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Boltslingers discussion/journal

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    i like fire
  2. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    That makes sense. It's like a potion bottle that never runs out, but it comes out a little slower.

    Bmonk crushed Troubled Tribesman, is credited with completing Reincarnation and has a stone that can be used to purchase a weapon in a shop in the Temple of Legends. So one of my guys needs to complete ToL They are both at the "go talk to the guy about nether" stage. Either one of them could purchase the spear after getting in there, but it can only be used by a warrior that has officially completed Reincarnation, which bmonk has. I did have to complete the Bob's Lost Soul quest to get in the tomb; I couldn't just carry in the soul that archer got. So I did that. I had already started that a while back. I walked up to Batelu and started the quest. Stepped away, stepped back and he took the animal evidence. Stepped away, stepped back and he wouldn't talk to me. So I went in to the boss room and jumped up and down casting whirlwind about twice and then bolted for the door as it was not going well. I made it back out with hp around 100, down from 7000, in about 5 seconds. Then Batelu would talk to me, take the seal of approval and give me the stone to trade at the shop in ToL. I will do it with archer as it should be quicker. I got the old touretto hide when I was in Rymek and will have to run all over the place for the other stuff and then go beat the destroyer of worlds. I actually did want to do the quest but put it off because of the length. I did read a warning about keeping the creeper mask and I have it. I was just at Maro Peaks getting the wool. I wish I had realized I also needed to get something else. Still quite the list.

    Bmonk may be having Fuunyet when first getting to lv 75.
  3. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    ToL was not an easy quest and I am glad I did it on archer at the higher level. The cave to get the light particles has changed (I watched Olinus) and that "you can just ignore these mobs and run past them" strategy doesn't work any more. It throw up twinkly barriers in front and behind you at two points and forces you to clear the area before you can advance. One of the areas had the big fiery cubes and they are very resistant to damage from RtE. I didn't switch; based on my experience with Bob, TT would likely be even worse. I need to learn more about elements and damage. That fight took a few minutes doing the same thing I did with Bob; circling and keeping angel/panoptes up all the time, sipping potion as necessary. It glitched on me twice. The first time I finished the cave and it teleported me back to the entrance without the light dust. The second time it glitched in the aforementioned hard fight. It didn't drop the barrier after I beat them, so I had to /class, then come back and beat them again. There were parkours in the quest, but the could be done with leap and escape. You have to be really careful on the one on mage island; if you fall into the pit where the cave is on the fist time out, it will just keep bouncing you up and down refusing to let you in, but suspended in the air to fall again. Probably could have worked my way to the side, but I tried /class. When I came back in, wynncraft said "something is wrong, welcome to Ragni".
    The boss fight itself was no cakewalk. I did take an intelligence potion and I ended up doing pretty much teh same formula of running and keeping angel/panoptes up.

    Two pieces of goo news out of that - it was enough of a challenge to be an enjoyable quest and bmonk has the spear.

    But bmonk has run into an interesting quandary at the powder merchant. Despite what is document, it has 4 powder slots. I am thinking one pair for the special and then two others that are different to spread around. Fuunyet is heavy on earth and has fire and thunder, so I am thinking f4f4a4w4. If something seems particularly resistant to one, i can try the other. Curious what it would do bout specials if I went with 2 pair, but not risking glitching it.

    Really glad to get it. It is several levels before there is a clear upgrade. It's one of the few without any real tradeoffs, just bonuses. Fuunyet is similar in that regard. There are some that might exceed it with the right build sooner, but speculative builds don't show a lot of improvement for at least a dozen levels.
    powder slots was a glitch. only has 3 when I went back.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2022
  4. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    It would only have the powder special of the first pair.
  5. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I think the glitch was showing 4 spots the first time. I got in there with 3 powders and saw it would take 4. Came back with 4 and the potion merchant is like - "Psyche!"

    Even at lv 92 with a very punchy archer build, Reincarnation and ToL were seriously difficult quests. Getting a Bob's Mythic weapon at lv 75 of your fist an only class would be incredibly impressive. BYW, it was interesting to me that you could leave the boss room in Reincarnation; I am not sure I have seen that in any of the other true boss rooms.
    Oh, and this is what bmonk is using these days. Almost 10,000 hp, but could be sturdier. I have a good set of Kaerynn's Mind (helmet) and Body (chest plate) set aside for lv 78. This is kind of cobbled together at an attempt to get max hp and damage in the meantime. I have a good pair of Passus Lux boots that give a little more hp and do put it over 10,000 hp with great mana regen (it's not bad in this setup) but a noticeable drop off in power.


