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Fairytale Smp Server 1.10 - Now Accepting A New Set Of Players! [status: Waiting For Applications]

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Felinka, Jun 8, 2016.

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  1. E and T

    E and T Newbie Adventurer

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    Hello Kyappu, This is a duo application, I hope that's fine.

    Usernames: Azerbijani and Azerbijany
    Nicknames In Game: E and T
    Ages: 15
    Timezone: EST
    Activeness: 3-4 hours/day
    Why you want to be in this: We like survival SMP servers, and out of the ones we've seen we think this is the best one.
    What can you contribute to this survival server: Builds, Personality, Teamwork
    Talents in Minecraft with proof:
    Have Skype? unicornpowerzftw and tom.broccoli
    Any additional information: I can only upload 1 image of the build, so if you want to see more just ask me and I can send them over skype.

    Attached Files:

  2. ubuntu

    ubuntu Ubuntu Cookie Wizard

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    Username: DankyMcSwaggins
    Nicknames In Game (Optional): Twentieth Memelord of the Memelord order.
    Age: 69
    Timezone: Middle Earth
    Activeness?: Well being a professional memelord is not easy but I can make it on in between intense meme sessions and cookie wizard class.
    Why you want to be in this: To spread dank memes.
    What can you contribute to this survival server?: Cookies and dank memes pretty obvious.
    Talents in Minecraft with proof. (Please make it so that we know you made it.):
    Here are a couple pictures of cookies that I conjured up the other day:
    Twentieth Memelord of the Memelord order. 2.jpg
    That's a spicy meme cookies.
    Twentieth Memelord of the Memelord order. 4.jpg
    (long live dank cookies.)
    Have Skype? (Optional): DankyMcSwaggins hit me up.
    Any extra information about yourself?: I come from a long line of memelords so I would prefer you call me by my full title, Twentieth Memelord of the Memelord order.
    green254 likes this.
  3. Football22

    Football22 you'll do fookin nuttin

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    Username Football6078 and about 6 other accounts
    Age 16
    Timezone GMT
    Activeness? I'll try to be active and play at least 30 mins a day, some days more but school and sports means I don't have a set amount
    Why you want to be in this? I want to play a friendly smp server where I can build, mine etc in peace, without being griefed
    What can you contribute to this survival server? I'm quite a good builder, see below, so I guess i could help with community builds.
    Talents in Minecraft with proof. (Please make it so that we know you made it.) No proof of it being me in picture, but people from JBS or cubie can confirm I did it.
    Neither were fully finished
    Have Skype? (Optional) Yes
    Any extra information about yourself? Nothing other than stated :D
  4. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    frickin, every time I post an app you skip me.

    This is bull.
  5. Brutakah

    Brutakah knight main CHAMPION

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    I don't think @Kyappu meant to skip your application xD

    We're all in survival on the realm (so we don't have access to command blocks...)
    So I think a build or some sort of redstone contraption would be more appealing on you're application
    (Pics/videos of builds and/or redstone would be better, right @Kyappu?)

    Sorry if I'm being annoying, just trying to give a tip c:

    Also, Cap, I'm gonna be away for about a week (vacation) so I won't be able to be active on the server :P
  6. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    It said 'Show Minecraft Talents' and I did. If he skipped my app for that reason, maybe you should change it to say "Talents in Minecraft (NO COMMAND BLOCKS)".
  7. Felinka

    Felinka throw speed CHAMPION

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    k thanks for notifiying me. :P
    Brutakah likes this.
  8. Tyler Ruka

    Tyler Ruka Newbie Adventurer

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    Username: Rukavina
    Nicknames In Game (Optional): Anythings cool. Most people usually call me Ruka.
    Age: 15
    Timezone: EST
    Activeness?: I'm pretty active when I'm not traveling all over the place. I have a lot of real life things to do, but when I'm not really doing anything, I hop around every now and then.
    Why you want to be in this: Well firsts off, I love survival. Survival is hands down the best part of the game. It feeds your imagination and drive, and makes a sense of accomplishment after you've completed what you wanted. Along with Survival, being around a community that all have the same purpose of having fun and playing the game for what it is, makes me want to go ahead and join. Multiplayer and Survival, the two best things you could want, into one, who wouldn't want that?
    What can you contribute to this survival server?: I'm a pretty decent builder, and still learning redstone mechanics every now and then, along with a lot of creative ideas. I'm not the greatest, but I think I have potential.
    Talents in Minecraft with proof. (Please make it so that we know you made it.): ( Cannot post links, so add a dot before com )
    prntscr com/bpeqxx
    prntscr com/bper75
    prntscr com/bpera9
    prntscr com/bperhz
    prntscr com/bpern7
    These are just some examples. I have a server set up if proof is needed that I built these, along with some other stuff, and even have a witness.
    Have Skype? (Optional): doedits
    Any extra information about yourself?: Nothing other than I truly feel like my potential as a builder/person of Minecraft will prosper with this server, and I'll get to know more people, as well as get more opportunities along the way. If I don't get accepted, there was probably someone else more deserving than I was, but I do wish to get the most attention and thought from my application.
  9. Felinka

    Felinka throw speed CHAMPION

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    [Deny Sweep]
    Every Application that hasn't been accepted is now denied. Don't worry, you can always try again sending an application. I'll always look at them, trust me.
  10. Kenny

    Kenny Travelled Adventurer

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    Username: JustSeyi
    Nicknames In Game (Optional): Roblox: DrAwesome2194. PS4: tmac73
    Age: 13 (Turn 13 in february).
    Timezone: Eastern Timezone.
    Activeness: Pretty much 5 or 6 days a week.
    Why you want to be in this: I would like to be on smp with nice people. It's hard to find a smp with people you can trust on google. I like to do pranks, not mean pranks, but like dirt in someone's house or a scavenger hunt.
    What can you contribute to this survival server? Making awesome shops's like a elytra shop or a redstone device that can help people out in the world of minecraft.
    Talents in Minecraft with proof. (Please make it so that we know you made it.) Trying out redstone I'm still learning but I can still make some stuff:
    Have Skype? (Optional): seithsgaming
    Any extra information about yourself? Welp, I got banned from hypixel and mineplex for compromised account. I'm trying to unban myself from mineplex (Already unbaned from hypixel) but the ban appeal fourms is broken. lel :) These are the redstone things.
    View attachment 72143 View attachment 72144 View attachment 72145 View attachment 72146 View attachment 72147
  11. iTakePhotos

    iTakePhotos Travelled Adventurer

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    Username: iTakePhotos
    Nicknames In Game (Optional): Most people call me Photos.
    Age: 13
    Timezone: USA Pacific
    Activeness?I will be on 3-4 days a week.
    Why you want to be in this: I have been apart of many SMP servers in the past and they have all been shutdown, I would love to join a new community of players again. I would specifically like to join Fairytale SMP as most players will have building skill and builds will look nice.
    What can you contribute to this survival server? I can contribute my building skills and unique personality.
    Talents in Minecraft with proof. (Please make it so that we know you made it.) All terrain and builds in the photos were done by me. http://imgur.com/a/vntu4
    Have Skype? (Optional): People can find your IP through skype, I prefer not to.
    Any extra information about yourself? I like to make films and do photographer in my free time, minecraft is a small hobby along with those.
  12. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    Dat necro tho.
    It might be legal tho since it's relevant, idk.
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