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Community Event Battle Of The Quests

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Apr 21, 2019.

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  1. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    My guess is 1k meters under is going to win but I really really think memory paranoia has a chance
    Iboju and rainbow_elite_7 like this.
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Round 2 has ended!
    The 3rd Round has begun, vote here: https://forms.gle/3Fg1M7P2uQP2tYQE8

    A few more thoughts:
    • Corkus is doing pretty well right now, with 3/4 of its quests making it past the first two rounds.
    • Big battle-based quests... not as much. Wynnx Site D and D&D 4 are really the only ones left, and they put up a good fight to make it this far.
    • Out of my Mind is doing pretty well, considering it doesn't get talked about as much as the other 15 quests (at least from what I've seen). Are people confusing it with Shattered Minds?
    • Looks like ToA is just not the best quest, since Shattered Minds beat The Lost in a landslide.
    • Deja Vu vs. A Grave Mistake was a darn pretty close match.
    • Looks like Gavel quests aren't as bad as we think. 9/16 of the remaining quests come from that province.
    1000 Meters Under vs. Memory Paranoia (this seems like the most likely scenario) will be a true battle.
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    A lot of people like Out of my Mind, though I've personally never entirely understood why.
    Iboju and A Human like this.
  4. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    I remember when it first came out, a lot of people thought the old one was better. I wonder why it’s doing so well now
  5. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    out of my mind is like the bracket killer in March Madness, it sucks but keeps winning and noone knows why
  6. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    Out of my Mind is prolly gonna lose now
  7. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    I like Out of My Mind because of Ariodo. He's one of the only characters in wynn I feel I can actually somewhat if not closely relate to (two of the only other ones I can think of off the top of my head being Antikythera and Death from Beyond the Grave). The puzzle was also fun the first time I did it (but now I have it memorized, so it just kind of exists).
  8. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I really liked the new out of my mind when it first came out, I mean for one it has a relatively interesting puzzle which takes me back to the days when I played flash games on a computer so that bit was kind of nostalgic for me as a whole as well as the fact the puzzle is just really well made as well. I liked the decaying animation of the colossal plant that Ariodo was trying to hide and I also deeply enjoyed listening to staggering march as well which is one of my favourite soundtracks in the game as a whole.

    As for craftmas chaos, eh. Back in its day it was a pretty good quest but as of the modern day I can't really get myself to enjoy it much as back then, I mean the plot seemed to be a good idea in theory for it but the boss fight was just kind of there if you know what I mean, it didn't really have any flavour as it should of had. Also the time travel scene before Selchar was corrupted I can still never fully understand how Santa became corrupted in the first place, I mean why for one did they wait what I think was like 50-60 years to corrupt Santa and then how did they corrupt Santa in the first place? What did the cult do? Go on a boat trip to his island and take a giant non suspicious crystal with them or something? I just can't understand the quest because information is left out , I mean if someone can explain it to me I will greatly appreciate it, but if you can't tell from the way i'm writing this, I simply couldn't understand what the quest was trying to point out to me and I ended up just looking in my quest book as what to do in the end instead of trying to understand what I believe to be a poorly executed quest and that's why I ultimately decided to put Out of my Mind above it.

    Edit: Also can I just give the community praise for putting memory paranoia over Qira hive by an absolute landslide victory. I voted for memory paranoia believing that Q.H was probably going to stand on top; but to know that people still enjoy a well developed quest with ok rewards over a quest that has fantastic rewards but a very repetitive series of mob waves actually warmed my heart for a second and restored some of my faith in the community from all the terrible housing suggestions over the years haha.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    Iboju likes this.
  9. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Huh, only 68.7% correct this round. I kind of expected to have almost everything right, to be honest. Not a lot of quests left, and by now we're actually at quests people talk about, so it should've been pretty easy picking by now, kind of disappointed in myself for still getting so many wrong :p

    Damn you really got me there

    Out of my Mind being more popular than Craftsmas Chaos is really surprising for me, as Craftsmas Chaos is always a quest I look forward to doing when at a lower-level class and still really enjoy, even after having done it quite a few times. Out of my Mind is just kind of.. there, with its pretty fun puzzle mostly making up for the horrendous walk & wait section. Not a bad quest, but it hardly compares to Craftsmas Chaos imo. It might have to do with the fact that most people I play with quit at lv 35-40, making Craftsmas Chaos one of the last big quests I can do with them?

    Royal Trials winning from Reincarnation is something I did not see coming or agree with, but I can understand why. Royal Trials is a really fun quest to do, with neat fighting segments and a really cool timing minigame. I don't know if anyone else has the same problem, but the last part never seems to work properly for me, so I just end up spamming my movement spell in random directions until I get through. That being at the end as well leaves a bad impression on Royal Trials in my case. And Reincarnation, is well, the Wynn quest. It's the ending of multiple quest storylines and other lore, an actual reason to go to Skiens' & Maro Peaks, and a satisfying, always challenging but never impossible boss fight (looking at you Amadel).

    Otherwise, Mixed Feelings over WynnExcavation Site A is perfectly reasonable, same for Hidden City and Flight in Distress. I just find the waiting time in the last one to make it tedious enough to be annoying at times.

