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Create A Story (was Finish The Sentence)

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ankarin, Nov 18, 2020.


how much fun is create a story

  1. very good

    24 vote(s)
  2. good

    19 vote(s)
  3. ok

    12 vote(s)
  4. nah

    7 vote(s)
  5. it sucks

    8 vote(s)
  6. yes

    16 vote(s)
  7. no

    7 vote(s)
  8. there is no war in fruman walls

    30 vote(s)
  9. suck

    7 vote(s)
  10. tehjkl mdg egkjmejsdk F"}{osdgv jsediogkjs,dgj sgldskgjsioeg sdklgj lsgk msopg

    26 vote(s)
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  1. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    ...the place of...
  2. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    ...grooks, which was just the outside of cinfras. She found the stinky weasel guy killing some grooks, but she couldn't smell his weasel smell because of all the plaster in her nose. So she joined him in hunting grooks and...
  3. Flareix

    Flareix Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    ...and by the end of the day, they had killed over fifty grooks. Feeling guilty, she...
  4. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    i think its time to end this story, this has gone on for too long
    broke the barriers of reality and went back to the EO place, going in she used her ocelots to break into the room of the final boss, however she was behind the big eye so she stabbed it with ocelots, she then got some lame bow, killed her friends, beat up some people, and got rich.
    Using the money she went and bought the trade market, bought the king, and now runs the province of wynn, with her and her op ocelots, she is a force that can not be stopped

    and that is the end of ocelotgirl's amazing story!
    thanks to @Ellphant @ditsario @Ankarin @Potatomancer @Thing500 @ocel0tgirl @Flareix @Justice for contributing to this overly long story
    good luck trying to piece together all of these segments, as i do not feel like doing them.
    and i would rather we do not start another story until that happens.
    (would you like to do it ocelot? you wanted to piece together one of them and this is your story)
  5. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    maybe i will.
    also bought the king just sounds wrong... like what
    Ankarin likes this.
  6. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    she you paid him enough money so he would be her your slave
    but keep the money i guess

