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Dungeons Charon, The Ferryman of Styx

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ThePurpleEmerald, May 1, 2023.


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  1. Good concept, it will be a great addition (Yes)

  2. Good concept, could use some improvements (Give Suggestions)

  3. Not a good concept, could use some improvements (Give Suggestions)

  4. Not a good concept, it will not be a great addition (No)

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  1. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Okay so I just want you all to know that I could have literally finished and posted this last year but I legit procrastinated on Charon's last attack for over a hundred days congratulations good job Purple you've done it again

    At least with this done I can finally work on the Hidden Side map yay

    Charon, The Ferryman of Styx
    A Remake Proposal


    Okay so what's all this then
    I never know how to start these kinds of posts so I'm just going to put it in the simplest way possible. So a little bit of time after the Charon battle was reworked somewhere in the 2.0 update I was excited to see its results. After all, the model shown in the changelog greatly impressed me! It was a nice new look for Charon, as opposed to his dark-skeleton self that was present in the old Underworld Crypt. I couldn't wait to see what a great new fight this will end up being! With all the new Wynn tech, to top it off!


    ...only to be met with complete and utter disappointment. First off, I'll start by saying that I mean 0 toxicity or hostility to the person/ people in charge of this remake. I get that Fruma's taking up a lot of time in regards to what the CT is able to work on at the moment, and I am sure that they tried their best.

    ...doesn't excuse this though. I'll try to be as passive-aggressive constructive as possible in my feedback. Very constructive.

    Look, this is literally the only boss in the entirety of Wynncraft's history that actively made me stop every other project that I've been working on in order to create a better version to use as a proposal to an alternative Charon remake. That's how bad it is.

    Blunt truth aside, I mean no harm and hope nobody involved hates me. Okay, now onto the actual stuff! I came here to talk about Charon, after all.

    What about the new Charon?
    ...to those who haven't seen the new battle (And thank god that you haven't) I must first explain the original Charon for context. From what I can understand, the old Charon lore-wise was a malicious and evil being from the Underworld who amassed an army of Corrupted in order to take over and destroy the city that is now known in the modern year of 1000 AP as Ancient Nemract. Unless I misintepreted the context of the dungeon along with Graken's quotes, the entirety of the Underworld Crypt involves the player travelling deeper and deeper beneath Ancient Nemract until eventually reaching the gates of the Underworld, a location at the end of what I assume to be the River of Styx and supposedly right behind or nearby Charon's boss room. Charon, fitting of his original source and inspiration stemming from Greek Mythology's Charon, is titled "The Undead Ferryman".


    While not a perfect work, this concept of Charon was pretty decent for the period of time that the quest, dungeon and Charon (both as a boss and a character) was introduced. It's a character hailing from the quest (or dungeon, I can't remember) which introduces to the player to the existence of a literal Underworld. Paired with a nice homage and somewhat strong connections to Greek Charon with the dungeon's elements like the skull toll, river and boss title, along with a fairly creative and unique, but albeit not-as-well-designed boss battle, the entire package makes for a nice standalone side-story with an almost one-dimensional yet interesting-enough one time antagonist that vaguely connects with the corruption as a whole.

    While it could use some changes to the easily cheesable boss fight along with outdated combat mechanics that 2.0 bosses in comparison demand a remake of, it's still solid. It's good.



    I would like to first talk about the new lore behind Charon. Does... the Underworld not exist anymore? Charon is now titled "Keeper of Souls", his Ferryman status seemingly revoked. The only clue of even a reference to the original inspiration is his name (Which, I should note is essentially meaningless now) and the boat ride in the dungeon, which I am sure will soon get changed like the entrance and the boss room into something else.


    If a CT may excuse me if I get any of this wrong, but... is Charon even Charon anymore? If I understand correctly, he's now some sort of a Necromancer that somehow had an army of undead that destroyed Ancient Nemract. He's... just some guy now? No backstory? No context?

    Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with villains with little to no backstory, but completely removing one that already had some kinda background seemed a little bit disrespectful to what was once a character who had huge potential for his lore to be expanded upon or explored further. Charon has completely lost his sense of identity and what ultimately makes him "Charon", both in the context of the story and to his referenced source material.

    I see. How's the boss battle like, then?
    With that out of the way, let us talk about the actual fight, shall we?

    First off, Charon as a boss itself. While being reverted from a unique strategy-based tower-defence-esque boss that the player was unable to attack directly to a generic one may cause some amount of controversy, this is surprisingly the least of my issues. Hence, I will leave it at that. Nothing wrong with a generic health-to-0 functioning boss.

    But can I just say, the entire atmosphere of the fight is just. So. BORING. Charon is pathetically slow, even for Underworld Crypt's level, where most players are able to easily run away from him. Now, this would not be an issue if the boss' moves or the arena are designed around the boss' speed in mind or vice versa, but the arena is a wide open space along with none of the boss' spells justifying having Charon move at the speed of a snail. Not to mention, the rate of his attacks travel as fast as stalactite growth. He casts a scripted spell about once every time you finish a full run of A Headless History. This essentially makes the entire fight uneventful and a walking-back simulator as virtually any class shifts away from Charon while repeatedly clicking on their mouse in front of them.

    Moving onto the actual attacks that Charon has. His leap-to-knockoff-multihit move (Named Seething Sweep) has virtually no clear or obvious telegraphing whatsoever, or at least during the times that I fought him.


    Along with that, his "teleport" (Named Phantom Warp) move adds absolutely no meaningful purpose to both the battle and his subsequent attack. Apparently it's supposed to telegraph another upcoming attack after it. Not only is it a strange variation of the already existing teleport spell, his next attack that follows happens so late into the final teleport that Charon performing said move didn't even help in the slightest. In fact, the teleport and after-attack happen so far apart from each other that I can't even remember which attack it was.

    Next up, the skull attack (Named Souls of Sojourn). While admittedly quite flashy in terms of theatrics, the entire attack essentially boils down to a walking simulator. Given that the skulls he throws target the player's position directly, the player's only requirement is to move in any direction of their choosing in order to avoid all of the projectiles.


    Last but not least of Charon's moves, the spin attack. Or, rather, a pathetic excuse of one. Just like the leap move, it has no clear telegraph as to when exactly it is performed, along with a damage hitbox whose size rivals that of the bottles in the Festival of the Heroes' dart minigame. Unless the player is quite literally hugging the damn skeleton, virtually nobody in the entire server is going to get caught in that spin.


    Speaking of which, why does both the leap and spin have Charon jump back once he is done? What's the point of that? Isn't the goal of his boss design as a whole to get closer to the player?


    Next up, is the gravestone spawning mechanic (Named Gravedigger). The mechanic in of itself is fine, as it is quite a decent one to be utilized in a boss battle. Along with the husk minions that spawn, those are also perfectly fine.


    The problem I have with this is the absolutely sheer lack of... something. Let me ask you a question. Look at the old battle. Now look at this battle. What do you notice in the new battle?

    That's right. Absolutely NOTHING.

    Where is Charon's army!? We've been hearing stories and warnings on how Charon led a massive army of undead to ravage the town of Nemract, along with the hordes and hordes of Forsaken Legion members that we fight along the way just to get here.


    Where are the hordes of Charon's Army? Why aren't they at his disposal in the place where he fights the player? Isn't his army his greatest strength?!

    And I have one more extra thing I would like to add, and it is absolutely infuriating. Why is Graken just standing there? Why is he WAVING AT US!? CAN HE GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!?!?


    The fact that Graken went from a helpful companion that assisted the player in dealing the final blow to Charon to... whatever this is, is just completely unthinkable. I just... can't.

    EDIT: It has come to my attention (And by that I mean that I myself have made the horrifying discovery of finding out) that General Graken is not waving at the player. He is pointing towards Charon. While sitting there. In one spot. Good job, Graken. Thanks for the help. Thanks for the ASSIST, GRAKEN.

    All in all, this new fight is honestly just a disappointment. Which finally brings us to the main attraction of this post.

    Okay, okay. But... then, what do you suggest as a fix?
    I've already gone through the main problems so I won't summarize them like I did with the Raid Rooms post (Speaking of which, here it is: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/raid-instructions-revamp.306198/) so I'm just going to get straight to the point.

    I have created a proposal to an alternative progression and gameplay to Charon's entire storyline, and what I believe to be a better version than what Wynncraft currently has now. While there is always a chance that fanmade content can always contradict already-present in-game lore, I've tried my best to avoid such a case in this one. Charon in my suggestion is a relatively standalone story, anyway, so it isn't too difficult to weave through any of those issues.

    I should note that full video demonstrations and visuals only exist for Charon and Corrupted Charon's boss battles. All quest and dungeon content will be purely in text (With the exception of some enemy designs).
    With that out of the way, let's get started.

    New Charon lore?
    One of the first things that I immediately wanted to improve on was Charon's lore and background as a whole. I wanted the Dark Descent to be a proper introduction to Charon as a character to the player and letting them know what the stakes are fighting against such an antagonist. Asides from letting the player know about the history of Ancient Nemract and its fate, I also wanted the player to learn more about Charon's nature and his motives.

    I also had plans to rework other Ancient Nemract-related quests such as Lost Tower in order to tie them to the story of Charon, but lack of time unfortunately had to prevent that from happening. Regardless, here is how my proposed version of Dark Descent will go (In an albeit vague description of events):

    The player begins the quest as usual, with Graken introducing himself and letting the player know that they have to retrieve the eye from a tower. As the player falls and enters the supposed "strange realm", however, this is where things begin to be different.

    First off, the realm will be switched to "vision" instead. Charon is, after all, giving the player a vision of the past of Ancient Nemract being ransacked and destroyed by Charon's army. Instead of a tight path winding through the city, the player's walking space is slightly more free-roam instead, allowing them to travel around the city more freely. In this new version of Dark Descent's "vision", the player sees a lot more NPCs play out in front of them, with hordes of undead chasing after civilians while soldiers attempt to fight off those that are more focused on Nemract's military. None of the cutscenes are really required to progress in the quest, and the entire warzone is played out as the player walks through them similar to the Dwarf-Dogun conflict in DnD Part IV.