    Not gonna make another arrows-drawn-in-paint prediction, as most arrows drawn last time still hold up (aside from Fantastic Voyage, which will beat Memory Paranoia.)
    To reiterate, finals in each group would look like
    Group 1: Fantastic Voyage vs. A 1000 Meters Under
    Group 2: Beyond the Grave vs. Royal Trials
    Group 3: Shattered Minds vs. WynnExcavation Site D
    Group 4: Deja Vu vs. Doguns and Dwarves #4
    Iboju, Druser and WithTheFish like this.
  10. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    As I stated earlier, Reincarnation feels more or less just a drag to do nowadays, both on my first experience of doing it and on all experiences later.
    -Go into a tomb which requires 3 people to get in, 2 of which need to be a specific class.
    -Talk to NPC
    -Go back outside the tomb and have no clue where to get any of the items without looking up on the wiki or help from the community
    -Find out you need to go to 3 really annoying locations on the map all of which except for Maro Peaks you are far too overleveled for.
    -Go back to Bob's Tomb and getting 2 more people (Once again with very specific classes) to get in again.
    -Go in to bob's tomb
    -Defeat a lazily designed boss fight with only one phase, 160k hp, seems to only have the move Charge, has also got 5 lazily designed magic swords as well which just makes the fight even more of a pain.
    -Go talk to NPC again
    -Congratulations you now have access to Bob's Mythic Weapons! Jk you have to do ToL as well haha, just keep using your level 70 legendary weapon and stop wasting your time xd.

    Honestly the quest just felt like an insult to me the first time I did it and all times I did it after, I would rather do EotS 20 times over then do Reincarnation once. That's how bad I hate this quest and how much I desperately want it to be remade and I will continue to hate on it until that day comes. (keep The Last Stand though, that stuff is good)

    Also my predictions.
    Memory Paranoia > Fantastic Voyage
    1000 Meters Under > Fate of the Fallen
    Mixed Feelings > Beyond the Grave
    The Envoy Pt.1 > Royal Trials
    Shattered Minds > The Envoy Pt.2
    Wynn Excavation Site D > Out of my Mind
    Flight in Distress > Deja Vu
    Doguns and Dwarves Pt.4> Cowfusion

    There's a lot of predictions on that list that I feel confident about and some I just chose out of personal preference I know well that Doguns and Dwarves will beat Cowfusion via landslide but Flight in Distress vs Deja Vu is going to be a battle of ages as well as Mixed Feelings vs Beyond the Grave.

    P.S: Amadel phase 1 and 3 are a living joke xd and I will defend and vote for Memory Paranoia over Fantastic Voyage to the day I die lol, i'm also debating with myself whether I should vote for it over A thousand meters under concerning how far it has come.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    WithTheFish and Bart (MC) like this.
  11. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Regarding Santa becoming corrupted, it's time travel shenanigans - he eventually becomes corrupted in the future because of the shard you brought back to him at the end of the quest... by killing him in the future.
  12. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Still way too complicated of a plot in my opinion but thanks for the clarification.
    Iboju likes this.
  13. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Yeah when I did that quest for the first time, it took me like 2 hours. The plot is so confusing and you never know what to do.
    I totally agree with this, but I think deja vu will win over flight in distress.
    rainbow_elite_7 likes this.
  14. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Yeah I do think Deja Vu is probably going to win as well, but if we have learnt anything from this survey it's that anything can happen. We saw Mushroom Man get annihilated, Qira Hive smacked into the ground and Reincarnation slammed against a wall. I haven't given up hopes yet xd.
    A Human likes this.
  15. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    I didn't know I needed this in my life, keep up the fun event threads >^<
    Mixed Feelings finale or bloodshed
  16. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I won't say that it got annihilated, it got 47% votes so it was a close fight.
    But that really surprised me, its my favorite quest :(
  17. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I'm glad it got beaten so quick, it's a literal joke fetch quest and I have never shown interest of doing it for the last 5 years, and furthermore I would justify the term "annihilated" because it actually got beaten by Studying the Corrupt in the first round which I personally see as just an ok quest and is no where near my top favourites list. Oh and before you say it's an old quest, many quests in the game are old but have been given the chance to be improved, the developers intentionally kept M.M the same rubbish quest it always has been but I don't blame them for it at all, it's because i'm pretty sure they wanted to rework it but the community as a whole is ignorant to the point that it is just a terribly designed quest as a whole and they would probably get a lot of hate for changing it.

    I'm not voting for joke quests like LotC and of course this sin, i'm voting for quests that stuck in my head because they were both enjoyable and well developed. Mushroom Man, Reincarnation and Jungle Fever have none of that, at least with Out of my Mind despite the puzzle being nostalgic for me in terms of context, I still really enjoyed the rest of the quest as well, even looking past nostalgia and its noticeable flaws.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  18. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    So legit, a question, why do people like 1000 metters under so much?
  19. Realises

    Realises was fun while it lasted ♡ HERO

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    it's fun
    Druser likes this.
  20. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I feel like Beyond the Grave or Shattered Minds will win this. Wynnex, while great for the time, is sort of poor nowadays, DnD 4 has really mixed opinions around it, Deja Vu is a bit short (though still really good and probably my third pick), 1k meters is a good quest but with largely forgettable characters, and the rest are good but not the memorable either
    You go back in time
    You destroy the cult, they mess up the time travel back to the present, then disband since you stopped them and destroyed their evil crystal so they can’t ruin Christmas
    You end up 30 years in the future, where everything sucks
    You kill future santa, and get a corrupted shard from his clothes
    You travel back to the present and unwillingly give present santa the corrupted shard
    The present santa slowly becomes corrupted by said shard until after 30 years he goes nuts

    It’s a causal loop; you corrupt santa by giving him the shard, corrupted santa ruins selchar, you kill corrupted santa, corrupted santa gives you the means to corrupt santa in the first place, and so on. Honestly it’s one of my favorite quests, since it explores a causal loop but does so by connecting it to the future instead of the past as it normally would, plus the irony of trying to save christmas for an island but instead dooming them to a fate you can’t avert
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