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[discussion] What's The Best Way To Experience A First Wynncraft Playthrough?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Oct 4, 2020.

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  1. Flameicle

    Flameicle Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    What I love about the first time playing a game is that feeling of curiosity. That feeling when you first join the game not knowing what to do. Wandering around, exploring areas you never seen before and fighting different mobs each time.

    Especially the first time you do the quests. You never know whats going to happen during it. The quests is probably what I find most fun about Wynn. Each one is unique and some quests are connected to another so it feels like you're progressing through the storyline

    It took me like a month to get to level 30-40 since i was so busy exploring the province and taking time with all of the quests I do.
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  2. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Well there’s one thing that old Wynn didn’t have: boss altars. I would recommend every starting player to do them, as the feeling of accomplishment when you do them solo is insane.

    Also, some of the best ones are early game. (Sunrise Canyon, Bovine Barn)
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  3. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    I'd definitely say blind till level 40, then look up any quests that are causing you grief like Clearing the Camps that are pretty much filler quests. After level 55 or so, I'd say going back to blind, but with help when necessary with some of the harder quests.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  4. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    Playing through the game blind at first is so, so much fun. On my first character I spent ages getting to level 34 and then gave up and started trading items because I found that fun, but after coming back to the game I went to CSST and Demon Cave, and while Demon Cave was a blast, I quit shortly afterwards because I realized that I had skipped all the content in the game and there wasn't anything really left that I enjoyed

    However, about two years later in 2019 I stumbled upon Salted's post detailing challenge modes and I was instantly hooked. Playing through HIC that first (and... second time, after the first one died... and third...) time was probably the best experience I've ever had in a video game without looking back on it with nostalgia. I would look forward to logging in after school and being immersed in the world of Wynncraft. Nearly all of the game I experienced for the first time in this way and the thrill of a permadeath gamemode was incredible. There's also something to be said about the feeling of accomplishment from grinding your gear and levels etc.

    It's still fun to play through Wynncraft, but there's a certain amount of efficiency I like playing with that I really didn't feel the need to have on my first play through.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  5. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Oh yeah, if someone truly hates getting lost then there's nothing wrong with looking up help, especially if it'll make the game more enjoyable.
    I agree with this so much - I've always been convinced that the Wynncraft experience isn't the endgame but the journey to the endgame.
    Unfortunately, I feel like it's very difficult for new players to find boss altars. While there's an info message about them that occasionally pops up, I feel like it's way to difficult to figure out how to activate them until you've done The Passage. Which is a shame, I think boss altars are great too.
    Hooray for HIC gang, playing with challenge modes is honestly the closest you can get to capturing the 1st-time experience again.
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  6. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    I have to agree with that, I think boss altars are what made me go to the wiki for the first time - I happened to stumble upon Rotten Passage but had absolutely no clue how to use it, so I looked it up since there were no indications in the game itself. Eventually I found out about those item frames with numbers, but they seemed like a really unusual method of giving information, since the rest of the game used dialogue, particles, etc. and item frames felt like an element of vanilla minecraft in an otherwise different game.
    chryssie likes this.
  7. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    I mean, the early altars are really easy to discover, even accidentally.
  8. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I would say that being blind is the best thing to be, except few cases:
    Professions - just grind (currently), there are better things to do
    Wiki - this requires a specific mindset, not looking up everything but rather only thigs you can't solve yourself or you want to learn more about
    Some few good tips like "play on 1.12.2" "you know you can toggle playerghosts, right?" and "do /kill if you are stuck but have 6+ soul points"

    Also I think it is great to have a friend with you, preferably blind as well, however it isn't necessary as long as they are just companion and not carrier

    The best way to experience the game and enjoy it would be (for me) alternating between quests (if possible), exploring and short grinds (to get some gear), while taking brreaks whenever I feel like I am tured of this.

    Ironically, many newcomers ignore it and just grind or do professions (grind), sad...
  9. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    The best way to experience wynn is to use lunar spine as a mage

    Ok aside from that very valid point, I’d say it’s by getting lost in the ridiculous amount of features, and also the map itself.

    It’s so amazing to discover all the cool things Wynn has to offer by yourself, as there’s this air of accomplishment and mystery to them that just takes my breath away

    I really do feel like an isekai protagonist in wynn to sum it up xD
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