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SPOILER Cancelled/Unreleased Content Speculation Thread

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Cashtron527, Mar 12, 2024.

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  1. Cashtron527

    Cashtron527 Skilled Adventurer

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    I wonder what the plans were for the Ternaves prison, and if there are still plans for it tbh
    Gogeta likes this.
  2. Cashtron527

    Cashtron527 Skilled Adventurer

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    Alright, so I thought I may as well mention something. I think there's a lot of cancelled stuff we have no clue about, so let's review what's clearly been cancelled, and then see if we can speculate on what was meant to happen. First and foremost, Ragnar's quest, I have no clue was it was going to be named but what we know is that Bak'al was going to be involved and that the quest would likely have been the first to use ingame cinematics. Why this quest wasn't released isn't clear, but we can assume the reason why was because they couldn't get the ingame cinematics to work properly, so the quest was likely shelved. Theres also the Dullahan and Karroc quarry raids. According to Lex, the Dullahan raid was scrapped in favor of TCC because they wanted something for endgame and didn't want to add a raid that players would only do once. We don't know anything else about the Karroc quarry raid other than it existed, but we can theorize it was cancelled due to it being too low leveled for a raid. Theres also the Crypt thing that was mentioned earlier in the thread, it was likely going to be a secret discovery but they didn't finish it due to the major rebuilds of certain areas that were done for 1.17 which started the current building style the CT uses today. The Ternaves prison is something we have no clue about, it was likely scrapped because they didn't want too much content in the earlygame. Theres also the Mortal Mountain, which got turned into TCC in the end. I forgot what else was cancelled, if anyone else has something to say about cancelled content please do so in this thread.
  3. Cashtron527

    Cashtron527 Skilled Adventurer

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    Oh and Deusphage just said there was a scrapped Corkus Lootrun mob that was a sniper robot.
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    The old karoc quarry "raid" isn't the raid you're thinking of. Originally Gavel was going to have "raids" instead of dungeons that were effectively just a really big room with a boss in it. It wasnt like Nexus of Light or The Nameless Anomaly, it was more like a overglorified boss altar
    Gogeta, Je Hooft and Earthbrine like this.
  5. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Old Teleport :hearteyes: My beloved :hearteyes: Move away from blocks :hearteyes:
    Gogeta likes this.
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