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Pets & Horses Better Horse System (complete Idea)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Shawden, Jun 24, 2019.

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  1. Shawden

    Shawden Skilled Adventurer

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    Better Horse Breeding

    Hello! When I realized that Wynncraft have horse breeding I felt excited because it is a thing that I love to do in all MMORPG, but when I saw this poor breeding... I felt a little bit dissapointed.

    I suggest to delete this breeding way and built a better one:

    -You can add horse taming, example: There is a group of wild horses distributed in all Wynn province, then you can get closer by shifting with food and a lasso to have the possibility(very low, and can be increased depending of the food and other factors) of tame one, then you must walk with him to make it peaceful.

    -Add more horses (some of them obtained by breeding).

    -Create a barn to save your horses, obviusly you have to pay for it (you do that with the same building for everybody and distribute it like survival servers, in different plots in other world or something like that) It will have a limited capacity to save horses, and more capacity for higher ranks.

    -Tamed horses will be Male and Female and then you need each one to breed one, but this breeding system do not delete horses. You can add to each horse a limit of 1 or 2 times that these horse can breed with another).Then if you like to keep breeding horses you must sell it to a NPC or just release it.

    -Each important city should have a barn with a horse merchant inside, each horse merchant should have better and expensive horses depending of combat level.

    -Add Horse trainer as a new profession, wich it gives you easily horse taming and faster training, you can level up it by breeding horses and training them.

    -Switch saddle icon for a horse face to recognise it easily as a horse in your inventory (if it is possible).

    Crazy but amazing ideas

    -"Special" horses, that can be found in some places hard to reach, then you can try to tame it only one time, if it fails, this horse run away. Other things:

    -This horses can't be breed with other horses.

    -This horses can be evolved in stronger horses by a special item dropped in
    dungeons or other place like that (it is just and idea about where found this
    upgrader item)

    -Add horses rarity like, Common, Unique, Rare, Legendary

    -Add more attributes to horses, like strong wich it make him get tired later (Upgraded by using the horse)(Limited by the tier of each horse), or obedience, wich it make your horse choose his own way for a few seconds(better obedience reduce percentage of this happening)(Upgraded by using the horse), fear, wich it make him run away from high level mobs or something like that(this is a crazy one xD), it would be amazing.

    -Make players be closer to your horse for save it in your inventory. If player is far, press 2 times horse item to call it with a whistle, and then will appear 5 or 10 blocks near to you.

    -Create a horse parking to leave there your horse instead of save it in your inventory, if you dont do it, guard will seize him and you will pay a tax (not expensive) in the bank to recover it.

    -Add guard riding horses in towns would be amazing too.

    Horse combat
    I suggest to create a combat mode in horses:

    -To start, allow players to do basic attacks in the horse (Left click only)

    -Make with the horses the same you did with class, add a combo RC+X+X to do abilities, like charge, kick, fear to enemies when a horse rise up on two legs. This will make Wynncraft a horse kingdom like Rohan in The Lord of the Rings, it will be an extra entertainment to players that love breed horses.

    I really hope this idea like you and it would be amazing see this system on Wynncraft. I know that some of this things could be hard to do, or just impossible, but only imagine all of this things implemented make me shake of emotion.

    If you have any question, something is bad explained,or you need a visual example of breeding horses tell me and I will answer you as fast as my fingers move. :grin::grin:
    Joelimgu and Bart (MC) like this.
  2. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Before anyone else says it, this suggestion is entirely devalued by archers and walk speed builds, and the assumption that complicating existing mechanics makes a feature better (not necessarily).

    First off, add a poll, make this better readable for dark and light theme users, thanks.
    This just complicates getting horses. Instead of going to Ternaves or Bucie and badabing badaboom buy a horse, you're gonna have to explore, find the right horse with the stats you want, successfully tame it, and only then do you have one. While it may be cool in other games and sound interesting in theory, it is and stays artifically created difficulty.

    Complicated Housing!!
    Complex ≠ good, this would make almost really good horses worthless after a few times of breeding plus make it very much luck-based.. like breeding is right now.
    I could go into a very long explanation here, but the gist of it is that tjis would require an extra gathering profession, meaning more crafting prifessions, without the person who coded the whole thing present.. you get the idea.
    Both of these would actively nerf horses a bunch, with them already being redundant in quite some instances.
    What's wrong with your back pocket?!

    As for the combat part, I like the idea (even though being able to attack while on horse is a much easier and simpler suggestion), but I do wonder how you would see it working level and powerscaling-wise.

    tl;dr: neat idea, but complicated ≠ entertaining

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2019
    RazorGuild, Droger and brokenmotor like this.
  3. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Some interesting & creative ideas but I agree with the other guy about this over complicating horseys. Maybe the horse tamer profession by itself could work though.

    If they just made breeding odds of success be a 50% chance with the other 50% being the horsey remains the same I'd be good with that. Also if they added a horsey fast enough to compete with a 400ws build that would be fun too :D
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  4. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Adding horses fast enough to compete with walkspeed builds would be neat. At the very least, white horse needs a buff.
    Droger and Turbostratus like this.
  5. Shawden

    Shawden Skilled Adventurer

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    Some of this things I know that could be difficult to do or impossible, I said it, but horses need a change, and thats a fact, A little bit complicated obviusly mean funny, if you can just buy a horse and in 10 min is full trained... whats funny on that???? Buy. buy. buy. buy and buy till the RNG system decide you can stop spending money buying Brown horses is booooring. I can do a real request with a complete suggestion with how this actually can be better, but nowadays it is not funny
  6. Droger

    Droger Self proclaimed "Dungeon Master" VIP+

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    I like ur ideas but you say that its boring to breed horse? I say this too mucch but “Grinding and RNG are important aspects of the MMORPG” making the game to easy isnt the way to go. You dont wanna de-value horses as well.
    You have some great points etc, but some will ruin the mmorpg grinding and rng aspects.
    This is my opinion on ur suggestion
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Why the hell do people always say this.
    Like, its really really just kinda not.
  8. Droger

    Droger Self proclaimed "Dungeon Master" VIP+

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    Yes it is... ever played a mmorpg where rng and grinding were not a thing?
    StormKing3 likes this.
  9. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Yeah, I have.
    Look, games of plenty of ways of locking content, grinding and rng aren't neccery in terms of game design. Sure the mojorty of mmos have these elements in a abundance, but just because one game does it, doesn't mean every game needs to.

    In fact here, let me make a case.
    Imgaine wynncraft ends at level 55, remove all the quest with rng and replace them. Up the avarage xp gotten via discovers. - done, there you have a game, which in the very least doesn't have grinding.

    Rng is a bigger beast of course. Heres the thing, a game can relay on rng to much.
    General speaking rng is an optional, but viable game design when done correctly, and in the right amount. To much of it leads to, well something rather unfun and unhealthy.

    "Sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm like half asleep."
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  10. Droger

    Droger Self proclaimed "Dungeon Master" VIP+

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    I understand you, dont get me wrong, but from a player who played Osrs almost since i was 7 grinding is a important aspect. And thats why my opinion is that it is a important aspect of a mmorpg.
    And btw in my first reply to tye thread i said its an opinion aswell
  11. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    unless the lasso will cost more than the horse this will knock the horse prices down.
    how does this work? wil we not be able to store horses in our bank anymore?
    letting each horse breed multiple times will make horses cheap
    this is problematic as mobs cant hit you very well while you area on horseback, also not all classes attack with left click
    Droger, StormKing3 and Druser like this.
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