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World Emerit (new Province Idea)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by 7Mile, May 13, 2018.


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  1. 7Mile

    7Mile Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    BEFORE YOU WALK AWAY BECAUSE YOU THINK ITS ANOTHER CRUDDY PROVINCE IDEA: I have actually thought this province through, (just a little though.)

    Welcome to the province of Emerit, a happy place where there was no issues for many years! But of course now there is civil war, government corruption, and an unbalanced economy. (I feel like I'm being too real here.) Anyways, this province is disconnected from the rest of the world since they never advanced to travel the seas since their island is surrounded by the only place in Wynncraft's ocean that did not settle when the rest of the ocean did. This race of people are too be known as the Palleten and have never heard of Gavel, Wynn, Fruma, or Corkus.

    [LORE] Although the actual origins of the Palleten are unknown, according to popular belief, the original Palleten are said to have been placed on the island by the hand of their God. This lush island that they founded was to go on to be named Emerit and a beautiful city known as Suffragette City was to be erected. Here on this island the Palleten developed their own technology's such as a mill to spin and weave clothes with the power of a nearby river turning a wheel.

    [SHOPS] The Palleten don't use money since they believed it would unbalance their peace with one another. All inhabitants of Emerit have to make their own tools, grow their own food, and gather their own materials, although they do trade valuable resources and materials with one another in a trade market in Suffragette City. Due to this the only "shops" in Emerit are banks for the people to put their valuable items, (so the bank would be designed with many vaults for the Palleten's precious items [some could be hanging open revealing some jewelry or some {badly made} weapons]). Of course, this would allow the players to access their whole bank account. Item buyers would also be around here and there to trade items for a strange green rock found in the mountains of Remar (the Palleten started to think these rocks were very valuable causing an unbalanced economy.)

    [WAR] Due to an unbalanced economy (as mentioned above) and the fact that the government took over the banks and would not allow people to access their vaults. War has broken out in the province of Emerit between the government, and the people. Since this war has started the Palleten have known nothing but war and fighting. They have creating cannons to fight each other and started filling hollowed out rocks with gunpowder and a fuse to chuck at the opposing sides. A long stretch of land has been blown to heck with bombs, and cannon balls. On one side of this stretch is the, now crumbling, city of Suffragette, the other side of the line lays the houses of the rebels. These huts are made out of dirt and wood and are very badly made. Both sides are starving and the province has become very poor and have not much potential left because of the war. This war torn province has heard rumors of other provinces and hope for help as the numbers in their province decline, but while the people die, the island itself starts to die.

    [GOVERNMENT] To talk a little more in the cause of the war, people started to get emeralds and trade with them, but the people who had emeralds had many and everyone else had none. This caused problems since the rich got richer and the poor, poorer. As a solution the government took away all emeralds and closed the mines. Greedy people in power decided to use the emeralds that they took away from the people to get even richer and now people started dying from malnutrition, and the government started falling apart since everyone wanted to be richer and have more power than the other. Evidently, all out war broke out.

    [THE PLAYER] As the player, you gather food for the people (Quest). You also heal the wounded (Quest). Start the first steps to peace between the province (Quest.) You will have to repair a ruined religious alter that has been destroyed by the war (Quest). Assassinate some corrupt government officials (Quest). and generally help both sides out. But your main purpose to this island as the player is too help save the island itself from dying (read: "Emerit's Spirit") by talking to the spirit of the island. She would have you: Sabotage both sides mining efforts to stop the hollowing of the island, and blow up the weaponry's of both sides (Quest). The spirit would also have you seek the help of a legendary shaman rumored to live in a hut atop one of the Remar mountains (Quest). And seek out the leader of the rebels and the leader of Elim's government and tell them about the dying island (Quest).

    [EVERYWHERE ELSE] People have heard rumors of another province, but no one has dared to cross the rough waters. When using the Sea Skipper the captain would mention the rumors every now and again to gauge the player. He would also mention how the seas around that area have not settled.

    [EMERIT ITSELF] Other than the battlefield full of dead bodies, walls, barricades, cannons, and stray cannon balls, Emerit is a vibrant island full of brightly colored flowers, thick forests, high mountains, and a rich terrain. Emerit is home to the mountains of Remar where the deep emerald mines have "dropped emeralds" that players can collect (though its not a really great way to get money since they are just one emerald per entity, though, there are a lot of them around.) around the island are sharp drop-offs and cliffs with spiked rocks tipping out of the water below. This combined with the fact that around Emerit the waters never settled as they did all across the ocean is the main reason why people have never seen or heard of Emerit, and why the Palleten never developed seafaring technology. (Maybe add some wrecked ships in the rocks below the island to show that no one ever could go through the waters.) The inhabitants of Emerit also built a decently long extremely reinforced dock to fish the rough waters in, Fish that could not survive in the now-settled ocean moved to the waters around Emerit. Due to this the fishing industry is a staple of food in Emerit because all the fish caught are very meaty and strong making for a lot of meat per fish.

