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Any Class Endgame (lvl104+) 2.0 Non Mythic Build Collection: Raids/Dungeons/LI approved builds!

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by DeltaWave, Sep 8, 2022.

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  1. Pikachu11782

    Pikachu11782 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Creator: Ambassadress
    Weapon: The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype: Riftwalker/Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder#7_0cD0Pf0JL0uD0vI0vI0K40OH0CD0t0w1D1G0t1g00000zz++++--pzsEtj
    Primary Damage: 23k meteors
    EHP: 40k/26k
    Life Sustain: Y (2.5k heals, 700 ls, 520 hpr if that matters)
    Tomes: N
    Comments: Use gold fusion or abrasion if you havent beaten li, and anya's penumbra if no master hive.


    Creator (s): Ambassadress
    Weapon(s): The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Lightbender/Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder#7_0cD0Pf0JL0uD0K20TQ0K40OH0CD0o0t191G0o1g00000zz++++-tMpxfswB
    Primary Damage: 11.5k ophanim
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 38k/26.9k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (559hpr, 700ls, 10k heals basically)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Use gold fusion or abrasion if you havent beaten li, and anya's penumbra if no master hive.

    legit they are the same build basically, but these are my personal builds, and I'm broke, so I have the builds be basically the same to save money
    DeltaWave likes this.
  2. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    assassin updated
    nobody cares tho
    Coragon42 likes this.
  3. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Tag(s) (if any):
    Creator (s): ReachDaBeach24 (incorporating a lot of helpful feedback)
    Weapon(s): Quinque, Tidebinder
    Element Combo: TW
    Archetype(s): Battle Monk
    Build Links (comment will explain why there are two):
    Primary Damage: 15k uppercut
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): up to 22k/16k or low as 17k/13.5k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M):
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): The differences in these builds are the spears, chest plates and boots. I only had to fiddle with skill points a little and all are hot swappable. Tidebinder pretty much needs the +1 tier from the Seismosoul boots, but those aging Ensa's Ideals have lots of hp and make more at a reasonable clip. The Stratosphere chest plate is really what I am using nearly all the time; more hp some additional spell damage, jump boot and the right elemental boosts. The defense isn't as good as Seagazer, but the main reason to often carry Seagazer along is that jump bonus is great except when it's not (when you need to jump up and into an opening or whatever). Another thing that is usually but not always helpful is walk speed, so all the skill points are at least 1 higher than minimum so i can take the Photon off.

    If that's not enough, I can muddy the water even further. I have a Pendant of Prosperity, Charity ring and Zhight Powwow Bangle that give me a combined total of 40% loot bonus, which is supposed to be a magic number of sorts. All also hot swappable. Not as good for battle, of course, but okay for running around opening chests and getting drops from on level mobs as long as there aren't too many at once.

    I cannot make Julliane fries, whatever those are (reference to that commercial may be a bit dated for this crowd)...

    I am not carrying the whole wardrobe with me all the time. The rolls I have are pretty good but not perfect and I do check variations out by hovering over the sword in the skills interface for Combat Information. Seems that what I have does favor the Quinque, but both hold up reasonably well in actual use.

    I really didn't think the builds were all that good and came to this thread looking for better ideas, but after reading through some of the others, I am feeling better about this setup. Definitely room for improvement and I feel like I need another step up for harder battles yet to come. I am lv 102, but at lv 95 I went to my first scrapyard party and it took me about 40 minutes to get to 99. That was with a Zephra Shredder build. Went back with Quinque a little later and got to 102 in another half hour. Since then I have done a couple of slays and the Breaking Point quest without any deaths. I have had a couple while testing; I go over to the scrapyard, rush in and take out a couple of things and then hang out just outside and take on whatever follows me out. Usually 2 to 4. The spear wielding mobs aren't much trouble, but the solid black mobs with the ranged weapons are a pain. One of the times I died I had a key guardian also show up.

    Anyway, I don't have experience with real end game mobs or bosses yet; not sure how I and my builds will hold up. Also, jumping so many levels at once kind of there me quickly into an unfamiliar landscape of choices of gear; I was usually considering possible changes for the next 5 or 6 levels, so jumping 7 in under 90 minutes kind of threw a curveball at me.