    The thing about the undead army, however, is that the player might be able to notice that none of them look like Wynn soldiers. Instead, most of them are dressed in strange attire that one might vaguely attribute to Greek soldiers, with names of the undead NPCs such as Hoplites and Toxotai. This is the first clue that is given to the player of the possible origins of Charon, and one that will be more apparent as the player travels through the later stages of the quest.

    After taking a fairly long winding path around the entire city, the player eventually ends up at the base of the skull, where Charon finally shows himself. His past self is shown commanding several more waves of the undead, all of which are flowing out from the open mouth of the skull. Once the cutscene is finished, however, past Charon disappears, and present Charon “takes over” the scene as he speaks to the player via dialogue.

    [1/6] ???: Heheh...do you see now?
    [2/6] ???: Do you see how easily this place fell? How quickly I became its master? And how I could simply dispose of you without a second thought?
    [3/6] ???: Such fragile beings, humans. So very easily influenced. Heartbroken, made hopeless. Your ties only serve to weaken you.
    [4/6] ???: So I invite you to continue. I encourage it, even. For if you should foray into my domain...
    [5/6] ???: There would be simply no chance for you to survive. And then, I will be free to string you up like a lifeless little puppet.
    [6/6] ???: So follow me, my little soldier, and experience but a taste of what you'll soon encounter. I eagerly await our first sail, keheheh...

    This is where he leads the player into the open skull, and requests that they follow the path deep underground.

    Rather than ending up falling into a deep pit like the original Dark Descent, however, the player finds themself at the entrance of the ruins of a massive underground city with strong resemblance to Greek-like architecture. Hordes and hordes of undead soldiers are seen running past the player and up towards the skull's exit as the player walks through this past vision of what appears to be Charon's domain, or a location where Charon has taken over in the past.

    Instead of traveling further into the ruins of the city, however, Charon leads the player via dialogue to a pathway splitting off from the main route, which eventually leads the player to the docks of a small river at the side of the city. The river is relatively the same size as the boat minigame in the original Underworld Crypt, albeit a more modern version of it if the room was rebuilt to fit newer Wynncraft standards. There at the docks stands Charon himself, along with a small rowboat that he invites the player to step on.

    Once the player does so, Charon brings up an oar and begins rowing along the river. It is at this point where Charon initiates dialogue with the player.


    [1/2] ???: So you have arrived... step on board, and we shall take a little ride through the river...! -> =1=

    [2/2] ???: There he rows, who rules this dreary coast –...
    [1] Who are you? -> =2=
    [2] What is this place? -> =2=
    [3] Let me out of here! -> =16= -> =1=

    [1/5] ???: Keheheh... surely your human history books would have warned of my arrival? Of where I take lost souls...?
    [2/5] ???: I have... visited your world before, they should know who I am...
    [3/5] ???: Ah, Charon...! The Ferryman of the Underworld... The Grasping Hand of Styx... the Rippling Wave and Commander of the Forsaken Legion!
    [4/5] Charon: A name that strikes fear into all of the mortal world... even to this day! -> =3=

    [5/5] Charon: A sordid reaper: down from his flowing cloak...
    [1] I've heard that name before. -> =4=
    [2] I've never heard of you. -> =5=
    [3] The Underworld exists? -> =6=
    [4] Is Styx another name of yours? -> =5=
    [5] What is the Forsaken Legion? -> =5=
    [6] Get me off of this boat! -> =16= -> =3=

    [1/5] Charon: Ah... it appears that the mortals still remember me, as they should... what I've brought upon them is far from forgettable, after all...
    [2/5] Charon: And you would do well to remember... for a story like mine can't have inaccuracies... the wrong tale to fear...
    [3/5] Charon: Sailing the dead through Styx, using their souls to amass my army... the greatest and most powerful army in this world of mine... the Forsaken Legion!
    [4/5] Charon: The ancient city that you walked through fell easily to my power... and so did the one that was once called Nemract... those that failed to flee the ruins on those nights are part of my army now...! -> =7=

    [1/5] Charon: Ah... it appears that the mortals have grown forgetful over the years... all the more reason for me to return once again!
    [2/5] Charon: And they will do well to remember... for a story like mine can't be erased... my legacy must remain...
    [3/5] Charon: I sail the dead through Styx, so that I can use their souls to amass my army... the greatest and most powerful army in this world of mine... the Forsaken Legion!
    [4/5] Charon: The ancient city that you walked through fell easily to my power... and so did the one that was once called Nemract... those that failed to flee the ruins on those nights are part of my army now...! -> =7=

    [1/3] Charon: Hehehahah... the Underworld... the Underworld is real!
    [2/3] Charon: I, as the Ferryman of the dead, sail the souls of the deceased across the river that separates it from the mortal world.
    [3/3] Charon: And from there... kehehehe... they will be free to do my bidding as I see fit...! -> =3=

    [5/5] Charon: A length of scythe descends, lethal, fatal;...
    [1] Does that mean I'm dead? -> =8=
    [2] Why haven't you killed me yet? -> =8=
    [3] Are you bringing me to the Underworld? -> =8=
    [4] Let me go! -> =16= -> =7=

    [1/8] Charon: Kehehehe... not now, perhaps... I am merely presenting to you the the reality of the situation!
    [2/8] Charon: Someone like you is no match for me and my army... but regardless, I welcome you and your General's 'soldiers' with open arms!
    [3/8] Charon: No use ending your life now, not when our true ride is yet to start...!
    [4/8] Charon: You've intrigued me with your determination, little human... if you can make it to Styx still alive, well...
    [5/8] Charon: The ride will be interesting indeed! And I will personally see to it that by the end of the trip you will be in the... intended, state of being.
    [6/8] Charon: You'll get your turn, soldier... for now, this is but a little teaser to what you soon won't be able to escape from!
    [7/8] Charon: But while your impending doom draws near from the horizon, why don't we take this little boat trip in peace...? -> =9=

    [8/8] Charon: His eyes, like hollow furnaces with divine inferno...
    [1] <Wait and continue listening to Charon's chant> -> =10=
    [2] <Lean over and try to look through the water> -> =11=
    [3] <Try to jump off the boat into the river> -> =12=
    [4] Set me free! -> =16= -> =9=

    [1/4] Charon: One of the ancient mortals wrote a poem, one dedicated to my prowess and conquest.
    [2/4] Charon: Their minds are weak, but sometimes... they can be useful... keheheh...
    [3/4] Charon: They all fear and despise me, yet their strange minds manifest such texts... -> =13=

    [1/4] Charon: The River of Styx is but a distant destination, for now...
    [2/4] Charon: Although, I would advise that you don't stick your skin into this one...
    [3/4] Charon: That would end the upcoming trip prematurely, won't it? -> =13=

    You were pulled back by a sudden rush of magic water.
    [1/4] Charon: Heheheh... escaping this boat is futile, little human...
    [2/4] Charon: Regardless, I would advise you not to fall into this river...
    [3/4] Charon: That would end the upcoming trip along Styx prematurely, won't it? -> =13=

    [4/4] Charon: An army, cast with death, stomps the blasphemous hallow!
    [1] I'll stop you! -> =14=
    [2] You can't do this! -> =15=
    [3] <Scream> Get me out! -> =16= -> =13=

    [1/1] Charon: Hehehahahah...! And I encourage you to try! Enter my domain, and face the tides of the Forsaken Legion! We could always use more numbers...

    [1/1] Charon: Hush now, my little soldier... you'll get to take the trip yourself soon...

    First time picking:
    [1/3] ???/Charon: Heheheh... you stepped onto the boat yourself, human!
    [2/3] ???/Charon: Not that you would have any other way out of this place of mine...
    [3/3] ???/Charon: Delaying your ride is merely delaying the inevitable... everyone takes it eventually, one way or another!
    Second time picking:
    [1/3] Charon: Keheheh... you can shout all you want, but this ride goes on...
    [2/3] Charon: Everything lives, and everything dies eventually...
    [3/3] Charon: What's a few hundred souls to use in my army?
    Third time picking:
    [1/2] Charon: As I said, there is no escape... not for now, anyway.
    [2/2] Charon: Until your final journey arrives, you're here until the ride is done...
    Fourth time picking:
    [1/2] Charon: Stay on the ride, for you can't leave until it is done.
    [2/2] Charon: Resisting your fate is futile, soldier...
    Fifth time picking:
    [1/4] Charon: ...
    [2/4] Charon: Dear Hades, your flailing and impatience nearly makes me want to reconsider my decision of saving you for later.
    [3/4] Charon: Silence your panic, and you'd best be thankful that this ride is free...
    [4/4] Charon: If you don't want to wander the shores for the next hundred years I'd suggest you cease your hollering.

    [1/4] Charon: And here we are... at the end of the river...
    [2/4] Charon: But soon, you will want to return to my domain... and trek deep into the edge of the mortal world.
    [3/4] Charon: Ah, but by all means, go ahead! I eagerly await our next meeting, keheheh...
    [4/4] Charon: Take the eye you seek... I will allow you to return now, and I will ensure you remember what you have seen here.
    [+1 Glowing Ruby]
    [1/1] Charon: Good luck on your little quest, soldier... keheheh...

    From what the player can discern from the quest and the short boat ride, Charon is a being from the Underworld, whose job is to guide souls across the River of Styx, a canal that serves as the border between the living world and the Underworld. He is noted to have the unique ability to take control of the souls of dead mortals and force them to do his bidding, and as a result has amassed a large army of corpses which he calls The Forsaken Legion.

    Charon is implied to have emerged from the Underworld a long time ago in order to lay waste to an ancient (Wynncraft-equivalent Greek) civilization. Many years would pass until the entirety of the city ruins ends up buried underneath the ground, with a group of humans eventually building Ancient Nemract over the region, none the wiser to the tragedy whose history was now lost to time. Some period after the city was built, however, Charon would once again rise from the Underworld and ravage Nemract with his undead Greek army, which he now had full control of. The more people that were killed, the larger Charon's army grows in numbers. While not a nigh-omnipotent deity himself, Charon is still a forced to be reckoned with, with his soul powers and the entirety of the Forsaken Legion in front of him.