    WynnBuilder build:
    > Mask of Courage
    > Adamantite
    > Kelight's Shield
    > Bad Wolf
    > Photon
    > Lodestone
    > Reminiscence
    > Talisman Charm
    > Bob's Mythic Spear [f4f4w6]
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2022
  6. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I think I am already backtracking on that hgh hp build. I swap out that Admantite that has 3734 hp total for Millennium that has 1200 and the result build has about 7200 but is easier to keep above 6000.
  7. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Archer is in kind of a funk. Clawed to 93 with Dwarves and Doguns in a state that might be impossible to progress without a fix and with my issues getting past Envoy 2, really don't have quests other than slays until 95. Thinking of trying to grind in an early room of a corrupted dungeon without moving on, though I should at least try to .
    Anyway, current build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Sequencer
    > Seagazer
    > Shell of Genbu
    > Ensa's Ideals
    > Photon
    > Lodestone
    > Kelight's Gauntlet
    > Ensa's Faith
    > Return to Ether [w6w6]

    Meanwhile, bmonk is still rocking it and is likely to catch and probably pass archer. Currently at 85. Soloed Corrupted Decrepit Sewers. Sailed through the rooms, flew the parkour, and the only thing difficult was the boss. 15 doses of healing potion in there after not needing any to get there. Did some actual productive solo grinding in waterfall cave. Went in 3 times and only managed to come out alive once when potion was running low, but stayed alive a good while the other two times. It's tough to get out of Crushed the robots on the lv 85 slay, which is the current level. Completed some recent quests that archer had trouble with. A couple that were glitched for archer I watched Olinus and then was very careful about doing exactly the same thing. Some of the glitches seem to be making a mistake and recovery not working properly.
    Current build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Kaerynn's Mind
    > Kaerynn's Body
    > Kelight's Shield
    > Ensa's Ideals
    > Photon
    > Hustle Core
    > Kelight's Gauntlet
    > Talisman Charm
    > Bob's Mythic Spear [f4f4w6]
    I keep doing speculative builds with other spears that are on level and then passing on them. Bob's Mytic Spear holds up pretty well for a dozen levels. Then I will switch at 88:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Kaerynn's Mind
    > Kaerynn's Body
    > Kelight's Shield
    > Ensa's Ideals
    > Photon
    > Detective's Ring
    > Kelight's Gauntlet
    > Talisman Charm
    > Tisaun's Proof [f6f6]
    I have a really goo Tisaun's Proof in the bank. All those Xs are because the screen shot was take with market mage looking at it.
  8. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    yeah the 90s are hard, i lost motivation to play due to the lack of quests and took me about a month to get to lutho (101)
  9. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    IMO the time between level 90-100 is the most boring part of the game, too high to level up quickly, too low to do endgame content
    Also I love reading this thread. Seeing you grow and gain knowledge of both wynncraft mechanics and lingo is super cool, as you gain more experience playing and doing class builds. Like if you read your latest posts and compare it with your earlier ones the difference is really cool
    FelixTape, dogwqter, Druser and 2 others like this.
  10. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    That could be good and bad news for me; I need to break the addiction and stop playing so much

    Thanks. Interesting thing is I enjoy building - a game within the game - almost as much as actually playing. Maybe as much or more right now, getting into the 90s. I still have a lot to learn about building.

    It has become much harder to progress outside of on level quests. Even the slays start to nudge the level a bit more slowly. Because of how dramatically defense and damage changes, old quests I skipped really aren't that interesting and definitely no rewarding as far as advancing. I skipped a lot of early ones because levelling outside quests was so easy and fast early on. With archer, it wasn't even so much purposeful grinding as it was wanting to explore. To some degree it was the same with bmonk even though I had been to all the locations with archer; trying to get there a little earlier was another wrinkle that made it enjoyable. Knowing things in quests made them less frustrating in places.

    Bmonk definitely benefited from acquired knowledge, a war chest and a helping hand. Tag teaming with archer to get Mask of Courage and Bob's Mythic Spear on level was a vey big deal. Putting together builds is a lot easier when I can afford the preferable pieces. I still whine abut prices and sometimes settle for less than stellar rolls, but pretty much get what I need for good builds. And I know more factors to pay attention to. I still don't have what seems to be a true end game war chest though. I need to start loot running.
    Endistic likes this.
  11. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    yeah each class that you level up does get easier and easier
  12. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I was getting stuck at a glitch in Dwarves and Doguns 2; a freeze and lag that always occurred at exactly the same spot. I decided to try being in a different spot looking in a different direction. It worked and got me past the glitch. But it was a bad spot to be in and I died just a few seconds away from completion. So I made some adjustments to hopefully counter it enough to give me those few seconds and went back. I got the count down to the fits wave and then nothing happened for about 15 or 20 seconds and then Axelus started the dialog and cut scene for having made it past.

