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Daily Happenings & Ama.

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Essendale, Aug 14, 2019.


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  1. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, November 5th.
    8:30 My friend met with me at the library and we spoke about books.
    9:00 I went to math and we took a lot of notes. I finished all of the work. At break I went to the counselor to ask about braille, which was not an option unfortunately. I decided that I was going to drop French for commercial music, then take ASL online. Someone had a poopsplosion in the washroom closest to math. I suspected it was the same person who threw up.
    11:50 I tried to go take my playing test again, but my friends ignored my wishes and decided it would be fun to watch me anyway. I didn’t test, then they ganged up on me over the group chat. I spent lunch with my other friend. I was so upset that I didn’t eat.
    12:30 In art I did a self-assessment, then worked on a sketchbook page. After a while I did homework from math and careers.
    3:15 I went home and watched TV.
    6:20 I practiced for the playing test again.
  2. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, November 6th.
    8:00 I went to socials early and read until class started. We reviewed politics. I wasn’t feeling well so I left early.
  3. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, November 7th.
    8:00 Math was easy enough. I did my work then zoned out.
    11:50 I retook my playing test. My friend and I did a little bit of showing off to the 8s. They were still awed, but not as much as the 7s.
    12:30 In art the teacher spoke for half an hour about the new project. It was about mask making. We were supposed to cut out paper, then glue it back together to add dimension. I made an attempt, but it was unsuccessful.
    3:30 We practiced a couple songs in jazz. We performed for a chem teacher who was just passing through. Jazz ended early, so I just sat around until it was time to go.
  4. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, November 8th.
    9:00 We set up the gym for the Remembrance Day assembly. Many 9s were just sitting around in the band room, so I told them off. I was in charge of making sure everyone had a good chair to sit on.
    10:45 The assembly started. We played three songs, and an exchange student from Japan played The Last Post. Another trumpeter sung a song she had written and composed for the occasion. She was great.
    11:40 I went home briefly, but decided to return to school.
    12:30 I went to careers. We covered heavy topics after such a heavy assembly.
    3:15 I waited at school for my mom to come get me after work because the day was so draining.
    6:00 We went out for dinner with some of my family. I wasn’t feeling well after a while, so we had to leave.
  5. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, November 9th.
    8:00 I finished my book, then figured out how to complete my assignment for social studies. After, I worked on math for a while. I didn’t finish the sheet.
    4:35 At a family friend’s house, we enjoyed some visiting before going to the neighbour’s for the kittens. The original idea was for me to go inside and visit them there, but the house and people seemed sketchy so I backed out. We brought the kittens to the house and played with them there. Unfortunately there were only four because one had passed away a couple days prior.
  6. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, November 10th.
    9:00 I spent the day checking items off of my to-do list.
    5:00 I wrapped and decorated birthday gifts for my mom and my granddad.
    5:45 We went to my granddad’s house. My Nana had made a four course meal, it was amazing. I drew a picture for my 2-year-old cousin. She wanted a bunny. She wouldn’t stop bouncing on the couch, and eventually fell off. She was okay. I taught her how to say “Oh my lord!” in a southern US accent. I couldn’t stop laughing. I was curious as to who would be offended if a 2-year-old said that to them. I picked out a book to borrow before we left.
    8:30 I sat in the front because my dad was too drunk. At home I got ready for bed.
  7. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, November 11th.
    7:00 I packed my stuff up for a trip. The cat tried to help, but she ended up sitting on the lid to my packing cube.
    9:30 We were on the road. We stopped on the edge of town for snacks. The drive was around 4-5 hours. We took our moment of silence at 11:00.
    2:30 We made it to the hotel. My dad tried parking in the underground parking, but he hit the wall with his truck. I took the bed by the window.
    3:30 We went for a walk to the shopping street. I went into a Japanese store to buy Pocky and some caramels. We walked around the downtown neighbourhoods and I was especially interested in the Victorian houses. There was a small community garden area. A pigeon pooped on my dad.
    4:30 We made it back to the hotel, then browsed the internet on a spot to have dinner.
    5:00 We found a spot for dinner. We revisited an alley with lanterns in it while waiting for our seats to open up. We passed a guy drumming to songs on buckets, old pans, and a couple cymbals. On the way back to the restaurant, we passed someone singing Ed Sheeran. At the restaurant, we ordered ramen. I ordered chicken wonton ramen with spinach. I enjoyed the meal.
