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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...

Dungeon Realms Vs Wynncraft!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Enderman1234, Oct 8, 2015.

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  1. CottonCane

    CottonCane Travelled Adventurer

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    I've played on both pre screw up Minecade DR and Wynncraft, and to be honest DR is the superior of the two for its age. It featured a smaller map, but had a revolutionary Minecraft idea of RPG and easily accomodated 1000+ players and an economy of a matched size in its prime. I feel that its downfall was mainly in its owner's selling of the game and Minecade's disregard for its best asset. Wynncraft, on the other hand, is more like other MMORPGs. Classes, levels, quests, etc. It's simply a different platform when compared with DR's focus on economy and grinding for equips. I just feel better situated in DR's old frame.
  2. Cubie

    Cubie VIP+

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    I don't see how you think DR is Unique and Wynn isn't. They're both already done before in many many games.
    'And easily accomodated 1000+ people' Yes? Wynn often has way over 1000 players at once, without any lag.
    The downfall of DR was the Economy. The economy got absolutely rekt. Dupers were the main reason for this. Also, DR had many flaws.. With the Duping glitch you made tons of money really quickly, you could get T5 (was 5 max? Or was it 4 or 6...) on your first day.
    Economy rip > Them saying they will reset > people burn their stuff > reset happens after 2 months or so, and people have no stuff to play in, so they don't > Admin gets sick of it and griefs spawn/spawns bosses in the spawn town > got shut down.

    Anyways, I suppose I'm slightly biased, since I prefer Wynncraft.
    SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
  3. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    Great ANOTHER necropost
    Wrightrj likes this.
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