    Charon, interested in the player's and General Graken's determination, formally invites them to a ride across the River of Styx, granted that they make it there alive.

    It is then where the player returns, prompting General Graken to assemble his army and make a plan to storm Charon's domain.

    The Dark Diadem being one of the eyes didn't really make sense, so Graken now presents it as a reward to the player from Nemract's Military.


    The Dungeon
    Underworld Crypt, subtitled "A Journey Through Katabasis..." is a dungeon that takes place underneath the city of Ancient Nemract. It involves the player's journey across the Underground Greek City of Charon's earliest known invasion towards the River of Styx, where Charon invites the player to foolishly sail across the borders between life and death.

    With General Graken and his army by the player's side, they will face massive waves of Forsaken Legion enemies coming from both destroyed civilizations at every step of the way as they attempt to navigate through the ruins of a former city to reach the edges of mortality.

    The rooms of the dungeon are as follows:
    The entrance of the city ruins, the same one the player walks through in Charon's vision in The Dark Descent. Instead of the path leading off towards the canal, NPC soldiers from Graken's army are seen running through the main gates. Graken, like the original is an interactable NPC here, albeit with a few changes to his dialogue:

    [1/6] General Graken: Aha, chap! Wonderful, the Ragni regiment's gotten its representative down 'ere. All rested up and now charging into battle, so let me give you an earful real quick.
    [2/6] General Graken: Those blighting zombies are all over the place. I tell ya, this skull's been giving the folk in Nemract the collywobbles. Just as I thought, they're all coming from here.
    [3/6] General Graken: Now, I don't wish to alarm you old bean, but I believe we are about to travel towards the literal gates of Hell.
    [4/6] General Graken: Not to worry chuck! Don’t look so glum, I've called for aid from the nearby towns. Once everyone has made it in we'll give Charon and his army a good kicking, and you've already gotten out of here before, ain't ya?
    [5/6] General Graken: Now is finally our chance to take him down... It will be a jolly difficult battle, knowing our opponent and what he's managed, even away from his lair.
    [6/6] General Graken: Still, early days to say what he could be like in person! I'll be right with you along with the rest of the troops fighting, but if we get separated we will rendezvous at the docks at the other side of the city. Good luck, old bean!

    Entering through the main gates of the city brings the player to the first challenge of the dungeon.

    Room 1: Survive
    [1/2] Charon: So, you and your General's little army have decided to throw yourselves into my domain...
    [2/2] Charon: Keheheheh... make it through the city of the dead, and step into the gates of the Underworld...

    The player finds themselves in a large and open town square surrounded by buildings and blocked-off pathways, where hordes of the Forsaken Legion are constantly spawning (Jumping over said blocked-off pathways) along with several members of Graken's Army as Guard AI mobs fighting back. Several of Graken's Troops are attempting to break down a large wooden gate at the opposite end of the town square.

    Similar to the first room of Sand-Swept Tomb, players are expected to survive through several waves of enemies in order to progress.

    Graken's Troops are the same troops used in Old Charon's battle, where the player is able to spawn between five types. Graken is also included in this collective as another Guard AI mob. Half of all enemies and Graken Troops are programmed to fight each other while the other half of enemies are programmed to target the player as Graken Troops ignore them. Regardless, many of them have minor AOE capabilities which still pose an indirect hazard to the player if not paid attention to.

    (NOTE: All skins are reused purely for demonstration purposes. Enemies will have unique skins in the actual version)

    The timer starts the moment a player enters the arena.

    The first phase involves the spawning of large amounts of Forsaken Legion Peasants and Helots that will overwhelm the player and Graken's army. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for 10 seconds.

    Forsaken Legion Peasant: Common Nemract enemies. Melee AI with no spells.
    Forsaken Legion Helot: Common Greek enemies. Melee AI with no spells.

    The second phase involves the spawning of the first miniboss. The Forsaken Legion Butcher is a returning enemy from the original Underworld Crypt, along with Forsaken Legion Peasants, Helots, Dahbasi and Veles also spawning. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for another 10 seconds.

    Forsaken Legion Dahbasi: Semi-common Nemract enemies. Melee AI with the occasional Charge spell.
    Forsaken Legion Veles: Semi-common Greek enemies. Melee AI with the occasional Charge spell.
    Forsaken Legion Butcher: Nemract Miniboss. Behaves exactly as its original counterpart, except with Melee AI a faster walkspeed. Has full Slowness CCI.

    The third phase involves the spawning of the second miniboss. The Forsaken Legion Castellan is another returning enemy from the original Underworld Crypt, along with Forsaken Legion Dahbasi, Veles, Footsoldiers and Psiloi also spawning. Forsaken Legion Peasants and Helots no longer spawn. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for another 15 seconds.

    Forsaken Legion Footsoldier: Semi-rare Nemract enemies. Melee AI with the occasional Heavy Charge spell.
    Forsaken Legion Psiloi: Semi-rare Greek enemies. Melee AI with the occasional Heavy Charge spell.
    Forsaken Legion Castellan: Nemract Miniboss. Behaves exactly as its original counterpart, except with Charge AI and a faster walkspeed. Has partial Knockback CCI.

    The fourth and final phase involves the spawning of the third miniboss. The Forsaken Legion High Priest is another returning enemy from the original Underworld Crypt, along with Forsaken Legion Footsoldiers and Psiloi also spawning. Forsaken Legion Dahbasi and Veles no longer spawn, with the final two minions spawning more often. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for another 20 seconds.

    Forsaken Legion High Priest: Nemract Miniboss. Behaves exactly as its original counterpart, albeit with an additional Teleport spell which they cast often. Has partial Knockback CCI and full Blindness CCI.

    Once the timer reaches 0, the gate is broken and the player is allowed to progress to the next room of the dungeon.

    Unlike most other in-game timers, the player is allowed to reduce the timer's duration granted they are sufficiently strong enough to do so. The giant wooden door has an available hitbox that exists as a "mob" (marked by the door's nametags) that players are able to damage themselves. Every 500 damage (Value subjected to change) that the player deals to the door reduces the timer by 1 second. Stronger players with a high enough DPS can easily break down the door in seconds, skipping the entire room. The door's hitbox is wide enough so the player is not required to stay in a single spot while damaging the door.

    This also works because the Forsaken Legion Butcher, Castellan and High Priest all existing in the same arena is extremely hazardous to Glass Cannon players. Glass Cannon players are given the choice to manually reduce the timer while Slower, Tankier players who are less capable of doing so still have a relatively easy time in the arena as they are not as susceptible to dying from chip damage.

    Room 2: Parkour
    [1/2] Charon: I have an entire undead army at my service. Do you really think you stand a chance?
    [2/2] Charon: Tell me, how do you plan to defeat an army that cannot die?

    The player climbs onto the rooftops of the city ruins and hops across the crumbled infrastructure while Forsaken Legion Centurions and Toxotai fire arrows from the peaks of other nearby buildings. Forsaken Legion Veles and Psiloi will be seen running around randomly on the streets below fighting Graken Troops, but all mobs underneath are merely visual and do not pose any functional threat to the player. Should the player fall towards them from the parkour, they will simply get teleported back to the entrance/ last parkour checkpoint (If any).

    Forsaken Legion Toxotai can be killed by the player, but respawn shortly after. Forsaken Legion Centurions are unaffected by player damage and are effectively invincible, Even if players are able to reach the Centurions via their own attacks.

    Forsaken Legion Centurion: Common Nemract enemies. Ranged AI with the occasional Heavy Arrow Storm spell. Appears further away from the parkour platforms.
    Forsaken Legion Toxotai: Common Greek enemies. BurstRanged AI with the occasional Meteor spell. Appears the closest to the parkour platforms. Has full Knockback CCI.

    General Graken follows the player across the rooftops as an NPC, teleporting back to the player should they fall. General Graken deflects any arrow projectiles that end up within a short radius from his location. Standing right beside him allows the player to avoid any Arrow or Heavy Arrow Storm projectiles.

    Room 3: Rescue
    [1/2] Charon: That General's little army of his is slowly dwindling in numbers... it's only a matter of time before they get to you, too!
    [2/2] Charon: Come now, spirits, give up your souls! Onto the river and into my ranks!

    The player finds themselves on a long and wide walkway with buildings at either side. Graken's Troop count are far less numerous by now, with a large number of fresh corpses lining the back of the walkway where the player spawns along with the sides of the buildings. The other end of the long walkway is the docks.

    Forsaken Legion Psiloi and Hoplites will constantly spawn as enemies. Guided Souls appear as passive mobs, a floating ghost-like apparation with a giant scythe pointing towards them by their backs. They float across the entire length of the walkway towards the docks at the end of the dungeon room. Upon reaching the water, they disappear into a burst of white particles which shoot towards the distance.

    General Graken and his Troops are programmed to exclusively attack the Forsaken Legion Psiloi and Hoplites, while ignoring the Guided Souls.

    Forsaken Legion Hoplite: Semi-common Greek enemies. Melee AI with the occasional Heavy Charge and Explosion spell. Has partial Knockback CCI and full Slowness CCI.
    Guided Soul: Semi-common passive mobs. Custom AI that walks across the walkway to the end of the room. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI.

    The goal of the room is to free the Guided Souls. The player has to attack the passive mobs until their health reaches 0, in which they burst into white particles and rise upwards towards the high ceiling instead of towards the water.

    Once 10 Guided Souls are freed, the room is completed. Walking towards the docks now teleports the player to the next room.

    Room 4: Miniboss
    [1/2] Charon: Keheheh... impressive... it appears I was right in recognizing your prowess!
    [2/2] Charon: Earn your access and pay your toll, and we shall have the greatest sail in history!

    The player finds themselves along the docks of the ruins of the Greek City with a locked gate at the end of the dungeon room. The gate contains a skull with an open mouth requesting the player to gather a Forsaken Legion Obol (Using a Firework Star Texture) in order to gain passage. Forsaken Legion Hoplites and Phalanxes will spawn along the long and wide stone platform.

    A Possessed Gorgon Statue will appear shortly after entering, serving as the miniboss of the room. The player is required to kill it in order to retrieve the Forsaken Legion Obol and unlock the gate.

