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Discussion: Best Pve Class

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Slime1480, Aug 17, 2020.


Which class is best for pve

  1. Assassin

    17 vote(s)
  2. Mage

    18 vote(s)
  3. Shaman

    52 vote(s)
  4. Warrior

    6 vote(s)
  5. Archer

    17 vote(s)
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  1. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    And again, there's no context. You can make similar arguments for Assassin and Archer being the best.
    You're talking in the context of crowd control, which few players struggle with. When players face their first "real" challenges (where a lack of gear kicks in), shaman isn't favored. Assassin is. Archer is.
    PVE is still a very broad term. You're acting like Shaman is the best for all content, when it falls off in favor of other classes when it comes to single-target and/or ranged attack bossfights.

    "Best Class" arguments will always be flawed because the people making them don't consider context at all.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2020
    Triactic and Slime1480 like this.
  2. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    If you have access to mythics, then assassin is probably the strongest of the dps classes. Cata crafted slap is easily the strongest build I've ever used. If you're looking for completely mindless gameplay, then archer and shaman are the best classes because you can abuse abso tank shaman for immortality, and archer has ignis (another immortal build) and freedom (another mindless dps stick). If you don't have access to mythics then shaman is probably the strongest overall class.
  3. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    There's a lot of misunderstanding in this argument. I'm gonna go ahead and clear them up. First of all, I do not think Shaman is the best class, not by a long shot. It's overshadowed in the endgame by Assassin and Archer because boss-hunting is more important, and Mage is a better support class. In fact, I agree that "Best Class" arguments will always be flawed. However, what I claim is that Shaman is the best class while leveling and dealing with mobs that are NOT bosses, which is what I consider a vast majority of PVE to be. There's a reason why bosses are specifically mentioned in Assassin arguments. In Wynn, anything that's not boss hunting is not difficult. However, Shaman is still the best at it.
  4. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    But most endgame content is about killing bosses, leveling was not mentioned in the original post. Like, if we're talking about leveling vs endgame this is a different discussion. It's an argument you can make, but not necessarily what the post is solely about. Killing crowds of mob is practically useless in an argument about LI, or Hive bosses, or EO (granted still useful, just those contents are more about boss killing).

    Also, I think Saya is right, there's a case to be made for every class. Shaman is good at crowd control and area damage. You could make a similar argument that Assassin's vanish/spin ability is absolutely broken, allowing Assassin to almost become untouchable. Or that tank warrior is unkillable.
    Every class has pros and cons
    Are we talking about the most efficient single-target killer? The tankiest pve class? The funnest pve class? There's an argument to be made for each of these points for PvE purposes
    For instance, I could argue warrior is the best PvE class because it involves the most challenge, and is therefore the funnest, while the other classes break the game in some ways.

    I.e. There's not a "best" class, only an opinion of what the "best" class is
    As Saya said, context is everything
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
    Saya and Slime1480 like this.
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