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Daily Happenings & Ama.

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Essendale, Aug 14, 2019.


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  1. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, December 26th.
    3:05 I went with my dad to the music shop. We picked up a cable, strings, and a pack of picks for the guitar I had found in my brother’s old stuff. When we got home I thoroughly cleaned the guitar, then my dad put the new strings on. I forgot to clean the amp.
  2. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, December 27th.
    I didn’t do much due to grief and being sick. I spent a little while playing guitar.
  3. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, December 28th.
    2:40 I couldn’t sleep, so I did bicep curls until my arms gave out. After, I practiced guitar.
    11:00 I went to my friend’s house. I almost forgot the card. My friend brought her the gift, so I put it in the card. The friend who had brought the necklace left soon after.
    12:30 I went home.
  4. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, December 29th.
    I spent the day cleaning and playing guitar.
    5:15 I went with my dad to my Nana’s. We had waffles for dinner.
    7:00 We went home and had turkey that my mom made.
  5. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, December 30th.
    I didn’t do anything due to sickness. It was snowing like crazy later in the day.
  6. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, December 31st.
    7:35 I got ready for skiing with my dad. My knees and hips were killing me, but I went anyway. We stopped at a gas station on the way for sand bags, but they were too expensive at $5.99 each. The road up was extremely slippery, it was surprising that we didn’t need to put the chains on.
    9:00 We went straight to the back side of the mountain. It was super busy and my joints were still acting up. After the first ride we headed to the village for food.
    11:00 We made it into the pub, just before the rush. I had iced tea while we waited for our food to come. The waitress already knew what we were to have. My chicken club was really good, just as good as I remember. My dad’s boots were really hurting him, so we did one more run before heading home.
    1:10 We barely got the truck out of the parking lot. We stopped at the deli again on the way home, they didn’t have the chicken I liked. We also made a trip to the bakery for bread.
  7. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, January 1st.
    1:00 I rode the exercise bike before working on math. After a break from math I played my guitar with my dad.
  8. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, January 2nd.
    I spent the day playing guitar. I did a little bit of review for exam season. It snowed like mad after dark.
  9. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, January 3rd.
    10:00 I went to my friend’s house. I brought my guitar. We played a few songs on guitar, had lunch, and I tried to teach her dog a new trick with limited success. After our other friend left we quieted down. I drew her a picture.
    3:15 My dad came, and he had a conversation with my friend’s dad about guitars. I didn’t do anything when I got home.
  10. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yikes, I forgot yesterday.

    Saturday, January 4th.
    I spent the day studying, and I helped my dad sand the cabinets he was making. I played trumpet for a little bit, getting ready to go back to school.