    General Graken is the only Guard AI mob left, and is programmed to exclusively attack the Forsaken Legion Hoplites and Phalanxes while ignoring the Possessed Gorgon Statue.

    Forsaken Legion Phalanx: Rare Greek enemies. Crawl AI with the occasional Heavy Charge and Heavy Explosion spell. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI. Splits into 9 Forsaken Legion Hoplites when killed.
    Possessed Gorgon Statue: Greek Miniboss. Slow BurstRanged AI with the occasional Teleport, Heavy Explosion and Heavy Wave spell. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI. Drops a Forsaken Legion Obol when killed.

    Entering the gate will teleport the player to the next dungeon room.


    Pre-boss Room

    The player finds themselves in a purgatory-like construct overlooking an isolated and quiet part of the docks. Spirit-like individuals identical to the Guided Souls are seen on the seats, although they are uninteractable by the player.

    At the end of the docks sits Charon's boat, blocked off by a gate. Clicking the Boss Button opens the gate and allows the player access to the boss fight.


    General Graken is present as an NPC at the docks beside Charon's boat. Interacting with him brings up dialogue regarding facing Charon and most of Graken's army that was lost along the way. He also warns the player about the nature of the River of Styx, and that living souls are unable to exist alive upon reaching the Underworld, hinting at an upcoming boss mechanic.

    The Boss
    [1/3] Charon: Hehehahahah! So you and the General have finally decided to join me...
    [2/3] Charon: Come, now, let the ride begin!
    [3/3] General Graken: There he is! And it looks like we won't be alone soon... You focus on Charon, I'll pick off his underlings!


    Charon, titled "Ferryman of Styx", is a (visual) Level 70 enemy, and the final boss of the Underworld Crypt dungeon. His battle features a small and cramped environment paired with Charon's slow yet swift and sudden fighting behavior, utilizing many of his natural abilities.
    Charon will spawn and fall onto the boat once the dialogue is completed.


    Charon: Boss. Melee AI with the occasional spell chain (See below). Has full Knockback and partial Blindness and Slowness CCI.

    (In seconds):
    Charge (2)-> Multihit
    Teleport (1.5)-> Teleport (1.5)-> Teleport (0.3)-> Wave

    Given the small and cramped space of the arena along with the large amount of scripted spells, Charon's traditional spell chains are short and predictable.

    The arena takes place on the boat the player steps onto, along with Charon and General Graken. Along the outside of the boat features the River of Styx, the canal that the boat is travelling across, and ending with the stony edges of the river itself.

    Minions will leap out from the sides of the boat often to display Charon's large supply of soldiers, making it so that there will always be at least 1 enemy on the boat that isn't Charon. To account for the small arena space, minions are slow and easy to kill, their only strength being numbers. Forsaken Legion Pikemen will constantly spawn in small groups of two or three, while Styxian Cries, visually identical to the Guided Souls, are significantly rarer but pose a larger threat.

    Forsaken Legion Pikeman: Common Nemract enemies. Melee AI with no spells.
    Styxian Cry: Semi-common enemies. Charge AI with no spells.

    General Graken only exclusively targets minions, and ignores Charon or his Magic Oars (More details about Magic Oars below).

    Once Charon reaches 40% of his health, Forsaken Legion Pikemen will be replaced by Forsaken Legion Sentinels, which are slightly faster and stronger versions of the Pikeman. Styxian Cries also spawn slightly more often.

    Forsaken Legion Sentinel: Common Nemract enemies. Melee AI with no spells. Has partial Knockback CCI.

    While the minions serve as a minor annoyance to the player at best, Charon and his moves are the main focus of the battle. With an array of different Ferryman-themed attacks, his hazards and unique mechanics pose a huge threat to the player.

    Shown below is a demonstration of all five moves in video format. They include sound effects along with multiple instances for a better example, so I encourage you to view it before reading the following descriptions below.

    Harvest Whirlwind (Spin Attack)

    Replacing Charon's original Spin Attack, Harvest Whirlwind is an attack that functions identically to the Titanium Rat's Chain Gun attack, where it marks a radius around itself as a warning before performing a spin that damages the entire region once.

    Charon's attack works exactly the same, but in a smaller region. It is a standard radius attack that does heavy damage to the player should they be caught in the spin when it starts. Charon first holds his scythe and marks a circle around him as a warning to the player, before changing his pose and spinning around with his weapon.

    Phantom Slash (Dash Attack)

    A specialized form of any other movement spell we have seen from mobs, Phantom Slash is an attack that Charon uses to charge towards the direction of the player at an instant.

    It is a standard attack that does damage to the player, and can easily take down the health of one should they attempt to tank all of his dashes. Charon first holds his scythe as a warning, before changing his pose to that of a swinging one. A line coming from Charon will then proceed to track the player's movement for a short period, before stopping at the player's last location and activating the move after a small delay. Upon activation, Charon dashes through the line at an instant, damaging any player within the path. Charon dashes thrice before ending his attack.

    Styx's Unrest (Wave Attack)

    A standard Area of Denial arena spell, Styx's Unrest is an attack that Charon uses in order to cause hazardous waves to rush across the arena, violently damaging and pushing any player unfortunate enough to be caught in it.

    Charon first holds his oar as a warning, before changing his pose to that of a summoning act. Parts of the floor of the boat will then be marked by rushes of particles, indicating where the attack will be present. During this, two water bolts will shoot up from the River of Styx and land on either side of Charon's boat, before transforming into a wave that sweeps across the entire arena at a high speed.

    Call for Katabasis (Oar Attack)

    The main gimmick and shining star of the entirety of Charon's boss fight, Call for Katabasis is a special move that Charon uses that highlights his abilities and role as the Ferryman of the River Styx, and guider of souls to the Underworld.


    Below the lantern of Charon's Boat is a counter that indicates how close the boat is from reaching the Underworld at the other side of the River of Styx. Charon first holds his oar as a warning, before flying towards the front of the boat in a rushing trail of water. Once there, he changes his pose to that of a summoning act, while marking four spots on the sides of the boat with cloud particles. After a short moment, passive Magic Oar mobs will spawn in the marked spots, along with a warning that informs the player about the boat's movement. Charon at this period of time flies back into the arena. Once the warning delay is over, the Oars will begin to row and the boat will start sailing forward.

    No minions will spawn at the spots where the Magic Oars are present.

    As the boat is moving, the lamp at the back will light up, with the counter ticking down towards 0. When the timer reaches 0, the boat will have reached the Underworld, killing the player instantly and failing the dungeon. The player prevents this by destroying the Magic Oars on the sides of Charon's boat. The more oars that exist at once, the faster the counter will tick down. However, the lesser oars that exist on the boat, the more likely that Charon will perform the Call for Katabasis move again.

    Call for Katabasis is always the first spell that Charon casts, a few seconds after spawning. All Call for Katabasis moves after the first summon will involve Charon casting the move in place instead of flying towards the front of the boat. All casts after the first summon will also omit the warning and delay, triggering the Magic Oars to immediately start rowing the moment they spawn.

    It's the perfect show of power from Charon to the player as the boat sails to their impending doom, in the form of a creative move that combines the standard timer mechanic (Such as the one used in Genesis' Revorse) with an added twist that is both unique and fits the theme of Charon himself.

    Ferryman's Inferno (Skull Attack)

    Replacing the original Skull Attack, Ferryman's Inferno is an attack that Charon uses to rain skulls from the sky all across the arena, damaging players that get caught in an explosion.

    This is the only attack that Charon does not perform randomly, instead choosing to perform Ferryman's Inferno as his next move the moment his health reaches the 75%, 50% and 25% mark.

    Charon first emits unique particles as a warning, before flying up towards a few meters above the center of the boat and changes his pose to that of a summoning act. Once there, he summons a set of five skulls above his head which are then immediately sent all across the top of the boat, with new skulls reappearing above Charon shortly after the skulls in their place are deployed.

    While the skulls above his head are purely visual, the skulls that fall cause significant damage to the player when in its vicinity. While not posing too much of a threat on their own, a large wave of minions will spawn whenever Charon begins Ferryman's Inferno, requiring the player to deal with them while avoiding the skulls from above at the same time.

    Graken takes damage from the falling skulls and enemies, but cannot die as he is needed during the duration of the battle.

    As Charon is invulnerable while in this state, the player has to throw General Graken towards Charon in order to strike him back down. General Graken will emit green particles whenever the player is able to pick him up, and clicking on him while in this state will hoist him behind the player's back and slow the player down.

    Holding shift will charge up a meter that allows the player to throw Graken in the direction they are looking towards. Letting go of shift before the meter finishes charging will drop Graken. Given the FOV limitations of this action, a warning will appear on-screen if the player is underneath a falling skull while carrying Graken.

    All in all, this fight of Charon is much different from its original version currently present in Wynncraft 2.0. With a tight space along with a surprisingly large number of slow and weak minions, the entire battle lean towards tankier builds while discouraging the use of extreme glass cannons, yet damage is still highly encouraged to be something the player should have as the Magic Oar count needs to be maintained in order for the player to survive the battle.

    (More of the summary expanded on at the end of Corrupted Charon)

    Dungeon Rewards
    Charon's Brain is now replaced with Charon's Oar Fragment, using Beetroot Seeds as the texture.
    A few of the dungeon rewards have been renamed to fit Charon's new overarching theme. Those whose names remain in the list below are instead paired with notes.

    Black Ripper -> Nekyia
    Dead Samurai's Plate -> River's Viaticum
    Cathedral - I saw no need to rename it.
    Putrid -> Charon's Scull (Scull is another word for Oar.)
    Death's Reach -> Katabasis
    Styx's Grab - Styx's Grasp
    Boundary - Already fits the theme.
    Sanies -> Acheron's Crash
    Hymn of the Dead -> Aeneid
    Damnation - I saw no need to rename it.
    Abolition -> Hades' Furnace
    Thriller - A reference to another piece of media.


    Okay, so, that's all, right?

    WRONG! I still have to talk about Corrupted Charon. There is still so much to go through, we've barely gone through half of this entire remake proposal, so let's get a move on!

