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Enchanting Tools

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Epic_Chonker, Jan 26, 2021.


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  4. I like it, but it's in need of a few tweaks

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  1. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    We all know that doing professions is boring, and that probably won't ever change, well, not withouth a massive rework, but I'm here to atleast try and make it more intuitive.
    I'll be introducing:


    After doing a specific quest, you'd unlock the "enchanting kit" inside of a building, which contains:
    -The "Enchanter" NPC
    -An enchanting table
    -An anvil
    The Enchanter would sell you books and allow you to transform gear into "Condensed Magic", very similarly to how you currently get scraps. My current idea is that for every different ID that an item has, you'd earn 1 Condensed Magic.
    The enchanting table would make its name justice and allow you to enchant the books, and the books only. You'd be able to place a book inside of the enchanting table and 1-64 Condensed Magic. The higher the amoung of Condensed Magic the higher the level of enchantment and the chance of getting a rare one (like Silk Touch).
    The anvil would allow you to fuse books similarly to how it works in vannila Minecraft, and then add those enchanted books to a tool. To keep things simple I think that doing any maneuver on the anvil shouldn't cost any form of currency, so you'll be able to freely make an enchanted book that has all available enchantments at max level and sell it on the trade market. The anvil could even be used as a new renaming system for items in general, although I don't see it happening if it's locked behind a quest.

    Now for some examples of possible enchantments:
    -Unbreaking: decreases the chance of the item losing durability after being used
    -Efficiency: decreases the time between each swing of the tool
    -Fortune: increases the chance of getting a material of a higher tier (wouldn't synergize with Mending)
    -Silk Touch: increases the chance of getting an item after using the tool (wouldn't synergize with Fortune)

    I think that being able to personalize your own tools is just a overall lovely idea, and you would actually reconsider throwing away your enchanted tool just for another one of a higher tier.
    This system would also make professions more fun and would (hopefully) help lower the prices on the trade market, as with more disputing the interest of the buyer the prices would be lowered, and the higher amount of resources would also probably minimally decrease the prices of crafted items.

    It adds a layer of complexity to something that is considerably simple (gathering materials), and if you want to 100% max out efficiency you'll be forced to max out all of your tools.
    Some people won't like the need of having to max out your tools to be on the same level as others
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