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Collection Of Cool Features From Other Rpg Games

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by T-Flex, Dec 4, 2017.

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  1. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Greetings traveler.

    I always refrained from making suggestions regarding Wynncraft's new gameplay features and additions. I have played many RPG games, and at times, I felt as if I was trying to turn Wynn into other games.

    Just recently I realized I don't need to actually suggest what to add, instead, I could show what I liked in other games, so hopefully CT team, or whoever is in charge of new features, could get an inspiration.

    I plan on updating the thread as I get more ideas. Table of content is kinda messy, meaning class based ideas aren't arranged next to each other. That's because I was adding ideas one under another as I came up with them.

    Table of content:

    1) Flasks
    • mechanics
    • flask examples
    2) Skill tree
    • skill tree examples from other games
    3) Achievements
    • elaboration
    • achievement example
    4) Class ascendancy
    • elaboration
    • class ascendancy example
    5) Raiding
    • elaboration
    • raiding example
    6) A game within a game
    • elaboration with an example
    7) Dual classing
    • elaboration with examples

    Flasks (PoE)

    I have never seen game that utilizes potions/flasks/concoctions like PoE does. Usually, potions are a one-time consumables that replenish your health, mana, or something else. They are nothing worth mentioning nor strategizing around. Not in PoE tho. PoE took flasks to another level.

    Instead of them being a one-time consumables, you get to recharge them by killing normal mobs.
    There is a GIF in the spoiler to give you a better idea (one spoiler contains low quality GIF, other contains link to a higher quality one). Look at the lower left corner. I activate 4 of my potions, they get emptied by 30-50% and recharge after I killed the mobs.
    Instead of potions being something "meh", they made them into a feature worth considering when making your builds. They are also not just for replenishing your health or/and mana. They can also increase your evasion, give you extra 2 projectiles, increased your e.g. cold damage, give you extra damage and much more.

    Flask examples:

    Skill tree

    Now this one is really important for an RPG game. I am not sure why Wynn still doesn't have it. Skill trees let you customize character the way you want to play the game.
    You know how warrior has 120% defense but archer has only 60%? Yea, that's bad. Differences in class stats should be obtained trough skill trees and gear, especially considering the size of those difference in Wynn. 95% for archer and 105% for warrior could work as a start, but anything else should be obtained trough customizing, not be set by nature.

    Skill tree examples:

    PoE has one of the most immersive skill trees I have ever seen. Customization options are unbelievable. One huge con is it's overwhelming for newcomers, and it's hard to make your own build unless you are an experienced player. Also, you can't just reset it. You need to spend in-game currencies.
    NOTE: those are only passive abilities. Actual skills are obtained trough gems which you can switch at any time.

    Diablo 3
    Diablo 3, compared to PoE, has definatelly a much cleaner, simpler "skill tree". You lose a lot of customization options, but it's a lot simpler to follow and test out. D3's skill tree isn't actually a skill tree. It's divided into 2 pieces. Skills and passives. You unlock those as you level up, a system similar to Wynn's. For skills, you also have runes, which can e.g. increase your damage, duration, AoE... Passives are used to optimize your playstyle. They can increase your mana regeneration, give you extra damage when on low life and other benefits.

    CoB had an interesting approach. Instead of getting spendable skill points as you level up, you had to complete certain tasks/achievements in order to earn those skill points. It made certain un-interesting world areas more interesting to visit and it prolonged the playtime, but not in a bad way.

    Fable also had a very interesting approach. There were no character levels. Instead you'd gain experience which you could spend on improving your character. Experience could have been spent for every 3 categories, strength, skill and will. Using certain techniques in-game would yield you a particular type of experience. For example, if you used melee attacks, you'd gain strength points, or if you used spells, you'd gain will points. Will points could have only been spent on skills. So if you ever a mage, and used skills a lot, you wouldn't be able to increase your strength.

    Grim dawn
    Similar to PoE, but points were a lot more limited and obtained trough finding certain stones.


    Achievements, done right, can be really fun. There are old achievement systems. Like, go there, kill that, and you get a nice green check mark. That's bad. That's a no-no. Instead, you want to turn achievements into something visual, something actually worth playing for. For example, killing a certain number of a particular mob would unlock you a particular passive, which you can switch at any time and further customize your build.

    Achievement example:


    Class ascendancy

    Wynncraft has 4 classes currently. Instead of adding more, we could have "upgraded classes". Upon completing a certain task(s), you get to chose an ascendant class. For example, archer could be upgraded into a marksman, someone with extra accuracy and damage, an elf, someone who mastered healing. Warrior could be upgraded into slayer, a knight or even a juggernaut.