    I reached the 80-thousand character limit, click here to continue reading: Click Me!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
    Voidshift, Waiter1986, Aya and 44 others like this.
  2. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Definitely one of the best suggestions I've ever seen so far. I actually kinda like the new Charon fight, the Corrupted Charon fight doubly so, but whats been shown here so far looks pretty great too. I actually kinda wish some of the script spells of the current Charon transfer over, just buffed so that its no longer as boring or unfair. Maybe Souls of Sojourn could have those 5 skulls be summoned above Charon and one at a time is sent to chase after you, damaging you if it hits you and sending another skull to attack you (the skull could also have like 500 HP which would cause it to disappear if its killed), and perhaps Seething Sweep's two variants are changed so that the first one is a long-range attack with Charon's scythe as he prepares to use it to attack (no lunging back and forth, the semi-multihit thing could still exist as like leftover shaking in the area), and the spinning variant is Charon just spinning his scythe around him. Both would have the same telegraph, so it would at least make that part somewhat fairer.

    Who the hell is Hades (i know its in character greek mythology-wise, but I'm a bit on the fence about this. I'll just pretend its Charon's way of saying 'my god')

    But very cool suggestion. +5 cuz +1 is criminally shortcutting this

    Edit: also realized my boy the Forsaken Legion Marzban died. unacceptable this is now a +4

    Edit 2: ok so pretty much all of the original spells are improved from the original charon fight. 'what about gravedigger?' oars. they are pretty similar tbh, its just that the stakes are much higher with instant death.

    Edit 3: ok so i also realized the oar spell also works as a soulstealing curse and also my boy the Forsaken Legion Marzban is back. +5 again
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  3. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Thanks for the support!

    Btw "Hades" can refer to either the Greek Underworld or the Greek God related to said Underworld (According to Google, anyway. I might have some inaccuracies in mythology but that isn't really the largest focus in this game). In this context it would be the latter.

    I will be putting up a poll for opinions once I've finished dumping all the content into the threads, so hold your plus-fives for that!
    hppeng likes this.
  4. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Alr looking at the boss fight its pretty neat. 2 new things I have to add on though:

    1. Why is Charon level 70? It's a bit weird as UC is a lv 27 dungeon, so it would've been like lv 38 or smthn like that.

    2. This: Abolition -> Hades' Furnace . i kinda find it a bit weird. So ig now my explanation for this would be Hades is now another term for hell. Actually, I'd say thats what hades in the context actually means. I like Charon being a lot closer to its greek counterpart, but imo Charon should be the only major guy brought from there (am i falling victim to th
  5. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    1. I meant to display a level closer to story and lore-power rather than an in-game one, sort of like how The Eye is level 180 when it's the boss of a level 101 dungeon. I couldn't put it higher in fear of it being too close to the Corrupted Charon levels though, which change depending on player level and hence could not be altered here.

    2. Two things for that, first being that your assumption of it referring to the Greek Underworld (Hades) is correct. Secondly, it was also a small little reference to a poem based on Charon (Viewable in the wikipedia page, you'll know it when you see it). Fun fact, Charon also chants an altered version of this same poem when he sails his rowboat across the small river (You can see it in the Spoiler "Dialogue (Follow the arrowed numbers!)" in the Charon lore section).

    As for additional characters, Charon is the only known entity from the Greek Underworld that I have brought over into Wynncraft. While Charon mentions Hades, he does it as an equivalent of "Dear God", so whether or not Hades actually exists in the Wynncraft universe is unconfirmed and hence up for interpretation.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
    Da Homeboi likes this.
  6. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Corrupted Charon
    I would say that Corrupted Charon is certainly an improvement to the non-Corrupted Charon... not that that's a difficult thing to do.

    The addition of forced minions (Named Call of the Punished) was a step in the right direction, along with the soul mechanic (Named Soulstealing Curse) which... while admittedly didn't really make sense logic-wise was still a pretty valid mechanic, on-theme with Charon, and gets the player moving.

    Once again, very fond of the model for Corrupted Charon as well. The models are one of the only things that I really like about this revamp.

    Anyways, not much to say about the actual battle, let's move on to the remake proposal!


    The Dungeon
    Corrupted Underworld Crypt, subtitled "A Highway Sail Through Hell's Door..." is a dungeon in the Forgery that takes place underneath the now corrupted city of what was once Ancient Nemract. It involves the player's journey back through the ruined Greek City towards the River of Styx, the entirety of the underground now taken over by the Corruption, and as the player explores the dungeon, spreading to the River of Styx as well.

    With the player all alone without the aid of General Graken and his army, they will face massive waves of the reanimated Forsaken Legion through the corrupted city as they attempt to navigate through the familiar ruins to reach the burning seas of the molten river bordering life and death.

    The rooms of the dungeon are as follows:

    [1/3] Corrupted Charon: ...
    [2/3] Corrupted Charon: That lifeforce... I can sense its familiarity...
    [3/3] Corrupted Charon: Keheheheh... come to join me for another ride...?

    The entrance of the city ruins are now completely barren of life, the only difference being the outrageously innumerable piles of corpses from Graken's army splayed about all over the region, some in large piles of burning and rotting viscera and others lying all around the ground and stabbed onto walls by their own weapons. This will be a prominent sight throughout the entire dungeon. Graken is nowhere to be seen.

    Room 1: Survive
    [1/3] Corrupted Charon: How foolish... just because you have overcome something once doesn't mean you can succeed once again.
    [2/3] Corrupted Charon: My army is just as immortal, and after the General's invasion, bigger in size than ever before...
    [3/3] Corrupted Charon: You have entered my domain alone, defenceless, no one else to aid you in battle... what chance do you have this time?

    The player finds themselves in the same large and open town square surrounded by buildings and blocked-off pathways. This time, the entire Greek city is visibly overtaken by the corruption, with occasional lava falls flowing from the walls and even more burnt and mangled corpses from Graken's army lining the edges of the arena and overhead buildings.

    Like its non-corrupted counterpart, players are expected to survive through several waves of enemies in order to progress.

    The wooden door at the end of the arena now has a trigger labeled "Click to set on fire" that the player has to click. Once the door is set on fire, the timer starts counting down and the hordes of Corrupted Charon's Fallen Legion will begin spawning.

    The first phase involves the spawning of large amounts of Fallen Legion Swordsmen and Warriors that will overwhelm the player. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for 15 seconds.

    Fallen Legion Swordsman: Common enemies. Melee AI with the frequent Charge and Multihit spell.
    Fallen Legion Warrior: Common enemies. Melee AI with the frequent Charge and Explosion spell.

    [1/1] Corrupted Charon: Let the tides of my Forsaken Legion sweep your pathetic life into my grasp! General! Get the human!

    The second phase involves the spawning of the first miniboss. The Fallen Legion Ravager (A visually Corrupted Forsaken Legion Butcher) appears as an invincible miniboss, along with Fallen Legion Swordsmen, Warrior, Guardsmen and Defender also spawning. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for another 15 seconds.

    Fallen Legion Guardsman: Semi-common enemies. Melee AI with the frequent Heavy Charge and Explosion spell.
    Fallen Legion Defender: Semi-common enemies. Crawl AI with the frequent Heavy Explosion spell.
    Fallen Legion Ravager: Miniboss. Faster in both walkspeed and spellcasting than the Forsaken Legion Butcher. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI.

    [1/1] Corrupted Charon: You can't pass the hordes that I command once again, you are outnumbered! My army shall not let you pass!

    The third phase involves the spawning of the second miniboss. The Fallen Legion Berserker (A visually Corrupted Forsaken Legion Castellan) appears as an invincible miniboss, along with Fallen Legion Guardsmen, Defender, Warmongers and Protectors also spawning. Forsaken Legion Footsoldier and Warrior no longer spawn. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for another 20 seconds.

    Fallen Legion Warmonger: Semi-rare enemies. Melee AI with the frequent Heavy Charge and Explosion spell.
    Fallen Legion Protector: Semi-rare enemies. Crawl AI with the frequent Heavy Explosion spell.
    Fallen Legion Berserker: Miniboss. Faster in both walkspeed and spellcasting than the Forsaken Legion Castellan. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI.

    [1/1] Corrupted Charon: The fact that you are holding against the might of my generals is a miracle of its own... sorcerer, I summon thee from the veil beyond!

    The fourth and final phase involves the spawning of the third miniboss. The Fallen Legion Head Sorcerer (A visually Corrupted Forsaken Legion High Priest), along with Fallen Legion Warmongers and Protectors also spawning. Fallen Legion Guardsmen and Defenders no longer spawn, with the final two minions spawning more often. The player is required to survive the waves of enemies for another 25 seconds.

    Fallen Legion Head Sorcerer: Miniboss. Has BurstRanged AI and is faster in spellcasting than the Forsaken Legion High Priest. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI.

    Once the timer reaches 0, the gate is burned down and the player is allowed to progress to the next room of the dungeon.

    [1/2] Corrupted Charon: A mere human like you from the ruins above, holding out on an army like mine...
    [2/2] Corrupted Charon: Souls from the dead, from every civilization I have wrought to ruins, assemble your troops! Prepare for battle once more! We have a new target to hunt...

    Like the wooden door in the Underworld Crypt, the player is allowed to reduce the timer's duration granted they are sufficiently strong enough to do so. The giant wooden door has an available hitbox that exists as a "mob" (marked by the door's nametags) that players are able to damage themselves. Every 10000 damage (Value subjected to change) that the player deals to the door reduces the timer by 1 second. Glass Cannon players with a high enough DPS can easily break down the door in seconds, speeding up the entire room greatly. The door's hitbox is wide enough so the player is not required to stay in a single spot while damaging the door.

    Room 2: Parkour
    [1/2] Corrupted Charon: A Higher vantage won't save you from the hordes below... bowmen! Fire and strike them down to the streets!
    [2/2] Corrupted Charon: The soldiers you once fought alongside with are now hungry for your soul, you will not make it past!

