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Daily Happenings & Ama.

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Essendale, Aug 14, 2019.


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  1. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, November 24th.
    9:45 I went to my Nana’s for waffles. My dad and granddad went outside to do something, so we talked about her retirement and my search for money. After a while, the baby came upstairs and I scribbled with her. She thought it would be fun to try to use a glue stick as a bingo dabber.
    5:00 I went for a walk with my dad. After we got back we went to the store. We bought dinner stuff.
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  2. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, November 25th.
    8:00 I left for school early because I had a fight with my dad. After half an hour, my friend showed up and she was having a horrible day too.
    8:50 My friend and I delivered Greensleeves. I didn’t have enough motivation to stay and teach. In careers we had a seating plan again and I was peeved. I took a walk to have a breather. We also started the final unit project. I picked a project that was a lot more triggering than I thought it would be. It was within the mental health realm. I went upstairs in the stairwell to use the refuge area because I wasn’t in a mood for extra people.
    10:30 I went and played ping pong with my friends. I didn’t tell the teacher where I was going, and she didn’t ask. The kid who had been harassing two of my friends approached me. He was disgusting.
    11:50 I didn’t have food because of the fight with my dad. I went upstairs in the band room, but my friends were being too loud so I went up to socials.
    12:30 I didn’t get much work done due to the horrible day.
    2:00 Half the class was away in band. The annoying girl in the trumpet section took that as an opportunity to talk to us. We were too nice to shoo her away, but she wouldn’t stop burping.
    3:15 I caught up with my friend at Timmies. We mostly spoke about gay stuff and the dance. She made my day better. Her mom drove me home, which was nice.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  3. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, November 26th.
    9:00 I went to art. I repainted the sheep part of my mask. It went well.
    10:30 A man from one of the art schools came and spoke with us. He made me want to go to art school. A girl from the other class wanted to show the dude her ceramic project. It was a really scary ceramic baby. I finished my mask, and the teacher as well as a CEA really liked the texturing. I decided it would look good in my portfolio.
    11:50 My friend came to check out my mask. She liked it. My careers teacher popped up as well. She made sure I was okay, then complimented my mask. My friend and I went upstairs in the band room. Some older guy came up and asked to do a duet with me. I decided not to.
    12:30 In math we learned a lot so the sub next day wouldn’t have to teach. I was really quick to an answer so I got two rounds of applause. One for being quick, and the next for being right after the teacher took five minutes to show us the equation.
    3:15 I walked with my friend. At home I jumped right into my pile of homework. I took a break to make a drawing for my brother’s girlfriend because it was her birthday.
    6:00 My brother and his girlfriend came for dinner. I didn’t like what my dad made so I just visited.
  4. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, November 27th.
    9:00 I went to teach my little ones. Two of my friends came this time. The little babies tackled their first song with multiple parts, and struggled with syncopated rhythms. I got an ego boost when everyone stopped to hear me play Harry Potter.
    10:20 I played ping pong for half an hour. The yucky guy seemed like he wanted to play, but we nudged him along. When I got back to careers, we weren’t doing anything. We just watched Netflix. I worked on another pencil crayon drawing. I sat at a 90 degree angle from the girl who seemed to like me. She kept snatching glances at me. I could see through my peripheral vision.
    11:50 I taught my two quartet members the piece we had planned on doing. It was difficult because they didn’t know how to read dotted notes or sixteenths. After 20 minutes we parted ways. I went upstairs and my friend squeaked as high as we could go, back and fourth. My favourite of the two looked up the stairs and was super confused.
    12:30 I went to socials. We did work that I had already finished, so I worked on the drawing more.
    2:00 In band we played a loud jazz piece, then a soft classical piece. At the end we all signed a Canadian flag for the Japanese exchange student that was going to leave soon.
    3:20 I took the bus with my friend. We walked for 20 minutes to get to her house. We had failed at an attempt to find her something to wear to the dance.
    4:40 At home my dad gave me a bag of mini cookies. They were amazing.
  5. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, November 28th.
    8:30 I walked to school with my friend. I was wearing mittens, so I didn’t notice when my scrunchie fell out of my pocket. We turned around to go get it.
    9:00 In art I didn’t do much. I sketched out a few ideas for my assemblage piece.
    12:30 In math there was a sub. My brain was malfunctioning so it took 80 minutes to figure out two questions.
    3:15 I skipped jazz with my friends. We went for fries and my friend and I gave the other advice regarding the girl she had a crush on.