    Sunday, January 5th.
    I spent the morning taking care of my birds.
    1:00 After the World Juniors gold medal game was over I went with my dad to the bank, then we got lunch and dinner stuff at the grocery store.
    4:40 I practiced my trumpet again.
    5:20 My mom was trying to make dinner, and part of her spoon broke off while she was mixing.
    6:30 My brother and his girlfriend came for dinner. He was excited to see the cat.
  11. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, January 6th
    8:20 My granddad gave me a ride to school. At school I sat with a friend until our other friend got to school. My other friend forgot her combination. I stayed as long as I could to try to help, but the bell rang so I went to careers.
    9:00 Careers was boring. We watched a very long documentary about free trade, then were selected for groups to prepare for a debate. I didn’t participate in the discussion.
    11:50 Upstairs in the band room had been reorganized, so a ton of instruments were in the way of the shelves that we usually sat in. I moved a flugel horn out of my spot, and sat on a bass clarinet. There was a bari and a tenor in my friend’s spot, so she sat with me.
    12:30 Socials was boring. There was a student teacher man who just sat in the corner and observed. We just recapped world events, minus whatever nonsense Trump had been getting up to. After that we played an annoying game of charades mixed with Pictionary. The prompts were all of our political vocabulary words, which we had already had a test on. My friends and I just ignored the who situation by playing a game. We refused to be humiliated by the charades.
    2:00 Everyone in band was a bit confused as to why the room was set up in a different direction than usual. We usually faced the blackboard, but we were facing the wall on the left instead. We got a new piece of music. The teacher told us to work on it for a bit, then he was going to come back and record us for the staff meeting. He also said that it would be our mark for the term. When we played for the recording I missed the coda.
    3:05 He let us out early. My friend and I waited in the hall until the bell rang, two minutes early. We walked home together in the heavy snow. It had been snowing all day, and it was showing no signs of lightening up.
    3:30 My dad had a friend over. He threw a snowball at me and missed horribly. I did some more math review.
  12. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, January 7th.
    8:10 I was trying to tie my shoes, but the laces snapped. I wore my boots instead.
    8:30 I walked to school with my friend. Before we met up I got stuck between two people who were going very slow, and they were walking across the path, so there was no way past with snow piling high on either side of us. On the bridge they stopped to look over, so I took that as an opportunity to sneak past.
    9:00 In art the teacher used my style as an example of an illustrative style for our next project. At least nobody turned around to look at me. I decided to start the new project before I had finished the map because the map had really burned me out. I came up with a pretty good character, and I also really liked the ideas that the guy beside me had.
    12:30 In math I finished all of my worksheets and took some notes. It was quite mundane.
    3:15 I walked home with my friend.
    7:00 I worked on the jean jacket. Painting the owl wasn’t too hard, but I kept it short, only doing the flats.
  13. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, January 8th.
    8:30 I walked to school with my friend.
    9:00 In careers there was a sub with a very annoying voice. She gave us way too much time to prepare for the debate, so when I decided we were sitting and waiting for too long I did some reading. She didn’t seem impressed but I didn’t care. After break we watched a couple videos and started another pointless project.
    12:30 My friend came back from vacation. She gave me a couple items as souvenirs. We recapped all of our learning from before the break.
    2:00 In band we got another new song. It was easy. The band trip was happening again, but the teacher lost my permission form. He told me to come get one after class but I forgot.
    3:15 I went to my friend’s house. I helped her with math for a little bit before doing research on places we could go for spring break.
    5:20 My dad came to get me.
    6:00 I went to my cousin’s house for his birthday. I had a really bad toothache so I was out of it.
    8:00 Instead of going home we went to the drug store for things that could help my toothache.
  14. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, January 9th.
    8:30 I walked to school with my friend.
    9:00 In art I worked on my illustration project. After working on it for an hour and a half the teacher told me that the idea was wrong. I started over, extremely upset.
    11:50 Somehow my phone ended up in my friend’s boot and I totally forgot about it.
    12:30 In math I got a bunch of worksheets and my assignment. At break I went to my friends’ careers room and mentioned that I lost my phone. My friend got it out of her boot and we had a laugh.
    3:30 Jazz was okay. We heard and worked on a brand new song. The teacher insulted the trumpets even though we hadn’t even heard the song before today. I don’t think it was specifically towards me, though. Our two other trumpets were consistently too fast or too slow. It was really irritating, especially because they drowned out my flute friend who was beside me. I wanted to hear her so I didn’t accidentally play out of time with them.
  15. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, January 10th.
    8:30 Both my friend and I got a ride because it was puking down snow. We ran into each other getting out of the vehicles at the same time. We went to her math and I helped her with math.
    9:00 Careers was boring. We had the whole class to catch up. I finished my careers thing, then finished the 74 question math assignment. After break I went to play ping pong with my four friends. My trumpet friend spoke about Minecraft with my dude friend. The flute friend and I talked about music because of the semester change coming up. She had experience writing songs, especially on piano.
    12:30 In socials we talked about Iran. After that we worked on our WW1 maps. When I was done I worked on a dragon in Russia, because that was where the most open space was. The teacher asked me what kind of dragon it was, I said it was a stoner dragon because of it’s sunken half-lidded eyes.
    2:00 Band was really good. Everyone played the song from jazz. We went to the drama room for sectionals. We also had the flutes and clarinets because they were playing trumpet music, the flutes having a hand-written transposition. It was nice to be the best for once, as I hadn’t been since the previous year. Soon the people not in our clique ditched us, so we sat and played less aggressively.
    3:10 I walked home with my friend. It was still snowing like crazy. I had to carry my instrument home so my hand was freezing. At home I didn’t do any homework. I just took a breather.
  16. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, January 11th.
    2:20 I rode the bike. I finished the full heat for the first time. After, I went on a walk.
    2:50 I made lunch.
    4:25 I practiced trumpet for half an hour.
    6:45 I worked on the jean jacket. I accidentally spilled black paint on the jean jacket, but thankfully not the painting.
  17. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, January 12th.
    12:40 I worked on the jean jacket.
    2:00 I helped my dad shovel the driveway. He had to help the neighbours get their truck out of the ditch so I did a lot of it.
    5:40 I practiced trumpet for 15 minutes. I didn’t do more because I was done practicing my songs and my back was hurting because of the shovelling.
    I spent the rest of the day cleaning and working on the jean jacket. I finished it. It snowed all day before getting extremely windy.