    [DUNGEON] Emerit is home to a dungeon known as the Emerald Dungeon, this dungeon, built into the mountains of Remar, you have to fight through guards who drop tokens, get twenty to the hopper to move on. Then there's some parkour over the roofs of buildings, basically like any other dungeon, but there is a room with three doors and three puzzles, behind each door is a corrupt person in power where you have to defeat him. After all three bosses are defeated you go through a now unlocked door leading to a final boss room where you have to fight a rich noble, the arena has mountains of emeralds in it showing that the man in a very corrupt hoarder.

    [EMERIT'S SPIRIT] The Palleten, before the war, loved their island with undying, unwavering faith. Now, materials are demanded to create cannons, walls, gunpowder, weapons, and other necessary components in the war effort. Thanks to this, trees that were hundreds of years old are being cut down and none are being planted, the mountains of Remar are also being hollowed out to provide the necessary stone and metals to create weapons, buildings, and walls. The islands' spirit is now dwindling because all the roots that held it firm are now dying and slipping. In enough time the island will sink under the waves, ending the war and any future wars between the Palleten forever. The inhabitants of the island are consumed by this war and pay no attention to what they do, Due to this it is up to you (the player) to, in some way, save the dying island.

    I hope you guys like my province idea! Ill probably go back and change it around a bit depending on what people say in the comments, either way, that's it for me right now. Leave some comments on how it could be improved, changed, or if you liked it, tell me.

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2018
  2. Mekyr

    Mekyr Warden of Rymek Canyon HERO

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    I have a slight suspicion as to the root of your naming mechanism...
    Gogeta, coolname2034, Aya and 5 others like this.
  3. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Sorry, but that's exactly what this is.

    Not only have you completely neglected the important part of a province (the content) to focus on the lore, but the lore is nonsensical too. For starters, the whole origin of the province is essentially a ripoff of Corkus. More to the point, you've mentioned an "unbalanced economy" multiple times, but there's 0 reasoning for it. If you introduced emeralds (or any currency) in to a land with no currency, like in what seems to be your explanation, it would be worthless. Everyone already makes their own stuff anyway, so if they wanted something, they could just as easily make it. There's more issues to be found, but that's really not that important, so I'll move on.

    There's nearly no content here. 3 extraordinarily basic quest ideas, 2/3 of which sound like crappy fetch quests. A few lines of vague description with only one point of interest, that's basically just the abandoned mines but also you can get emeralds there. That's really all you have.

    Nice try, but the best part of this thread is its format.
    Gogeta, Jbip, Varonis and 2 others like this.
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    now this is not like every other province thread

    kudos for not rejecting any and all changes like everyone else does
    Jack Jemble, Gogeta, Jbip and 9 others like this.
  5. DOUBLE07

    DOUBLE07 Nothin special VIP+

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    It needs to be more fleshed out and if the main part of your idea is lore and needs to be more detailed and understood. I don't think that that this would be bad but it needs to be more unique most new provinces are the same so try to add more original ideas
  6. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Elim? Efilim? huh
  7. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    also because you want a province named after you
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    Gogeta, Aya, ThomAnn100 and 1 other person like this.
  8. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    That name should be elim-inated
    Gogeta, Aya, ThomAnn100 and 3 others like this.
  9. 7Mile

    7Mile Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Will be changed, definitely will be changed. Just give me a minute to think of a better name.

    EDIT: How's "Himling" sound? That was the toughest thinking session I have ever had, I went through like 12 different names.
    Last edited: May 15, 2018
    Aya and Mistrise Mystic like this.
  10. Swimming_Pool

    Swimming_Pool ate a pineapple, tastes like pinecones and apples

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    what about bloomi
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  11. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Idk the name Himling just sounds a little "weak" if i should say for an entire province. (However it's still decent)
    Some of my ideas:

    Personally I like Varsen. but those are just my suggestions. If you are set on Himling then go for it!
    7Mile likes this.
  12. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    I recommend Emerit as the name.
    Spelt backwards it reads tireme, which is similar to trireme, a class of historic warship, suitable because:
    - It is sinking
    - It is in war
    - It is in rough water
    Also, Emeritus is the name for an honoured retired person of knowledge, spiritual connection, or power,
    similar to how the island's spirit has been retired by the change of people.
    7Mile and Tsuneo like this.
  13. ILoveGayGuys

    ILoveGayGuys Hi I guess.. What goes here?

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    Maybe we can get this new province later because right now I believe they are working on Dern and Fruma. Another cool idea would be to make the entire province based on one element!
  14. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    People are just shitting our province suggestions nowadays and don’t understand that the CT has their own plans
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  15. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Himling? You sure you don’t mean Miling??? XDDD.
  16. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It’s a joke on how u we’re naming these on urself.
  17. Dark5010

    Dark5010 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Nice. (Bump)
    7Mile likes this.
  18. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Wow you copied a name from LOTR
  19. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    I’m that guy that read the silmarillion
    Tisaun and 7Mile like this.
  20. ImCold

    ImCold Mmmmm

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    Sounds like something that would happen on zhight island lol.
    7Mile likes this.
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