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Cinfras - Current & New

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ChrisTheBear, Dec 8, 2020.

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  1. Da_Chicken303

    Da_Chicken303 The fastest spell spammer in the west VIP+

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    Oh my lord Cinfras looks really nice now. Old Cinfras was really just similar to old Detlas, but it was more messy and unneat. There was a lot of slab spam. The new Cinfras looks super grand and the houses like EO, and has a touch of magical feel. Nice work CT
    Sprite and ChrisTheBear like this.
  2. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    I agree, I love the new look, but it really is a high up build, but then again Detlas is like that although there is more space in Detlas for viewing. Something about the compacted builds that I like is that's the small parts of the city you go to are really cool,
    I agree that the city is quite closed off and all your points on the bank is exactly what I thought when I first saw it, I think that the old layout was great but they could incorporate the style of the new one, adding more colour and more openness. The current bank almost feels like being a dungeon. But that old bin in the middle is something ill never like
    I'm going to go around and get a few screenshots of the reworked cities so you can wait for that if you want to know what they look like
    I think that a Town square is exactly what Cinfras needs, it really made Detlas feel more welcoming. As for Guild Hall, I agree that it feels less lively but I really like the new build, plus the old one was so cluttered, you'd think there was a secret button behind everything, and you could barely see anything. I think that the area in front of the Guild Master and Emerald Merchant should be more lively and full, its currently a bit plain at the moment. The Levitus Airbase could do with more clutter but it should be neater, the old build was extremely messy, but the new build feels like if there isn't clutter, there is no one doing business there
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    Shoefarts and Sg_Voltage like this.
  3. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    i am in love with the new cinfras, that, thanos, and bucie got the biggest reworks imo (havn't seen aldorei yet)
    Ellphant and ChrisTheBear like this.
  4. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    Places I have not seen yet are: Bucie, Lexdale, Eltom, (Barely any) Rodoroc, Aldorei and Ahmsord
    Ellphant likes this.
  5. Windfall_

    Windfall_ Proud Owner of the Worst Sage HERO

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    Rodo looks almost exactly the same. They updated the look of molten heights in general by making it more red. They also added an EO entrance to the entrance of Rodo.

    Aldorei has a very same build palette and design. However, the town is a lot less confusing now. There is a gate connecting the valley and city.
    ChrisTheBear and Ellphant like this.
  6. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    rodoroc is the same, its molten heights that are changed
    ahmsord is the same town
    bucie is an actual chad town
    lexdale is 10x less depressing
    Eltom is way different and more open
    don't know about aldorei
    ChrisTheBear and Ellphant like this.
  7. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    I want to meet the architect somehow convincing all these towns they need a bigass EO type gateway.
  8. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I am gonna be honest: I love new Cinfras, and this is coming from someone who actually really loved the old version too. I don't really know why everyone thinks it's that close to EO or Lutho, I feel like the main comparisons are because the city's no longer primarily brown or grey like so many other places were.
    hmtn, ZockerCam and ChrisTheBear like this.
  9. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    I think it's the roofs that mainly make new Cinfras look like Lutho. The colours are a bit harsher than what one would typically expect, much like Lutho. They're also alot darker now and they have alot more contrast making the area seem more intense and crazy. Detlas has a much lighter build palette which really compliments the fantasy theme more. Although, I don't want new Cinfras to just be a Detlas 2, I think the colours would benefit from being lightened up a bit.

    Also there are more bulbous roofs then I think are really needed.

    Sorry if this sounds a bit nitpicky, it's just hard to exactly explain why I feel new Cinfras resembles Lutho.
    hmtn, ChrisTheBear and Druser like this.
  10. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think people feel that way because it shares the same blocky style as them. It's really hard to express why I, and I assume others, feel that way, but I think it comes down to the specific colors used and the lack of details in favor of more elaborate shaping which is the way EO and the SE were designed in general. I get the impression based on the what I've seen so far, especially the raid that this is just the new style the build team are going for, for better or for worse.

    That said, I don't think it's entirely bad, except for the Cinfras bank which is actually awful, not just compared to before but in general, I just think some people preferred the more detailed and toned down builds of the past.

    I do think that this is pushing the boundaries of what a town remake should be though. Cinfras now barely retains any of what made it unique in the past. I think 1.18 really stuck the right balance with Detlas where it had the feeling of being new while also clearly being the same place and I feel like Cinfras really failed in that regard. If you showed me the aerial pictures and I didn't know better I would probably think it was an entirely new town and if you showed me the ground view I would have an even harder time telling what I was looking at which is a real shame because even though Cinfras had a lot of issues, I felt the core of the city was really nice and open which just isn't the case anymore. Again, I'm sure the city will have a chance to grow on me eventually, but I'll always miss the wide open streets and the huge view of the sky that really made Cinfras one of my favorite places in the game. I still have Detlas though so I guess I'm moving there for the time being :(
    Shoefarts likes this.
  11. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    a lot of those screenshots are seen from up in the air, but we often design things from a ground point of view since this is what players will see most of the time. from that angle I think it looks less crowded, just like detlas
  12. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    I think that the pathway approaching the Guild Hall is one of the biggest culprits of the crowded feeling.