    Was that another bug or a pity system? I have only run into pity with the mine cars and Tarzan parkour and in those case it asked if I wanted skip (mine car) or at least notified me it was teleporting me past the Tarzan parkour. In this case, I feel pretty confident I was going to get past it. A big part of failing to get past when I got past the glitch was being caught by surprise; I really expected it to still have the issue. I didn't spin around to look in the right direction and move where I felt was a better spot to defend quickly enough and figured I would know to the next time.

    So I get to move on.
  13. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I haven't updated in a while. I got into kind of a funk with archer, stuck at 94 without a quest or slay and enjoying playing bmonk more these days. At the higher levels, my play style with archer is not holding up.

    Anyway, it turns out I really didn't know real grinding. Bmonk had just passed archer due to being able to finish some quests I had trouble with as archer, and was in Corkus for a slay and quest when I saw a shout out for a scrapyard party and I figured at lv 95, bmonk should try it. I stayed for over half an hour and came out a 99. A few minutes later when my fingers and eyes had relaxed a little I noticed it was still going on and went back. It only lasted a few more minutes and I was one of the last to leave, hanging out for a bit with no totems, just my own healing potion. Came out at lv 102.

    So that's what real grinding is like. I came back to Corkus with archer and looked for a scrapyard party. I only did a little over a level, from about 94 & 2/3 to just over 96. Gives archer 2 quests and 2 slays.

    But while it helped move archer along, it kind of made the funk about playing archer worse. Grinding with bmonk was fun; charging out into the mobs, slapping them a few times with main between spells to keep from running out of mana and taking out several at a time before needing to dash back to the totem for a recharge. Levelling was very fast because I was aggressively taking out a lot of mobs. With archer, I would get into trouble a lot quicker when I got out in the fray. Angel/panatopes didn't keep things from making impact. Main is worthless against strong mobs. And I kind of lost my mojo and played very defensively. I ended up staying close to the totem and spraying storms at mobs that came close by. There are lots of explosions and blindness attacks at the totems; even though you are safe from an hp perspective, it's pretty stressful to play that way.

    So I came away from that experience feeling like bmonk thrived there and archer just survived.

    Archer has started One Thousand Meters Under and assuming that goes well will do Recipe For Disaster next. Going to try to stick with it through parkours since i will be able to switch classes and come back to it later. I am looking at possible builds for bmonk, doing slays and trying some dungeons. Also need to go back to the Qira Hive. Assuming there is no dependency that blocks it, bmonk will skip to Breaking Point as the next quest.
  14. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Well the requirements are the entire Dwarfs and Doguns questline, both Envoys, and From The Bottom. That's 7 quests required in total.
  15. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Fortunately, bmonk had done every one of those before starting and finishing Breaking Point. From the Bottom plays into it? I figured maybe Thanos Depository since the player talks about having moved the dragon. Did that on both also. Archer didn't finish Envoy II and likely never will. Besides difficulty, motivation on doing those again is low.
  16. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    You're right. It is Thanos Depository, not From the Bottom. I was wrong on that one.
  17. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    honestly the envoy II is so boring
    either way I don't really do most of the quests so I cant say much
  18. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    It's mostly tricky parkour I have trouble with. I skip what I can with escape on archer or charge/flying on bmonk. Charge/flying has a longer range and can land more accurately, so big advantage for bmonk. I am also more committed to bmonk these days and will put in more time picking at a tough spot to get past it.

    My parkour has improved some but at a price. My left hand still hurts this morning from playing yesterday.

    and while not required, From the Mountains is also part of the story and there are slight dialog changes in DaD 1 if you did it (I did). I liked the overall story better than ROL, which I have not finished but bmonk is in the 4th one where I left it. I liked ROL at first but really soured on Lari after 3. But I got a really good Photon. Actually both are good, but one is stellar.
  19. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    envoy II IS boring, and idk why but the gap between envoy 1 and 2 is way to long, i just wanted to do fallen factory but had to wait more levels lol
  20. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    It did lack much excitement. I wasted a potion of intelligence in the first "boss" room and came out of the quest with an extra set of keys because in both battles I wandered around too long wondering if that was really it or not and ended up letting the "bosses" respawn. Quotes are because I felt like they were mini-bosses. Boss fights seemed harder in earlier levels (using the on level builds I had at the time). Some slays where you have to put all the items in the hopper while mobs respawn have been a little more exciting, but in a lot of them you just have to right click with enough in inventory.
    that was with bmonk. And don't get me wrong; I did sip some potion but not frantically. Getting muscle tissue in the dragon during Breaking Point was probably the most challenging thing I have done recently. DaD 4 was pretty intense at times and had some spots where a mistake could get you on the ropes but I was fortunate not to make any bad ones.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
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