    Love some feedback...
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
    Namakobushi likes this.
  4. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Yeah, melee is a little slow on actually taking things out, but I have been using it to keep things out of my face for regen to either charge (aimed at open space if I am in trouble) or uppercut (requires a little more time and melee will keep no more than two scrapyard mobs out of my face; more than two is the aforementioned trouble).

    You show a preference for Quinque, as do I from testing. Due to my archer's experience in Reincarnation, I like having another elemental choice. In Reincarnation, Torrential Tide wasn't getting the job done, so I ran out of there (one of the few boss fights you can exit early) over to the Nesaak bank, came back with Return to Ether and polished Bob off . I obviously wasn't on level as RtE had just become an option. Anyway, Tidebinder does seem to drop in okay if I need it in a pinch.

    Figures you would go with that helmet. I had 3 as drops, sold the best one for probably far too little and scrapped the lesser ones.

    My tree choices are not all that well thought out; I kind of go overboard committing to archetypes (archer also has few outside boltslinger). I really don't use war scream much and almost never use Bash. Melee, Uppercut/Whirlwind and Charge are probably 95% of what I do. I have done whole boss fights doing nothing but running circles and doing an uppercut every time I have enough mana. I would rather fight them straight up but when that appears to be a bad idea, I revert to that. I have yet to lose a boss battle with that strategy, but I have gone through over 20 doses of healing potion in some.

    I like this one:
    except for having to go back and do that stupid Hogwarts quest.

    Namakobushi likes this.
  5. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    One problem with a lot of the better builds in the thread is that they require completion of a quest that I am trying to put together a build to be able to complete (Hive, for example). Best strategy for those may be to substitute for the item as well as I can and then use that to do the quest. I should probably go back to Hive; I might be closer to being able to do it now than I think. I was obliterated on level.
    DeltaWave likes this.
  6. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    yeah you should do hive because there are some really good items that it unlocks
  7. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    One thing about that build is it does pretty much commit to Quinque. I can carry Tidebinder but it is absolutely anemic. The main reason to carry it is that Quinque is -9/5s mana regen, which is actually in the good range for it (87.5%) while Tidebinder is +21/5s (88.8%) and has +13 intelligence. That's a net of +30/5s mana and a bigger mana tank. Using charge flight for travel, it goes a little further without exhausting mana and is ready for take off a *lot* sooner. As long as I keep Quinque in the 1 spot on the hot bar, getting back to it is pretty much automatic.

    Both my Photons have 8/5s (100%) mana regen, so took archer's away from him and dressed him up with the looting bling to run around killing high level mobs for drops and looking for chests. I think the only way I will get a mythic or some of the better rolls of desirable legendary and rare gear is by finding it or finding stuff of enough value to sell that I can afford it. I can afford some pretty decent rolls for many of the builds in this thread, but it won't leave mythic money in the bank.

    Anyway, taking my favorite of Nama's builds and using what I have or was able to get (paid enough for pretty good rolls and went over to Qira and got the Bottled Thunderstorm), I came up with this:


    my in game mana regen says +46/5s, but I think that's without the spear which takes it down by 9 or up by 21 if I hold Tidebinder, which is a terrible spear to fight with in this build, but a good choice if I am traveling and using charge flights.

    Reworking my tree was a big part of it. Trying to be a purist about Battle Monk was holding me back. It is still heavy enough on Battle Monk (11 points) to call it one, but branching out a little really helped.

    going to take it out for a drive...
  8. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    looks good!
    and yeah, when you fully decide to go with only one archetype, you miss out on a ton of great combinations
    like riftbender or sharptrapper
    etc etc
  9. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Thanks, though a lot of credit goes to Nama. just like a lot of credit for some of my better archer build goes to you. And some of those builds would likely be better if I hadn't resisted branching out away from bolt slinger, though reaching the bottom and getting panoptes was a big deal.