    that or he meant to say bought the kingdom, but i think the first option's funnier
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  7. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    he is my slave, he will clean up all the puddles in front of me so i don't get wet every again.
  8. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    i did it
    Once upon a time, there was a girl. But not any ordinary girl... it was an ocelotgirl. But not just any ocelotgirl, this was the legendary ocel0tgirl, tamer off all things cats and professional... welcomer of new citizens to the savannah. However, one day, she decided that simply welcoming people to the savannah wasn't enough. She wanted to... welcome people to the whole province of Wynn! so she started standing outside the entrance to Fruma and aggressively welcoming people, but people though that was weird until one day, this weird cow that walked on 2 legs and had rainbow hair came up to ocel0tgirl and said... nothing, he just nodded at her and walked away. She was so proud that she wore a button that said "a weird cow person with rainbow hair approves of my welcoming"... which is uhh, not a good sign. Next, that random dude with a big... axe, like REALLY BIG came up to ocel0tgirl and said "I am Skull Crusher, Crusker of Skulls!!" Ocel0tgirl, unimpressed, replied... "Welcome to Wynn, Skull Crusher. In case you haven't heard, gathering and crafting stuff takes way too long and you'd be better off just killing things. Archaeology is also kind of fun if you like that kind of thing." She then handed him a pamphlet labelled "New Wynn citizens guide". Skull Crusher then... promptly took his axe and began to swing it at the girl, as a warning. "I'm not new!" he shouted, walking away and putting on armor made of... bones. "well if your not new, why'd you come up to my booth?" She shouted, waving her hand/paw/whatever at her birth that had a large sign saying "new people welcoming booth"… "cause i don't have good sight and there are no glasses in this blasted universe" said skull crusher, he then proceeded to hit zombies with his axe, however at some point ocelotgirl got bored, she wanted to go adventure with the rest of the people she was welcoming, so she left her stand and looked at the new world... grabbing a few cats that she had stuffed in her pocket, she started off her adventure on the emerald trail ... where she eventually found a little collection of buildings concisting of random people and an archery tower or 2. After getting shot 17 times by her own fellow soldiers, she scampered through the mess of people in line there and found a pretty cool building where a tool merchant had a special one time deal: Buy 1 t2 tool, and... get one free! She walked away from the merchant because everyone knows that cat's generally don't like vegtables… Cats of course like Fancy Feasts Gravy Delux (4 oz. net weight), but those hadn't been invented yet. Ocel0tgirl was getting hungry, so she sat down on a log and threw the cats in her pockets as deadly projectiles if anything came close to her. While she was pondering where to get food, a few adventurers walked by, talking about some place named Detlas, and how they had... GROOKS!! The next best thing! Without a second thought, ocel0tgirl... zoomed all the way to detlas with her ocelot speed. She then gruesomly ripped apart a couple grooks, which earned her a few weird looks and a thumbs up from a guy who was blasting grooks with fire too... she then quickly ran away from the other grook guy because he smelled like a stinky weasel, and accidentally found some creepy guy outside a shack surrounded by mushroom thingies. the guy asked for her to help kill his master or something, so she got her ocelots and... killed him... and immedietly got rammed by a lightspeed mooshroom, and then saw some handsome guy chasing afterwards, ignoring the next few distractions she went and killed the guys master, she then... made her way to nemract, where she saw this drunk guy and had to buy a drink to make a different guy drunk, the guy then told her about some cathedral, she went there and... fell down some broken stairs and fought this dead guy... which she tamed with the power of cats, then she stole his ashes and left back to detlas, however on the way she saw... some ankarin guy pushing an innocent pilot from Detlas towards Bremminglar. She was really confused about why ankarin was doing that, but eventually decided to... ignore it and continue on her way to detlas, but then he saw this super handsome man, but she thought he was a villain so she... took out her most powerful weapon, the hot chocolate cup, and immediately threw it on him. Before he could explain that he was handsome, not a villain, he had already respawned in Bucie. She then reached Detlas and... returned a random piece of paper she found on the floor earlier, and the stupid guy bought it (as in he accepted the lie) and gave her the ashes in return. She didn't have use for them (or she thought) so she at first considered putting them on some nice bloody crook remains before changing her minds and putting them... in her bank, along with the bloody grook remains. The bankers were really grossed out then, so they... "politely" asked her to never bring dead grooks into the bank again, but were distracted by the other person who had been killing grooks coming in and dumping a cartload in his. She decided that maybe there's more to kill with her hot chocolate and ocel0ts than random zombies under churches and grooks, so she went to the barracks to see if they needed help with anything. ... When she got there, a bunch of tired soldiers were relaxing there, and they were pretty worn out, so ocel0tgirl asked them if she could get anything. They replied, "Yeah, actually