    4:10 On the way back to school my dad drove past. My two friends bolted and left me to deal with him. I followed them after chatting for a few moments. At school we waited until 4:30. I walked home and nobody was there.
    7:00 My parents came home with a used vomit coloured couch. I was disgusted, but helped them bring it in anyway. I made a little garden in a jar for my friend.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  6. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, November 29th.
    9:00 In careers we started a new project. I made a drawing and the girl I think had a crush on me watched the entire time.
    11:10 I went on a “walk” and played ping pong for a few minutes.
    12:30 The teacher put us in work groups in socials. I didn’t really participate, but I did do a drawing for my friend.
    2:00 We played for half an hour in band. After, we got pizza and had a party for the Japanese exchange student because it was her last day.
    3:15 We were ready to take the bus, but my friend’s crush was taking too long. She ended up bringing her other friends without telling us first. We had to run for the bus again because they took so long. The kid sitting in front of me smelled horrid because he was wearing so much axe body spray.
    4:00 At the mall we went to the book store. They didn’t have the book bag I liked. My chronic illness decided it was a good time, so I ended up not talking for most of the time because of the pain. My friends were very understanding, though. We toured many different stores, but I didn’t spend anything. The annoying mustard girl was at the mall and she wouldn’t leave us alone. I was really not in the mood. We found a record store, but they didn’t have any Bread. They had David Bowie, Queen, The Beatles, and Elton John, though. My friend bought a Rush shirt.
    6:45 We took the bus home. My mom picked us up and drove my friends home before we went home as well.
  7. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, November 30th.
    I didn’t do anything due to being sick.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  8. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, December 1st.
    I didn’t do anything due to being sick.
  9. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear hopes you get better.
    HIHIQY1, Dream and Essendale like this.
  10. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, December 2nd.
    8:30 I went to math early and got clarification on one of the questions. We worked on the assignment the entire time. The projector stopped working, so the teacher called the librarian. Three different kids took turns standing on a desk to try to take a good picture of it. The second kid almost fell off.
    12:30 In art a guy from the local university came to promote their art program, but he was boring and the presentation wasn’t as good as AUarts. I worked on my assemblage project. After we had cleaned up for the end of the day, the annoying girl decided to bottle flip onto the top shelf where we had been keeping our masks and some of the bits for our assemblage project. She landed it on an assemblage piece that was still wet.
  11. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, December 3rd.
    8:30 I went to socials. We made multiple choice questions for the test in groups, but it was annoying because the teacher randomly drew names and I was with the annoying trumpeter. She wouldn’t listen when I kept saying that we should make our questions about the topics that we had been learning about.
    10:30 There was a substitute in band. He was annoying too. He spent quite a while telling us all about his credentials and his skills, and he was super picky with things that he didn’t need to be picky about. He made us do his warmup, instead of our usual “free-for-all” type warmup we usually do.
    12:30 In careers we presented our project, then we did some learning on smartphone use. It was boring because the topic had been stressed upon so much throughout our school careers.
    3:15 I walked home.
  12. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, December 4th.
    3:30 I woke up in agony because of my chronic illness. I didn’t go back to sleep.
    9:00 I aced my math test. We started a new unit on trig.
    12:30 I cut out more stuff for my assemblage piece. I used a saw instead of scissors or an x-acto. It helped with the labourious task of cutting cardboard.
    3:40 I reviewed socials, then practiced my instrument.
  13. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, December 5th.
    8:20 I went upstairs to socials and reviewed notes. After my friends got there I worked on my sketchbook. My friend and I shared a couple chicken balls to give us good luck on the test. We got paired up randomly, and I was in a group of three. We breezed through the test, even though I was in a group with my ex-best friend. One of my friends was paired up with the burping girl from band so she decided to go solo on the test. I told her some of the answers via lip reading. The friend I had shared a chicken ball with felt that she had done well too.
    10:30 The 9s played with us in band for half an hour. We talked about the fact that we were 9 permission forms short of being able to go through with the trip. We played nutcracker, carol of the bells, and the polar express. After they left we worked on our challenging songs.
    11:50 At lunch my chicken ball friend was drinking a ginger ale. She was slurping, so I mimicked her and she laughed so hard it came out of her nose.
    12:30 There was a sub in careers, so I was surprised when she just let me go to band. We stopped to get my friend out of PE as well, and she also had a sub. We worked on the Christmas songs with the 7s, and contemplated playing as the only group at the Christmas assembly. We played jingle bells, jolly old Saint Nicholas, and we wish you a merry Christmas.