    Went out and did thunder, air and earth. Died after a long battle with water boss, but on my first attempt I didn't use potions other than healing; will use agility and intelligence potion next time. Thunder got me the necklace that was a definite upgrade in this build and I banked the +1 tier ring from air and the earth token (nothing made sense right now).
  10. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Nama and I continued our discussion on our guild discord with a few others piping ing.
    I decided to try some thing very different, which fortunately shared a lot of pieces.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Libra
    > Equalizer
    > Ensa's Ideals
    > Photon
    > Detective's Ring
    > Subur Clip
    > Ambiguity
    > Rhythm of the Seasons [e6e6]

    yes, Ambiguity is a very odd choice. It's because the build actually has negative health regen. Ambiguity gets it near zero. But RotS has Rally, which gives you 10% of your hp back every time you land a charge, so in use the regen problem isn't much of an issue unless it is going very badly. then you have to be careful about potion because the RotS I have has 1044 hp. I looked for one with not great hp on purpose to limit the impact of switching away and back and to make the suicide move, trying to take potion when remaining hp all comes from the spear, less likely.

    I still thought an alternate spear was a good idea. Quinque and Zephra didn't work because of conflicting requirements. I reached back to Tisaun's Proof; it could drop in. I got a surprise when I did:
    > same except spear

    I had a bad build for supporting Tisaun's Proof when I switched away from it. This one is obviously better. In game, the numbers looked a little closer if I am reading them right and give the potential advantage of being able to almost continuously supply hp, I decided it was worth taking both out for a road test. In the last episode, Quinque went to the Hive and did thunder okay, died once in air, made minor adjustments, went back and beat air and earth and got crushed in water.

    So that seemed like a good test. I did it the really stupid way the first time, taking and using both spears. I really didn't think that through. It wasn't a total disaster but it was bad and I found myself back in Thanos pretty quickly. I decided that I needed to try committing to one spear only and do one or two, depending on how the first one went.

    I tried RotS first. It was holding up pretty well without using healing potions until wasn't. I got into a charge for health cycle that lasted a good while. I did take potion at one point and it was questionable whether it really helped as it interrupted my rhythm and switching away from the spear basically cuts the dose down by 1044. But my rhythm had become mostly charge and very little uppercut. I started mixing in uppercuts again; it had worked earlier. But it didn't at that point. I died.

    I went back with Tisaun's. 15 doses of healing potion later, I came back to Thanos with a Moon Pool Circlet. Part of this is the battle being what I am used to. Potion switch is pretty much muscle memory; 2-R click-1 and the spear is back in my hand and hp is headed up in well under half a second. I get a little more aggressive doing that. Take potion a little early? Might as well cut across center and trade damage from where I am positive the boss is in spell range, so the extra isn't wasted...
    subbed in a Fiery Torc as the ncklace for a nice gain. I am sure I can switch out some earth stuff to improve it further. Tisaun's does have some earth, but not much.
    Endistic likes this.
  11. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    This is cobbled together from existing gear other than the spear, which was pretty cheap as amazingly enough it is unique, not even rare. So I suspect there is a lot of room for improvement even though it is surprisingly good. Prior builds with Tisaun's Proof and RotS were working through the hive until the fire division. I didn't get a single catalyst in room one. This build made it to room 5 on the first attempt. It is surprisingly strong and is in the running for my primary build. I don't have any mythic gear or mythic money, so this thread is not just hypothetical "if I had to" for me. It's stuff I am doing. I do have a war chest of sorts, but it's in the 150k emeralds range.

    Tag(s) (if any):
    Creator (s): ReachDaBeach24 (incorporating a lot of helpful feedback)
    Weapon(s): Sharpened Harpoon
    Element Combo: TW
    Archetype(s): Battle Monk
    Build Links:
    note - for some reason Curse doesn't come through in the link. Picture below of what happens when you click it on.
    Primary Damage: 23.5k uppercut
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 31217/20422
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M):
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): definitely looking for some feedback on this one. I founf the spear searching on wynndata for water even though I have a Tidebinder. I just couldn't seem to get a Tidebinder build that was very good with what I have and I was really just trying to get through the hive fire. I couldn't believe the numbers when I ran them, so I didn't get anything else but powder before road testing.