    8:00 My feet really hurt on the way to the hotel, so I hobbled. When we got there, I read before bed.
  8. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    Just curious, why did you take a moment of silence?
  9. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    We took a moment of silence to honour and remember those who sacrificed for the war. We always take it at 11:00 because the war ended on the 11th hour.

    It’s common in Canada for citizens to take a moment of silence
    Tuesday, November 12th.
    5:15 I woke up and did some meditation.
    8:00 I got ready for the day. I made sure that I didn’t leave anything behind at the hotel.
    9:00 We left the hotel. On the side of the road there was a melted porta-potty. It was raining out.
    9:30 At the hospital we went to the cafe. I ate a cookie and got some new mints. I saved half of my cookie because it was time for my appointment. I sat in the waiting room for 20 minutes before they payed me to X-ray. I advised some people who were there for the first time that they don’t have to wear a gown if they have no metal, plastic, or graphic designs on their clothes. I didn’t wear a gown. The X-ray went quick because I had done it six times previously. After they took my weight and height I went to wait for my surgeon. He said I was doing good and my hardware was not out of alignment. He gave me the go ahead to ski and skate in January, and instructions to start going to the gym.
    11:20 We went to buy some ski boot liners for my dad. I got all of the stickers the shop offered.
    12:25 On the way home we stopped at an ecofarm to buy snacks and lunch. I got a sandwich with mayo, chicken, lettuce, cheese, and cucumber. The main highway was closed, so we had to take an alternate route that was to take 2 hours longer.
    2:00 We stopped to stretch. We found a little hiking trail next to the river.
    4:20 We stopped at a gas station for some more snacks.
    6:00 I made it home and dinner was waiting for us.
  10. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, November 13th.
    9:00 I taught the youngsters. We worked on the three Christmas songs as an ensemble.
    10:30 In careers we had a debate on alcoholism. After, I did a worksheet on it then sat and stared into space.
    11:50 I ate lunch on the couch in the socials room.
    12:30 In socials we had a visual spectrum of the students in our class answering politicized questions. After, we took more notes on government styles. He gave us time to work on our field journals, but I had already done it at home. The teacher was handing out old work when the bell rang. He tried to stop me from leaving so he could give some to me, but I left anyway.
    2:00 In band we worked on a pretty song, then on jazz. We played polar to lift our spirits.
    3:20 I walked home with my friend.
  11. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, November 14th.
    8:25 I left to meet up with my friend on the way to school. I sat on my trumpet case at our designated spot for a minute or two, then got impatient and started walking in the direction of her house. I met her on the street and we walked to school.
    8:45 When we arrived at school my two friends that were not interested in speaking with me due to previous events gave us the stink eye because I was with their friend.
    9:00 I started liking the mask project more because I planned better and used a ruler.
    10:20 I met my friend in her classroom at break. She gave me a spicy chicken nugget.
    11:20 For the last bit of art we trekked to the gallery and viewed the exhibit before it was going to be taken down.
    11:50 I inhaled my sandwich while sitting with my friend, then met my friend from the morning in the library. We talked books, and various other subjects.
    12:30 In math I did the quiz for the day and the previous quiz. After, I worked on the review assignment and my friend and I learned how to do some more advanced questions that were to be on the hard side of the test.
    3:30 In jazz we worked on the most annoying song. The teacher made all of the trumpets switch to trumpet 1 after we had learned our parts. I was not impressed. My trumpet was leaking out of the bottom of the third valve for some reason.
    4:40 The dog from the nearby farm had gotten loose. The drummer guy from band helped me cross the road with the dog to give it back. The dog was fearful of the house. We didn’t know why. Eventually we mustered up enough courage to knock on the door. A fireman answered the door and was glad to have his dog back, but seemed annoyed that we even bothered. I walked the rest of the way with the drummer guy before making it home. My dad was having drinks at the kitchen table with two of his friends and my granddad. I tried to urge them along because my dad was slammed and I needed to practice.
    6:30 Eventually they all left, so I practiced for 20 minutes. The problem with my trumpet persisted and the quality of my sound was compromised. I wasn’t sure if I was just having an off day, or if something was actually wrong.
  12. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, November 15th.
    8:30 I walked to meet up with my friend. We made it to school with time to spare. I went to give my friend moral support in precalc and the math teacher said good morning to me, as he says good morning to everyone individually as they show up for class.
