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Boltslingers discussion/journal

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    What’re your opinions with the Wynnter fair?
  2. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    id personally go nephilim calidade mail leictreach makani nether's scar
    and if you don't have dia solar then use contrast
    and yea ur gonna need pots
    but the point with archer is to stay away from mobs and especially so with this build
  3. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    i meant that when you take damage enough that u want to use a hp potion, use the potion and switch back to weapon, because potion heals over 3 seconds shouldnt it heal into the suddenly appeared bonus health?
    CrypticLucid likes this.
  4. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I need to do some testing the next time I am in one of my t-stacks; I am not right now. If I took off the chest plate and the put it right back on then switched hands away from the bow really quickly, would current hp drop further or just be closer to full? I think it drops further, but can't swear to it.
    I haven't been playing the reindeer games.
    Some contact is unavoidable in certain places. In the Uth Shrine when you are penned up with nothing to hide behind, a rune guardian running around and a half a dozen flying mobs throwing fireballs, you're going to get hit. I did sip a bit of healing potion in there.

    I don't think I could handle something like the Geyser Pit in that build. I didn't even bother dropping in there. I did it 5 times today with my more standard archer using TT, trying to get a Summa. No luck. Most of the damage I do down there is panoptes while running, occasionally escaping over the top and hitting the boss with a storm on landing. I did manage to do thunder division as something of a test a few days ago. Lot of potion.
    ThedumbOX likes this.
  5. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Oh yeah, today I was actually testing "regular" archer/ boltslinger in this build. Slightly less power and hp for +1 jump height to be able to do some simple parkour that keeps me from going certain places. Couldn't really tell much difference, probably because there isn't much difference...

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Skyfloat
    > Libra
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Sempiternal
    > Photon
    > Ingress
    > Remikas' Authority
    > Contrast
    > Torrential Tide [w6]
    also have bmonk trying the +1 jump height with an odd twist of a build with no strength; driven more by dexterity.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Hetusol
    > Vaward
    > Dragon Dance
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Clockwork
    > Contrast
    > Infidel [w6w6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    these are largely driven by the light room in tna.
    slight drop in power, but significantly more ehp. also hard to tell much difference.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
  6. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    ooh theres some very fun fallen bmonk builds with gale's sight that you could try out
  7. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    got a favorite?

    I wish I had more variety in places to build test. I should probably do some SE cave runs carrying my loot charm, though it kind of skews testing as it carries a +32% damage from mobs cost to provide +31% loot bonus. And then I make it a little further dicey for a few seconds, switching to a underpowered Wybel Horn Spear for another 22% loot bonus at a cost of 560 hp (not that much, really) to open chests.

    Turns out the Uth Shrine testing is profitable, but getting the avia feathers can be hit or miss. For some reason, I had a bunch the last few days at scrap, and while getting robot antennas to do Geyser Pit and around the exit from the pit. I did the shrine 11 times with archer this morning and have already sold over 40 of the runes for 400e each.
  8. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    this one is really fun but the crafted are a bit expensive (32leish)
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Gale's Sight
    > Aquarius
    > Vaward
    > Capricorn
    > CR-19c9c9i9i9S9S9W91
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > CR-19FAYAD9FAD6v9Y91 [e6e6e6]
    it utilizes rage in tandem with fallen for really high damage
    and the cycle is you uppercut then charge and when you're near the ground mob you ppercut again and rinse and repeat
  9. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Where do you get crafteds you just toss in like that? I have looked at crafted spears sometimes, wondering if I can find something in between the legendary and mythic spears (and even if there was a fabled spear in the range, it would probably not be in between but in its own special world).

    I guess I should look at crafted accessories also. A ring that kicks in 44% spell bonus is almost like stepping a spear up to a mythic (except for the tradeoff of whatever I would have used the ring for). I have become more open to other ways to kick up builds besides mythic weapons as the reality of how long it is going to take me to save for a mediocre one kicks in.
    Yeah, they are pricey, though there are some lower priced that do 25% or so. And they have their tradeoffs, of course. Some don't have reqs outside level. I used a crafted chest plate a while with archer while levelling up. It had a lot of spell damage, which was unusual for a chest plate at that level. There were several levels where I was getting damages well above average for the level. I hung on to it for bmonk and it didn't work in as well, so I finally sold it.

    Most of the crafted weapons I see are niche stuff for looting/stealing or whatever.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2022
  10. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Bmonk is now a 106. I decided to try a church grinding party. I kinda think I benefitted from some kind of glitch, or else the shaman was doing something I have never seen before. Actually pretty sure it was glitched as some people died. I was just circling a mass of mobs all jammed together over the totem. 2 uppercuts and a war scream over and over as I circled around. the red bar up top indicated I was hitting some really powerful mobs.

    I had turned down guild xp on advice from the guild owner after I had shot up into the top 4 after cranking it up at 105; they said to wait until 106. I still changed it up and down at times to keep contributing. Anyway, it is cranked again and moved an appreciable amount before I left when the party ended. It did start to normalize at that point, but still wasn't crazy when I left. I did start taking some damage though.

