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Poll Results: FW S6?
Members who voted for 'Yes'
- Riuzake
- sebas_gp
- RamonaFlowers
- Jack Jackson
- __Fishy__
- Jbip
- ???
- Ascended Kitten
- Mekyr
- WithTheFish
- Shovel
- ReReverse
- Spore999
- Rimuwu
- Alexdacube
- Moderabo
- XavierEXE
- Ackro
- AlexisPlay
- Minitinipower
- Jtree
- Dream
- UltimateShitLord
- SirCmt
- Glitch496
- Paks
- MinerDwarf222
- Aya
- thatswhatido
- Gegaba
- Hiryu
- Shoefarts
- Harknot
- Madkurre
- Violet Knight
- Ten
- CavemanJimbo
- AndriX3S
- Yuno F Gasai
- Power :3
- aws404
- highbread
- Fireblazer103
- Berry
- NagisaStreams
- Flubby
- RubyOnRails
- SmileyAlec
- Einja
- Interpunctie
- BabyWalrus
- YellowDamage
- xSuper_Jx
- yellowscreen
- Jacquie
- ManWithBoat
- Calluum
- 3:
- Heylo
- 13threemc
- TwageTomato
- DaCorruption
- AntiRodusFin
- Arcanica_M
- SizzlingBacon
- corpe
- Kahsol
- xinny
- Novalescent
- Goden
- CrunchyCol
- dbleo
- miyoriia
- Stag2001
- xkobyx
- Pokemon_boy10
- dotGenco
- Blokies
- Hareus
- Anno9474
- Linnyflower
- Stratiformis
- Naraka00
- blueslide
- Casparof
- EPIC67890
- boebim
- Maarcus
- Happy New Year
- WynnChairman
- Rynadine
- g17fcH_3D
- MC_security
- Saya
- Supertaster
- CosmicThunder
- Mistrise Mystic
- Bart (MC)
- Excaliburhuman
- BattleOzzie
- Mori
- Schischa
- Cloud
- KiliE2001
- Salkasm
- H0Y
- Diero
- HalfCat_
- tunnyfish
- Tekenen
- Glazer
- Meekio
- TolisOly
- ocoeeboy11
- ocu
- Lex!
- PikaPrince
- GekkeGundalf
- JohanLTU
- Droger
- v8j
- OolongTeaa
- Locky1110
- DapperSnek
- Stormarend
- Gigavern
- Fruma
- ItsTikki
- DutchSpruceRun
- Nukewarmachine
- Sg_Voltage
- LarzLapiz
- Bleiiz
- Lemon
- Higinho
- _Tiger
- TMY8
- Zeerion
- Epicness937
- ghoti0315
- dreamer101
- greeny1119
- Swimming_Pool
- xKar
- Wiihacker0
- Dercky
- Spinel
- VovaTheEpic
- Corrupted_Night
- michielman2
- Horizon
- ?!
