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Daily Happenings & Ama.

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Essendale, Aug 14, 2019.


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  1. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, January 17th.
    8:30 I got to school a bit late because I was trying to make my harmonica tab book. I barely got there in time.
    9:00 Math was fine. I studied.
    12:30 Art was really good. I had my assemblage done, and the teacher really liked it. I also used Gamsol for the first time. It was cool. I got to have my assemblage piece out in the display case. It was so big it got its own shelf. At break I went to see what my friends were doing in science, and they got to make their own animals with the roll of a few dice. I did as well to gather attributes to design my own for fun. After break I reviewed my self-assessment with the teacher. She thought I was a higher mark than I put myself. I also showed her bits of my sketchbook. She really liked my two-page spread of a fingerprint tree and rabbit burrow. She wanted me to take both pages out and frame them so she could have them up in town at the art big gallery. I finally got to take my mask home.
    3:15 I walked home. My hand froze, but I couldn’t wear mittens because I didn’t want to ruin my fragile mask.
  2. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, January 18th.
    1:25 My granddad came to get me. We went to his house, where I worked on math and harmonica.
    4:45 I wasn’t feeling well so I went home.
    6:45 I went with my mom to my Nana’s retirement party. The baby made me play with her the entire time. I gave her some pop rocks. She liked them. We also did some hide and seek. She’s always been obsessed with drinking out of my water bottle. I donated my sketchbook to the cause, and we drew something. She got a ton of marker and crayon on my water bottle. I drew the line at her touching my harmonica. I didn’t let her have it no matter how much she screamed.
    9:30 I practiced my trumpet for a few minutes at home.
  3. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, January 19th.
    I didn’t really do anything. I was supposed to spend time with my aunt, but the plan fell through. I did practice trumpet for a little while, though.
  4. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, January 20th.
    8:15 I passed the time by reading. When my friend came we talked a bit, but my flute friend was sick and my other friend was mad at me for the jazz thing still. I didn’t really care that she wasn’t around.
    9:00 My careers teacher didn’t let me go teach because apparently the lesson was important, but I gave my favourite trumpet my red book to use over the second semester and summer. When the 20-minute lesson was over, I didn’t see what made it more important than any other lesson. We had a catch up block to work on other classes. I didn’t have anything to do so I read. I saw the back of one of the nice girl’s math sheets and her drawings were really good. After break I went to the band room, where I talked with the teacher and the girl I had made all the toast with at the Christmas thing. We talked about commercial music and a guitar course he had planned for the next year. He also showed us a beautiful song he had written on the piano.
    11:50 My friend passed her math exam. I told her about the guitar courses that would be offered soon and she was really happy.
    12:30 We finished the movie in socials. I finished “filling” the page with dragons. My friend gave me some mail, and it was really nice
    2:00 In band one of our sax players had her wisdom teeth out, so she conducted because it was hurting her too much to play.
  5. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, January 21st.
    7:45 My dad gave me a ride because I didn’t want to walk. I read until my friend got to school. Both of our other friends were sick still.
    9:00 In art I worked on my creature, then mail for my friend. After break I framed my two sketchbook pages for exhibition. There was a scratch on the glass so the teacher said she’d do it later.
    12:30 In math I took the exam. I did fine. 94%. Same as my grade before, so nothing happened to my mark. After I was done I worked on the mail.
    3:30 My dad got me a treat and we went home.
  6. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, January 22nd.
    10:00 I went to the dentist.
    11:30 I went to school. I didn’t go to careers for the last 20 minutes. My friends were sitting outside the library so I sat with them.
    12:30 In socials we took some notes.
    2:00 The teacher insulted us in band. But other than that, it was good. I played well.
  7. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Ever read Scythe by Neal Shusterman?
    Really good book, would recommend
  8. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    It’s funny that you mention that, my friend has that book and I’m waiting for her to finish it so I can borrow it from her. I’ve read the Unwind series, and I really enjoyed it.

