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Boltslingers discussion/journal

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Haven't posted here in a while; been coasting mostly, grinding for profit and waiting for new content. The profit went well enough that I have another bmonk build or two in the mix besides the one above. Biggest issue with it is mr. Not a horrible problem most of the time, but the harder the fight, the more likely it is to be a problem. Anyway, one solution to that is going in a different direction with less power, but higher survivability mr and lower uppercut cost:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > CancerÖˇ
    > Stratosphere
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Pro Tempore
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Clockwork
    > Contrast
    > Convergence [t6t6t6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    Yeah, I got a Convergence. A lot of people have told me it suits my style better and they may be right, though the drop off in power form tcrack is noticeable. Being able to do more uppercuts while in close helps a lot with that though and I really like getting hp back quickly without pots.

    I also have another tcrack build that is kind of halfway in between the above Convergence build and the tcrack build in my prior post. It has lower spell costs for a bit better sustain but gets its hpr from Rally. the power and survivability is right between the other two builds. It really doesn't fit my usual style as well and has mostly been a fun diversion, but is a dark horse candidate for a good build for future play.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > soul rending headdress
    > Anima-Infused Cuirass
    > Infernal Impulse
    > Pro Tempore
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Summa
    > Flashfire Gauntlet
    > Silver Solar Necklace
    > Thrundacrack [t6t6w6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    I might try cgg sometime soon with alternate builds. I did regular gg and have watched video and the only things likely to be troublesome give you multiple tries. That's assuming boss and mini boss battles go my way, which is largely the point of testing there. Gimmick parkour that isn't timed jumps on the run is less of an issue for me.
  2. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    this man started4 months ago and nearly has a thousand hours and several mythics, me started 2021 and doesnt have a mythic and less than 200 hours.... dang
  3. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    My hours are way off. I have played a lot, but I have also left players standing around in banks or tm for a lot longer than I would have thought possible. I am pretty sure it has been more than a day a couple of times and overnight several times. I try not to do that but it has happened a lot. I will be looking through what I have in the bank or what can actually be purchased while looking at possibilities and forget to close. I do most stuff on a different computer.
    I do play way too much and am actually somewhat relieved to finally start getting burned out and needing a break bad enough to actually start playing less and not just say I will...
    One last thought on that is that I am also finally to the point where there is currently nothing on my shopping list. The C Spring is good enough to carry archer and tcrack and Convergence are the spears I had narrowed down my list to. This may change when Fruma rolls out of course. But one reason I posted today is that I really expect it to be a while before I do anything note/post worthy.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2023
    shacers likes this.
  4. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    For your info about the lvl 106/107 xp lvl cap thing:

    Currently level 106 takes a whole lot of xp to get. After the level cap is raised, the amount of xp needed to get to level 106 will be much lower than it currently is. Either a portion of the xp needed for lvl 106 or all of the xp needed for lvl 106 will still count as xp you have gotten, which will more than likely be enough to get you a bit into lvl 107. That's why if you get lvl 106 pre-lvl cap raise, you will get beyond lvl 106 if the lvl cap is raised.
    With the very likely introduction of better grind spots, lvl 105+ quests, etc., it's pretty much guaranteed that getting to lvl 107/108/where-ever maxed out lvl 106 gets you after the level cap raise will take less time and effort after the level cap raise than getting level 106 before the raise.

    Having said that, Guild XP will be just as much easier to get at that point. So if you're gonna spend the same amount of time total, you might as well get 106 now.

    A reason to get 106 now is that when classes got lvl 101 (or 102? Not 100% sure) back when lvl 100 was the official level cap got a little * after their level total after the level cap raise to still show their achievement. Something cosmetic like that might happen again. No guarantees though.
  5. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Interesting. I did get to top 5 in my guild by setting my xp to nearly all going to the guild and going to few scrap and church parties. Grinding at church (that's a bizarre thing to say outside wynncraft) is unbelievably boring when there is healing and a good shaman aura in place. Little bursts of excitement when something manages to grab you, toss you around and take your hp down 12k, but mostly you just get small taps that are quickly healed and constantly cast spells to get ridiculous xp from mobs you rarely even see. I turned down guild xp and got warrior to 106 in church. I haven't really tried with archer. Archer would have more trouble with church; when I said 12k I was referring to warrior and archer does not have nearly as much resistance. Archer will just have to get it the old fashioned way.

    I hope AHC isn't required to move on. Bmonk has done it. EO is the actual issue for archer. Bmonk flew the hard parkour there, which isn't easy but is a different kind of challenge. Archer would have to do it. That could take a while and there would still be the matter of the eye. I would probably take quite a while to get across the parkour, then stop there and get some muscle from the guild to help with the eye. Bmonk tried and died twice, coming close once, before I asked for help. Archer might actually do better as far as dealing damage; it's surviving the damage dealt that I am most concerned about. That was the issue with Qira; bmonk got by alone after a lot of tries but archer needed help.
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