    The player climbs onto the rooftops of the corrupted city ruins and hops across the crumbled infrastructure while Fallen Legion Sharpshooters and Boltslingers fire arrows from the peaks of other nearby buildings. Fallen Legion Warmongers and Protectors will be seen walking around randomly on the streets below surrounded by large masses of corpses across the streets, but all mobs underneath are merely visual and do not pose any functional threat to the player. Should the player fall towards them from the parkour, they will simply get teleported back to the entrance/ last parkour checkpoint (If any).

    Fallen Legion Sharpshooters and Boltslingers are unaffected by player damage and are effectively invincible, Even if players are able to reach them via their own attacks.

    Fallen Legion Sharpshooter: Common enemies. Ranged AI with the frequent Heavy Arrow Storm and Huge Wave spell. Appears further away from the parkour platforms.
    Fallen Legion Boltslinger: Common enemies. BurstRanged AI with the frequent Heavy Arrow Storm and Meteor spell. Appears the closest to the parkour platforms.

    Smaller roofs crumble below the players feet shortly after landing on them, forcing them to rush through the parkour, while larger roofs are safe but contain more nearby ranged enemies to pick off weaker players. Roofs respawn shortly after crumbling.

    Room 3: Hunt
    [1/2] Corrupted Charon: ENOUGH! Souls of the River Styx, summon yourselves! Charge forwards! Release your fiery essence and scorch the land!
    [2/2] Corrupted Charon: The rest of my army, kill them! Kill them THIS INSTANT!

    The player finds themselves on the long and wide walkway. The piles of fresh corpses all around the region are in even bloodier and visceral condition, and much more numerous than what was previously there. The other end of the long walkway is the docks.

    Fallen Legion Protector and Warlords will constantly spawn as enemies. Unlike the Underworld Crypt, Blazing Souls now appear at the docks in an incoming bolt of blames from the ocean, floating towards the other end of the walkway where the player is. They are lava-themed versions of Guided Souls, now missing their scythes behind them. Upon reaching the entrance of the walkway, they disappear into a burst of flames which shoot towards the high ceiling.

    Blazing Souls are passive mobs and ignore the player, yet their names are visually red to signify a hostile mob. Upon being hit by the player, they violently explode and deal heavy damage to any player within a moderate radius. Blazing Souls also have a small chance to prematurely explode, with a prior warning in the form of spewing lava bubble particles.

    Fallen Legion Warlord: Rare enemies. Melee AI with the frequent Heavy Charge and Explosion spell. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI.
    Blazing Soul: Semi-common passive mobs. Custom AI that walks across the walkway to the end of the room. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI. Explodes and deals heavy damage in a short radius when killed.

    The goal of the room is to kill the Fallen Legion Warlords while avoiding the Blazing Souls. Once 15 Fallen Legion Warlords are killed, the room is completed. Walking towards the docks now teleports the player to the next room.

    Room 4: Miniboss

    The player finds themselves along the docks of the ruins of the Greek City with a locked gate at the end of the dungeon room, requesting the player to kill the miniboss in order to gain passage. The ocean is now filled with lava instead of water. Fallen Legion Warlords and Formations will spawn along the long and wide stone platform.

    An Enraged Gorgon Statue with moderate health will appear shortly after entering, serving as a deceptive miniboss of the room. Once killed, however, the mob will explode into the Ferryman's Curse, a spirit-like apparition holding a scythe. The Ferryman's Curse is meant to be the real miniboss of the room, and a carbon copy of Charon and his moveset (Albeit with increased stats to match the dungeon level).

    Fallen Legion Formation: Semi-common enemies. Crawl AI with the frequent Heavy Charge, Heavy Explosion and Heavy Arrow Storm spell. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI. Splits into 9 Fallen Legion Warlords when killed.
    Enraged Gorgon Statue: Miniboss. Frequent BurstRanged AI with the frequent Heavy Explosion, Heavy Wave, Heavy Arrow Storm and Meteor spell. Has full Knockback, Blindness and Slowness CCI. Turns into the Ferryman's Curse when killed.
    Ferryman's Curse: Miniboss. A copy of Charon's stats albeit with the proper stat raise for the level the player attempts Corrupted Underworld Crypt at. Ferryman's Curse performs his traditional spells along with Harvest Whirlwind and Phantom Slash at much faster frequencies, but does not perform Styx's Unrest, Call for Katabasis or Ferryman's Inferno.

    Entering the gate will teleport the player to the next dungeon room.


    Pre-boss Room
    [1/8] Corrupted Charon: Unprecedented... you managed to withstand the might of the Forsaken Legion.
    [2/8] Corrupted Charon: The collective might of the dead of countless cities, empowered by the burning prowess of the Corruption, swept and cut through as though if merely an oar ploughing through water.
    [3/8] Corrupted Charon: The entirety of Wynn is in ruins... and yet you appeared as if you never once left the green plains and blue skies.
    [4/8] Corrupted Charon: What exactly are you? A simple human, a one-man-army, standing against a force that took years to build.
    [5/8] Corrupted Charon: ...an anomaly, that's what you are.
    [6/8] Corrupted Charon: No matter... I think you'll find that my powers have heightened since we last met... count your days, as your mortal powers, no matter how strong they have become, are powerless against me!
    [7/8] Corrupted Charon: What will you do now? Your army, is gone. Your little General friend of yours, is gone.
    [8/8] Corrupted Charon: Go on, then, step into your own demise! It's only inevitable!

    The player finds themselves once again in the purgatory-like construct overlooking the isolated and quiet part of the docks. No more spirits are resting on the benches.

    At the end of the docks on the lava-filled ocean sits Corrupted Charon's boat, blocked off by a gate. It is a much bigger and darker version of Charon's boat in Underworld Crypt, informing the player in the change in arena size.

    General Graken is no longer present at the docks, although corpses still line the sides of the docks and seating area as the player walks though them.

    Clicking the Boss Button opens the gate and allows the player access to the boss fight.

    The Boss
    [1/1] Corrupted Charon: Kehehehahahah... the last stand, the final fight... our sail shall be LEGENDARY! COME NOW, HUMAN, LET'S HAVE ONE LAST DANCE!


    Corrupted Charon, titled "Hell's Soulreaper", is the final boss of the Corrupted Underworld Crypt dungeon. In a drastic contrast to his original battle, his arena features a open and wide environment in combination with Charon's speedy and aggressive fighting behavior, utilizing many of his natural abilities to the fullest extent.

    Corrupted Charon has near-infinite health regeneration along with his total health rising into the millions, making him effectively invincible to the player. Additionally, neither his overhead health bar nor his boss bar will be visible during the battle.

    Corrupted Charon: Boss. Melee AI with the semi-rare spell chain (See below). Has partial Slowness CCI and full Knockback and Blindness CCI.

    (In seconds):
    Heavy Charge (1.2)-> Heavy Multihit (1)-> Heavy Charge (1.2)-> Heavy Multihit (1)-> Heavy Charge (1.2)-> Heavy Multihit
    Heavy Flamethrower (0.1)-> Teleport (0.1)-> Heavy Wave (2)-> Teleport (0.1)-> Heavy Wave (2)-> Teleport (0.1)-> Heavy Wave

    Given the open space of the arena along with Corrupted Charon's invincibility, the player has no functional need to get close to the boss, allowing both Corrupted Charon's traditional spell chains and scripted spells to be sudden, erratic and extremely hazardous when close.

    The arena takes place on the boat the player steps onto, with Corrupted Charon present. Along the outside of the boat features the now lava-filled River of Styx, the canal that the boat is travelling across, and ending with the red stony edges of the river itself.

    Minions will once again leap out from the sides of the boat often, making it so that there will always be at least 1 enemy on the boat that isn't Corrupted Charon. With a much wider arena space along with the combat's focus on the minions, they are fast and extremely dangerous, requiring good Crowd Control to be able to deal with them.

    Fallen Legion Marzban and Venkus will constantly spawn in small groups of three to five, while Styxian Howls, visually identical to the Burning Souls, are significantly rarer and faster than the two, spawning in groups of one to three.

    Fallen Legion Marzban: Common enemies. Melee AI with frequent Multihit spell. Has full Slowness CCI. Drops Soul Fragment when killed.
    Fallen Legion Venkus: Common enemies. Crawl AI with frequent Heavy Charge spell. Drops Soul Fragment when killed.
    Styxian Howls: Semi-common enemies. Charge AI with frequent Explode spell. Drops Soul Fragment when killed.

    General Graken is no longer alive in this battle, his corpse now perched at the back of the boat which requests the player to deposit 30 Soul Fragments gathered from enemies (Value subjected to change). The player's goal is to avoid Corrupted Charon at all costs while attempting to kill all minions that jump onto the boat. Once 30 Soul Fragments are gathered from the minions, the player is able to revive General Graken to initiate the second half of the battle.

    [3/3] Corrupted Charon: ARRRGH... GET BACK HERE! DIE!


    Once General Graken has been revived, Fallen Legion Marzban and Venkus will be replaced by Fallen Legion Eviscerators and Devastators, which are even more dangerous versions of the former two. Styxian Howls also spawn slightly more often.

    Fallen Legion Eviscerator: Common enemies. Melee AI with frequent Charge (1)-> Heavy Multihit spell chain. Has full Blindness and Slowness CCI.
    Fallen Legion Devastator: Common enemies. Crawl AI with frequent Teleport (0.1)-> Heavy Charge spell chain. Has partial Knockback CCI and full Blindness and Slowness CCI.

    Corrupted Charon now also becomes more violent in his attacks, no longer casting traditional spell chains and leaving no delay between any of his scripted spells. Revived General Graken at this state ignores all minions and exclusively targets Corrupted Charon himself, rushing towards him and constantly swiping at him by repeatedly dashing through the boss (A shorter and faster version of Charon's Phantom Slash).

    While this dashing is merely visual in functionality, a custom "fake" bar imitating Corrupted Charon's health bar will appear in place of his actual health bar, beginning to decrease at a fixed rate while General Graken is within 2-3 blocks of the boss (General Graken does not pursue Corrupted Charon while he is flying). This effectively makes the second half of the fight a countdown until Corrupted Charon's health reaches 0.

    While the minions still serve as a significant danger to the player, Corrupted Charon and his moves are the main threat of the battle. With upgraded versions of his original attacks, his hazards and unique mechanics pose a bigger threat to the player than ever before.

