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Debate About The Wynn Economy

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by orange0401, May 9, 2017.


How good is the economy?

  1. 5/7 perfect

    13 vote(s)
  2. 5/5 greatly

    6 vote(s)
  3. 4/5 goodly

    12 vote(s)
  4. 3/5 ok

    49 vote(s)
  5. 2/5 bad

    41 vote(s)
  6. 1/5 everything is broken

    29 vote(s)
  7. 0/5 lolfuckthisgameimout

    79 vote(s)
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  1. ItzJustAPrankBro

    ItzJustAPrankBro Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    see your point
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    the problem is that we got a steady income of emeralds and items so prices go up.
    because there are so many items and its so easy to get them you cant sell anything unless its a maxed legendary.
    also for some reason mythics are balanced by rarity, you cant balance op items with rarity. now you get random people finding a mythic and earning a couple stacks like it was nothing.
    we don't have a money sink
  3. Vibin5202_789

    Vibin5202_789 Hmmm CHAMPION

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    What about pure
    Stag2001 likes this.
  4. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    @SilverMirror has a good point.

    One of the main problems is that most people think mythics are the only way to become rich. They're not. I got to ~4 stacks before the game smashed a monster in my face, and it would've been easy to get even more. The thing is, most of the people claiming the economy is shit, are poor people.

    Use your brain, do some research on item prices, know what items are popular and where to find them. Dont hang around detlas crying about being poor until magicay a mythic drops out of the sky onto your head.
    JackyKit and LarzLapiz like this.
  5. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    Mythics being an overprice isn't the problem, The problem is that the price of literally every item in the game will keep going up overtime an least something is done.
    To be honest- It's not that bad, All we need is jut a few more money sinks in the game to balance the economy out *cough cough* JUST FIX GUILDS ALREADY!

    To people who don't know- The problem we're currently having in Wynncraft is called "Inflation" which is caused when a certain currency is entering the economy a whole lot faster than it leaves, And in result the currency becomes worthless since there's so much of it, Which is what causes the overprice of mythics, In a good economy the amount of money entering and exiting should be nearly the same...
    I love how I learned all of this from video games.
    Czg, PikaPrince and Stag2001 like this.
  6. LarzLapiz

    LarzLapiz Avos Air Pen HERO

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    fix guilds
    only mythic ive found are those crusade boots too
    Stag2001 and i eat bees like this.
  7. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    Unchecked inflation. Players keep on finding emeralds, so prices go up.
    Mythics cost too much, due to inflation, and desireability. Luck - based system is also flawed. Players who find 2 - 3 mythics instantly rich, while unlucky people don't find anything.
    Lack of viable money sinks. This amplifies the effects of inflation.

