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SPOILER Caravan Driver Theory! (connection To Fruma?)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ParkourTNT, Feb 14, 2019.


What do you think?

  1. That was funny

  2. This might be true...

  3. Nice theory

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  1. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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  2. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Yes, actual.
    Again its a plot device. Its used pretty often in video games.

    Its to get the players knowledge and emotions aligned with the classes.
    In this case it only works on the first run.

    The thing its trying to solve is called nartive disengagement, its when you the player are experiencing something different then the character. For a example if a game were to call someone life threating, and nartivly speaking it is to the character, to have that very thing easy to kill causes a nartive disengagement.

    A real example would be fallout 4, I don't care about my son, but Mr.mc does alot.

    In wynncraft its for the first time player, so there experience aligns with what the class experiences.

    And yes, we know alot of stuff the class doesn't, like crashes. Sadly that's not a game experience nor something game devs or writes can stop. (Don't bring in optmiztion or something, I know they can make them less likely, duh.) If a game could have 100% immersion that would be insanely cool, but no matter what you do at the end of the day, you will realize its just a game when you go to bed.

    Saying we know stuff the player doesn't isn't a good argument against the fact that this is written this way for native reasons anyways.
    Its kinda like saying, excuse me, your saying games should be enjoyable to play??? Thats dumb, I played this game and it wasn't fun.
  3. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    The issue here is that you're making general assumptions and using examples from other games to support your argument.
    The theory that this thread explains is based on lore that's within the game itself, which strengths it's believability.
    A lot of the things you said can be disregarded because of this alone.

    Adding on to that, nowhere in the game is it mentioned that your character remembers the caravan crashing.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2019
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  4. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Its a general game design rule, so yes I can pull examples from other games.
    Also the player remembers the crash, there for so does the character, that's the whole point.

    Also yeah, its not really a theory, as much as I'm telling you why the choose to even have memory loss at this point.
  5. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    .... At this point, i don't know what are you saying? (I'm serious here)
    I would like to at least clarify why did I say "(Also the future of literally everything :/ )", I said it because you said that "we do remember the crash" even though there were no signs of us remembering it and even if we remember it does it really matter? i mean, i can just say that this was one of those things that they didn't forget about.
    By the player, you mean us right? if so then no that's not a reason for the character to remember something that we "IRL" remember.
    There are only two options for what happened
    One: They did forget about the crash (they only forget specifc things)
    Two: They simply didn't forget the crash (they only forget specific things)​
    There was no explanation if the player remember the crash yes or no but we did learn that they only forget specific things so it's one of those options
    Please if the player remember the crash can you give any clues or evidence? (I don't mean by this question that you are wrong, i'm really asking if you have any clues)

    Okay, let's pretend that there are obvious clues that the player remembers the crash scenes, does this change anything? Maybe.

    So, if the player remembers the crash does this mean that the Caravan Driver crossed the border?
    No, because they didn't cross the gate they hit the boulder which is near the gate.
    Why? because clearly they did say that the gate is the one that mark the border between Fruma and Wynn.
    To be honest, i don't think you get anything from what i said.
    So, i will ask a question and i want you to answer it "Why do you think the player remember the crash scene?" (I don't want an answer saying that we "IRL" remember it so the player must remember it because it makes sense, that's not a fair argument)

    My answer: I don't know. Yes, i don't know if we the "player" forget about the crash scene because simply we don't have any clues about this matter.
    About what you said, "why the choose to even have memory loss at this point." it's because Fruma don't want to reveal their magic, that was kinda confirmed by the Llevigar library "All that is known is that the land is operated entirely by a powerful monarchy with magical powers that are far in advance of our own."
    Also, see this thread.

    Another question i want to ask is that "Why isn't this thread a theory?", i mean doesn't it have clues and some kind of goal which is to find a way to understand more about Fruma and their methods?

    But, I just remember something so obvious that i forget to mention, it's that there was a guard on Fruma gate (the ocean one) but it seems that he's immune to the "memory erasing", this can mean two things:
    One: The Caravan Driver is immune to the magic, he can go out and inside with only one problem
    What is the probelm? it's the people outside, do you remember the "Wynn Excvation"? if they know that there is a human that get out from Fruma and he remembers what is inside, they won't let him go that easily, they will you use any methodes to take the knolwdge that he knows.
    Two: The Caravan Driver is not immune but was tasked to not go outside because of the above reason.
    Well, i think my mind is about to explode because if you can remember "The Talking Mushroom" he did say something about being a criminal back in Fruma, but how did he get inside? or how did he still remember it even though there is a magic barrier that erases the memories?