is you can find the... pilot from that airship way up above Detlas, that'd be nice. He went missing a few days ago, but his airship is still here. Some of the other pilots are getting worried, so they asked us to go find him." ocel0tgirl immediately remembered having seen that ankarin guy pushing a pilot towards Bremminglar, so she decided to try and track them down. At this point, ankarin was... in a location nobody knew about or cared about, so ocel0tgirl had to use her special... ocel0t tracking abilities to find him. She ended up having to take her ocel0ts across a bit of the ocean, which they hated like any self-respecting felines would, but eventually they found ankarin and some other guy on some random island talking about how best to get the pilot to ahmsord. The ocel0ts snuck up on them, and ocel0tgirl quickly used her amazing cat throw ability to disarm the two kidnappers and get the pilot in a boat back to detlas. ... But when they got to Detlas, the pilot's blimp turned out to have been destroyed by Ankarin's minions. The pilot was so sad he committed suicide by running straight into a heavy melee assassin. Ocelotgirl then decided too... stop being distracted cause shes like only level 20 right now, so she went and drove to this chickeny island, where she helped some dude kill his chicken, however thats not what he meant (?)... so she felt bad enough so she... gave the dude an ocelot, and he already started feeling better. She then went to some island with a cow barn, where she... made some hamburgers... and dumped a bunch of the dead cows on some weird table and accidentally got teleported underneath the island and challenged by some biped cow thing for "disrupting this sanctum of nature" or something. She tried to explain that she was actually very good with nature, and had the ocelots to prove it, but the cow thing attacked too fast so she had to tell the ocelots to kill him. For some reason, the cow thing had a necklace that makes you smarter, so she used that to... learn the powers of teleport, which brought her to time valley, where she met the infamous Atlas Inc., who... gave her some free stuffs in exchange for ocelot therapy... Which she did, but when she tried to wear the cool bracelet they gave, it popped of because she was a too low level, so she went to the nemract graveyard to grind, where she encountered... the stupid handsome dude burning it down... so she ordered her ocelots to kill him with hot chocolate, which got her to level 30... and at level 30 she could wear the intelligence necklace, so with her newfound smartness she realized that she should use her ocelots to... carry out scout missions, so she sends some ocelots to scout the mobs in the almuj desert. They come back and tell her that... some weird guy named Takan took over the Almuj barracks, which are conveniently located as far from Almuj as possible. Using her newfound intellect, ocel0tgirl gave them an amazing strategy to go kidnap Takan and ask him what he was doing. When they brought him, Takan said... "He would never be captured" and proceeded to break free from his bonds and ran straight into SST, where he got stuck on the parkour phase for all eternity. Ocelotgirl then... used her ocelot reflexes and speed to run straight through the parkour, and and ended up finding this wierd guy called… hastr, but they both liked cats so he let her through and she won the dungeon, she then went to some guard who was all like... "who are you and how did you get in there i've been trying to break in for weeks now" so ocel0tgirl told her that she was cat pals with the guy in there. the guard was really confused and asked if she knew how to get in, but ocel0tgirl just said to become a cat and hashr will let you in and left, making the guard even more confused. then... while the guard was confuzzled she snuck away to nemract where she met... a sketchy dude at a bar, who offered to buy her a drink, which she said no to, because cats don't drink. … so ocelotgirl went to grind until lv 40. When she did, some guard said she was strong enough to help out in nessak or levigar. So ocelotgirl chose to... go to nesaak, because llevigar was across a massive ocean and she really didn't want to risk falling in, being a cat and all. In nesaak, some weird guy asked her to try checking underneath a frozen lake for fish. She said no because, again, water is scary, and found some other weird guy trying to break into an ice thing. He sent her to get some staff, which she stole from the bank when no one was looking, and congratulated her for convincing the bankers to give it up before sending her and the ocelots to the temple of time so they could go to past nesaak and... figure out how some ice mage got corrupted so the wierd guy can break the ice wall. They do that and the wierdo breaks the ice wall and Ocelotgirl descends into the cave. While she was in there... the walls melted a bit and she tried to leave because WATER, but the ice mage said she couldn't because fire would get out or something, so she took her ocelots through the rest of the cave while being very careful about melting walls, found the ice mage, and... proceeded to absolutely destroy the ice mage because ocelotgirl used her massive intelect to... light a fire. Surprised that all the other people that rude mage trapped in there either hadn't thought of that or didn't have any wood, she took her ocelots and left the cave, and told that weird guy outside what happened on her way out. She decided to explore the forest a bit more, and found this weird guy just standing there in the forest for no reason. He said he was looking for his friend Bob, but he clearly wasn't doing a good job of it, so she... Remembered that Bob is in fact, dead, so she took it as a suicide attempt and killed the