    Just fix guilds. Increase the price of guild mobs. Fixing guilds implements an actual, beneficial money sink; high levels and wealth usually correlate, the same way high levels associate with lack of 'things to do.' Players with levels (and therefore, money,) will partake in guild wars, spending money, thus bringing down inflation.
  8. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    So what's the debate about? Stating obvious problems over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again won't get us anywhere. So what's the reasoning behind this thread except for like-farming and pseudo-fixes?
    Stag2001 likes this.
  9. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    I like mutli quote
    Do you guys need a story about a person finding 0 mythic and is now one of the richest person in wynncraft?
    LarzLapiz likes this.
  10. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    When people keeps complaining about a money sink is needed. I would say that an item sink is also needed then.
    Yes it's true that emerald are generated into the flow of player-player economy style. The only time that you actually spend emerald is from buying things from merchant like Identifying items, potions, scrolls, and like entrance ticket for LI etc. Yes it's inevitably that one can get decent amount of emerald from item buyer, quests, and grinding mobs. Price would keep rising, but mythics and good items are constantly being found. The supply of both emerald and items are infinite, why would we need a money sink but not item sink then?
    Both emerald and good items are being flow inside the market loop.
    I dont even see any inflation happening, a 80sp was sold for more than 64le in the old item but when you look at now?
    not even a 42sp 2mr was sold for more than 15le.
    If we have a huge money sink, everyone becomes poor, all the price dropped, but good items would still be relatively ridiculously expensive.
    LarzLapiz, aayl and Stag2001 like this.
  11. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    That would be a great example.
  12. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    I see the complaints of people complaining about wynn economy being broken is just because they are being poor and not being able to afford expensive items while blowing off others are being suddenly rich becuz they found a mythic and you don't. When you look into the way to get money, you can either sell items to player or obtain from the game itself ( item buyer, quests ). The way to be rich is not to bet on RNG finding a mythic. I am quoting this guy @TinaChan who found 8 mythics, doing no trade, and he is still poor not being able to buy the stuff he wants, instead he finds everything he wanted from looting or from mob drop.
    Comparing to me, a person who found 0 mythic, yet active on the market.
    I have 3 threads on the trade market having views number on P.1, yes I found no mythic, but mythic =! only source of money, I did find some good items, I can profit those off quite alot, you don't need only mythics to be rich, unless you are that unlucky and found literally 0 good item which I really doubt that alot
    It's encouraged to trade with players, that's how you be rich
    and ofcuz you need Ph.D. in Scamming I guess
    So one simple sentence, being active on the market, trade with players.
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  13. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    From reading some more posts here, it seems that Emerald inflation isn't the only culprit here, but rather, Item inflation is another potential issue. So many non-mythic items have entered the market, that a huge gap has been made in terms of value.

    Keep in mind, even though I stated that the economy is not as bad as other people have said, doesn't mean it's perfect, some aspects are inevitable in an economy like this, but other aspects can be at least improved on.

    One on hand, so many Unique, Rare, and Legendary items have entered the market, that their value has gone way down, I mean, even Legendary items aren't that hard to find.
    Of course, that's not the end of it, because there are so many non-Mythic items, the expectations of "good" IDs in the general public have gone so high, that anything below that bar is immediately sold to the Item Buyer, giving more value to the "godly" items since that's what most people tend to see and demand for, giving "godly" items nearly as much influence over the market as Mythics, not because of being extremely rare, but because they are seen as the "shining example" and have a higher lifespan than anything not "godly".

    Mythics, on the other hand, are so uncommon and have accumulated so much value that they are often seen as the "big bad titans" of the market, and have become a scapegoat for opponents of the current Wynn economy, when it's actually a little deeper than that.
    When you introduce an ultra-rare item type, of course they're going to be the ideal luxury item used mostly by the rich, it always happens.
    If you make mythics more common, they're going to eventually suffer the same effect as non-Mythic items.

    Too many people think every single mythic are super-expensive not only because of their rarity, but because all of them are super-OP and thus, their "meta-game changing" abilities make them so expensive.
    In truth, most Mythics are only slightly more powerful than other items of similar playstyles, and aren't necessary for an endgame build, unless the player is going all out and/or is rich.
    The actual select few "meta-game changing" Mythics, Alkatraz, Apocalypse, Cataclysm, and I guess Stratiformis, have had a more dramatic effect on the market than the other Mythics, and people seem to think every mythic has made the same impact.

    -Apocalypse/Alkatraz basically make nearly all similar Fire/Earth spears worthless because of a massive power gap not featured in other Mythic vs. Legendary comparisons, Apoc and Alka are also often abused in glitchy OP builds, which makes them higher in demand than other Mythics.
    -Catacylsm offers an extreme playstyle with extreme benefits no other item can offer, which seems to amuse many people and their wallets. Similar to Apoc and Alka, the power gap between Cata and any other thunder dagger is enormous.
    -Stratiformis is basically the best Mythic for Archer, the other Archer Mythics are often seen as underwhelming, and thus, what choice does an Archer have if they want to be comparable to other Mythic builds? Oh, and everyone loves walk speed builds.

    Warp is just as expensive because it's new, it offers an extreme playstyle like Cataclysm (without the same benefits), and again, everyone loves walk speed builds.

