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Concerning Wynncrafts Popularity

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Theepicsquash, May 25, 2016.


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  1. BigMacYoshi

    BigMacYoshi Card Master of Corkus & All-Knowing Psychic VIP+

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    Most people just wait for double xp or a new big update to actually get on, and I know because I am one of them. I have been playing for about 3-4 years, but never joined the forums until recently, which had been pushing me to play and be active more. I love the forums now, the community is amazing.
    I guess I ranted on a bit
  2. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    To be honest, to bring back what I think about the adding no level requirement for the quests I'll tell you this: If there were no level requirements, you would have to grind regardless. You'd get to about level 85 and realize, oh wait I need to now GRIND to level 100. The level based requirement system is put in place so it spreads out the grinding. It is impossible to reach level 100 without grinding.

    In terms of popularity, I joined in March 2014, and I've never seen it spike to 7000. At most maybe 4.5k. Recently yes there has been 300-1000 players on, but keep in mind a lot of the player base is in high school or college. If you care a lot about school, Wynncraft will be least of your priorities. Take myself for example, I've been inactive since November. I got busy with school, found minecraft to be the lowest of my priorities and didn't play. It wasn't because of the new update or how they are advertising, I just felt like I didn't have the time to play. New players- well that's the administration's handling as they control advertising. As players though, we can spread the message. Telling a few people can go a long ways... Once summer officially begins I see it heading upwards of 2k.

    What the server has to offer doesn't dictate how many players returning players will continue to play it. If you've played it for a long time, it'll most likely be an outside reason that will drive you away. For new players, yeah it has very strong influence.

    In terms of the forums, after that DDoS/crash like a year ago and everyone lost everything, I mean everything, the forums haven't really been making a comeback. And I think that has to do with who is ACTUALLY active right now. If the active section of the forums worked to make it more of a community instead of a series of updates, I think it should have a comeback. But complaining about what isn't happening isn't going to solve the issue, you are going to have to make some changes yourself! Maybe you should start adding newer threads, implement something new about the trade shop to increase it's popularity!

    You can be hostile and say that you aren't simply complaining about the situation. You could be doing something, I wouldn't know because I'm not very active. But let's face it, this whole thread is just a complain fest of what isn't right with a mixture of opinions and we aren't doing a single thing! Me, however, I've been updating the wiki over the past week and plan to keep on updating it through the year because that has let go of some of the slack. I can help with the forums, but if you can give some suggestions to help make the server/the forums more popular do that! But don't be obnoxious about it either.
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
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