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Official Event [ Closed ] The V.s.s. Seaskipper Dialogues Contest

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Lotem, Nov 29, 2016.

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  1. Huntingdog5

    Huntingdog5 Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    First one
    [1/4] 'eard 'bout yon hideout near 'lmuj.
    [2/4] there be storms over in the desert maty.
    [3/4] bloke named ba'al killed some forces in the dessert .(do it before the mercenary quest is done)
    [4/4] He be drunk to me by the way acting.
    drop off line 'ope you 'ill 'im soon ...what yar watin' for maty go on.... OFF!!!

    [1/4] yar eard of thar 'ce 'ations?
    [2/4] to 'old for me an old capin' maty
    [3/4] Try selchar's reef a dive for you in the reef be laxin for yar.
    [4/4] 'ere on shore maty !.... go there in yaar futre riches 'waitin'!
  2. Jealoussy

    Jealoussy Well-Known Adventurer

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    [1/4]Seaskipper Captain: Yo ho ho! Fallin' asleep already shark bait? T'ere is a long way to go still.
    [2/4]Seaskipper Captain: Ever hear the story of my ol' pal Redbeard?
    [3/4]Seaskipper Captain: Rumor says that the old fart's galleon crashed, and al' his booty was left in the sea..
    [4/4]Seaskipper Captain: No one knows where doe.. hmm.. anyway, the trip is over, ahoy, off me boat!

    To Skiens Island

    [1/4]Seaskipper Captain: I won’t go to sleep, I won’t, I won’t! MUM! it isn’t six o’clock ye- Oh.. Hello, where ya'll headed to hehe? Skiens Island? 'Aighty!
    [2/4]Seaskipper Captain: Ya know, the other day me was wanderin' 'round these islands and ya'll won't beleive what I found!
    [3/4]Seaskipper Captain: There be this cow, in a prison. I remember me grandpy tellin' me stories about it, it apparently is Bob's cow, "Mooington"
    [4/4]Seaskipper Captain: I bet if ya roast it there'd be sum nice beef, eh? ya could get some Nemract whiskey too..
    [1/1]Seaskipper Captain: We've arrived at your destination, "See you later", that's how y'all say it right?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  3. skizofir

    skizofir Triggered feminist

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    1/4- You folks heard 'bout the Maro peaks?
    2/4- Heard it was being lived by monkey b'fore
    3/4- People been sayin' a sheep defeated 'em all
    4/4- Now, of course, i don't believe it, but, ya know, in this world...

    1/4- Eh, hear this out.
    2/4- Where you're goin', people been saying weird thin'
    3/4- They ,Gavelonian, or whateve' it is, they've been sayin' they got floatin' islands
    4/4- That ain't possible mate, lemme tell you that haha
  4. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    maro peaks wouldn't really work because he could start talking about it while sailing you to Maro Peaks, and if he's sailing you to Maro Peaks he
    1. already knows you know about it
    2. already said something about the sheep god
    also 'you folks' is plural.
    Lotem likes this.
  5. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    [1/4] You, I like you, yet you refuse to go on ocean voyages with my ship.
    [2/4] It is always to Llevigar, Selchar, and Nemract with you folks, adventure more on my ship.
    [3/4] Can ye see the Bear Zoo, Skien's Island, and Half Moon Island? There is content afloat there matey.
    [4/4] Look our island is near, but adventure more and remove your fear; all so I may see you again.


    [1/4] Arggh those Airship companies, forever robbing my customers; they shall pay with the wrath of some air pirates one day.
    [2/4] They be stealing my job day in and day out, transporting people across the ocean at high price.
    [3/4] Why if I saw them, I'd hurt them more than twice, for they be robbing me along the Eightfold Path.
    [4/4] Hrmm did you hear that? Disclose nothing and take nothing, ye scallywag
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
  6. skizofir

    skizofir Triggered feminist

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    Well, maybe he just doesn't wanna know that we know. I don't think that the player cares in any way about his life and stuff
    And when i said ¨folks¨, i meant like the people as a whole, like the people from Fruma (the player)
  7. Redcowboycraft

    Redcowboycraft Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    1/4: Have ya ever got to the sky islands?
    2/4: Ya didn't? How is this possible! It is the most 'mazing place in the 'hole mighty Gavel!
    3/4: I 'eard that a mystical company is planning something over there...
    4/4: It's pretty 'ard to get ther' thought, ya have to go trough the Canyon of the Lost!