    Another book I would recommend is Red Rising by Pierce Brown
  9. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, January 23rd.
    9:00 There was nothing to do in art. After break I went to the library and took out a book. After a while I went to pick up my revised schedule. I got the class I wanted.
    11:50 No one but me and the friend who I walk to school with were up in the band room. We had a heart-to-heart we both didn’t know we needed. After a little while our conductor needed some help getting a cord out of his crowded office. My friend went in and got it for him.
    12:30 In math we took a thing for the government. It was very patriotic, with two of the sections about moose and ice rinks.
    2:15 I went to the band room but the teacher had moved all of our instruments from the rack to the kitchen for safe keeping. I was annoyed with myself for not getting it at lunch. I went to my friend’s careers, where I did a bit of origami.
    7:45 I worked with my dad to put all of the paintings and signs up that I had accumulated.
    9:30 Two of the paintings in a glass frame crashed to the floor. Thankfully I wasn’t in the room. None of the glass shattered, but both frames cracked apart. The art inside was fine.
  10. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    the art is blessed by jesus
  11. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, January 24th.
    I spent the first half of the day preparing for the next semester.
    3:55 I walked to the store with my friend and her dog. It started raining, but it was fine. I bought a tea.
    Spoodelf likes this.
  12. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, January 25th.
    1:00 I went out to lunch with my brother and his girlfriend. I saw a sax player from band working, and one of my friend’s little flute players in the restaurant. When we got back home he talked and I listened.
    8:00 I worked on a painting.
  13. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sunday, January 26th.
    I didn’t really do anything.
  14. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Monday, January 27th.
    8:30 I brought tea for myself and my friend. We went out to our new English class.
    9:00 There were lots of annoying people in our class, but the class itself was fine. We did a story where multiple people write it, so when it was time to finish I killed off someone’s character.
    10:25 Our friend came to see us from careers, and she was talking about the teacher but she didn’t realize she was behind her because the teacher tended to blend into the crowd.
    10:30 We started working on our first assignment. A memoir. We worked through a brainstorming booklet.
    12:30 In socials we took more notes, then we had a discussion thing. I participated minimally, as I was not fond of many people in my group.
    2:00 In band we worked on sight reading. We also did our two favourite songs. I was leading the section again.
    8:00 I finished my brainstorming booklet.
  15. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tuesday, January 28th.
    9:00 I went to Biology. The teacher man was nice. We worked on some questions, then we started designing our first lab.
    12:30 Commercial Music was fine. I didn’t do anything to do with music because we had to bring all of the pianos out of storage and organize cords.
    6:30 I accidentally knocked my dad’s beer out of his hand. I got covered and so did that area in our home. It was not a nice smell.
  16. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wednesday, January 29th.
    8:00 I wasn’t feeling well, so it was difficult to get going for the day.
    9:00 I made it to English on time. There was a writing prompt that I thought to be shallow, so I used it to explain why I didn’t like it. After, we took notes and started our rough copies.
    12:30 In socials we took some more notes, then we had to do a very annoying activity.
    2:00 After sight reading a deceptively difficult piece, I got to head up to the front with a couple others to hear what the band sounds like to the audience. It was really good.
    3:15 I walked home. A few minutes after I got home I went back out again with my dad to town. We went to the music store and I bought a new harmonica, but in the key of C. After, we went to the grocery store and the booze store.
    6:25 My brother came for dinner. I wasn’t feeling well again, so I didn’t eat tacos. I had some crackers instead.
    8:00 I worked on a tiny painting. I stuck it in my book for safe-keeping.
  17. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thursday, January 30th.
    8:30 I walked to school because it was a nice day.
    9:00 In bio we got another two projects. I finished them both. He didn’t mind that I didn’t take a partner for anything. We took a nice little walk during class.
    11:50 My friend’s new buddy came with us for lunch. She was okay.
    12:30 Commercial music was lots of fun. I claimed one of the secret rooms with my friend from art. We printed out a funny sign with Shrek on it to let everyone know it was taken. We spent a long time clearing instruments out. We put them where I used to eat lunch. During the time I picked out a French horn to take home to see if I like it.
    3:15 There was no jazz so I sat with my friends in front of the library until 4:30.
    4:30 I walked home. My shoulders hurt because the French horn was heavier than what I was used to with my trumpet.
    6:00 I went with my mom to the drug store. The cops were there for some reason, it was cool to see them. We bought some stuff for the house and I got some Valentine’s Day treats.
    7:45 I tried the French horn. It was definitely harder than trumpet.
  18. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Friday, January 31st.
    8:20 I walked to school. It was raining, so my hair got really frizzy. At school I went up to Spanish with my friend. We looked at a Monet book until the bell rang.
    9:00 In English we worked on peer editing and I started my final copy. At the end of class I talked to my friend about vibrato and bass flutes.
    11:50 At lunch we went to the store. My friend’s new buddy couldn’t pick anything there, so we went to get her fries.
    12:30 The student teacher man was teaching us instead of our regular guy. He was definitely better than our regular guy.
    2:00 In band we got a new jazz song. We worked on both of our new songs. The teacher let us out early. My friend and I saw that someone had drawn a mouse on the board, so she drew some cheese for it and I drew another mouse with a backpack.
    3:15 I walked home. At home I worked on my final draft, finishing it up.
    7:20 I forgot about skating, so I rushed to get there on time. I forgot my glasses and snack money due to the pressure. When I got there my friend was there and we did some skating. Our other friend arrived and forgot her skates. I went back and forth between the rink and where my friend was drawing because I didn’t want her to feel left out and it was hard to breathe sometimes in the rink. When I was off the rink with my friend, we had a nice conversation.
    9:00 I went home.
  19. Essendale

    Essendale Well-Known Adventurer

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    Saturday, February 1st.
    10:30 I went to town with my dad. We went to a consultation at a specialized dentist who would provide the care that I needed. The dentist and the anesthesiologist were nice, but the assistant lady was pushy. After the dentist we went to the ski shop and my dad had his new liners moulded.
    1:20 We went back out with my mom to meet my brother and his girlfriend for lunch. We went to our favourite dingy place for fries and milkshakes. After we went to Canadian Tire and they didn’t have what my dad needed. We went to an automotive store and they didn’t have it either. After, we went to the record store, then to the art store. At the art store I upgraded from my previous watercolours and got myself a new sketchbook. It was a steal. $3.50.
    5:40 I went to dinner at my Auntie’s. The baby wanted to draw in my new sketchbook, but I didn’t let her. After dinner she picked up the Roomba and dropped it. I put it on the dock and told her it had to go to sleep for a little while. She bought my excuse. The baby was taking forever to choose a cupcake, so I tricked her by telling her which one I liked and that was the one she chose.
    9:50 I played trumpet for half an hour. I didn’t really work on anything, I just played some songs from memory.
  20. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    You need to get teeth removed or something?
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