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Double Xp For Vip Feedback!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Salted, Dec 4, 2015.


What should we do?

  1. Bring back double XP for VIPs

  2. Bring back double XP for VIPs but reduce the XP bonus

  3. Make it so VIPs receive a pet allowing them to share the double XP with players nearby

  4. Don't bring back double XP

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  1. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    "Oh no we get to level faster in a pve game what will you ever do?!" Shut up dude, we donated and this the double rxp won't even fucking effect you at all, us leveling faster won't hinder your leveling speed
    TheZearis likes this.
  2. Troll4ever31

    Troll4ever31 Designed to be a moron.

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    Now that i think about it, imagine you're grinding with your xp sheep, and a bunch of non vips come stealing your kills because of your double xp sheep...
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  3. TheZearis

    TheZearis Lyla HERO

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    Exactly! It's basically 3 choices.
    1. Bring back xp boost for vips and get the money they need but doesn't change anything for non vips so it shouldn't matter to them.
    2. Put the xp pet in and make it so vips get swarmed with other players kill stealing for the extra xp which would make many people level slower.
    3. Don't change it and not get the money they need and nothing changes for anybody.

    I say go with the obvious best one and bring back double xp. Maybe for the pet one have some basic pets earnable ingame like how you can buy horses in Ternaves but used to be able to buy better ones in VIP Town. I'm ok if they fight or pickup items since right now there is no reason but for looks to summon my creeper every time I login.
    SuperTM likes this.
  4. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    EXACTLY, a pet out is actually a detriment!
    TheZearis likes this.

    JJPHBA thnx to Kuroi for the awesome calligraphy :) VIP+

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    bring the attacking pets back plz

    so they would be useful at some point
  6. TheZearis

    TheZearis Lyla HERO

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    I would probably only use the pet in a empty server so that way I can actually level.
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  7. Mrs Sara

    Mrs Sara Famous Adventurer HERO

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    i like the pet idea c:
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  8. Riesenkalmar

    Riesenkalmar sfdhdfhsdgds VIP+

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    What about the idea of giving double XP to people in a party with a donator?
    CheesePrince13 and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  9. kingmike99

    kingmike99 The Meteor

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    What about letting the VIP decide who gets the double xp from the golden sheep?
    The sheep would be invisible to everyone but the person who spawned it until the VIP adds you to a sort of whitelist allowing you to get the effect. (The whitelist would reset after the VIP despawns the sheep)

    Also the sheep should probably have a maximum time you can use it. (Like 4 hours every day)

    Also please consider this (text in Bold), so I would say wait atleast a week before adding whatever you are going to add (related to this thread) after Gavel is added.
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  10. SuperTM

    SuperTM Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I like the sheep pet idea but there are a lot of problems with it. first of pets run always in your face, when you play for example archer it blocks all your arrows. another (and the biggest) problem is that once non donors see you running around with the pet they will folow you all the time and steal all your mobs and xp. this is even more annoying for people and might be a reason to NOT buy vip just because they can folow one the whole time. it would be cool to have a 1.5 multiplier all the time and give vip+ maybe the sheep that gives 2x so you can chose if you wanna use it or not :)
  11. MarkedForDeath

    MarkedForDeath Finder of Kronos' Lair

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    As a non-VIP, I don't mind VIPs getting x2 XP just for themselves, as long as the game isn't balanced around the xp rates of VIPs, making the game a grind for non-VIPs.
    CheesePrince13, Jbip and kingmike99 like this.
  12. Overload

    Overload Well-Known Adventurer

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    How about bringing back the VIP town where you can buy a XP bomb for 2 LE or something. I think a permanent XP bonus would be to unfair for the non-VIP's. The sheep could be an idea, but can also end up in users messaging VIP's all the time that they should come to them...

    Another great idea a friend of mine had, was to give VIP's the ability to hire a bank villager where you and players around can access their banks whereever they are.
  13. killerboy2807

    killerboy2807 Shrek

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    Add it, but make it also transfer to party members while they're in your party (has to be the owner of the party, preferably)
  14. SuperTM

