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SPOILER Cinfras Got Changed

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReneCZ, Nov 9, 2021.


Do you Like the new Cinfras more then the old one?

  1. Yes

    33 vote(s)
  2. I liked the middle one

    8 vote(s)
  3. I like the 1.20 one more

    12 vote(s)
  4. I liked the slabby mess pre 1.20 one more

    18 vote(s)
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  1. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    If you feel the need to say only one person asked for it over three threads you had also be interested in talking about your issues with it over three threads.

    Taking it from the top;

    I agree red was previously an accent color but I disagree with the premise that it was better off that way. In the old build, there wasn't a main color, red (and its shades), blue and green were all accents to the gray blandness, now the main color is red with blue and green accents which makes the whole thing brighter. Even if you disagree with the color though, the road needs to be bright since it solves the issue of the paths feeling cramped by making a clear line between the edge of the road and the start of the buildings. I can understand not liking the red (though I strongly disagree) but wanting the roads darker ignores one of the biggest issues with the city feeling cramped which is something I just don't understand.

    I might agree about the roof trims, but you rarely if ever actually see the trims and so I don't see why they really matter. That feels like a weak criticism of the roads since it's really more of an issue with the trims then the roads.

    And yes, screw the lamp, as we speak I'm certain it's burning in the pits of the molten heights.
    Can't wait, I love being told my takes are shit :D
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
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  2. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I don't get why some of you feel the need to complain over and over about this change. There were some details about Cinfras that made it hard to play in, so it was changed to meet those requirements. While I wasn't particularly annoyed by the lamppost, it was definitely a good change, and now the area feels a lot more open.
    Also, I genuinely don't give a shit about "build style" or "oh my god they used bricks here its like Corkus" because I think that as long as the build looks cool and fits what it does/where it is, I like it. Cinfras gives exactly the vibes that it should, and I couldn't care less if it looks slightly like some other area in the game.
    As I'm reading through some of the complains, some of them make little to no sense at all, for example:
    What? Of course Cinfras is meant to be cramped, it a big city, all big cities are cramped. But isn't supposed to feel dark and old. In fact, you actually contradict this by stating that you like the "sense of growth". If the city had grown, then they wouldn't just abandon old buildings - they would remake them with brighter colors to fit modernity. Cinfras should feel alive, colorful, and unique, and in my opinion it does.
  3. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    its the oldest villager city - it should show its age, and cramped places generally feel dark too.

    thats not necessarily true, just because the city is expanding doesnt mean that the buildings would be modern, especially if its the general houses where those who dont have money are living, and bright colors dont equal modern, most modern buildings today are shades of gray or black. ( and some houses have dirt floors - to give you idea of the economic status of some of these people)
    the roads were clearly marked before - if you cant follow them thats on you, though i will admit it was quite funny that the side streets and paths were wider than the main boulevards

    regardless it doesnt mean they need to be super bright - especially when it brings the rest of the cities aesthetics down. I dont even want the roads to be necessarily dark - i just want them to match the rest of the city - they were light gray before, they werent even dark to begin with

    also the main color of cinfras was clearly blue - considering literally every house is colored as such
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  4. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    My point wasn't that the paths weren't clear, it's that they weren't distinct enough from the buildings which leads to the paths feeling narrower then they actually are. Light colored roads also feel larger in general, the lighter the wider. I also don't agree with anything you're saying about the city being modern in regards to the move from the 2.0 to 2.1 change. If you wanted to make that argument going from the original to the 2.0/2.1 build I would entertain that but not enough has changed in the latest revision for that to make any sense, in fact, going from concrete to brick makes the city feel older in my books because that's what actual cities used, small bricks colored by local minerals like that are extremely common where as gray roads are a defining quality of modernity.

    I think you're conflating two issues, the red and the brightness. The brightness is absolutely necessary to make the paths feel wider then they are and the contrast between the light roads and dark(er) buildings fights off the sense of claustrophobia. The red, in my opinion is a good texture and the color works well with the rest of the city which is why I'm a fan.

    I don't agree the main color was ever blue, if you actually compare the amount of blue to the amount of gray the blue is a drop in the bucket. The blue stood out as a contrasty bit on the second floors which it still does. Really, there was as much green in the old city as there was blue if you include the green strips.
  5. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Cinfras is the richest city in Gavel, and they have practically unrestricted air access to nearly every other city. So obviously, they shouldn't be in poor conditions.
    Second of all, its the BIGGEST city in Gavel, so it should feel like it. If I went into Cinfras and all I saw was a bunch of old, dark houses, that wouldn't feel very alive to me. All of the activity and bright colors give the idea that things are happening in Cinfras; that merchants are coming, and just in general that there are actual people.
    Cinfras should look similar to Detlas imo. Not the exact same style, but similar enough that you can tell there are relations between the two. If you want to give the houses generic, boring grey walls and dirt floors, then believe so, but then we'll just have a second Nemract or Olux.
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  6. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Don't want to hop into your discussion but I second that it should look similar in ways to Detlas, I think that's a really good point of comparison.
  7. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    just because a city is rich doesnt mean all of its residents are (see literally any city except maybe venice or something)

