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Lore/Story Downfall Of Gavel Book One - Undercover

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Devourer, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Nah not gruesome but very good.
    Devourer likes this.
  2. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    The story is lookin good! I wonder The Wynnexcavation will appear at one point.
  3. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    Please use spell check, thanks.
  4. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Actually, it may seem like it at one point. But no, they aren't part of it. This pretty much takes place after Amadel is killed but before the Gavel Doors are opened.
    I write these in Microsoft Word, get people to spell check it irl and both say that it is correct. Idk if the one in Wynncraft is correct or not.
  5. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    Ok. Will the main character go to gavel at one point?
  6. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Tim actually goes to Gavel in book two. Book one is completely based in Wynn, as the Gavel Doors only open some time after the end of book one.
  7. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    erm the door already opened...
  8. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I started this lore before the door opened, not thinking that soon really was 5 days left. So yeah... I made the base of the story before the Gavel Doors opened.
  9. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    No I ment in the prolouge, the rich guy said the Gavel gates have opened
  10. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    That was the main character telling Drucksh what happened. Basically the Prologue takes place long after the main part of this book (most of book 1 is in the past, some of it in the present).
  11. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Ah ok. Thanks for clarifying
  12. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Chapter Three: Darkest Vision

    Tim woke up… in a forest? But wasn’t he on a mountainside near the city of Almuj and near to the desert and the other drier places of Wynn?

    “Yes, you are in Almuj. Right now, you are in Almuj. But you are also here, too.”

    Tim looked around, puzzled. What was happening? How could he be in Almuj? Or in two places at once? And where was that person who was talking to him? How did they know what he was thinking?

    “I have brought your soul to this place, which answers your first and third questions. In the world you know, you have been taken to Almuj after you went unconscious. Mages are often weakened after the first time they cast their spells. But you will become used to your powers. As for where I am, I am all around you. And you can work out the answer to your final question because of my answer to the first.”

    Speaking out loud this time, Tim said, “What are you? How do you have power over me like this? Is there any way to stop that?”

    “I would prefer to keep my name and what I am to myself, for now. I have power over you as many of the most powerful of the worlds could to. There is no way to stop that.”

    “If you won’t answer my questions, then why did you bring me here?”

    “Why did I bring you here? For several reasons. First, I want to warn you that the Tablet of the Guardians is a dangerous artefact. You must take great care if you want to reach it. Already, the Guardians of the Dern Stone have been awakened and are ready to stop anyone from using it. But the Tablet of the Guardians must be made whole. I am not sure yet, but events are colliding towards one point in time where ancient enemies will rise from all sides. Only the Tablet of the Guardians can save the world now.”

    “The Tablet of the Guardians? Is that the tablet Wedyf found?”

    “No, but that was the Dern Stone, which is part of it. As you have probably guessed, there are three other pieces. If you wish to find it, then the first thing you should do is retrieve the Wynn Stone, as Wedyf’s map tells you. But that is not the main reason why you are here. Watch what happens around you.”

    The voice stopped and Tim looked around. The brilliant forest was tranquil. He couldn’t see any creatures around but plants in every direction.

    Then the ground rumbled.

    At first it was just a small quake. Then the forest began to shake violently.

    A gigantic obsidian spike grew in front of him. Tim heard more appear. The ground cracked and dried, turning red or black.

    Then lava spewed out of the ground and trees fell, burnt or just died.

    A gigantic storm of purple lightning raged high above him and crackled. Tim watched as they struck the red ground. Green glows formed where they struck, forming into green stone. Emeralds.

    The scene folded away into darkness. Tim watched as a light appeared in the distance. It grew and he was at another scene.

    There was another forest. In fact, it was surprisingly similar to the other one he had seen.

    Once again, the ground shook. This time, a large worm reared its head out of the ground. The worm was covered in sharp, hardened scales and was obsidian black, with red eyes glaring in a head holding millions of fangs.