    I also have a pair of Seismosoul boots that add another +1 tier and push the power higher, but the ehp plummets. I am having a very hard time shaking those old boots out of builds. the roll I have provides about 4700 hp and pretty good hp and mana regen. I did get some Capricorns for a build I was woring with, but they have conflicting requirements and different bonuses that are hard to work with with the other pieces.

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2022
  12. En1gmatic

    En1gmatic Skilled Adventurer

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    Tags: No Hive, No LI
    Creator: Mardeknius
    Weapon: Panic Zealot
    Element Combo: EtfA
    Archetype: Acolyte
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...n+0vM0uG0t0j040j1c1g00001007lUzz++++-jtlvZkiB
    Primary Damage: 25015.51 Auras with Mask of the Lunatic; 31218.61 with Mask and Vengeful Spirit; 46827.91 with Mask, Vengeful Spirit, and Boosted Aura (this is without taking into account the "total rebound" damage, which is simply double the damage listed).
    EHP: 20503.53 (with Agility)/9563.41 (without Agility)
    Life Sustain: Yes, as most Acolyte builds do (total rebound Aura heal is 3654)
    Tomes: 9 skill points worth of Tomes required.
    Comment: This build is what one would call a "glass cannon" - low EHP, but incredibly high damage to make up for it (if one managed to cast three Auras a second, which I do not consider to be unreasonable, they would be achieving nearly 100,000 damage per second).
    DeltaWave likes this.
  13. cracked_eggs

    cracked_eggs Skilled Adventurer

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    If you were to cast aura multiple times a second, then would aura still heal you more than the amount of health lost to the totems?
  14. Ingo

    Ingo Class Building Enthusiast HERO

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    Build submission: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/recommended-builds.304614/
    (all of these except the lootrun and mythic builds)

    The black amaranth spellspam build was made by touhoku and the harwrol rawstack build by Jello, the others by me (Ingo)

    You could also just copy paste this link in the warrior section to save you some work and to keep it updated (you can trust me that I'll only add high quality builds there)
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2022
    DeltaWave likes this.
  15. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    im gonna do something about this, maybe have for each class a cheap build that you can fully buy from the market
    changed the thread name to 104+ becouse you can only get a complete tree at that lvl
    funny all unique build i made but had nowhere to post
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Aquamarine
    > Medeis
    > Steamstone
    > Pro Tempore
    > Photon
    > Photon
    > Misalignment
    > Electric Torc
    > Sharpened Harpoon [w6w6w6]
    no, becouse it takes some time to drain blood and it costs 15% of your blood pool to cast an aura that heals
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2022
  16. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    and I just made it to 103, so...

    yes, please! I have bought for suggested builds at different levels when affordable (being available and being within budget are two different things). A lot of my build have stuff I get from chests or drops also, but builds from the tm would be great.

    A suggestion for another related topic is selecting items. Which identifiers/stats really matter and which are far less important. Perfect rolls are virtually non existent for items with more than a couple of attributes that are part of the roll. It isn't unusual to find rare and legendary items in the tm for tens or hundreds of thousands of emeralds; out of range for many players. But it also isn't unusual to find those same pieces for much less because of lesser rolls. Example - there are a *lot* of morph-stardust helmets out there. If you sort for most expensive, there are a handful that are 6 or even 7 (for one that is nearly perfect) figures. Sort by least expensive and the whole first page is 318 e helmets. There might actually be a few good ones that people are just accepting the default price on. I have actually gotten a fair number as drops. More likely a good one will cost more. Knowing what is important can be hard, especially with more complicated items with a lot of variable identifiers.

    Not knowing how to do that can cause people to see great numbers in a build and then put together one that doesn't come near those numbers in actuality. I have done it before. getting better at discerning which items I want, but not completely there yet.
    DeltaWave likes this.
  17. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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  18. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    starx280 likes this.
  19. meef

    meef Well-Known Adventurer

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  20. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    actually this sounds too complicated, so im just gonna add substitutes for hive and li items in some builds
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