    Shown below is a demonstration of all five moves in video format. They include sound effects along with multiple instances for a better example, so I encourage you to view it before reading the following descriptions below.

    Harvest Cyclone (Spin Attack)

    Replacing Charon's original attack, Harvest Cyclone is an upgraded version of Harvest Whirlwind.

    Instead of his usual scythe, Corrupted Charon now wields a double-bladed corruption scythe, holding it prior to his attack as a warning to the player. After a short moment, he holds it towards his front and breaks it into two, sending them to his sides. It is at this moment when the Harvest Cyclone activates, the blades spinning constantly around Corrupted Charon for a few seconds while he chases the player down.

    Players unfortunate enough to get caught in the spinning scythes during this attack will take moderately high damage at about a rate of 0.5 seconds per hit (Value subjected to change).

    Soulscythe Slash (Dash Attack)

    Replacing Charon's original attack, Soulscythe Slash is an upgraded version of Phantom Slash.

    The attack is similar to Charon's dash attack, only much faster and executing seven times instead of three in quick succession. Corrupted Charon first holds his double-bladed scythe as a warning, before changing his pose to that of a swinging one. A line coming from Charon will then proceed to aim at the player's last location for a miniscule period of time, before activating the move. Upon activation, Corrupted Charon dashes through the line at an instant, damaging any player within the path.

    While Soulscythe Slash's heavy damage is unlikely to take down most builds with a single hit, attempting to endure the damage of all seven dashes is most likely able to kill even the tankiest of players.

    Styx's Fury (Wave Attack)

    Replacing Charon's original move, Styx's Fury is an upgraded version of Styx's Unrest.

    Corrupted Charon first holds his oar as a warning, before changing his pose to that of a summoning act. He will then proceed to summon three small lavabolts that will orbit above his head, signifying the amount of times the spell will be executed.

    Parts of the floor of the boat will then be marked by rushes of particles, indicating where the attack will be present. During this, three lava bolts will shoot up from the River of Styx and land on either side of Corrupted Charon's boat, before transforming into a wave that sweeps across the entire arena at a high speed. A single small lavabolt will disappear from Corrupted Charon every time the lava bolts appear from the river, the entire attack repeating a total of three times in a row.

    Corrupted Charon's Styx's Fury move is considered to be "completed" the moment he summons all three mini lavabolts, which frees him up to cast other attacks. This means that the waves of lava will overlap whatever other moves Corrupted Charon performs after.

    Corrupted Charon is unable to cast Styx's Fury if he still has mini lavabolts present above his head.

    Screams for Katabasis (Oar Attack)

    Replacing Charon's original move, Screams for Katabasis is an upgraded version of Call for Katabasis.


    The lantern of Corrupted Charon's boat remains functionally the same as before, only this time with a larger maximum for its counter. Corrupted Charon first holds his oar as a warning, before flying towards the front of the boat in a rushing trail of flames and lava. Once there, he changes his pose to that of a summoning act, while marking six spots on the sides of the boat with cloud particles. After a short moment, passive Cursed Oar mobs will spawn in the marked spots, along with a warning that informs the player about the boat's movement. Corrupted Charon at this period of time flies back into the arena. Once the warning delay is over, the Oars will begin to row and the boat will start sailing forward.

    No minions will spawn at the spots locations where the Cursed Oars are present.

    As the boat is moving, the lamp at the back will light up, with the counter rapidly ticking down towards 0. When the timer reaches 0, the boat will have reached the Underworld, killing the player instantly and failing the dungeon. The player prevents this by destroying the Cursed Oars on the sides of Corrupted Charon's boat. The more oars that exist at once, the faster the counter will tick down. However, the lesser oars that exist on the boat, the more likely that Corrupted Charon will perform the Screams for Katabasis move again.

    Screams for Katabasis is always the first spell that Corrupted Charon casts, a few seconds after spawning. All Screams for Katabasis moves after the first summon will involve Corrupted Charon casting the move in place instead of flying towards the front of the boat. All casts after the first summon will also omit the warning and delay, triggering the Cursed Oars to immediately start rowing the moment they spawn.

    Hellreaper's Inferno (Skull Attack)

    Replacing Charon's original move, Hellreaper's Inferno is an upgraded version of Ferryman's Inferno.

    This is the only attack that Corrupted Charon does not perform randomly, instead choosing to perform Hellreaper's Inferno as his next move the moment his health reaches the 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% and 0% mark.

    As Corrupted Charon cannot be meaningfully damaged by the player, he will only perform Hellreaper's Inferno when General Graken has been revived and actively lowering his health.

    Corrupted Charon first emits unique particles as a warning, before flying up towards a few meters above the center of the boat and changes his pose to that of a summoning act. Once there, he summons a set of nine wither skulls above his head which are then immediately sent all across the top of the boat, with new wither skulls reappearing above Corrupted Charon shortly after the wither skulls in their place are deployed.

    While the wither skulls above his head are purely visual, the wither skulls that fall cause significant damage to the player when in its vicinity. While not posing too much of a threat on their own, a large wave of minions will spawn whenever Corrupted Charon begins Hellreaper's Inferno, requiring the player to deal with them while avoiding the wither skulls from above at the same time.

    Revived General Graken takes damage from the falling wither skulls and enemies, but cannot die as he is needed during the duration of the battle.

    As Corrupted Charon is invulnerable while in this state, the player has to throw Revived General Graken towards Corrupted Charon in order to strike him back down. Revived General Graken will emit green particles whenever the player is able to pick him up, and clicking on him while in this state will hoist him behind the player's back and slow the player down.

    Holding shift will charge up a meter that allows the player to throw Revived Graken in the direction they are looking towards. Letting go of shift before the meter finishes charging will drop Revived Graken. Given the FOV limitations of this action, a warning will appear on-screen if the player is underneath a falling wither skull while carrying Revived Graken.


    When Corrupted Charon reaches "0 health", he performs Hellreaper's Inferno for one final time. throwing Revived General Graken at Corrupted Charon will cause him to violently explode in the air, killing him and finishing the dungeon.

    EDIT: A cool visual addition might be countless soul-like particles bursting and flying out of Corruption Charon’s location while he is exploding, with screams echoing throughout the arena before the player is teleported out of the dungeon.

    [1/1] Corrupted Charon: AARRRGH!

    With a high contrast in both gameplay and situation from the non-Corrupted battle, I really feel like the difference between Charon and Corrupted Charon's battles fit the drastic change in atmosphere that Corrupted Underworld Crypt's environment already gives.

    You may have noticed it while you were reading through this. The non-Corrupted battle involves a tight arena space along with slow moving weak enemies with an equally slow Charon, the player in this battle is susceptible to small chip damage from the minions along with slow yet relatively awkward-to-dodge attacks from Charon himself. This naturally means that the battle leans towards favoring slightly tankier builds, which are able to withstand the amount of potential damage the player will find difficult to avoid, with the introduction of the Magic Oars to discourage builds that are too heavy.

    In contrast, the Corrupted battle has a much different preference. With a wide arena along with fast-moving enemies constantly hounding on the player, the player would be more inclined to take the route of a glass cannon instead, natural speed that many tank builds don't possess being able to weave through and avoid hazards like Corrupted Charon's fast spells and constantly charging minions, while at the same time easily picking off the Cursed Oars that appear on the far sides of the arena. Both battles, however, greatly favor Crowd Control capabilities, as with the rest of the dungeon, given that Charon's main strength is his large army, after all.

    And that's just the gameplay, what about the context of the fights itself also alternating? In the non-Corrupted battle, the player is facing off Charon on their own while General Graken assists the player in picking off the minions that jump onto the boat, leaving the player with more time to focus on the boss himself. In the Corrupted battle, however, the roles are completely switched. Once the teamwork between the player and General Graken has been restored with his revival, General Graken assists the player in taking down the otherwise impossible-to-kill Corrupted Charon, while the player clears out the minions from his boat. It's the perfect mix of a display of teamwork from both sides of the roles in both scenarios, and something that I am proud to have made such a show of how efficient I feel most of Wynncraft's quest companions should act.

    In summary, both fights of Charon are clearly very different from what is currently shown in-game. I personally think that these versions of the fight, along with the lore, quest and dungeons are better versions of what we currently have and had in both of Wynncraft's Charons. With a solid backstory and context of Charon's nature along with a quest that thoroughly introduces and expands on the antagonist as a character, explaining his powers, motives and what he has done prior to the player's arrival, this is a decent standalone side-story separate from the main Corruption storyline of Wynn with a nod to the source material along with old Charon content without either seeming out of place.

    Dungeon Rewards
    Corrupted Charon's Brain is now replaced with Corrupted Charon's Oar Fragment, using Beetroot Seeds as the texture.

    A few of the dungeon rewards have been renamed to fit Charon's new overarching theme. Those whose names remain in the list below are instead paired with notes.

    Ossuary - Already fits the theme.
    Argos - Already fits the theme.
    Tophet - Already fits the theme.
    Achilles - Already fits the theme.
    Black Catalyst - Too iconic to be replaced.
    Prognosticum -> Psychopomp's Hold
    Drain -> Cries of the Drained


    EDIT: Click here to view Charon's Neutral Special, a joke attack: HERE

    P.S. To anyone who has read this far, I just want to remind you all that there's a poll at the very top of this forum post! You don't have to fill it in but I'd figured that a lot of people would have forgotten about it after reading a thread post that exceeds the forums word limit

    I have some feedback on a certain mechanic or two in this suggestion, or a plothole or issue in the lore you have made. ...you won't get mad if I share my opinions, do you?
    A: By all means, go ahead! Type all you want! I thrive on feedback, and always welcome constructive critisism! People talking about it down in the replies also encourages discussion from others as well, which leads to more feedback! I may not ever work on this Charon project ever again, but it will be of great help in future projects such as The Hidden Side when storytelling or boss design come into play!

    Q: Charon seems to laugh a lot in his dialogue. His personality and manner of speaking seems a bit strange.
    A: Read Wynncraft's dialogue for Charon and then come back here.