    2:00 In careers I didn’t do anything because I didn’t feel like it. I finished the drawing I had been working on for a few days. I talked to the nice girl and she enjoyed books and 70s-80s music. A Jehovah’s Witness girl who I had known since elementary was also part of the conversation. Eventually a couple musicians that we both like came up, and I mentioned their gayness to her and she seemed disgusted. Oh well. I gave the nice girl a book recommendation, and she gave me one as well. She didn’t seem to have a problem with it being gay.
    3:15 I waited with my trumpet friend for my dad.
    5:00 I painted a gift for my friend in the basement. I listened to Queen, Bread, and David Bowie while I was at it.
  14. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, December 6th.
    9:00 In math we got a couple more worksheets.
    11:50 My friend had to leave partway through lunch for an appointment.
    12:30 I started putting my 3D map together in art. The teacher let us go early.
    3:20 I walked home. The dogs tried to maul me through the window again.
  15. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, December 7th.
    10:00 I went to volunteer at a Christmas Craft thing. I was at the toast bird feeder station with a girl from band. We ended up on toast duty. After we toasted twelve loaves of bread, we went to help out with the station. Dealing with the mess, the kids, and the parents was really challenging.
    4:00 I listened to music with my dad.
    6:00 My dad’s work friends came for a beer. They set off fireworks from the States off in the street. We had umbrellas, but I wasn’t sure if they were for the rain or to protect us from firework debris. I watched Bohemian Rhapsody while they were at dinner.
  16. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, December 8th.
    I didn’t do anything due to being sick.
  17. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, December 9th.
    8:30 I was in a rush, so I forgot my tea. I didn’t even have one sip.
    9:00 I went to careers. We had assigned seating again because the teacher was going through a test with the vice principal. It was still about social media. I was incredibly bored, and incredibly annoyed with the idiots sitting at my table.
    10:55 I went to work in the foyer. I made a meme for my careers thing, and played ping pong with my friends.
    12:30 In socials we talked about the test, what we liked and what we didn’t like about having a partner for it. We started our next unit. My friend and I played the scribble game and I made a scary drawing. Schlieffen was a word that stuck, so my friends started using it as an insult.
    2:00 The trip was cancelled for band. We were quite a few permission forms short. We discussed the songs for the concert.
    3:20 I walked home with my friend.
  18. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, December 10th.
    8:15 I went to my friend’s house before school to borrow her Beatles shirt. We walked together.
    9:00 In art we had a sub, the same annoying one from Thursday. It was just one of the trumpets and I, so we got along nicely. We decided to look at the books that were meant to be used for art projects. We found books that were between seventy-five years old and a century old. We couldn’t leave them to be demolished. The trumpet girl found a chem textbook from the 40s That had notes the person had taken in it. It was really cool to see. We found some bran flake coupons that would give us seven cents off. I let her have two, I had one. I saved a book that had “to Aubrey Smith, Christmas 1933” in it to give to my friend for Christmas.
    12:30 In math we just worked along on our sheets. Did some note taking.
    3:15 I walked home with my friend. She was just as excited about the books I saved as I was.
    6:00 I finished the bookcase for my book friend and wrapped the book for her.
  19. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, December 11th.
    9:00 In careers we had a catch-up day. I finished my math sheet and finished my careers project.
    10:20 I played ping pong with my friends. We tried using sign language while we were rallying, it didn’t work too well.
    12:30 In socials we took a lot of notes, but I managed to get my year-end review done. We played the scribble game.
    2:00 Band was pretty good. The teacher got mad, but it wasn’t at me. We were dumbfounded when he said we had to play seven songs back-to-back, with three the day before. We were certain our faces were going to hurt.
    3:20 I went home and got ready to go out again.
    4:10 I went to my friend’s house. We got ready for the dance. We couldn’t figure out how to tie my tie, so I decided on necklaces. Her mom drove us all to the dance. I don’t know why I thought it would be any better, but they had a bunch of new pop, hip-hop, and rap. It was nasty. I requested Bo-Rhap, which lifted the spirits. After Bo-Rhap, I requested Tiny Dancer, but it never made it on. Low was on three times, which was really gross. One time was one too many.
    9:20 I left because my chronic illness had flared up again.
  20. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, December 13th.
    9:00 I went to teach the little kiddos. A few kids from my band class were there, singing. After, we went through their Christmas songs. I conducted for a couple of them.
    10:30 Careers was boring. I had to do a project on financial terms.
    12:30 In socials I didn’t really do much. My friend was upset for some reason, so we all took care of her.
    2:00 In band we played through our jazz and concert band songs.
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