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Coop Lootruns

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by 764hotshot, Oct 6, 2023.


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  1. 764hotshot

    764hotshot Skilled Adventurer

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    Please please please add a feature to make the new lootruns coop. I've played wynn for a decent amount of time and by far my favorite things to do are raids and dungeons with friends. This is the same way I felt about skyblock when I used to play that. That game's grind is extremely boring but doing it with friends makes it rly fun. I tried to do lootruns but they always felt way too lonely doing the sameish thing for hrs and hrs. While I think the new lootruns are great having the ability to share that experience with others would turn this into one of my favorite updates that I've been able to experience.

    I haven't thought much about how this would be implemented besides just having a party start the lootrun and somehow scaling the mobs according to the number of people in the lootrun.

    I started wynn because my friends told me it was fun, we played through all of the quests and dungeons together, got to the endgame and had tons of fun doing tcc and later tna. My whole wynn experience has been with others and it would just be so great if I could experience this final part of the game with my friends.

    loots runs are still cool tho
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Lootruns were designed to be singleplayer and balanced to be singleplayer. Though in theory it's cool, lootruns will likely remain a solo activity as they were intended to be. That doesn't change the potential of other multiplayer activities being added or expanded upon, however
    DrGREEN, Elysium_ and Castti like this.
  3. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Though they are single player, a leaderboard of sorts would be cool to keep thing competitive
    Elysium_ likes this.
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