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Double Xp For Vips Feedback - Part 2!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Salted, Dec 6, 2015.


Yay or Nay?

  1. Yay!

  2. Nay...

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  1. BeastyMs

    BeastyMs Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Why Vips can t just get exp bombs it is allot better and more fair
    But this exp bombs that you get daily would be separate from exp bombs you bought so they can t stack
  2. FTB_player123

    FTB_player123 gavel is actually here VIP+

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    I personally think that VIPs and VIP+s should get their own personal bombs, not for anyone else. Farming in certain areas (herb cave) has become overcrowded when an xp bomb is active, and I have two level 75 classes and have used 30-40 xp bombs to get there on my second class. Many players often come when I throw my xp bombs to the areas I am grinding in, pretending to not speak English and constantly ksing me, trying to annoy me via insult or false accusations, or just constantly try to get in my way so I will leave. Private bombs would solve this problem. Lots of xp bombs I threw to grind have been wasted for me because of people like this. They also tend to add me as a friend, abusing the fact that you do not have to accept a request to be on their list, and follow me around for xp bombs. Almost all of this could be fixed with private xp bombs, which I highly suggest. Thank you,

    - FTB_player123 Skilled Wynncraftian
  3. mothwolf

    mothwolf Member of the Octovon build team

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    While I'm still heavily against this, I can see the community wants it to happen and it porbably will happen, but if this is added could we at least add a server where totems are unsable (all other servers can still use totems) or a toggle button of some kind for the totem? For example: if someone has placed a totem where I'm grinding I could toggle the XP just for me (the other person would still get double XP) so I don't get double XP. Personally I want this to be a grind and I don't want to feel like its easy, becaue if its easy there's no sense of achievement at the end for me.

    XavierEXE likes this.
  4. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Sorry for sounding noobish(or something) but what is EULA?
  5. Josh_Sturgeon

    Josh_Sturgeon Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Well surely if you don't want to feel like you're cheating then you can just not use them?
    LukeW2464 likes this.
  6. mothwolf

    mothwolf Member of the Octovon build team

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    I would love to but if someone places one near me theres not much of a way to avoid it without completely moving servers, which would just get annoying after awhile.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  7. Josh_Sturgeon

    Josh_Sturgeon Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The EULA is an End User License Agreement, it's something the owner of the software/game you're using makes you agree to in order to use the software. A few months back Mojang turned around and said they'd start cracking down on people who were in breach of the EULA so a lot of servers and networks reacted by taking away perks that were seen as Pay2Win. However since Mojang haven't really done much about enforcing the EULA some perks are being phased back in by a lot of people.
  8. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    6am for me hooray.

    This sounds like a cool idea though, I don't need it though, I can deal with myself pretty good :3
  9. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Glad a solution was found!
  10. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    My suggestion if the thing ever gets implemented?

    VIPs can get this command where they can block a person to not receive Double XP, even if said person is stealing the grinding spot
  11. tomisdaman27

    tomisdaman27 The owner of a legendary trade...

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    But now I have to buy VIP+... Dang that's a smart addition.
  12. SuperTM

    SuperTM Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    However I like this idea a bit more then the sheep it still has alot of down sides. first of all this totems can't be replaced. when like 5 people find your grind spot and come and steal your xp,.. your totem is wasted! with the sheep there was something you could do about it, you could switch servers, disable it or just run away. with this you have to stay or you can't enjoy your bonus. If I ever wanna use this thing I would have to sneak away all the time so nobody is folowing me. once placed you have to worry that someone will come to your spot and steal the xp. On top of that vips have only limited acces to there bonus. this is kinda unfair.

    I would also like to point out the fact that this would 't increase the donations alot. there will be enough vips on the server so that there is almost constantly dubble xp on the popular farm spots. this gives non vips no reason to buy vip for themself because they can already make use of it most of the time. the best way to get people donating is to give them exclusive perks!

    A last problem would be the fact that the totems are not stackable.I understand that saving up 1000 of those things isn't good. it's just that some day you can play more then other days. during the week you can play less then in the weekend or when you have a day off. this means that during the week you miss out on your bonus and in the weekend your bonus is way to short.