    My theory is only a theory it's not a confirmed thing that the Caravan Driver has a deep connection to Fruma, he might be a TOTALLY normal driver. It's just a theory :)
  6. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Wow alot of text.
    Look man forget about the theory, at this point I'm just trying to explain what nartive dissonance is lol.

    We the player remeber the crash, so does the character.

    Beyond that maybe you theory is correct Idk, my original message was simply trying to say I'm 90% sure its suppose to be a joke about the caravan driver losing his memory.

    Also great question about the mushroom...
    How does he remember?
  7. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Okay, but... can you give me clues of why he remembers the crash? (I mean by the player you mean the character or us "IRL"?)
    Also, i think you misunderstand the whole thread, it wasn't about the caravan driver losing memories (in fact i'm sure he didn't) it was that the caravan driver has a deep connection to Fruma (it's just a theory so i might be wrong)

    Sorry about the long text.
  8. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    Can we get an TL;DR on this? I mean i read it all but I didn't understand the theory...
    The caravan driver has a connection to Fruma? (well no shit)
  9. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    It was supposed to be a joke...
    TL;DR: The caravan driver always hit the rock near the border of Fruma and Wynn because he knows that if he gets out of the border he will forget his memories. There is also the question of why the guards near the second gate on the ocean didn't forget their memories, but you can say that they have some sort of protection. if the caravan driver has this protection the other reason he might don't want to get out is that he will get questioned by a lot of people (the soldiers too) and might get caught by some sort of evil organization (WynnExvation) which will lead to revealing the secret of the magic that Fruma has and what kind of place it is.
  10. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    Thinking about this topic, the general area of where this boulder is and a lot of other places, I feel like I have a theory to add to this.

    1a) First of all, what you didn't really see is that there are two doors, separating the two provinces, meaning where the caravan driver hits the boulder is unclaimed land, just like how the Gateway Island connects two provinces without actually being claimed by any provinces. This means that where you start the game is not territory, it's only land. You have already been through the Fruman, possibly the capital city's, based on the demand of Fruman expeditions, Outskirts and you will be reaching the Ragni Outskirts after you open the door with Aledar and Tasim.

    1b) Although, the Corkus-Fruman gate is outside of the Fruman province itself, the land has been claimed by the province, hence why they've built a port and walls around the gate, causing the Fruman guards to still be in control of their memories. And, the location where the Driver stops is solely nature. Nothing artificial except the Caravan Driver who stacks up the wheels, to complain about it, to refer that the expedition has now left Fruma, has woken up, has lost their minds.

    2a) Moving on to the looks of the Caravan Driver himself. The Caravan Driver resembles Wynnic citizens, probably a Nemract mercenary or just from somewhere else. Basically, we are Fruman, but the Caravan Driver is very likely not to be, hence why he remembers his memories and is able to travel back and forth from the unclaimed land to the Fruman city. On the contrary, all the Fruman expeditions are presented with their minds wiped when the game starts, the gate of Fruma closes, the van hits the boulder.

    2b) The Corkians who have rioted against the Frumans, escaping from the port city or gate, most likely lost their minds also, after sailing, and found the two gigantic islands, barely occupied, only the Avos and the exotic animals living there, and created their first city, Relos and moved further and marched through the old Avos cities, then founded Corkus City. Barely remembering anything about Fruma except for in-game discovery lore and stuff.

    3) This might also be the case for the Fruman relations with other provinces. Fruma has closed its relations with every province probably except for Gavel. Wynn and Dern has been corrupted for a long time, and Fruma wants purity, they don't want anything related to corruption in their province, hence why their gates are closed except for expeditionary forces helping Wynn so that the forts and cities can rule again in prosperity. They also despise Corkus for their riots, fleeing and the province's possibly great population loss, which is why they have no contact with the Corkians in any way. And this makes me believe that Fruma will be an addition, either once Fruma improves its relations with Gavel greatly, make up with Corkus to create a friendly or a mutual relation, or when the situation in Wynn gets better, when the corruption weakens. This may also end up adding to the plot, the villager scientists, the meteors and all that stuff.

    I can't think of much else to say or speculate right now so...
  11. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    I have to say that I absolutely love this theory, to me is seems like the Caravan Driver has been a secret keeper of Fruma of other people outside the province/land. For some reason I feel like Fruma is just a peaceful place that has no magic in it besides odd animals or something like that, I dunno.