weird hermit. Ocelotgirl thought this was a good idea, but the nessak townsfolk didn't, so she was forced to run away into this huge tunnel, where she... ran into this massive tower, without even talking to this wierd guy she ran into one. of the magic rooms and beat up a bunch of old people, she then went back and the nesaak people forgave her, after that disaster she went back to the tower and... continued up to the 2nd floor of the tower. She had to retreat because the monsters incinerated some of her cats. She realized that in order to defeat the fire creatures, she had to overcome her fear of water. So she... tried to step her foot into the ocean, not knowing about the wonders of the seaskipper, she immedietly died from shock and respawned in nemract, she then saw some old sailor guy who said he would take her anywhere on the maps, so she asked for a ride to... the farthest place from Nemract to overcome her hatred of water. It turned out that that place was actually Llevigar, which she had heard about earlier, so while she was there she decided to use her ocelots to... find a person that can teach her a way to overcome her fear of water. They found someone called Likeru, but he seemed sketchy so they searched farther. So they find... this weird dude named Llevigar, which was strange. He said that his name is Llevigar Citizen, but everyone just says Mr. Citizen or Llevigar. Since ocel0tgirl needed his help to smash faces, she decided to take the more respectful route and said, "Ok then Mr. Citizen, can you help me overcome my water fear?" And then he narrowed his eyes and thought about it. After a few agonizing minutes, Mr. Citizen said... hell no, he then left, angered, ocelotgirl went and killed the man with ocelots. So he then went to this lab to see if they could give her a potion or something, but they thought she was the mechanic and yeeted her down the sewers, there she found a guy who went "hey help me fix this" she decided she would... help him. but the puzzle was too hard to solve so she just brought up the wiki to help her solve it. The mechanic gave her a necklace, but it kinda sucked for her so she just yeeted it into the bank. She then... went back to trying to find a good swimming teacher/therapist, but she found none. She decided to go to the wateriest place she knew (which was not nemract amazingly enough), Selchar. Everything there was either about boats, fishing, or boats. After looking around for some time, she heard about a huge reef off the coast of the island. A treasure merchant in town actually even bought the garbage you can pull up from there! Perfect!! She could deal with her hydrophobia AND earn fat bundles of emeralds! She went right down to the beach, steeled her nerves, and... immediately died from shock. She respawned in nessak and decided nothing was going to help her hydrophopia and decided to forget ToA 2nd floor and the ocean forever. She was already lv 50 anyway. so she... went back to nesaak to find her way into the jungle. But when she found the path (bridge, actually), she realized it was absolutely covered in huge fiery things, so she... was like "hell no" and formed her ocelot army into a catank, which trundled through the bridge. Firey things and stuff jumped onto the catank, but it sustained no damage up until the middle of the bridge, where on of the treads hit a button which for some completely ridicules reason opened a hole in the floor of the structure. Making a demonic cat noise, ocel0tgirl tried to turn around and stop, but she was too late. Her catank flew through the giant hole and... landed in the area below. Luckily, there were these weird black tunnel things to get back up, so the catank climbed its way up to the bridge, taking only a few hours to do it. They finally reached the top, and carefully avoided all buttons until they reached the jungle side of the bridge. Once there, they... kill some slimy sheep thing, not knowing she would need it later. She then reaches Troms, where she... discovered she was covered in slime, and she didn't know how to get it off, so... she asked the local guards to help her get cleaned. The guards... oolishly tried to clean her off with lots of water, leading to a minor incident and them having to just scrub a lot. They asked if she could help with breaking a barrier to this slimy cave outside Troms, and promised it wouldn't involve her getting all slimy again, so she accepted and... after some searching got teleported to some smile dimension and met some kind of slime cult. They allowed her to open the slimy cave, where upon entering she used her amazing cat reflexs to conquer the parkour while like 10 other people that got stuck there for 10 years were just staring at her in awe. However there was a minor incident when escorting a statue where some slimes decided it would be a good idea to spray her with slime. She came out there with (slime) blood on her hands and continued forward. She met the cult leader and... he said something about attacking Troms with his slimes and dropped incantation on the floor so the Troms people could break into his cave, because apparently he didn't actually care about winning, just acting more powerful than other people. He was about to teleport away, but ocel0tgirl threw a bunch of cats really quickly and managed to trap him and take him to the Troms guards, who... just imprisoned him in some very sketchy prison in gavel. ocelotgirl then got some greaves at the slimy cave entrance as payment for her deeds. She then... wandered around the jungle about and found this fun little village with a few scary ponds underneath their bridges. One of the tribesmen there saw her and... and yelled at her that he was sick and needed liquified emeralds, confused she knocked the man out and stole his