    I might turn it back down for archer at times, but not as concerned about getting archer over. the advice has to do with the still far off Fruma update; it was said that 106 will automatically become 107, but anything below will have to level up.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2022
  11. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    shaman has an upgrade that makes aura pull mobs to the totem
    and i found the build from a video lol
  12. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Still feels kinda like getting help with Qira and eo. I participated, but really didn't feel like I beat those bosses. In church, it seemed like someone held them while I hit them.
  13. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    IMO leveling to 106 is kinda pointless, considering when fruma comes out, the level cap will change (most likely), and there will be better grindspots, so why bother grinding for xp when I can leave my guild xp at 100% and do whatever while contributing to guild

    my guild xp would be higher but I just don't play enough
  14. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    that was what I was thinking also, but uz recommended I get to 106 first. It was in reaction to me levelling the guild up when I finished Journey quests. I actually made it up to #4 on the list, but that prompted LifeSwap to take action and bump me back to #5. But mine is cranked back up again. I am not bothering with trying to get archer to 106.
  15. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    if you get enough overflow you can get to 107 when fruma comes out (hopefully) but not really worth it
    so guild xp will be set to 100% (unless I'm leveling my warrior)
  16. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    What uz said was that lv 106 will automatically become 107, but if you are 105, you will still have to level up to 106 and then all the way through it to 107. Seems odd, but that is info uz got from somewhere seemingly official.

    I had mine at 95%. I had levelled archer to 105 by grinding, kind of giving up on most of the higher level quests but decided to push on through the Journeys after gaining some more confidence again with a better build and adjustments to play style. Also got archer through DaD 4, which I had kinda written off due to parkour. Turns out there is an archer sneak through the parkour; an "escape route". Also managed A thousand meters under which was a bit trickier; did actually have to manage some of that parkour the proper way.

    Messing around with builds, my go to test for warrior is how easy it is to solo scrap, staying in there for a while without healing (potions or shaman/mage). So I still grind a fair amount even though I am levelled up.

    I wish LI had a mode where you could drop in and do a boss without a reward for little or no cost.
  17. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    yea that's correct
  18. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Weird, but then it makes sense to heed uz's advice, at least for me. I don't have to worry about that sneaking up on me as wc moves to the back burner waiting on Fruma and having other interests move to the forefront.
  19. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    bmonk got a bit of an upgrade. I had been watching prices and feel pretty certain the money might as well still be in the bank if this doesn't work out. In fact I would likely make a profit. But early tests are extremely encouraging. This is just dropped in to one of my better Infidel builds with points adjusted.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Hetusol
    > Vaward
    > Pro Tempore
    > Suppression
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Clockwork
    > Contrast
    > Thrundacrack [t6t6w6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)
    shacers likes this.
  20. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Archer got a new toy and a quasi new build; reshuffling more than rebuilding. I changed my mind about trying a C Spring when I found out how much of an upgrade I could get for not all that much; this one was a little over 10 le. Tried a few lean builds that get 80k storms, but were extremely glassy. Does require a little care and feeding at the blacksmith from time to time, but not too often; durability of 211. TT will hot swap in, so if going on a long quest or a potential long battle and concerned about the durability, I can keep it in the hot bar also.

    https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder?v=1#8_0cD0Pf0r507W0Oy0050BI0Ji01fCI-10000AC Spring0200401030590907271-3320F40M0201b0N30Q0201N0j0105L0k010NN0+0204T4T150137719010771P02030t0o1N0y1D1g00001001ZO0z0z0+0+0+0+0--F-vzFW2
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Libra
    > Vaward
    > Capricorn
    > Silver Solar Ring
    > Summa
    > Flashfire Gauntlet
    > Contrast
    > C Spring [f6e6e6]

    Some battle testing done in scrap and the uth shrine. Clears the shrine much easier than TT.

    Part of the motivation was doing notg with TT. Archer had not completed it, abandoning it after a bad first experience. He got some tomes with minor buffs, some emeralds and a brown horse that quickly sold on tm. In notg, one of the players disappeared after the first room, possibly disconnected. When we got to the boss room, the other player, a lv 79, told me they were out of pots. They still cautiously helped in the boss room, but I had to do most of the damage. It was slow going with TT.

    bmonk has had some changes and this is now a tna proven build, if there is such a thing; I didn't exactly solo.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Stratosphere
    > Vaward
    > Pro Tempore
    > Summa
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Clockwork
    > Contrast
    > Thrundacrack [t6t6w6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    Interesting experience in tna. had 3 of 4 successful runs through party finder and probably would have had more with first party but I think we got glitched. On our third run, we were in the boss room and suddenly two people were no longer on the server. Up until that point, there had been no deaths by anyone in any room. that changed as the other remaining player and I were not able to finish Greg off. When we were killed, we were both floating as ghosts and it didn't end the raid. the other person disappeared after a minute and I assumed it was from a /kill, so I did that.

    I ended up in an area that is part of RoL. I have not finished all the RoL quests, so I was unable to use a tp that was there and there was no bridge to leave. /kill brought me right back there. I didn't have a tp script; I usually try to always keep one in inventory but had forgotten to put another in after last using one I had. I still showed in the party, so I left that and used pfinder, which fortunately works there, and queued up for tna. That worked and it tped me back to the raid. That run was a little dicier, but successful.

    I feel pretty good about progress in tna; I was a better team member than I have been in the past. For example, on the last run I gathered most of the souls after another person died in that room. Still not that good in the boss room; I have trouble staying with the group around Greg. I do get in close and land some uppercuts, but spend as much time trying to catch up and get close as I do fighting.
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