    1/4: Why are ya giving me that look! I am not a 'onster.
    2/4: Why do I have rotten flesh and fish all over meh?
    3/4: I just took my annual bath in the Nemract water 'ear the sewers!
    4/4: You say the the wate' is polluted with junk! Ya wont be follin' me!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  8. groentenvang

    groentenvang Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    [1/4]Seaskipper Captain: Aye matey, have yer 'eard 'bout the ancient tale o' Dead Island?
    [2/4]Seaskipper Captain: I was told that there was an ol' creep, called Siwel, an alchemist.
    [3/4]Seaskipper Captain: Rumours say he be starin' at his cauldron day 'n night, hypnotizin' innocent people.
    [4/4]Seaskipper Captain: Don't know if this be right, though, as the ol' pirate who told me had drank some bottles o' whisky already, har har!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  9. GiraffeMemeLord

    GiraffeMemeLord Has Crab AIDS HERO

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    [1/4] "There is a truly strange island off the coast of Jofash docks."
    [2/4] "People live on the island, but they look a bit off..."
    [3/4] "They truly are a strange group of people, but hey."
    [4/4] "The ocean just has that effect on those people."

    and the second :D

    "I heard that the island province of Corkus is finally opening to guests!"
    [2/4] "For the longest time I didn't believe the place existed!"

    [3/4] "That kind of stinks because I told all my passengers otherwise!"
    [4/4] "Well im glad to wrong for once, who knows what wonders that island holds!"
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    NinjaPro8000 likes this.
  10. Crispbreadfish

    Crispbreadfish The fish with a crispbread body VIP+

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    [1/4]"So, I've been bombardin' everybody who travels on this ship with all those storys from my life."
    [2/4]"How about you tell me somethin' you experienced on your journeys for a change?"
    [3/4]"Perhaps you could tell me story of Bob? Everyone's really admirin' him and I'd like to know why that is."
    [4/4]"Oh. It seems we're arrivin'. Well, maybe we can do that next time. See ya' around, mate."

    [1/4]"I met a real strange person recently. His bags were stuffed with mushrooms. All sorts of 'em!"
    [2/4]"Wanted to visit his brother, but the fella told me to turn back before we even arrived!"
    [3/4]"'D-Didn't bring enough m-m-mushrooms.' he said! 'I need t-to b-bring m-more mushr-rooms!'"
    [4/4]"I hope I never meet that weirdo again. Hope to see you again soon though."
  11. Loxotus

    Loxotus Lotus King VIP

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    "Ahh, A new adventurer, what are you doing out in the ocean"
    "No wories, Your probably as shy as my sister sally, she was scared to talk to santa"
    "Well you see that island in the distance, thats why ill be dropping you off"
    "It was a nice time seeing you, goodluck, and also dont be shy!"
    Thanks for reading. Probably might not "wynn" but I tried. @Lotem
  12. Shiazzu

    Shiazzu Well-Known Adventurer

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    1/1: Once I tried to catch FOG, but I MIST hehe.

    2/2: Sorry,that was bad. Have you got better jokes?

    3/3: You don't talk a lot do you? Oh well, just going to think of one myself

    4/4: Why did the Wybel cross the road? I actually don't know the answer to that one. Do you?
    Vanward likes this.
  13. TheBlobMiner

    TheBlobMiner numb VIP+

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    "Did ya know about the tall plant on the edge of the sea? No?"
    "Well ya'll find great food for it there, Sky High Raspberries! I have some, dunno what to do with it, so keep it yourself!"
    *gives Sky High Raspberries*
    "Maybe ya'll make somethin' useful out of it, cooking recipe maybe?"
    "Ha! A recipe for disaster!"

    Good luck guys!
  14. dragonjjp

    dragonjjp powder hunter VIP+

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    You will never believe what i saw today!
    I was runnin' low on suplies when i found an island with a tree on it.
    one tree! on that tiny island, you couldn't even walk 'round it.
    anyway, when i headed in a cave near the tree i found a man farming potatoes, strange don't ye think?
  15. Westernboy

    Westernboy LMAO!! (that means laughing out loud) VIP+

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    The son of the Sea Skipper
    Have I ever told ya about my son? No? Well, in the past me son grew up in Wynn.
    2/4 For some reason, he always had somethin with cookin. One time I traveled to Gavel with me ship, and he asked if he could go with me.
    3/4 And so he joined me! After we arrived he to'l me that he had met a person in Nemract and that that person had a restauran't where he could work.
    4/4 He told me that he always wanted to be a cook and went to the restaurant. If you ever walk accros him say hello from his o'l father, he name be Frank.

