I can guess, but I will have to wait for the real story to come to light to find out.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  11. FishWaffle

    FishWaffle It's ya boi VIP

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    So, that means Gale is fighting for Qira for a different reason?
    Back to the drawing board...
  12. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Never assume you know what I'm talking about concretely.
  13. FishWaffle

    FishWaffle It's ya boi VIP

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    Im confused, but since I have no better theory I think I'll stick with that. I imagine were going to fight Ohm's angered spirit, or a resurrected version of him then?
  14. McMasterx

    McMasterx ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Valar MorGavelis HERO

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    You're sticking to this Gaster thing a lot, and seemingly basing it on Gale and Ohms a bit too much for me to not miss it.

    Sans has a secret room behind the house with a strange machine in it, and also supposedly Gaster created the Core. Which resides inside a Molten Cavern. (I know of a location in a Molten Cavern that sits in the middle, and looks like an oddly placed building)
    XavierEXE likes this.
  15. TheAule

    TheAule The Smithy of the Valar

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    I said a whole bunch of things in my narrative, so any one of those could be my correct guess. There must be more to the whole Gale - Ohms story than we know, information which would likely be found within Gale's Tomb or Ohms Lab. My theories are like trying to draw a picture with only a few areas filled in. When more is brought to light, I, and all of us, can create a better story.

    Making an Undertale based egg would be interesting, but Molten Heights doesn't seem to really fit with the whole ethos of the story.
  16. FishWaffle

    FishWaffle It's ya boi VIP

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    Remember though, we have just a likely chance of it giving lots of lore as we are to find a cobblestone block with a sign saying "her lis gale lol"
  17. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    His apparent personality is just so perfect for making secrets like these, but I assure you there's nothing Undertale related.
    Good point...but at the same time, I wouldn't make such a huge fuss over this if there weren't something special about that single cobblestone block.
  18. McMasterx

    McMasterx ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Valar MorGavelis HERO

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    Sorry, but the clue was that both Gaster and Ohms seem to be Scientists, and Molten Heights Lava Mill is so similar to the Core from a distance.
  19. FierceDeity

    FierceDeity ??? Gunter VIP+

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  20. TheAule

    TheAule The Smithy of the Valar

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    I did a sweep of those mountains, but I sort of skimmed over that area. It might be possible, but I think the map creates an illusion of what the cave looks like. The Barrier roof in Wynn is also pretty low so that place might be inaccessible. Still, someone ought to check it out.
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