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Badlion Client Should Be Banned

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Spaetzluh, Apr 16, 2019.


Should it be banned?

  1. Yes

    47 vote(s)
  2. No

    17 vote(s)
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  1. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    dont you hate when people take your client that you made and inject it with cheats
    many cheat developers have been injecting their own clients into the actual badlion client.

    its completely possible and its been done before.
  2. Majik_7

    Majik_7 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Ok first I understand that the word client doesn't come with good things in mind but badlion isn't a hacked client. It even has an anticheat to give you another voice if you are being banned unjustly. Also I have used billion for several years now and most of the mini games I play including wynncraft don't need some of the And I quote "serious advantages" first armour status I personally don't use crafted armour because I don't want to worry about it breaking. Second potion status is clicking e or whatever button you use to open your inventory to see your effects. Fps cps and ping are aren't advantages it's a feature. Also crosshair doesn't Minecraft ... I don't know come with a crosshair lol. And mini map and toggle sneak I don't use on badlion so I can't speak for them. Keystrokes and and hitboxes are fair As well because keystrokes is like a keyboard camera and you can actually turn on hitboxes in vanilla Minecraft. And finally i have thoroughly searched badlion for any hack and I still haven't found any. If I had found any I wouldn't be using it anymore because I'm not a fan of hackers either. Kindest regards. - Majik_7
    And also if badlion is a hacked client then why do YouTubers and mods use it on hypixel. The server with a real good anti cheat?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
    MrJones, xmascarol and Tiny55 like this.
  3. connoreggs

    connoreggs Newbie Adventurer

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    I made an account just to reply to this,

    I come from the PVP community of Minecraft, (yeah that toxic little hellhole you probally all hate). Im posting this to clear things up for you guys, The Badlion Client is NOT a hacked client, its what is in growing popularity a anti-cheat client or cheat-breaker client. There are many like it such as Lunar Client, Labymod, PvPLounge Client and many more. The modifications given inside these different clients are not cheats, and are agreed upon by major servers (such as Hypixel, Mineplex, MMC, and even Wynn) to be allowed. The way the client works is when you install it, you give it full access to your PC, it then runs a deep search for any cheats. If cheats are detected it will ban the players account and IP from any servers it is affiliated with. In regards to what the original thread poster said about the creators selling an anticheat to monitor the client is true, but taken in the wrong context. BLC is only a client side anticheat, it cant work without a server side anitcheat if a server invests in Badlions anticheat they have the guarantee that any player using BLC is not cheating. It is impossible to inject hacks and play on a Badlion secured server.

    Its funny to me that this client was created to stop cheating, but un-educated players from another side of Minecraft call it a hacked client.

    That is all.
    xmascarol and Tiny55 like this.
  4. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    It's completely possible to inject Vape into BLC. My friend managed to inject Sigma into it a few weeks earlier, too.

    But yes, a non fucked-with version of BLC does not have cheats.
    Also, to reply to the OP; NEVER download assistant mods like Skull Project, Badlion Client, Lunar Client, etc. from any source that isnt the provider's website. There's a chance that those have bitcoin miners injected, malware, or cheats.

    I use Badlion Client daily, and I haven't found any evidence that any of the cheats you've mentioned exist. You or whoever you got this info from is either lying or downloaded a version of the Client that has been injected with cheats.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2019
  5. XXXWong

    XXXWong Well-Known Adventurer

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    fake news sir
    xmascarol likes this.
  6. Lord_GiacomoS

    Lord_GiacomoS Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    Ok, I did some research & now I am back... In the first list shown by Thonk there are some modules that are in vanilla game (i.e. hitboxes) or can be achieved with resource packs (i.e. Crosshair, different font), others that are explicitly allowed (i.e. Minimap that cannot even be used because of the barrier ceiling because it is so averse to cave mapping it wont even see through barriers), others are minor quality of life modules (i.e. keystrokes, ping), some that could be argued to be hacks but most of them can be achieved or get similar effects with notepad++ (i.e. fullbright being done with gamma boosting -- neither badlion fullbright or gamma boosting remove blindness) or autohotkey (i.e. toggle sneak, command execution hotkeys), some useless mods for this server (i.e. schematica, autotip). As for the second list, I see nothing that even exists in badlion client to my knowledge.

    I acknowledge the fact that people can import their own hacked clients into badlion, but the same is true with vanilla minecraft, the fact is, hackers are always gonna find ways to get around blocks. The goal is to make it as hard for them as possible without making it more difficult for normal players to get onto server if they were using a client other servers accept as legit without having to change launchers entirely. The blocking of players with illegal mods on server is a do not trespass sign or really a chain link fence in my opinion. People can go over it or through it if they try hard enough, that is why Moderators exist, to help make sure that people are all able to enjoy the game without anyone coming along and ruining it. I am not saying WynnCraft should stop blocking illegal mods, all I am saying is that they shouldn't ban a mod because someone can change the mod around and hack. If that is the standard, then we should ban Optifine & Vanilla Minecraft too...

    I apologize for the slightly holier-than-thou rant, but I seriously don't see the issue with Badlion Client.
    Tiny55 and Nyxnn like this.
  7. Nyxnn

    Nyxnn Newbie Adventurer

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    I found this randomly, I don't even play this server, but oh my god. I can't tell if you are sarcastic and this is a joke or not, but if it isn't a joke, everyone who voted yes is severely damaged in the head. Badlion is not a hack, it is a mod configuration platform.

    "Luckily, I have some they didn't list:
    - SpeedHACK (Lets you go super fast)
    - Boat Fly (Boats go flying up into the sky)
    - PlayerESP (Player x-ray)
    - ChestESP (Chest x-ray)
    - NoFall (No fall damage)
    - Anti Fire (No fire damage or fire effect)
    - Water Walking (Walking across water)
    - AntiBlind (Not getting the blindness effect)

    And to make the client even more scummy, the creators sell an anticheat that can monitor the client. They made a hacked client... and sell an anticheat for the client so they can profit.
    I don't know why Badlion Client isn't banned. It gives you clear unfair advantages when it comes to the game. Chest ESP can help you find high tier chests super easily, NoFall can make you avoid fall damage entirely, Water Walking can help you get across oceans with almost no effort, I can go on."

    I don't know who told you this information, but it has NONE of these listed items. However, it is possible to change the code of the mod, as with literally any minecraft client, to make it a hack. I'm pretty sure this is sarcastic so don't r/woosh me but holy I just made an account to explain this.
    xmascarol and Tiny55 like this.
  8. RazorGuild


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    tbh just use badlion client without god damn hacks injected and you're fine. Normal badlion client is supposed to stop you from cheating not let you cheat.
    Tiny55 likes this.
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