    Monday, January 13th.
    6:40 I cleaned the house to prepare for my friend.
    8:30 My friend was late so we couldn’t have tea. She liked the jacket. We walked to school, but by the time we were at the end of the street we were both frozen. -25 was too cold. My dad was out with the car, but he passed us on the way home and gave us a ride to school.
    9:00 In math I worked on some worksheets, then took the unit test. I got one and a half wrong. After the test I got the next assignment. I finished it and handed it in.
    11:50 I forgot my art at home in the rush to get to school, so my dad brought it to me.
    12:30 Art was fine. I lined and coloured the first panel of my new graphic novel project idea.
    3:10 We had homeroom. After I got my schedule, I picked up a course-change sheet to get rid of French. After, I went to the band room to get a new band trip form. He said he’d have one for me the next day.
    3:40 My dad came to get me. I got a ride because it was still frigid. At home I worked on my graphic novel project some more.
  18. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, January 14th.
    8:30 I got another ride because of the cold. I worked on my art until socials.
    9:00 I kept working on my art as the teacher spoke about current events. After we had to piece a war map back together and answer a worksheet. I wasn’t into it, so I gave the bare minimum for answers.
    10:30 There was a substitute in band. He didn’t know anything about music. We did sectionals, where half of ours were just playing on their phones. After, one of our clarinets conducted us on songs we barely know, so nobody knew where to come in because she didn’t either and we didn’t know yet.
    12:30 I worked on art some more in careers. I did the last assignment. It was actually okay. I had to pick an organization who makes change in the world, so I went with the Mercury Phoenix Trust.
    1:50 My friend left her book in the band room, so I went with her. The sub dude was just about to lock up so she was lucky.
    2:00 I finished my assignment then continued with art. The nice girl seemed interested.
  19. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, January 15th.
    8:20 It was still freezing so I got a ride. At school I worked on my graphic novel project until the bus arrived with my friend.
    9:00 I did perfect on the quiz. Because I had finished my assignment early, I went to the library to do the test. It took about 30 minutes, and was easy. There was a class in the library due to the overpopulation issue, and they were talking about murder and fraud. I guessed they were some sort of ethics or humanities class.
    10:30 After break I did review for my final exam.
    12:30 Art was fine. I didn’t talk at all and I got two of the four panels done for my graphic novel project. At break my friend needed to borrow my white gel pen for the letter she was making me. She let me see it before she was done, which sort of ruined the surprise. She was referencing the letter I had sent to my other friend from August, which was still in her binder. She hadn’t mailed me back yet.
    3:20 It was extremely cold on the way home. I didn’t wear my mittens due to the social disadvantage. It was so cold it burned.
    At home I painted the topographical map for my assemblage piece.
  20. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, January 16th.
    9:00 In Socials we watched a movie. There was a sheet with questions, but I drew the same dragon over and over on it instead of actually filling it out. I played X’s and O’s with my friend. We got too smart for each other and we kept tying.
    10:30 In band the teacher got really mad. He was mad that 20% of the group skipped class when we had the sub guy. It wasn’t directed at me because I didn’t skip.
    12:30 I taught the kiddos with my friend. The teacher was happy with my section and said it was the best on that song. I also made a good example of “team counting” even though I didn’t ever do it in senior band.
    2:00 Careers was boring. We watched a documentary on a documentary about climate change. The nice cute girl liked my graphic novel project, which I had brought to work on.
    3:30 My two friends went to jazz without waiting for me. When I got there, my least favourite friend was sitting in my spot between my trumpet friend and my flute friend. She knew it was my spot. I got her to move. We got a new song. My face was already dead from the 2h40 I’d already spent playing that day. My flute friend had to read trumpet music, so she had to transpose and take it up an octave. The key signature made it really confusing. I helped her check notes. The teacher didn’t go after me about my awful playing because he knew I’d been playing a lot already.
    4:30 My flute friend’s mom gave me a ride home because it was cold, dark, and snowing.
    I finished my map and almost finished my graphic novel project.
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