    SuperTM Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I would also like to point out that most of the votes in the poll come from non-vips (because they are the biggest part in the community). They just want as much free stuff as possible. this post is about giving donor perks more value. I saw in the comments quit a bit of vips saying how annoying this can be and that they don't have to get spammed with request to spawn the sheep or massive swarms of players stealing there xp. This sheep has only positive things for non vips and doesn't add a lot for vips. while the goal was adding value to there rank! for example a group of 6 friends is playing wynn together and one of them buys vip. the others will quit likely buy vip too because they are jealous. this means instantly 6 new donators for the server. however when 1 guy buys vip and he spawns the sheep all the other players get the same bonus as him and never wanna buy vip. the server misses out on 5 possible donators!
    I understand that it doesn't look "fair" to non vips and that not everyone wants to(or can) donate money to a minecraft server. but actually nothing chance for them if you give vips a bonus. it's not like they will have a harder time grinding then now!
  15. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    I got to 300 levels, four level 75s, before I bought VIP. I did it for the personal challenge. I got there shortly after the EULA change and therefore I did not get to 300 levels with constant 2X XP. I missed out on the "Vet" tag by a few weeks. I used the XP bomb tool, and tried to find any server that was running 2X XP; it was a challenge, but it was also fun as I wasn't the only person doing it. If anyone wants an XP boost, and they are not a donor, they can buy GC and buy XP bombs. Guess what? That technically violates the EULA, too. Why? Because the 2X XP is only on one server and not across all of the servers. Each server doesn't have its own IP, therefore all of Wynn is one server, per the EULA. Further, 2X XP doesn't last long enough so that everyone gets to benefit from it; you have to be online and on the server at the time in order to get the 2X XP. From Mojang's explanation of the EULA changes:
    "Can I sell boosters, which provide faster gold gain, XP, or other in-game resources for hard currency?
    No - boosters, item generators, and all other features that affect gameplay are not allowed."

    As for having a visible Golden Sheep, I do not want to be swarmed by non-donors asking me to bring out any pet or Golden Sheep. I get enough PMs in-game asking me to throw double XP bombs already to know that if Golden Sheep are implemented, enough non-donors in game will be PMing every VIP or VIP+ in a constant round-robin circus to make me either disconnect from the server or wish that I could hide my VIP status. I posted a screen-cap about that, in the forums, already. Donors would be swamped in-game. No thank you. So make a rule that you can't ask a donor to take out their Golden Sheep? Do you really believe that people would not find a way around that? Even if they didn't, that would make the mods very busy banning kids and going through ban appeals, at least at the start of it's implementation, and it would not change my next point, below.

    As for any timed or cool-down period for Golden Sheep, the servers would either be running constant 2X XP areas all over the place, placing a nice load on the servers, or there would probably be enough server-wide 2X XP going on to keep the servers at 2X XP for 24 hours, nearly every day, anyway. If it was area-wide, no matter the size of the area, non-donors would follow and swarm donors, no matter what. If it were implemented as a Party, by invite, the cries for "Add me!" would be overwhelming unless you could find a nearly empty server. Then, when someone sees a Golden Sheep, they PM a friend, who PMs another friend, who . . . you get my point. Donors would be swamped with other players if it was area-wide, no matter what barriers were put in place. If it was server-wide, everyone would be getting 2X XP, so why bother donating?

    A pet that picks up items, purchasable with GC? That's been well discussed by others. The idea has a lot of potential pit-falls that would need to be worked out, and really, it's an increase to your inventory size while playing. It's also a violation of the EULA, as it is a booster (described, above).

    A pet that fights for you while you are actively playing, that's purchasable with GC? Every time that you stop for, say, 60 seconds, to talk to someone either in-game or IRL, it despawns, so that you cannot use it to fight on it's own. Then you have to bring it back out. Those won't get used for long before they get put away, and stay put away, in my opinion. It's also a violation of the EULA, as it is a booster (op. cit.).

    Is there anything else that can be added for donors that does not violate the EULA in any major way? Is the only viable option for the server to go back to an increased XP for donors, only? Yes, it confers an advantage to donors in the rate at which they may reach any given level. Does it impede non-donors from reaching any level? No. Does it confer an advantage to donors in the rate at which they will acquire higher-level items? Yes, if they choose to spend their time only scrambling for higher levels. Obviously, some will, some won't. Does it violate the EULA?
    "Can I sell ranks on my server?
    Yes. Ranks are allowed so long as any perks gained are cosmetic. Coloured names, prefixes, special hats etc. are fine."

    Can we put a cap on play? Let's say that new players can play to level 25 XP, or some other arbitrary level that is high enough to give them a real taste of what just what Wynn has to offer, then they must donate some amount, let's say a minimum of $5 US, to continue to play. Does that sound good? Guess what?
    "Can I offer a limited trial period for all users?
    Yes. So long as both trial and paying users have access to the same gameplay features during the trial, we're cool with it." That is perfectly legal. Is it viable? Will it work? I can't answer that question, however, I can say that it should be considered. If, in the long term, it fails, remove it.

    What happened during the Black Friday 50% Off Sale? I'm not privy to the numbers, but from the numbers of new VIP, VIP+s, server shouts (Lawd, please let them run out!), and new pets, I'd say there was a lot of shopping done. One person has already said that the lower prices were great for them. I'll add that I bought enough GC so that I could buy a name tag. I'm penny-wise, but I'm not pound-foolish. Would lowering the store prices help? Probably. How much lower? I can't answer that, I have no experience in this.