    Q: I’ve noticed that you keep mentioning “Wynncraft-equivalent of Greek” when describing the Greek themes in this thread.
    A: I don’t intend for the game to ever mention the term “Greek” outright, only having strong hints to the theme during Charon’s quest and dungeon. Like the Sakura Dojo, for example. It has strong oriental themes along with actual Chinese text but Chinese isn’t necessarily canonical in the Wynncraft universe, either.

    Q: Why not make references in the Underworld Crypt rooms to actual Katabasis written in mythology?
    A: ...I got lazy. (I forgot to and couldn't be bothered afterwards)

    Q: Some of the enemies are holding both a weapon and shield.
    A: ...artistic liberty. Okay look Wynncraft can simply have the enemy hold one of the items if it still doesn't have the tech to dual-wield player models by then it still visually gets the point across

    Q: Why is Charon no longer titled "The Undead Ferryman"? was "Ferryman of Styx" better thematically?
    A: Partially yes, but also because Charon isn't an undead anymore. My version of Charon is an ancient (Wynncraft equivalent of) Greek being existing long before any of the events of Wynncraft, and hence can't be dead. Charon can also exist in the Underworld, so he can't be alive either. My version of Charon is neither alive or dead. Think of it like Amortality in Harry Potter.

    Q: Is Charon being able to change models mid-attack even possible in Wynncraft?
    A: As far as I know, no. Wynncraft tech as of the current version of 2.0 isn't able to recreate such a functionality in-game. Thankfully, this effect is purely visual, hence I still decided to include it just for the theatrics. (Salted, invest in this!!!)

    Q: Charon seems awfully killable for a so called "Ancient Being".
    A: Ancient =/= Powerful. Charon is far stronger than a mortal can ever hope of being, but his greatest strength is still his Forsaken Legion army.

    Q: Does both General Graken and Revived General Graken have any new dialogue asides from the few mentioned in this remake proposal?
    A: Yes, actually! General Graken tells the player to hoist him up when Charon casts Ferryman's Inferno, and Revived General Graken also has dialogue that appears throughout the second half of Corrupted Charon's battle. I was unfortunately unable to give exact text for them given how difficult Graken's manner of speech is to recreate.

    Q: What about Charon's dialogue in-battle?
    A: Both Charons have dialogue throughout the dungeon and during the fight similar to their Wynncraft counterparts, just... altered a little to fit the situation more. No offense but the current ones in-game are a little bit sad

    Q: Corrupted Charon seems a bit... unhinged. Out of character, much?
    A: Corrupted Charon is a mix of being enraged, frustrated, surprised and insane. He is seen clearly getting increasingly angrier at the player's ability to tear down his ever-more-powerful army right in front of his eyes. Him being neither dead nor alive despite having sentience results in a very strange exception for the Corruption - his powers may be intact, strengthened, even - but his still-intact mind might not have gotten off so lucky.

    Q: Wow, the dungeon rooms are really poorly thought out, you're kinda trash at game design, aren't you?
    A: I mean... I wrote the base concepts of the dungeon rooms all in one sitting with no prior planning whatsoever, so... I guess that's fair.

    Q: Wow, the dungeon rooms are really well thought out, your game design skills are impeccable, aren't they?
    A: I... wrote the base concepts of the dungeon rooms all in one sitting with no prior planning whatsoever. Uhhhh... I suppose I should apply for CT now? (/j)

    Q: Will you be working on a functional version of this boss in the near future?
    A: Again. The Hidden Side. I'm a little busy here.

    Q: What is The Hidden Side?
    A: Don't worry that cute pretty little face of yours too much, sweetie. You'll hear about it in the future, okay darling?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  7. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper Founder of Blue Builds CHAMPION

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    I already commented on this on Discord but what I will say is this is the kind of detail content I like to see with suggestion/rework ideas; when I click on an idea thread and it's a whole 2 sentences I immediately close that browser tab. Yours is without a doubt the highest quality forums post I've seen in 2023 so far
  8. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Thanks! If it weren't for my chronic procrastination issue I would be dishing these out non-stop
    You were saying
  9. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    Jesus christ purple calm down you killed the forums without being Salted.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  10. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    How so?
  11. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    before i say this i'd like to say that i really like this suggestion and think its 1000x better than whatever the fuck is in the game right now so dont take this as too much of a negative comment

    i was always a big fan of Charon and Haros being thematically appropriate for the nemract area. it's an area associated with sailors, so it makes sense that the dungeon and boss altar would have a sailor theme. i always imagined Charon and Haros as disconnected from their mythological variants and instead as new, creative versions of themselves. like instead of being people who guide you to the afterlife they're just zombie sailors who created a legion of undead to take over the area. having Charon live in greek-themed ruins with a greek army just comes off as weird to me, because it feels like it'd be the only ever mention of such a civilization existing ingame and that it would hardly be relevant to the main story wynn tries to tell. that being said i appreciate his boss being more boat-themed than either of his ingame iterations and regardless of my opinions this is still really well done
    Dr Zed likes this.
  12. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Thanks for the compliments!

    Anyways as for the below I get it, I guess strong connections and references to the source material isn't for everyone. Speaking of the Charon lore I made, I just wanted to clarify a couple of things that people might have assume here

    Charon doesn't really "live" anywhere, the Greek City was just a pretty good storage for his army because of most of the Forsaken Legion already coming from that location before they died and also its proximity to the Underworld. I also personally don't see one-off story with a one-time-mentioned Greek civilization being too weird, mostly because the city is tightly connected to only Charon's lore and not really to anything else in-game, and given how old the city actually is and how it only really serves this singular purpose in the story I would say it's just as recurring as a lot of other one-time locations that the game already has. Charon's lore in my version was never really meant to be too strongly connected to the main story, anyway, it was meant to be a side-quest equivalent compared to the Corruption storyline.

    I also never really intended Charon's Underworld to be an afterlife, per say? Not a traditional one, anyway. The only reason souls travel the river here is because Charon himself forcefully leads them into his ranks. Otherwise, people who die probably go somewhere else, like Death's Realm, for instance.

    But still, your opinions are sound, I really appreciate you talking about this!
    luckeyLuuk and Samsam101 like this.
  13. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    alr just realized that Graken wasn't present in the pre-boss room so as an optional NPC with top-tier* dialogue crafting I shall do it ig.

    • General Graken: Simply marvellous work, chap! You've made it this far, but there's no time to fill your boots. Be prepared, we are about to fight Charon and his undead buggers.
    • General Graken: We've lost a lot of good men on the way here, but I believe we can still throw the finishing blow.
    • General Graken: I must warn you, however, chap, that you can't afford to blunder. I've heard some wrenchers about getting to the Underworld meaning certain death!
    • General Graken: Don't get put off by that, old bean! It's only for this fight, although you'll be getting a medal of valor if I can wangle it! Charon and his cronies are remarkably strong, but that ain't anything that can come over you, innit?
    Graken's Note (before Corrupted Charon's fight):
    • This appears to be a note that was hastily written. It appears it's from General Graken...
    • <playername>, old chap, I can only hope you find this scribble in my absence. Of course I hope that you did not have to return at all.
    • I must say chum, I haven't got good news. I know we fought bravely and most admirably against the evil that is Charon, and won. Or so we thought... I was evacuating the last of the boys after you departed when the Grook really croaked.
    • All around me the walls shifted in colour. The dead rose once more. Charon made a return in a blaze of bloody mist. We did all we could, but we were done up like a kipper. I am all that is left, hiding in a corner of this red cave.
    • I hope to give you my final note of advice, should it ever be needed. Charon reunited the corpses of his army to bring them back, so don't let him do this if you must fight him again. If only I were able to reunite the fellows so we could all walk free...
    • Nevertheless, whatever happens, I'll keep fighting! Even if my life goes down the pan, you got back from that once before! I'll keep dragging myself back together from the brink to throw as heavy a punch as I can manage.

    *im actually not good at dialogue but eh. even if this is implemented in the game i'm pretty sure the CT would take some creative liberty to alter some of the dialogue.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  14. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Oh, wow, even if you took some text from the original dialogue that's actually really fitting lol

    I actually originally wanted to create Graken dialogue and then send it to Selvut to help me Graken-ify it but the thought of writing non-British Graken was so cursed that I couldn't bring myself to do it

    Also I wasn't really sure how the corruption would spread so quickly after the player left and it didn't really make sense for CUC to canonically happen right after UC's events since the player's still going around Wynn doing funny stuff at that time so I left out Graken's note to make it fairly ambiguous (The concept of the corruption spreading everywhere and Corrupted Charon rising like five minutes after the end of the dungeon is stupid anyway)
    Btw after seeing the Corrupted Charon minions what's your new rating
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  15. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    ig a way to perceive it would be that Graken was getting the men out long after the regular UC events and he kept some there to occupy it to prevent something fishy happening again and then the corruption reached it decades after what normally went down.

    Not the Forsaken Legion Marzban, its the Fallen Legion Marzban. -4 (jk now a +5)

    also the Eviscerators and Devastators are good ways to reuse the old Charon and Corrupted Charon skins imo.

    And to wrap it up, one thing I kinda get why it wasn't really expanded upon yet still kinda want to see something done with it was Haros and the Banished Legion. Maybe like Haros was Charon's right hand man before a falling out happened in some way shape or form.

    Edit: ok i lied i just remembered this line that existed in cuc, which i kinda wanted to see again bc of the irony and how fitting it is for Charon: However, how do you plan to defeat an army that is already dead?
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  16. Hansel

    Hansel A Traveler HERO

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    sweet 100% bumpppppp
  17. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    I technically put the Marzban in a higher position of power and a higher level of physical power than either Marzbans in the original dungeons

    I mean it's a boss minion now which makes it less unique but eh who's counting
  18. BattleDash

    BattleDash Developer

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    This is very well made, nice job!
  19. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    why is this suggestion so good and detailed my self-esteem is even more ruined now
    luckeyLuuk and shacers like this.
  20. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Go out there and put your own suggestions (if you have any)
    Chuck all you have
    Oh btw to anyone who’s just reading this I added a reminder at the end of the suggestion that there’s a poll at the top of the thread
    You don’t have to answer the poll but just a note that it’s there if you want to take a look at it
    Enderae likes this.
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