    Tim watched in fear as the same thing happened again, but this time with spikes of dirt and mud. The worm started making tunnels. Eventually, more worms appeared and the forest collapsed into the ground, causing earthquakes and nobody could live in this now inhospitable place.

    The scene changed several more times. Tim watched as villagers made bargains with humans, magic was unleashed in powerful force, great dragons swooped down from the sky and wars raged between many different races.

    In the final vision, Tim watched four people spoke to each other in a battle scarred land. A Dernian, two humans and a villager. They were agreeing on something. They lifted a heavy stone tablet off the ground and split it into four pieces, each taking a piece. Tim was watching them leave. In this scene, he had enhanced vision somehow. Watching the villager go, the villager ducked behind a rock and gave his tablet to a strange, dragon-like being. The being scurried off with the tablet. One human was soon surrounded by warriors who escorted him to safety. The other human walked into the distance, not caring about anything else around him or meeting with a hidden creature.

    Tim watched the Dernian very closely. The Dernian seemed to be doing the same as the other human, who may have come from Fruma, as they didn’t look like the average human in Wynn.

    Then the Dernian stopped walking. Tim watched with knowing dread as it looked at the other three beings. Then it slowly turned to Tim, menacing long arms, bone chilling long fingers grasping out towards him. Those cold, dead eyes staring back at him. That malicious smile as the Dernian knew it had achieved something more than the other three.

    The Dernian turned away and slowly walked far into the distance.

    “And so it happened that the Tablet of the Guardians was split and taken to four different provinces. Or, it was supposed to. The Dernians always liked chaos and usually worshipped the darker beings, like Death. The Dernian you saw left the tablet in the middle of the desert. Over time, sands were swept over it. Many years later, as civilisation grew, powerful magic was sensed there. Columns were built around that place and eventually temples too. What is now the Almuj Bank used to be a grand temple.”

    “But why did the Dernian leave the tablet behind?”

    “As I said, Dernians wanted to create chaos. The guardians destined to guard that piece of the tablet were disappointed when the tablet was left in the desert. They lost the tablet forever. But they are connected to it, so if it was ever moved, the guardians would track down the tablet. Which is why the Dern Stone is possibly the worst to collect first, even if it is the easiest to find. And now that Wedyf has it, they will go to his house. Specifically, where you are now, in Almuj.”

    “I’m in Wedyf’s house? What happened?”

    “That is for you to find out. Now, go back to your world. Our paths will cross again… I hope.”

    Tim screamed as a hole opened up in the ground. He fell into the darkness. In the darkness, he suddenly realised that he was in what seemed to be a cell. A cell without a door, seemingly. A cell without anything, one metre wide on all sides, even height. The room was spinning.

    Tim was curled up on the floor, as the dizziness and confinement continued. Eventually, he fell asleep.

    Immediately after falling asleep, Tim woke up.

    Looking around him, he was no longer in the confined cell. He was in a house made of sandstone. Looking out of the window, he saw a vast, dry city. The streets were buzzing with life. Tim couldn’t believe his eyes. This was normal, not that dark and terrifying dream world with many different realities.

    He heard a movement next to him and a shout.

    Wedyf said, “Tim! You’re finally awake! Now, tell me what happened.”


    That was a shorter chapter than normal, but it was meant to introduce a few things, and various ideas. And also, one thing... character applications will begin once I do chapter.... I think somewhere between five and seven.
    Zitrine and Rawb like this.
  13. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    I think the other being speaking was Taproot or Tiek. I believe it also told of the worm in the Taproot quest.
  14. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I got the whole idea of this chapter from the Taproot actually, but the being speaking isn't actually the Taproot. And yes, that was the worm.
  15. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    The being speaking was the supreme devourer, creator of devourers and the time stone.

    Or it was just me playing around with the settings on my mike.
    Devourer likes this.
  16. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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  17. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    Would be cool if there was any info of my home province, Omegar on the forums
  18. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    This story is real cool so far!
    Devourer likes this.
  19. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    You could make a lore on it if you want to. By that I mean like a story about it.
  20. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    I have started to
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