    The bottom line is this: I don't like the idea of breaking the EULA in any major way, no matter what some other server does or does not do. If Mojang and MS don't bother to enforce the EULA strictly, by looking the other way for all but the largest servers, so be it? I'm not "good" with that idea. ARE Mojang and MS turning a blind eye to any part of the EULA so that servers can remain viable? I don't have any idea. If they are, I wish they would amend the EULA and take a load off of everyone's shoulders. Did they put an "out" in the EULA? I don't know, however, I'm discussing that below the *s. Am I "good" with the idea of having Wynn shut down? Not. At. All. No matter how it would happen.

    So, I see two ways that Wynn has that are perfectly legal to increase monetization, and these come to mind at 4:30am for me. If anyone has any more ideas, run them through the link, above, to Mojang's server monetization Q&A, or just post them here for everyone to take a look at, and let's see if we can help out the server. OK?

    If you've read this far, and you really want to get confused, read this:
    "How should servers deal with users who have already spent hard currency on features that affect gameplay?
    Users may keep the perks they've paid for on the condition that the same perks are available to other players on the server (directly or purchasable using soft currency). It’s up to the server host to decide how to compensate users for previous transactions."

    Did Mojang put a legal "out" into the EULA? Does this mean that all VETs can get back their 2X XP, as long as 2X XP is available through some other means, through hard currency or soft currency? Does that mean that as long as donors can get increased XP, by ranks or through purchasing GC, and any purchase of GC is a donation, whether or not you have a rank, that some type of XP boost is perfectly legal? Does this invalidate the "boosters" and "ranks" clauses? I'm not a lawyer, not a barrister, however, I do know that in US law, that primacy does not necessarily mean supremacy. In plain language, just because a rule is stated before another rule, the first rule does not automatically come first in a conflict. So, because Wynn had 2X XP available before the EULA changed, and because black horses were available to VIPs before the EULA changed, does that mean that those perks can remain in game, as long as they are still available, to donors (directly or purchasable using soft currency)? I don't know for certain, however, I'd like to think that before Mojang was sold to MS, that Mojang left an "out" for servers that were already in existence.

    (It's now 5am. Good night.)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  16. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    I'm just going to say this as my suggestion, it's probably been suggested before on this thread but I'm not going hunting:

    Double XP Parties.

    If a VIP/+ makes a party, everyone's XP in that party is doubled. That's about it.

    Also, how about with the "Golden Sheep", players could customise it with a pre-existing pet?

    The golden sheep would default to a golden sheep, but if the player has bought a pet, they can interact with the sheep and change it to one of their pets, which would show the name of it with [x2 XP] on the end. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have a double XP Wither?

    Of course, there'll be a problem with players nagging someone to double their XP, then steal kills. Here's another suggestion:
    Player renaming and tag disabling.

    Either as a perk from the GC Store or as an extra with VIP, a player, like with the Vet tag, could hide their VIP tag, and could further cosmetically change their name so that players won't bug them.

    Example: FamousVIP+ is constantly getting nagged by players to spawn his double XP Pet while he is grinding, so he finds somewhere quiet, and disables his VIP+ tag. Of course, players will see through this as he's well known to be FamousVIP+, and players will see he's disabled the tag. FamousVIP+ then changes his name to CommonRegular. Nobody knows CommonRegular, and so he can then grind in peace.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  17. SuperTM

    SuperTM Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Making dubble xp partys will still not increase the value of a vip rank. like I already worte in my previous post. for example there are 5 or so friends playing wynncraft together, one buys vip. normaly the other ones would get jealous and buy vip too because they see all the awsome features it offers. however when the one vip can just make a party and give 4 other people the same bonus as himself, why would those 4 peope ever buy a vip rank? they already have the only thing they really care about, 2x xp! the server misses out on 4 potential donators while there goal was to make ranks more worth it!
  18. Infynyty

    Infynyty The secret organization of Apples (soon). VIP

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    i have a question,

    i bought VIP before (i don't know why it isnt show in the forum) will i also get the golden sheep or the xp bonus or anything like this ?
  19. Gustaf

    Gustaf Veteran or something HERO

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    This is what I think:
    Yes, do bring back some of those perks for VIP/VIP+ but don't make it too much Pay2Win. The idea of still bringing back 2x xp and have it in a kind of radius around the player is a good idea, and it would bring help to other players as well.

    For the pets, I'd like that but add some kind of fuel system.
    For example: An iron golem that needs to be fed with coal in order to function. Like 1 coal will burn in the iron golem for say 30 minutes. After it's burned up you need to put another piece of coal and it will work for another 30 minutes. Another example would be a cow that attacks enemies and you would feed it with wheat, or maybe an enderman (Just giving ideas) that would be fed with... uh... something endermen like? I honestly don't know, but I think you get the idea.
  20. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    You will still get it as long as you have your rank ingame.

    Also, about pets.
    When picking up items, make them have some detection system, in an event of a full inventory, they will not pick up items unless you have an empty item slot (except from stackable items such as emeralds).
    Infynyty likes this.
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