    9:00 In careers we worked on how to identify a relationship as abusive. We had to do a worksheet describing someone whom we have a healthy relationship with and why. Another person of equal introversion to my own got me a sheet, even though I had planned on getting it after everyone else had one. She had done it a couple times previously when we were sitting at the same table. Due to the heavy subject matter, we decided to watch a movie for the rest of the morning. We even had popcorn, but I decided to give mine to someone else.
    11:50 My friend and I tried having lunch in the foods room, but we were apprehensive about seeing that particular teacher again after the furby incident. We ended up going up to socials. We tried to get the teacher to play the Beatles, but he disregarded our request and played Miles Davis.
    12:30 I wasn’t sure what we did in socials because I wasn’t paying attention. My friend and I played a round of the box game before doing it with my other friend. Her playing the box game with us redeemed her from the playing test kerfuffle.
    2:00 In band the teacher psyched us by changing the date of our playing test from today to Tuesday. The recently redeemed friend and I had a straight path of eye contact through the clarinets and altos, which was rare because she was in the first row and I was in the fourth. We needed up mouthing sentences to each other and we could understand because we were both good at lipreading and the use of gestures helped to make things more clear. The teacher said we weren’t going to go to Seattle because a lot of kids had parents that wouldn’t allow them to leave the country, and the cost was too steep. We worked on the section that was going to be part of the playing test, then we worked on a pretty song. I mouthed complaints to her because I had a 32 bar rest at the beginning of the song and the teacher was working with everyone else, but the trumpets. After, we played nutcracker and finally polar. The teacher turned the flutes around to face the rest of the band before taking a video. He zoomed in on a recent graduate who had come to visit and play for a class. She squeaked, and we broke out into laughter before finishing the song off. The girl from art finally payed me back for the bus fee.
    3:15 The city bus was early, so my friend and I had to run to catch it. We took it to the university before transferring to a different bus. We made it to the mall and browsed the bookstore. We decided I finally needed some holy jeans, especially because they would make my mom mad. We went to three different stores before finding a pair that was what I needed. We went back to browse books again before having major confusion about what bus we were supposed to get on to get home. We went between different bus stops a few times, and panicked because we thought we had missed the bus. Eventually we settled and got on the right bus. We transferred again at the university before getting off at school. We walked to the traffic circle where my friend’s mom happened to drive by and kindly drove me the rest of the way home.
  13. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, November 16th.
    11:10 I went with my dad to the Japanese market. We bought stuff for dinner. After, we went next door to look at barbecues. We didn’t buy one. There was a home store nearby so we walked there in search of good bowls. They were too expensive.
    6:25 We had ramen for dinner. I didn’t eat much because there was too much soy.
  14. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, November 17th.
    9:50 My dad brought donuts from the bakery. I had a cinnamon knot.
    1:15 I made ginger snap cookies.
  15. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, November 18th.
    5:30 I got up to prepare for my test. I did some meditation until it was time to go.
    8:30 I met up with my friend and we walked to school together.
    9:00 I had my test in precalc. I did pretty good, but I got one question wrong because my brain malfunctioned. The percent on that test was 96%. I read until break.
    10:20 I shared my ginger snap cookies. We made a bet with our other friend to see who could read a book the fastest. We went to the library to check out books, but we ran out of time.
    11:50 At lunch I went upstairs in the band room with my friend. After a few minutes we left to check books again. We passed my two other friends. We whisked one away, but the other walked away. I guessed she was still bummed over the playing test kerfuffle. We couldn’t decide on a book, because at least one of us had read the one we picked out. We left with little success, back to the band room.
    12:30 I went to art. I got all of the paper components done for my mask, and used some hot glue for texture. I saved painting for another time. The teacher gave us our next project, and I was excited.
    3:15 I made it home and relaxed after a few weeks of being swamped with schoolwork.
    Cheers on the 100th entry.
    IceBear likes this.
  16. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, November 19th.
    8:35 I waited with my friend until our other friend was at school. After, we rid the elevator upstairs to socials. Socials was boring, so we played the box game. I didn’t win.
    10:20 We didn’t actually have a playing test. We did get a classical piece from the 1800s, though.
    11:50 We went upstairs in the band room. My least favourite of the inner circle was there, and she was super rude to me. The redeemed friend followed her lead. My other friend left to go to math, so I left with her. I helped her understand the work.
