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Figure of Aer [rpg]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by xownfos, Aug 25, 2022.


nyaa~~ <3?

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  1. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    yeah all good
    I understand lol i've been doing the same thing a month ago and well
    there's a reason why i ended that
    xownfos likes this.
  2. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    I politely ask what the old man is selling
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  3. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    I'll walk towards the person who looks like a guide and politely ask where to find some light leather armor.
    xownfos likes this.
  4. xownfos

    xownfos arctic kitsune

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    @Tsurumi Aberion:
    The man seems quite happy to see you stop and speak to him. “Oh it’s not really much, just a hobby I keep that keeps a bit more food on the table. People tell me these powders make them younger or cure diseases, but that’s all smack talk. What these powders do it balance light and dark energies. Most of the stock I keep is for people with a bit too much dark energy. It normally shows up in symptoms of sadness, sickness, age, and anger, but not always. For you though, that’s quite a bit of dark energy you’ve got there. I don't have anything at this instant, I sold the last potent vial I had to a traveling merchant, but I can have it by tomorrow morning if you’re interested.”
    @CrypticLucid Aphoria:
    You wait in line for a minute, waiting to ask the guide where the leathersmiths are. The man actually looks a bit quizzical for a moment, and asks you to wait a second. He eventually comes back out and tells you,
    “Actually, there’s an auction that’s to take place soon. Seeing the magical energy surrounding you, I think it’ll be of interest to you. However, if you’re looking just for armor,” he points behind him, there’ll be a few leathersmiths over yonder.”
    @Jackkoh Elduin:
    The queen begins again. “So, would you like to explain your proposal yourself?”
    “With pleasure.” The dragonborn bows. “We’re currently looking to begin an operation to reclaim a few of the islands that we lost during the Universal War.”
    (OOC The Universal War was the original war fought on Aer soon after the many races landed on Aer, and the war that divided the continents originally. You know during the war the dragonborn, although arriving earlier than most races, lost a lot of land outside of their mainland continent as magical vehicle technologies, and their creators were targeted and eventually wiped out, preventing them from easily defending their outskirt colonies.)
    “Specifically, our first target is Valra currently possessed by Volcanar.” (OOC nation of the dwarves) “However, we do not currently possess enough fighters versed in such marine combat. Seeing your successes from the Universal War, as well as your nation’s tactical positioning, your assistance would greatly buttress our efforts. As such, we’d not require much of you other than your forces. All general supplies from spellcasting materials to rations will be covered by our nation, and you and your soldiers would be generously compensated. We’ll say roughly fifty gold a day for each soldier, as well as another fifty thousand to your monarchy.”
    The queen motions you to the side. “As you can see it seems a great deal, almost too good, and, but I can’t imagine what their motives are behind this. He’s shown images of the island's forces, and they don’t show anything extraordinary. In fact, the defenses are almost underwhelming considering the dwarves' knowledge.” She thinks for a bit before responding. “Either way, as archnight it’s your call.”
  5. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    I respond with a quick thank you, and start walking towards the auction.
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  6. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    "Ah I see, but do you happen to have other powders? As I seem to have the opposite reactions to dark and light energy due to how I was born"
    xownfos likes this.
  7. xownfos

    xownfos arctic kitsune

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    @Tsurumi Aberion:
    “Oh yes of course I do. I again sold off the potent ones already, but I for sure can have it by tomorrow.”
    There’s not an auction yet, it’s going to be held where this dude is (as in he’s going to do it)
  8. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    "Alright thanks, I'll be back in the morning to pick it up. Goodbye" I leave to get food
    xownfos likes this.
  9. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Err can I join or is it to late? Edit: App submitted anyways.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
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  10. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    nope u good. app was received. it's only been going for a week but its been here for a month
    then I'll wait for the auction to begin
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
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  11. xownfos

    xownfos arctic kitsune

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    @DungeonBee Frost:
    Yo! Thanks so much for joining! I just started this a week or so ago so you're not late at all!
    Just a couple of corrections for your character, Eon is a cat in physical lol (which is the form you would have seen). She’s based off of Puck from the anime “Re:Zero” if you want a reference, except Eon’s a Divine.
    Also, for your spells, you don’t have to limit your rp to just those (because thats boring lol), so feel free to warp them in any reasonable way to your character’s power level. I use spells as my example mainly because I was 1. Too lazy to rp something specific, but 2. I had this character set up as NPC for a different thing in the same world, but repurposed her for Figure of Aer. [this goes for everyone else as well]
    If you want to add a surname that’d be helpful, but you dont have to.
    Last thing ^^ same thing if you want a hometown or place of residence.
    Your character will appear on the Character List doc soon!
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
  12. xownfos