    The Mythics themselves aren't to blame for the most part, it's the glitches and balancing issues that got these mythics to where they are today.

    In conclusion, a multitude of actions has basically caused a massive gap in pricing, from the common non-Mythic item, to the occasional "godly" non-Mythic item, to the very rare Mythic, to the extremely ultra super-rare godly "Meta-Mythics" (Alkatraz/Apocalypse/Cataclysm/Stratiformis)
    Let me again remind you that this is pretty much inevitable when you design an economy like this, there will always be a "poor class", there will always be a "middle class", and there will always be a "high-class", Mythics aren't the sole culprit behind all this, again, super-rare items will always be the ideal luxury item in an economy like this, in Pre-Gavel Wynn, Legendary items mostly acted as the ideal luxury item, if Mythics were removed, something else will take it's place, the economic structure of Wynn isn't broken, it's just old, uneven, and shaky in certain spots.

    Everyone thinks a money sink is the one, magic solution to "fixing" the economy, when it's just going to cause less money to circulate and have everything remain the same.
    If you want to actually "fix" the economy, AKA making the structure more even and less shaky, it's going to take a combined effort of money sinks, item sinks, Mythic item balancing (Can Mythic armor be viable, please?), bug fixing, etc.

    Adding another tier between Legendary and Mythic won't change much, if you add another tier between Legendary and Mythic, 1 of 2 things can happen, either they'll end up in rich hands only, or they'll flood the market and become worthless except for the "godly" ones.

    The economy is not broken, it's doing fine as a Capitalist economy, just with a few hiccups here and there like emerald/item inflation and such, if you think the entire economy is very broken down to it's very core, you might as well make a rant on Capitalism, and none of us want that.

    Sorry if this post is really messy and disjointed, by the way.
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
    Cosomos and T-Flex like this.
  14. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    People are stressing too much on mythics and yet as some has already stated, mythics are good, but comparing to legendaries, it's alot better but not too ridiculously better, I personally would prefer going for better item than a shit mythic. There are so-called mythic-replacement. You can use Gales to replace Strati, and like Slider to replace Weathered, less powerful but can still do this job
    just like what I stated on my cancer build
    This build also works for Ignition, that proves that mythics can be replaced, it's not really that necessary.
    The emerald-to-items flow within the market is a constant, conclusion
  15. Tato

    Tato Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    What if....
    mythics were harder to find (not as in drop chance) like and this would also potentially create quite a small 'money sink' -
    No longer did un IDed mythics have the Mythic Tag on them, but they were simply hidden beneath the unique tag. This way, people would have to spend money on identifying these uniques and could potentially waste their money on that. And, people aren't able to find mythics so easily which seems to be one of the reasons people think the economy is so bad (too many mythics being traded).
    I dunno enough about the game and economy yet and whether or not this would fuck things up but I think it'd be fun to make it so you had to go all the way and have to pay attention to uniques which are generally disregarded.

    tldr - give un-IDed mythics the Unique tag.


    I bought a mythic for 5 LE only :P
    yes it was a pure
    yes it had the shittiest spell dmg
    yes it was actually the worst mythic in the game

    but i made 15 LE

    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  16. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    that wont create a money sink the emerald that a person earned is still flowing within the market itself
    and again we dont need a money sink
    Stag2001 likes this.
  17. Tato

    Tato Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Oh I dunno if we need one
    I just hear people saying they want one
    and yeah it would barely be tbh
    how else do you please seagulls?

    and fuck I need to reword that
  18. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    we got rich before mythics were a thing, they aren't the only cause
    a money sink will make the money be worth more, so items will cost less.
    an item sink will make items worth more so they will cost more which wont help us.
    of course, you can also loose in chess when the rival has just a king and you have all the pieces.
  19. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I have no idea what you guys are babbling about, so here is how you get rich in 1 word - resell.
    Czg, Stag2001, Pokextreme and 2 others like this.
  20. Tato

    Tato Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Actually Im pretty sure that'd be impossible
    The only decent outcome would be a stalemate
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