- Macky the dino
- Sar
- euouae
- Gort
- MegidoGamerGod
- Muchwag
- A_and_M_Game
- hypt
- ExertKarma
- gkc
- IzzSt
- ReneCZ
- liron1209
- Quint
- syrun97
- tassu
- ActualAnthonino
- pogge5
- Mac N Cheese Man
- OneLazyPanda
- IceResistance
- BTK2000
- Mari_023
- Dwicey
- DerpyEmerald24
- Coffee KQ
- Altakar
- Kakos369
- CrypticPzycho
- from
- Neptune
- inigbamL
- Orangeoink
- The_Azerty
- Pally
- NadavT
- PaEmily
- Ghastkilla
- Tsuneo
- one_ood
- Emogla3
- FinnDestren
- PlasmaWarrior
- Bart
- Diamond_Coder
- Hearty
- mouldy
- MyrMace
- Eula
- Bwitty03
- Chronozilla
- Jelliee_
- Turbostratus
- OllyDG
- pswrstar715
- DeathLucifer
- Wolfdragon24
- __Excel
- TrapinchO
- LuckLord22
- YoshisWorld
- Moumbearrr
- A Human
- Trekkie_Cow124
- Asthae
- Matrina
- Reminiscently
- Ettrigar
- tig
- Liredon
- Nynnf
- Bixlo
- Castti
- Druser
- Lucky32
- ParkourTNT
- Eterlore
- HyperHypa
- Qzphs
- Mega__
- M3G4W3R7Y
- Jirayut
- SauronSinOfPride
- INTmAker
- TD3V
- WackyWaldo
- Sergio_02
- ColorShroom
- Assassin420
- btdmaster
- Sebiee
- KrzysztofMaz
- VoidTrasher
- Asther
- rainbow_elite_7
- Ingo
- thepicferret
- vvv317
- alexphilgab
- Squawk
- iMajor
- Nugget
- Prankster999
- SkabbMenSnabb
- SoulBurned
- Onni
- brixt01
- OrionQuintero
- zAngarn
- Novalla
- Willfur
- Storm_master101
- Glitched Pixels
- ZockerCam
- downward spiral
- SnapDoomy
- Hypochloride
- Yraw
- ksajtnvgh
- TheEpicCajun
- GleoLP
- RandomJukebox
- Kiocifer
- RiderTest101
- TheSast
- Mole
- Lord2014
- TS_potato
- MikAsk123
- Incompleteusern
- CT
- Caulan
- Omnivi
- Fire_Seymour
- Elivader11
- Uniimog
- Samsam101
- KerbolExplorer
- titiusa
- TheWitch3r
- P1xell8ted
- Skylaar
- sebcd
- Dinofury2004
- Cr_206
- MagmaMelon
- Onelix
- uuuuuuuuuuuuh
- Crafcon
- BanTheNons1
- OnimariVT
- RoSeNur
- Shortsightedness
- MeLegit
- dr_carlos
- Scaramouche
- lolbit_511
- J_Lo777
- 182 others
- Trigonometri
- Milvantiou
- Archilyte
- Lion0106
- Shuori
- CT_Pupper
- Pixelæs
- SynTheDeer
- ShadowFlame10101
- AlleonVera
- ThedumbOX
- Qxx
- yy8erig
- Dimdom10
- AltonicKeys
- Pallodium
- sUpErInDi
- Danborg
- TotemOfUndying
- its-kaptein
- OrionFromBeyond
- Tahwoh
- Grubbystan
- Invinci
- Hungarydude297
- Ameston
- Runerin
- artimemis
- BritishSpuds
- appletree13
- KeyboardAlex
- miwok
- Tamago
- JustNico02
- SlimeV8
- Gubba_Boo
- turtletop
- Sugo
- Trigintillion
- Pompabalompa
- BrownBerry
- Robotman24
- YouWereTakenn
- NouoN
- _purplegiraffe_
- MatForYoga888
- AmazTING
- Pugnico
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- zKaneki
- Bambaby07
- Paladin
- SplishAndSploosh
- FieryRaidenX
- Ava Cart
- Jermudi
- im_a_waffle1
- Yuta Okkotsu
- hobbs0
- _donchan_
- Traxap
- Slpc
- BurningAspect
- Bermsy
- Creep
- Kingbunnies
- DarthNetherrack
- Samajlik
- Gorsan
- CloudFrogg
- Sir_Doomed
- ItzN0ahh
- Mooseroom
- Shiny_Bridge
- mrdragonboi
- AlanGreyson
- Nyctomint
- Beanie Boi
- Rymux
- romvig1
- Hi_Im_A_Goose
- DungeonBee
- Monkey_Suit
- KingNarwhal74
- charlie268
- OmegaBoss805
- Geneolgia
- omegalol
- FendiBryan
- namestolen11time
- shacers
- TheZeckeal101
- SlyProton786
- ThomasGM
- Am0g
- Mrgn_5
- Lu1g0
- Winss
- GavinsMC
- LuluSquircle
- Galaxias
- Rifex
- FestivalOrca610
- -cat-
- ImJustBusiness
- Sin__Meliodas
420 total votes.