    xownfos arctic kitsune

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    @DungeonBee Frost:
    You’re temple has been snowed in. As is usual in the Farlands. The weather seems to be an endless onslaught of snow, rain, and hail. As you get out of bed the vast expanse of the Eon Sanctum with its altar and pews. You step up to the huge church doors and open them a crack as a pile of snow tumbles into the room. Without worry, you quickly clean it up with some magic and clear a path in front of the door. Activating the crystals next to the door, a wall of blue light holds the snow at bay, even with the doors swung open. Just as you step up to the altar to begin cleaning it, you hear the sound of footsteps outside.
    You turn around and see a young elven boy bent at the waist, hands on his knees, panting for breath. “Father,” he takes a breath, “Father Frost, I bring a message from the elves.” As he finally catches his breath, he takes a scroll out of a very fancy scroll case from his cloak, opens it, and begins to read.
    “Father Frost, by order of Queen Naïlo of the Aylvian Monarchy, your exile has been temporarily ended, and you are to return to Aylivian Sylvia immediately. This messenger has been sent to stand in your place at the monastery during your absence. After your request has been finished, you will be offered indefinite residence within Aylivian Sylvia, but not forced to comply.
    Best regards, Queen Naïlo.”
    I’ll be back tmr morning with more replies
  13. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    i'll reply a bit later, tell me to do so because my memory is trash
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  14. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Thanks for the corrections! Can’t wait to start playing! Edit: Surname can be… Morning. (Pun on morning frost)
    My face becomes one of worry. “I would love to go back to Aylivian Sylvia but… Did Queen Naïlo mention anything about my sister?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
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  15. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    I allow our forces to participate in the war.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
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  16. xownfos

    xownfos arctic kitsune

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    @CrypticLucid Aphoria:

    You wait around the guide’s stand until the auction starts. In the beginning, a few raw materials and tools are sold off, but eventually, they reach the piece of interest.

    “Now, the item of interest for today, Feather Mail! This magical suite of armor weighs nearly nothing, boosts radiant magical power, and can sprout angelic wings from its back. Starting bid is one hundred gold pieces!”

    @DungeonBee Frost:

    “The Queen has asked for both of you. Should you accept, you’re to leave at once to arrive in time for the Aylvian Operation codenamed Valkerie. You’ll be briefed further upon arrival.”

    The boy hands you a small white card, something foreign to you because of your exile. On the card reads:

    ‘By order of Queen Naïlo, the carrier of this card shall be granted access to all supplies and assistance within Aylivian Sylvia or from any Elf with compensation guaranteed by the Monarchy.

    Valkyrie Grace’

    He says, “Show this to any elf or member of Aylivian Sylvia and they’ll be able to help you. You can command it to disappear and reappear by saying the phrase Author Finale. Let me know when you’re all packed up, and you can head back.”
  17. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    I ask if I'm able to fly if I wear it. If so, I'll bid 100 gp
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  18. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    I thank the boy and go back to my Rome to pack clothes, food, and some holy instruments. Once done packing I say a quick prayer to Eon asking him to bless my journey. I then go back to the boy and say “I am ready to go back. Take good care of this place while I am gone.”
    xownfos likes this.
  19. xownfos

    xownfos arctic kitsune

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    @DungeonBee Frost:
    He nods and gives you a last thought: “Just a fair warning, Alyvia has changed a lot during your exile.”
    (OOC I forgot to write your sister into this response, but i’ll assume she’s with you until you say otherwise)
    You then head to the Citadel, the capitol of the Farlands, a short walk away, and head towards the docks. From there, you show the sailors your pass and are let onto the ship. Without much trouble, you arrive in Aylivian Sylvia late in the evening, just after the sun has set. You dock in the port of Crysalyis and find a carriage to take you to Sylvia, the capitol of Aylivia. As you reach the city limits an awesome sight greets you.
    Built on the canopy of Sylvia Forest, log bridges hang from building to building, connecting the trees and the structures built onto them. Standing on one of these swing bridges, you tilt your head up, the sun glaring down on the trees, you see two brilliant orbs of light, before realizing something unimaginable: a crystal palace floats in the clouds, reflecting the pure, brilliant light from the sun down to the ground. Elves walk too and fro as you wander towards one of the 7 spires of, what seems to be, stone. Drawing closer, the bustling noises of multiple races reach you, as you realize the stone in the tower is magically petrified wood, winding its way up the tree.
    As you begin ascending the tower, two guards step from their post at the base of the tree and flank you, following your every move. You can tell they are acting as a guard in case of any attacks on a previously exiled pair. Once you get to the center tower, another guard appears from one of the barracks and leads you to a heavily guarded teleportation circle. You step into the circle and feel a momentary rush upwards before finding yourself stood in a room with two elves, one of which you recognize as the queen, and a dragonborn.
    As you arrive you hear the queen say “-quite a powerful Priest of Eon. This is Frost and his sister Whisper”
    @Jackkoh Elduin:
    General Phora ‘TwinStar’ Yone: “Perfect. I’ll have a message sent by Superior Sending (a long message sending spell)”
    Queen Nailo: “In that case, I’ve brought two people who might be able to help. The brother is quite a powerful Priest of Eon if I’ve heard. This is Frost and his sister Whisper. @CrypticLucid Aphoria:
    Just give me a final price that you’d be willing to pay and we can rp from there (sending 20 messages of increasing the price by one isn’t fun so…)
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
  20. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    (OOC lol her name is Whisper. Whisper Morning)
    I bow down on one knee and say “Thank you, my queen, for bringing me to Alyvia Sylvia. How might me and Whisper be of assistance?”
    xownfos likes this.
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