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World Forging Weapons

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SlyamPoetry, Nov 18, 2018.



  1. yeeeeees

  2. no (why)

  3. yes but with changes (state them)

  4. BAAAG

  5. 9th circle of hell

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  1. SlyamPoetry

    SlyamPoetry dedicated pikotaro fan!!!!! CHAMPION

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    so basically hear me out

    something that would be cool is that there would be 3 parts to a weapon. You can mix and match these to make the most ideal playstyle for you.

    The 3 parts in general would be like a blade, a handle, and a catalyst.
    Yeah I know they wouldn't be universal for all classes, so some of them might be class exclusive.
    However, I know that certain ones can be mutual for a select couple of classes.
    Like you can get dagger blades and slap em with a spear grip and effectively make a spear.

    You would be able to find broken weapon parts in the wild, and you could use upcoming mining/woodcutting/whatever resources to fix them, and forge them together to make a custom weapon.

    oh yeah they're untradable when they're finished, allowing naming of the weapon.
    But the individual parts, broken or fixed, can be traded.

    the parts for a spear: blade/long grip.
    the parts of a dagger: blade/hilt or handle
    the parts of a bow: bendy thing (idk what it is called help)/string
    the parts of a wand: frame (harhar)/handle

    the 3rd part will be mutually exclusive across all classes.
    They can be either a catalyst or a link.
    The catalyst improving spell damage, the link improving melee damage.

    It's crafting essentially and offers variety, but not too much variety.
    I know this is kind of pulled from Warframe, but it's a nice mechanic in there that could very well be implemented here.
  2. NoahXBT

    NoahXBT Armorstand Nerd HERO

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    Spoilers for 1.18 :o jk sounds good. But this might already low happening with the "crafting" system in 1.18. Maybe.
  3. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    well i think the 1.18 crafting things are will allow you to customize existing items with new ids and such, so wouldnt that be pretty much the same as this except u got an item that already has other stats to build off of? apart from naming of weapons seems mostly like a downgrade from that to me haha
    Dr Zed likes this.
  4. Celestial

    Celestial (un)official member of the kkk (Kool Kids Klub)

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    How would you join the items though?
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