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SPOILER Favorite Wynncraft Storyline/lore?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by River_Birch, Jul 21, 2020.

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  1. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    yeah but the question was about quests

    I feel like there's still one place with Twain lore but I can't think of anything. Maybe item lore? Does CIB count?
  2. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    For Storyline, it is probably Dwarves and Doguns or WynnExcavation unless I'm forgetting of some storyline that tops these two
    For lore in general, it is the corruption or Dern's influence in general, when you think about it, every single evil in the game except for the corkian machines might have their roots in Dern.
    What makes it soo cool to me is how vast its capacities are, it can manifest in so many ways: The decay, corruption, the Silent Expanse, it has the capacity to manifest in almost every way, it can be a complex root system or an influence that weakens living beings, it can manipulate people's behaviour, turn materials into other materials, create undead, create completely different beings, and also the fact that, according to the ultimate discovery in the Silent Expanse, its power depends on the enemy's hope.
    This makes me think, the reason Gavel is perhaps the least affected area (along with Fruma perhaps and assuming my theory of Dern's influence being the root of all major evils in the game) might be because they see the corruption and say "yeah we ain't dying to this", proven by how the villagers just kinda don't care unless they actually live in Olux, Lexdale or Gelibord, the elves believe they won't get affected, which might explain why the areas they dominate (Aldorei valley and the light forest) are in a good shape.
    The dwarves and doguns show pretty much no signs of being aware of the Decay and the corruption so that might explain why the later half of gavel has no signs of decay, as they are the main species in that area. Yeah there is Eltom and stuff but they also don't seem to care at all either.
    Also realize how Wynn had no signs of corruption before humans opened the portal, there was no intelligent life before them (except for the desert guys but they also never cared) and the olms that managed to escape got doomed eventually, but we don't really have many clues over what happened to them, however they seemed to live together with humans, proven by the clues that tell about Bob being of olmic origin. They have gone extinct now in Wynn though, and they might have been the first ones to get destroyed by corruption because they didn't hope, as the "Dern Overlord" or whatever that guy in the ultimate discovery is said. The olm thought they were safe but then corruption happened and they lost the very little hope they had, thus causing their extinction in Wynn. Then there are the olms in the silent expanse. They managed to take the place because the olms knew about Dern's influence AND had no hope, proven by how everyone in Lutho chooses to run away instead of fighting.
    The humans were desperate before Bob, but Bob was able to stand against corruption alone in a key moment, and that boosted human morale drastically, allowing the human civilization to still stand against corruption. And now that the province gets military help from Fruma, that also gives hope.
    Also thinking about it, I think I realized why villagers' greed is the root of decay:
    Villagers grow crops and have mining corporations and stuff, if they start thinking "My plants aren't growing, I'm doomed." they will be losing hope, which might be the reason why the decay is growing, these areas have poor living conditions, and so villagers struggle to live there. And because of that they are the most affected areas by the decay. In other words, villagers being worried about their economical status causes the decay because they are aware of the fact that bad living conditions lead to poverty and survival issues.
    It is just interesting how Dern's power relies on people being aware of a manifestation of its existance and fearing said manifestation. Civilizations that feared the corruption perished (the olms), civilizations that don't care about it keep existing (gavel's most prominent races in general) and civilizations that don't fear it, or at least not to a relevant degree, can fight it back (humans), and civilizations that don't even know what a "dern" is don't get affected at all (most unintelligent life and humans before the portal was opened).

    Don't know about you, but my favourite part of the lore is Dern's influence.
    Jbip likes this.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    wtf i was literally going to say the colossal rat saga
  4. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    The Ultimate Weapon, hands down. Such immersive lore and major plot twists, also insanely fun. Would recommend to anybody who hasn't played it yet, and have actually recommended it to people that don't even own Minecraft. Really just an all around blast with the absolute best story that the game has to offer.
    Jbip likes this.
  5. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    so imagine if somebody gets so overhyped of the recommendation that they buy minecraft and play wynn all the way to The Ultimate Weapon

    and then imagine their reaction
  6. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    I know right? They would totally love it!
    TrapinchO and Emogla3 like this.
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