    Even from almost right in front of the Guild Hall, most of the building is being blocked by another structure and it isn't until we get right in front of the doorway, that we can really appreciate the size of the structure. Where before one could really take in the beauty of the Guild Hall, now you barely even notice it.
  13. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Looking at that view really makes me feel like the real issue is how thin the roads in the town are. If the roads were something like 15 or maybe even 21 blocks wide I think a lot of the issues I have with the town would be solved. Still hate the bank though :/

    Also, having towers in front of a monumental building is a real mood killer, at least let us get a good look at the guild hall, give the poor thing some room to breath.
    Gogeta, mantyker and Shoefarts like this.
  14. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    What?! From the ground Cinfras is incredibly cramped, way more than before.
    Gogeta, mantyker and Shoefarts like this.
  15. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I stand by what I've said earlier, which is that New Cinfras looks identical to EO. Now that the Beta is out, I'd like to add that something to that statement, which is that New Cinfras as seen from the ground looks identical to Detlas. Same gutter, same emerald sign, same anvil sign, same banners going across the streets, same ring of slabs adorning every house... It's not just Detlas, actually, but other places as well. Viaducts from Ragni (also, why are they there?). The Guild Hall's pillars from Troms and the ToL. The pathways from the Letvus Airbase from Pirate Cove. The base of the Siegfried statue from the statues on LI (very similar pose as well). Wheat from Olux. Huge random rock pillars in the town from... Mage Island?

    On top of that, New Cinfras is filled with banners of its new flag, which has almost the exact same colours and composition as the flag of Brazil. There's random garbage everywhere, like cauldrons, and melons, pumpkins, patches of soul sand (I can see this only as mud, or... something else that's brown), birch trees, empty stalls, mushrooms, barrels, buckets, all kinds of flowers and carpets.
    The houses are scattered about now, instead of somewhat neatly in rows, which makes Cinfras' numbering system seem like chaos. The royal gardens that you see on either side of you before the bridge to the Guild Hall look like they haven't been watered in weeks. Street lights are plopped down only in a couple spots. The King's Merchant, from whom you buy the Royal Amulet, is now hidden away inside a small cart with a very small window, all one block higher than the player. The Bread Garden has no kitchen. The counter of the Juggler's Tavern is split in half by a staircase in the middle of the room. The city walls are much lower than all the houses (these walls are supposed to protect the city behind it, not just to be a simple fence). The Siegfried statue just looks towards a field. The statues on the bridge to the Guild Hall are supposed to be either horses or goats, I guess, but their tails are made in such a way that it looks like they're taking a dump. The river underneath the bridge has been cut off in the north, making it look puny. The mountain the Guild Hall and Letvus Airbase are built in looks like it's made out of volcanic rock instead of something Canyon of the Lost-esque. There are strange statues of Villagers throughout Cinfras, which are just... there. The sign pointing to the Apothecary is way too high up. The Siegfried Offices building has only two desks, and not a door. Neither does Ollie's Optometry, which also lacks a front desk, big actual glasses on the facade of the building, or Ollie themself. The Bovemist Church has no sign saying what it is on the outside of the building, only the house number. It does have unlit redstone lamps in the walls, desert-themed halls leading to the main room, a made out of nether blocks red carpet, four dispensers with angry faces in the walls, pointed at the seats. Add to all of that the disparate mix of colour palettes and unnecessary shapes, and you've got the nonsensical colour vomit that is 1.20's Cinfras. I'm not sorry.

    I'm tempted to make a big thread about Wynncraft's architecture now. And I wonder how this happened. You're working on the most imaginative MMORPG server made in the most creative game in the world. Grian himself is the co-owner. So did he just not oversee Cinfras' reconstruction? Was it all made by one builder? Was it made by a series of builders who had no coordination whatsoever? Did they commission a completely different build team, who took a look at some screenshots and said: "yeah, just throw some stuff together"? I'm honestly baffled.
    Whatever the cause, I just hope this... mistake... doesn't repeat itself. If I were on the CT I'd ask to revert Cinfras back to how it used to be. When slab-spamming was the only visual noise the city had. Because New Cinfras is honestly just disappointing.
    And like I said, I stand by what I've said earlier.
    mantyker and Druser like this.
  16. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    I find that the colours and the build structures are similar between EO and new Cinfras, Detlas's style went from a faded over-detailed brown and grey, to a more saturated and darker brown and grey with smoother builds, and more colour. That is the same with Cinfras, I think that the yellow and red roof highlights are what gives it the EO look.
  17. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    I honestly like the level of crowdedness of new Cinfras, I have seen many towns in which building tower upwards and I quite like the look. Also the angles I took aren't the best because its hard to get the angle you want when you have to be perched on something
    hmtn likes this.
  18. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    its more crowded but not too crowded, and definitely not as crowded as it looks from a high angle:


    vs same spot 20 blocks in the air
    HalfCat_, hmtn, TrapinchO and 3 others like this.
  19. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    I have to be honest, you are being extremely harsh on this. People were almost pleading to keep the old Detlas before 1.18 and now everyone thinks it is so much better. Old Cinfras is a big area where no one would go explore unless they had a quest to do. You have criticized every single thing in the town down the the freakin TREES, plus everything else on the map. After all the work the build team put into it, all you can say at the end is "disappointing" just makes me not take what you have to say seriously because it seems like nothing they do will ever satisfy you.
    ZockerCam likes this.
  20. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    I totally agree.
    The city looks amazing!

    I will probably miss the old Cinfras like I miss the old Detlas but lets be honest, the new ones are 100 times better.
    Also it doesnt look crowded at all imo. Who needs those massive streets (like the old cinfras) where absolutely nobody wants to be? The old build is kinda boring and doesnt look like a real medieval city. Medieval citys are crowded and thats what makes them beautiful.

    Also if some of you tell me that you get claustrophobia from a minecraft build then you need to discuss some issues.
    Dwicey, hmtn, Sprite and 3 others like this.
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