    Ascendancy example:

    In PoE, if you want to upgrade your class, you first need to complete trials. Trials are certain places filled with dangerous traps and monsters. Upon on completing them, you unlock the Lord's labyrinth. It's exactly what you think it is, but when you find an exit, there is a boss you need to kill. Upon on killing the boss you gain access to ascendancy class and skills.
    Trial filled with spikes
    Lord's labyrinth
    Choosing templar ascendancy


    I played only 1 game that had raiding. I really regret that, as raiding was really fun when played with people who wanted to achieve something. I know WoW has raids, but no idea how they look, as WoW is a big commitment, so I never played it.

    Raiding example:

    Game I was played was called ghost trappers. Basically, you'd catch ghosts. When it comes to raids, there was a limit of 4 people in your team who could go to raid with you. In raids, after completing certain missions, or catching a certain ghost(s), you'd receive special prize(s). There were also raid exclusive locations, mobs and drops. Raids certainly brought another dimension to gameplay and made it more fun, as there were more different things you were able to do. Con, it's impossible to raid if you have no one to play with.
    Raid locations

    A game within a game

    How many of you played Witcher 3? You did? Then you know what I am going to mention. That's right, it's gwent. For those of you who don't have a good taste and didn't play Witcher 3, let me describe to you what gwent it. Basically, it's a card game. It's simple, yet engaging and fun. You'd get cards for your deck by buying them, finding them, wining them from other people or completing certain missions. It was fun because it let you take a break from the main story, but since it was so huge and known all around the Northern Kingdom, it still felt like a major part of the game. There is also something about cards that naturally draws people to them.
    Just imagine grinding out there and getting a golden full-art Yahya 9000.

    Dual classes

    I played 2 games that let me go dual class. Grim dawn and Titan quest. Both of those games where from the same developer.
    Detailed explanation isn't needed. As you'd level up, on certain level you'd be granted an option to chose your 2nd class type. It was optional and not needed. That option let you further customize your character if you wanted to, as it let you combine different passives and skills together.
    Grim dawn
    Titan quest
    GoodNermss, Khaps, Gebis8 and 7 others like this.
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    While these are pretty decent in concept, there's one big problem that almost all of these have. Balancing.

    The addition of almost any of these would require enormous rebalancing throughout all of Wynn's other features, lest their addition make this game even easier than it already is.

    A few more specific problems:
    • Raids, if like swarms, would probably still create problems and lag, which is why they were removed. If more traditional raids, then balancing is once again an issue, because making actual raid bosses is abnormally hard in Wynn without having a forced requirement on the number of players needed.
    • A game with wynn would be particularly difficult to make properly, just because of how limited minecraft is as an engine for an RPG. Impossible, no, but making anything more than the simplest of minigames wouldn't be very viable.
    • Dual classes are kind of iffy for Wynn, seeing as how we only have 4 classes. If you can fully dual class then suddenly you've got half the abilities in the game. If Wynn ever gets a couple more classes, then it could work, but as is won't work. Balancing this would be especially tough, too, unless it was only a partial dual class.
    Of all of these suggestions, achievements is probably the all-around best one, not really having any problems except for a lack of detail (which isn't the point of this thread, so it's not that bad).

    Other than achievements, a simple skill tree would probably work nicely in Wynn, but that's a pretty complicated task.

    Overall, these are good ideas, but the problem lies in executing them.
  3. BuffAirSpear

    BuffAirSpear Avos Air Assassin HERO

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    Humm so i am only going to comment on the raids for now... personally i would love to have those in wynn and i think they would be a great addition but before we can even start thinking about creating them i think there is a lot of other work to be done beforehand... for example we do need an aggro table or something to make group fights possible(i would imagine warscream sort off acting as a taunt or something like that). And another thing that would have to be looked at is the side effects of our current spells as stunlock would be insanely powerful for group fights (it already is) since you can essencially keep the enemy in one place the entire time. Another problem would obviously be the balancing of the raidbosses... but then again i guess you can just make them rediculously strong to force group combat and have the players figure out how many ppl they need for beating the raid (without saying that you need to be in a party with like 12players before you enter the raid dungeon)
    T-Flex likes this.
  4. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    guildw wars 2 has really good examples of raiding
    T-Flex likes this.
  5. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Never played it, so i wouldn't know.
  6. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    3rd on the list of grading... oh boy... someone save me before I bury myself in grades...
    T-Flex likes this.
  7. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    looks good to me
    T-Flex likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I like the skill tree ability the best, and hopefully they will flesh out that idea if the implement a better skill point system

    The card game would be hard to do, but I'm picturing cards being maps with certain images on them and whatnot. Could work, but eh.

    Ascendency is actually a really good idea, and would give higher level players a way to still progress (and would fulfill all those subclass suggestions)

    I also like the Achievements, even simple "go here, kill that, green checkmark" would be something nice.
    Also add pool (poll)
    T-Flex likes this.
  9. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I totally agree with a lot of this, especially the skill trees.
    T-Flex likes this.
  10. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    The problem with pool(poll) is that I plan on adding more stuff to the thread, and once I do, I can't just edit pool(poll) anymore.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
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