    regardless - just because a city is old doesnt mean people still wouldnt go to it, not every medieval city was a beacon of bright colors, it didnt mean they didnt exist, but they wouldnt be painting their roads a bright red to say as much

    detlas and cinfras were built from two completely different cultures - they shouldnt look the same IMO (if anything cinfras architecture should be represented in some newer buildings in detlas, rather than cinfras being based on detlas if we wanna keep lore continuity)

    but the cities being distinct is good - you dont want players feeling like gavel is just wynn again but bigger
  8. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    "Should look similar in ways" and "good point of comparison" are not the same as saying they should look the same. They are both major cities (who were recently reworked) and so they would both be designed around similar design constraints. From a gameplay perspective they should also have a lot of similarities like the open city center for people to gather in and since they're both major points of interest accessing all the core NPC's should also be easy. I'm not saying they should be the same, far from it, I'm saying they are extremely comparable. From a world perspective, they are both extremely populated cities built in moderate climates near forests and mountains.
  9. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    the paths were lighter than the houses tho, the houses (at least the foundations) are constructed from dark stone, while the paths had an outline of dark stone and the center was lighter.

    the roads also had more of a blue tint than the dark stone used in the actual houses due to the use of cyan teracotta and dark gray concrete
  10. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    The very center was lighter which is why the paths felt so narrow in the first place, it only felt like the light part was the path which is the exact issue I'm trying to point out...

    It's not even me who brought up that issue either, I said the roads were physically too narrow with the only fix being worldedit and Bob told me I was wrong, which turned out to be true because the roads are like 6 blocks wider then they actually looked.
  11. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Yes, but that was mostly because those cities didn't HAVE access to hose kind of colors to use all over a city. As we've seen from other cities in Wynncraft, there is more than enough color, and I feel like a big major trading city likely 1) has a significant amount of these resources to use and 2) would definitely use them.

    Also, I'm not saying that everyone in Cinfras has to be rich, I'm saying that Cinfras easily has the resources to make the city like this. And besides, even if they didn't, those kind of residential houses wouldn't be the focus of the city, the big merchant houses and bank would be. No reasonable city goes "hey lets put our poor residential people's houses right in the center of our city for everyone to see them". The colors and blocks used in Cinfras give exactly the vibe that the city needs.
  12. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    it did have color in the beta until people complained - the current implementation of color is just bad

    also literally every house is a bright blue
  13. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I haven't actually been able to get in-game to see the colors yet, but from the images I don't see a single thing wrong with the colors.
  14. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    idk ive never had a problem with the roads, theyve always felt fine to me - and regardless there was certainly a better way to fix the issue than to make it a red that doesnt fit anywhere else in the city

    im not saying cinfras cant be changed, i had my own problems with all of the houses being blue in the beta, but i just think the current direction doesnt work
    the road being a bright red with a jumbled mess of orange and yellow in the middle is quite e, to say the least, and is much worse than the original use of orange and red as trim on buildings and the onion domes which added color to the city but wasnt overbearing
  15. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    The roads are fine, I suppose the center could use a little experimenting with a good color palette but it certainly isn't anywhere near as bad as you say it is
  16. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    This is where we get down to pure opinion because I just disagree, I didn't even realize how much I disliked the roads until I saw the new ones and I disagree that the new roads don't fit, I think they not only fit perfectly but fix a lot of the issues I had with the city and give it character which is something the city never really had.
    I think the yellow is a big upgrade over the green, I suggested using wood which I still think could be good but I don't think the city center is an issue anymore, at this point it's just about peoples favorite color.
  17. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I completely agree. Really the center just needs to choose a style and color and stick with it, so long as it doesn't clash with any of the other blocks it'll work, and this style does.
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  18. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I don't understand why so many people think bricks look "steampunk", bricks are historically an extremely popular choice for paving and the "stone style" looked more like pavement which makes absolutely no sense in the context. If the stone was cobblestone I would get that since cobblestones also make some sense but it was way too smooth for that to be the case.

    Also, Cinfras is the home to the biggest airbase in the game, a super steampunk concept given the fantasy setting of the game. Even if you want to argue that the roads are steampunk (which is a premise I don't agree with) I don't really see how that's a problem considering the city has always been fairly steampunk on a conceptual level.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  19. ReneCZ

    ReneCZ Rene Media CHAMPION

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    IDK I like new cinfras
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  20. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I feel like there's already a lot of plant life though, if you walk either north or south of the city center there are fairly massive green strips, I guess it's not in the city center itself but I don't really think it needs to be honestly. I do agree that the red/green contrast is nice though and that the bricks go really nicely with the plant stuff.
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