money, however a tribe member saw that and... rallied the tribesmen to kill Ocelotgirl, but... they were no match for her amazing cat powers, and she quickly managed to knock them all out just like that first guy. A few minutes later, some other tribesman came out of his house, and she was about to knock him out too, but he asked her for help, since his son had gone missing in the Dernel Jungle and she was clearly powerful enough to get him back. She decided to... knock him out too and steal his money, she was now rich from beating up tribesmen and bought a op item, this fancy item was called... praesidium, but she realized she was to underleveled for that, and she also remebered she had an atlas from atlas inc a while back, and Ocelotgirl decides to grind. she goes to... the dernel jungle where it's towering trees seem amazing for a cat like unto herself. "My home?" She wondered as she gazed into the landscape below. Luckily she dodged the random sword that tried to whack her as she decided it was best to change her position she gathered her cats and found... this weird village in the jungle. Luckily for them, they didn't have any scamming weirdos, so she didn't have to knock them all out. She tried talking to one of the tribesmen, but all she could understand was him gesturing towards this not tribesman, so she went to talk to that other guy, but he just said something about one of the tribesmen climbing a tree, so she decided to keep exploring the Dernel Jungle, this time on top of the trees to avoid rude floating swords, and eventually found this fun mansion with some weirdo asking about whether or not she had sinky shoes and if she does have sinky shoes please bring them to the mansion because that'll stop the wood from rotting or some nonsense, but she wasn't a high enough level anyways, so she decided to end this sentence since it's way too long at this point and... got whacked by another floating sword and died, she then respawned in bucie, she then said "i haven't even been here yet??" she then went to some guy that said "can you go kill 3 big boy orcs for me kthxbye, but she didn't feel like this, she decided to go to some floating forgery in the sky because this story needs to get a move on, there she bought some overly expensive keys and went to the corrupted version of... some stinky sewers outside Ragni. To be honest, she was kind of glad it was corrupted, because at least it didn't smell like Ragni citizen poop the whole time that way. There was some annoying voice yakking about spooky stuff, trying to sound intimidating, but it turned out to just be a skeleton that she had her ocelots, that somehow respawned in bucie with her despite not dying, take apart and use its bones as toys. The skeleton wasn't very happy about it, but she just wanted to use its bones to buy stuff from this creepy guy outside the sewers, so she did and got a Destructor because it sounded cool. She found she was able to use it to... Demolish things, however since it was about as heavy as a hinox in 2020, she had to ride her ocelots to move, so riding her poor ocelots she went to... Cinfras, where she found... some crazy farmer shouting about an airship that fell down near the canyon of the lost. No one else seemed to care whatsoever, so she assumed it wasn't important, and decided to just wander around Cinfras and see if she could find something. Eventually, she managed to open up some sewers by pressing a button near some bat symbol thingy, but sewers stink a ton so she didn't go in and kept looking around until she found... Some person who says he lost his credentials, so Ocelotgirl decides to... ignore it because it obviously wasn't the real start of the quest, she then gambled a bunch and lost all her money, in an attempt to get her money back she... kidnapped Calo... and stole all of his money, she used this money to buy an airship, using this airship she had free roam of the entire world, using her newfound exploration powers, she did not have to be worried of the ocean anymore. So she went to... Ahmsord, where she fell into the Void... and respawned in lutho, however she didn't know what lutho is, in a panic she... accidentally sold her entire inventory to the blacksmith except for her untradable dragon's eye bracelet and gaea-hewn boots... however, that didn't matter because she had c a t s. she then went to this very deep pit, and accidentaly fell in and... teleported to Yahya's MushroomWorld where she... found some catnip... and chucked it at Yahya, who was very mad... so yahya became lv. 9002 and proceeded to oneshot ocelotgirl. ocelotgirl respawned in... the entrance to eo. She was very confused as to where she was, but didn't want to really leave because this place looked cool. So, she picked a key laying on the ground and... ran eo before doing AJF. she got banned for glitch abuse... and very quickly broke the fourth wall. ... which hurt, and she got plaster all over her. She didn't want to take a bath, so... she didn't. She then went to... the place of... grooks, which was just the outside of cinfras. She found the stinky weasel guy killing some grooks, but she couldn't smell his weasel smell because of all the plaster in her nose. So she joined him in hunting grooks and... and by the end of the day, they had killed over fifty grooks. Feeling guilty, she... broke the barriers of reality and went back to the EO place, going in she used her ocelots to break into the room of the final boss, however she was behind the big eye so she stabbed it with ocelots, she then got some lame bow, killed her friends, beat up some people, and got rich.
    Using the money she went and bought the trade market, bought the king, and now runs the province of wynn, with her and her op ocelots, she is a force that can not be stopped