    I would love to see some sort of new addition to the endgame player journey where your player adventures to a secret place of magic and mages where the player can find out about the history of the world, including Dern and Fruma. And these mages have contact with Fruma's authority, and they are to allow people from Fruma or Dern to see a glimpse history of the place they came from and if they are to see this history, they must keep it a secret to all other people. These Mages could be found the low insides of the mountains in Gavel, and they could have some sort of magic power unique to everything else in the land and it could make them be the most powerful mages in the lands.

    Sorry I got way off track, I dont even think what I just said even makes sense. But OMG I would love to have this flashback kind of thing in wynncraft that includes the Caravan Driver in it.

    GREAT JOB on this theory, really made me wanna do the tutorial again XD even though ive done it about 16 times.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  12. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Cleaning Bump10chars

    I think i got two reasons that can confirm that this theory is incorrect.
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
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  13. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    What are they?
  14. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    1) There is a certain flaw in one of the dialogues that I explained.
    It's this one: Tasim: "Does this mean we have to walk all the way to Ragni from here?" Aledar: "It's not that far, it's just a straight path from here."
    When I explained it to be "Aledar says to walk all the way to Ragni when they were behind the border" because of Tasim dialogue saying "walk all the way to Ragni", but it was wrong.
    The right explaining will be: Aledar says that "it's just a straight path from the here" which is "from the carriage" since he said it near the carriage and the straight path means it's only to the border not to Ragni castle.
    You could also say that by saying "walk all the way to Ragni" he might mean the Border because after this is Ragni outskirts which is a part of Ragni.

    2) There are simpler ways to do it than the one that I mentioned.
    There is no need to get stuck every time you send out soldiers. You can just make it that when getting to the border the carriage stops and says to the soldiers to continue their way.
    Which is actually what happens, it's just that the Caravan Driver accidentally does it multiple times.

    Well... I guess I unconfirmed my theory... sadly.

    Edit: But who knows, there might be even deeper reasons- forget it I'm giving up... maybe.
    Last edited: May 29, 2019
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  15. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    No, why would the outskirts be Ragni? There's no houses in the outskirts so people don't live there which means it's not part of Ragni.

    Basically areas like Detlas Suburbs or Ragni Outskirts don't count as the cities themselves because they're not in the city area.
    But your whole theory is based on that. The Caravan Driver does the same mistake multiple times, how does that mean the theory isn't correct?
  16. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Not sure about the last part, but the first part where i said that i explained it in the wrong way is correct. The dialogue where Aledar said "It's not that far, it's just a straight path from here" what he means is going from the Carriage which is "from here" to the border which is "straight path".
    There is the dialogue before that said "walk all the way to Ragni" he might mean it as a whole.

    The second reason doesn't have any evidence, but i tried to think from different aspects, and the best solution was to make a rule to stop at the border and let the soldiers continue on their own.

    I would say that the first reason does have some evidence backing it up, the dialogue where Tasim said "walk all the way to Ragni" is probably the outskirts of Ragni since Aledar said "it's just a straight path from here" after the dialogue of Tasim which is from the carriage to the border.

    Still, it's a little bit suspicious to send a Caravan Driver that always hit the same rock. There might be something else going on... or it's just a joke from the creator of the quest... who knows.
  17. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    Straight path doesn't have to specifically mean a straight, linear path. They could have meant it as direct and easy path without many manoeuvres and turns. (Basically not confusing and windy, and pretty easy to go through).

    It is basically what we take for the word straight so I believe neither of us have to be right or wrong.

    Thinking about all these word definitions, it seems like I forgot to ask.

    How does this affect the theory? The driver still hits the boulder and the game starts with you seeing Tasim and Aledar talking to the Driver, which means they could have been informed or they just made out the path basically leading to Fort Ragni.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  18. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    If the meaning for "Stright path" is "only going forward", then there will be no need for the Caravan Driver to hit the rock since he won't cross the border, meaning that the reason for hitting the rock won't be to not cross the border because he already been ordered to not cross the border.

    The problem with this theory is that there are better ways to solve the problem of sending soldiers. Instead of hitting the rock as a reason to stop before the border, and let the soldiers continue their roads, they can make a rule to stop at the border and let the soldiers continue.
  19. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    Well there is the possibility of Fruma wanting to stay hidden and uninvolved
  20. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    That is in fact confirmed. Fruma wants to stay hidden as much as possible since there is a border that removes the memories of people who cross it, there is also a lot of clues as to Fruma doesn't want to get involved because of the corruption.
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