    The Sea Skipper's wife
    Have ya ever 'eard of Durum Isles before? I accually met me current wife there.
    2/4 She is a wonderfull lady I can tell ya that, She has brown hair and blue eyes.
    3/4 And just like you, she is a human! She to'l me that she came from a island named Corkus.
    4/4 I never went to Corkus before though. I think I shoul be hedin there one day if I get me chance.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  16. Pearhair

    Pearhair If life gives you lemons, tell it to not be cliche VIP

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    "Sailin' In the Sky"
    [1/4] The guy who sailed with me before ya was a little strange n' the head.
    [2/4] This person, who was some kinda merchant or somethin', was describin' his journey to this place really far out in ol' Gavel.
    [3/4] As he left, he mentioned this doodad called an "air-ship", or somethin' like that.

    [4/4] He said he was gonna get to his next place by sailin' in the sky. Last time I checked, boats are traveling n' the ocean!

    [1/4] I was sailin' by the other day, and I passed an island that seemed to 'ave a lot of action on it.
    [2/4] There was flashin' in the sky, and the sole fighter on the island was makin' a whole lotta noise.
    [3/4] When I docked, I saw that he was killin' all of them undeads for "experience".
    [4/4] Stuff like that makes me wonder if we're really the good guys or not.
    Plasma~ likes this.
  17. Rockayy

    Rockayy His lament face filled with fatal and grim VIP

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    First Dialogue "Bein' Stalked"

    [1/4] Do you ever get that feelin' that somebody's watchin' ye?
    [2/4] The other day, I was sailing along when I heard a whole bunch o' crooks had escaped the Forbidden Prison.
    [3/4] I almost pee'd me pants! I thought they must 'ave been super powerful when suddenly I heard a noise behind me.
    [4/4] I guess you could say I squealed like a pigman!

    Second Dialogue "Nutcase"

    [1/4] I swear I was hallucinatin' the other day. Me and my lads went out fo' some fishin' and I gave our boats a quick count beforehand.
    [2/4] I counted four, but durin' the time we were fishin', one of 'em had mysteriously disappeared.
    [3/4] We stopped at an ol' dock and counted four once again. Me mates thought I was a complete nut!
    [4/4] Once I was in me ol' boat, I counted three again. I guess I just had too much of that Nemract Whiskey.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
  18. Cat TheWarrior

    Cat TheWarrior Little Warrior VIP

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    [1/4] "Ey, welcome back. It's good to see ya'."
    [2/4] "It's great to have a old customer back on."
    [3/4] "Ya' know, I'd love to know more about you this time."
    [4/4] "Tell me about yourself."

    Long Pause...
    [1/2] "Ah.. You sound a little stressed after goin' back in forth through quests?"
    [2/2] "Why not take a rest?"

    He gives a gift to you

    [1/1] "Pack up your stuff! The destination is ahead!"
  19. Shadowbear100

    Shadowbear100 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    1) Here in my harbor, just bought this new sailboat here.
    2) It’s fun to sail up here in the Wynncraft Ocean, but you know what I like more than materialistic things? Knowledge.
    3) In fact, I’mma lot more proud of these seven new bookshelves that I had to get installed to hold two thousand new books that I bought on the entire history of Wynn.
    4) I would tell ya more but its a long story and we dont have much time....this new sailboat travels at 9001 blocks per minute.

    1) Legend has it that there is a very powerful thing out somewhere in the universe.
    2) This thing is said to possess technology 100 times more advanced than our crude bows and spears.
    3) It is said to be on an island far away from wynn, isolated from our rudimentary civilizations.
    4) Of course...I'm talking about the mythical cow god Salted! What else would it be!
  20. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: Have ye heard of Siegfred the legendary war-
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: What? Well, he be the bob of gavel most say.
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: All anyone ever talks about is 'im!
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: There's even fan mercha- Wait!
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
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