    Now I would like to do some suggestions to make is idea better :)
    - make the totem togglable with an hour limit! this means you can place it somewhere and pick it up to place it somewhere else. this sloves problem 1. vips can use the totem a total of 1.5 hours a day and vip+ can use it like 3 hours a day.
    -let the bonus have limited stacking! make it so you can have 3 times the capacity of a day. for example you get 4 totems a day, you can store up 12 max. players can use more totems on days they play much and can save up some if they don't play a day. this sloves problem 3
    -increased bonuses for vip! simply give vips 2x xp in the zone and non vips only 1.5. this gives players a good reason to buy vip even tough they can always farm in totem range. what can fix problem 2.
  13. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    I think the 1.5x for VIPs and the 2x for VIP+s should be *infinite*.
    If you want to also add the totems/sheep, it should be a small bonus for the VIP, and mainly for non-VIPs...

    When you just go around the map and grind, you don't want to stay next to a stupid totem. Other players will come to grind around it too, and steal your grind spot.
    Also, when you are playing a quest, you prbbly want to get x2 xp for it. So you must active the temp xp bonus before you finish the last stage. But if you didn't play this quest before, you can't know which npc is the last one... (There is already a similar problem with xp bombs - when you try to finish a quest in a server with an active xp bomb.)

    So ye, i don't like the temp xp bonus idea (because as i said it should be infinite imo).
    But still, the sheep idea is MUCH better than this totems idea, because there aren't time and location limits for it.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
  14. ESF_NoWomanNoCry

    ESF_NoWomanNoCry Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I see where you are heading, but still a lot of problems will be occuring.
    I don't think this will increase donations as much as compared to just giving double xp:

    - I think giving a boost to everyone in a radius will not make some people buy vip, because in the common farm spots it won't be hard to find someone using the totem, so they won't buy VIP themselves! because they pretty much already have perma double xp at the common farm spots!

    You could argue that sometimes there won't be a totem on certain spots, but it won't be hard to find a server where there is one.

    That's why I think you shouldn't share the xp, not because I am selfish or I want all the bonusses for myself, but because it wouldn't help as much as just giving double xp.

    And IF you make it something that shares the xp, make it togglable so you don't waste your totem to people stealing your xp, but especially so people won't have "permanent" xp and PLEASE Find reasons for non-VIP's, to buy VIP and to support the server. Don't make it unplayable or don't make it so the server is VIP oriënted (Something you guys would never do), but just give people a reason to buy VIP and dont give all the VIP features almost "permanent" to non-vips.
    CheesePrince13 and SuperTM like this.
  15. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Well since Gavel is coming out soon, didn't they say they would add much more quests and contents to make the grind less real? So maybe it will be much more easier to level up to max level even without needing an xp boost or something. I personally think the bombs should be kept for the donor's self though. Or maybe player tracking commands like /find should be disabled or something? When a Xp bomb happens on servers, usually i try to farm as long as possible until when there is player who just appears, I left. I felt bad for kill stealing, and I also hate getting KSed too. Maybe its just me. Maybe i have an issue.
    SuperTM likes this.
  16. Nerfet

    Nerfet Cute little blue cat CHAMPION

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    I think you should bring back swarms :(
  17. CoffeeBuzz77

    CoffeeBuzz77 Travelled Adventurer

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    Its a gray area but I believe it would be ok if the XP totems were not announced. so long as anyone nearby them would benefit. This would significantly reduce xp leaching.
    Other VIP ideas unrelated to XP. And the EULA is currently written loose enough to allow it.
  18. ThrowingChildren

    ThrowingChildren Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    so you won't be able to stack them until you have 200 of them


    Also what's the command?
  19. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    For those that disapprove of this idea and/or think the sheep is better, @Dr HAX made a little suggestion on the first page of this thread, since Salted liked that post, I'm pretty sure he's considering it
  20. field

    field VIP+

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    Here's my idea for the golden sheep idea (Because I liked it so much):

    * There could be a golden sheep that you spawn instead of the totems that lasts for 15 minutes aswell

    * The sheep will be spawned by "Golden wool" That VIP and VIP+ get every midnight in their "Use menu".

    * It will follow you and act like a pet.

    * This sheep has a area of 50 blocks around it that gives double xp.

    * Now you can actually go to other spots and still have double xp.

    * You could change the sheeps colour to for example, green, red, blue, orange and so on.
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