    6 pages just of this one storyline jeez
    Ankarin and Ellphant like this.
  9. Ellphant

    Ellphant [they/them] stop and smell the flowers, won't you? HERO

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    So uh
    Who’s next?
  10. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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  11. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    also i just realized it autocorrected booth to birth in my post lol
  12. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    this one dragged on way too long, lets do a story of @Ellphant the feathered mystical being, she can start because its her story
  13. Ellphant

    Ellphant [they/them] stop and smell the flowers, won't you? HERO

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    *clearly stalling*

    Once upon a time, there was an Avos named Ellphant. Ellphant was always mocked for her name because...
  14. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    she was a bird, not an elephant, and it made her sound fat. Still, she-
    wait i dont actually know if avos can fly and i dont want feathers fly spoiled here so uh ill just assume they can whatever
    - could fly fine, and one day...
  15. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    I just want to say, I think it would be fun to do what we have been doing and have mentions of older characters in newer stories ahheem
    ...she decided she wanted to become a warrior of wynn, so she grabbed her spear, crafted by a master avos weapon smith and set out to Wynn, once she made it there, she grabbed her spear and put it to the test against some zombies, however she is not skilled when it comes to fighting, so she had to start with the basics. To do this she joined in with some new recruits on a small journey. Though not as strong as a normal Wynn warrior, she had the ability to fly. Using these capabilities she found the nearest zombie and..
    (This is long do describe her traits, she is not strong yet/not talented at fighting, fast and agile, and can fly)
  16. Ellphant

    Ellphant [they/them] stop and smell the flowers, won't you? HERO

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    just saying it would’ve made more sense to be a shaman but ig it’s too late for that lol

    ...tried her hardest to kill it. Unfortunately, it didn’t go so well. You see, the zombie she was fighting had fire magic. Because of this, it was a little difficult to...
  17. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    we can change it to shaman, we already have a warrior (justice)
    ...kill them. So she flew above them and landed on their heads, which killed them.
    Ankarin likes this.
  18. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Ellphant then got a message from Ocelotgirl, the ruler of wynn. She told her that she wants bones for her cats, and tasked her to go farm some from the sewers. Ellphant decided to...
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
    Ellphant likes this.
  19. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    i see this one is taking place further in the future than other ones
    ...do it because all the people in the world had already been helped by 3 reknown heroes of the past. So she went into the sewers, but it was all wet and stinky, so she watched her step to make sure she doesn't get her wings wet. to her horror there were more bones there than imaginable, so she got alot of bones and gave it back to the queen of wynn, satisfied, ocelotgirl promoted ellphant to...
  20. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    Elite wynnic bird leader, since there weren't actually any other wynnic birds with ranks yet. Since she could fly, ocel0tgirl asked her to scout out this weird place past the mountains at the abandoned mines, which she now knew about due to being ruler of wynn, but wasn't sure if it was safe enough to go into yet. Ellphant...
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