    12:30 We finished the movie from last week in careers, then worked on sleep habits. The rudeness at lunch was bothering me, so I didn’t participate in any of the group activities. The girl at my table got me worksheets again.
    1:50 At break I tried to visit my friend in math, but the two friends from lunch cut right in front of me so I didn’t go in. The redeemed friend said hi, but I ignored her. I got my coat instead.
    2:00 I got bored in careers, so I drew a little bunny on the back of a worksheet. The teacher favoured it and kept it on top of the pile of sheets. She wanted to cut it out and keep it.
    3:15 I went to the store for snacks. My friend texted me, and I was friendly because I thought the drama would be too much effort. I would have liked an apology.
    7:05 My dad and I got lost looking for the Fish and Game club because it had been so long since we had been. We eventually found where we were, and there was one lady at the range. She was nice. I shot at a boar-shaped target until I popped the balloon that represented a heart. After a while my shooting glove was hurting my hand so we decided to call it a night.
  17. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, November 20th.
    9:00 In math we took some notes and worked on a sheet. When I was done my sheet I read on my phone.
    11:50 We took books out at the library and started a reading bet. We were all reading the same book.
    12:30 We had a spirit assembly. I tried to read, but it was too loud so I snuck out to the band room. I read upstairs until I noticed people I didn’t mind trying to play piano. I played a bit of trumpet for them, and advised that they should keep away from the timps.
    1:50 I went to art. The teacher introduced Portfolio Day at the university. I decided I wanted to have my portfolio critiqued.
    3:15 I walked home and read as fast as I could, trying to win the bet. After I finished the book I answered some book club questions. I was the first to finish.
    6:30 My brother came for tacos. We visited for quite a while.
    8:30 I made some art. I added some facts about the unicorn meteor storm in my sketchbook.
  18. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, November 21st.
    9:00 In socials we looked at verifying information online for the billionth time. My friend and I were playing the box game, but a the teacher took it away because we needed to finish our turns before working on his annoying quiz. I was irritated because it takes less than a minute to complete a turn.
    10:20 We went to band. We did songs for concert band, not jazz. We also found out Seattle wasn’t happening. I was disappointed.
    11:50 I ate with my friends. I shared some Nerds with them.
    12:30 A substitute teacher was in for the youngsters. She didn’t know anything about music. We took over, but she still tried to dictate the class. The most annoying thing was when she tried to get us to demonstrate things they already knew how to do. We did sectionals after that, and I invited my two favourite kids to play Greensleeves as a trio for the Christmas concert.
    2:00 I stayed with my friends for 20 minutes and we played ping pong. I left to go to careers. In careers I sat next to the nice girl. We didn’t talk, though. I worked on art while we watched a documentary about weed.
    3:15 I went to jazz before walking home. I was really cold.
    7:50 We weren’t able to see the meteor storm over the horizon, and we couldn’t see the northern lights either. I was really sad about it.
  19. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, November 22nd.
    9:00 I went to math. The marijuana place on the other side of the country called me for the third time. I told them to leave me alone, but I couldn’t hear if it was an automated message or not.
    11:50 I sat in front of the library for 10 minutes, then left when the 7s didn’t show. My friend and I got onto the entrance list for the winter formal. We went to the band room to eat. It was just me and her.
    12:30 We watched a weird stop motion animation in art. It kinda freaked me out. I worked on my mask after. I got most of the wolf done, but the sheep didn’t turn out as good. The girl in art who’s also a trumpet player complimented something in my sketchbook by saying she couldn’t stop staring at it. I took it as a big compliment because she was really good.
    3:00 In homeroom we got our report cards. I did pretty good.
    3:15 I walked home. There was another turd on the lawn. The neighbour was out with her dog, so I chatted with her before going in.
  20. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, November 23rd.
    1:20 I went with my dad to the barber shop. They were working on a little boy getting his first masculine haircut, so I didn’t mind when they got to me a little bit behind schedule. I got a couple inches off.
    2:35 After the haircut my dad and I went to the office supply store. I found some highlighters in pastel colours, so I decided those would be a good choice. I found some pens to match. He bought a new printer, so I was just browsing and I didn’t notice him leaving. My heart dropped, but he was out at the car.
    3:00 We went to the grocery store for dinner stuff. He left me in the store again.
    5:00 I started rewriting my socials notes with my new pens.
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