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World Assassin Needs To Be Buffed! (revival Of Ohherro's Thread)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Elephat, Mar 14, 2017.


Do you think assassin still is underpowered?

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neutral

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree

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  1. Elephat

    Elephat hi HERO

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    Hello wynncraftians.
    So, a guy named @OhHerro made this thread a while ago, and it seems a lot of it was not implemented, and the thread ended up being locked. Assassin is still terrible, especially multihit. Now i just want to bring attention to this matter again, as i think it is still a problem. im not as good with words, but i agree with all of what OhHerro said, so i hope nobudy minds if i just copy down what he said. (although i feel like this is probably breaking a rule anyway... ) But first, i want to say that i do not claim any of this as my own words or thread, and i am simply trying to revive the thread in hopes of attention being drawn to it again. This was an older thread, and some of it might not be totally accurate now, but i belive assassin is still somewhat as it is described here: Now, heres @OhHerro 's thread, In all his words:

    I play with assassin as my main class, and I feel like the class is now the weakest in Wynn. Most of the combat relies on spells, as they deal more damage and attack more than one enemy at a time. Each class (apart from assassin) has a spell that deals a lot of damage, can take out many enemies and has decent range. Archer has arrow storm (which can do 10k damage), mage has meteor and warrior has uppercut. Assassin's multihit is very short range and does not affect the amount of enemies any of the other classes' spells do. A few weeks ago, smoke bomb seemed to deal the most damage, and has the best range. However, I have noticed just a few days ago that smoke bomb now only hits enemies once or twice, hardly dealing as much damage. I don't know if this is a 'fix' for assassin or whether It's just buggy. I was doing the Qira Hive with a warrior and archer, and the only spell I could do which dealt out some damage was multihit. What I have noticed is that it only deals around 2.5k damage, and it is assassin's best ability... and I can only do it every 30 seconds or so as my mana regen is very slow. I do realize that daggers have a fast attack damage, but single hits do far less damage and only affects one enemy at a time. I could hardly do Qira Hive alone, and I needed 2 other classes to help me out. I've seen other assassins feel the same as I do, and I would like to see assassin either deal a lot more damage, or have spells consume less mana, as fighting more than 1 enemy at a time can suddenly get very overwhelming, leading to me having to run away or die. I have a warrior class too, and using it feels a lot more powerful and I can deal a lot of damage to many enemies at once. I'm not very sure about mage though, as mine is only level 11. I understand that all the maths for damage may be correct for fighting one enemy, but fighting multiple enemies can get too overwhelming. I know this is a pain for the developers and I really do appreciate Gavel, but fighting with assassin just feels way too underpowered now.

    Nether Update: Well with the nether, assassin's true shittiness is revealed. I have 11k health, yet I was two shot by a warrior with war scream. War scream. Of course I was one/two shot with arrow storm and meteor, etc as well. They all have long range, and are not easy to dodge. I don't know how much mana they cost in the nether though. Multihit on the other hand, costs 10 mana (half your mana) and is a 4/5 shot to most people I've met. Let's take a scenario, such as: I go to the center of the nether, I vanish, and by the time I get in range to do a multihit or spin attack on someone, I only have like 9 mana left. So.... I need to do individual hits. The guy who I'm killing is probably an archer/mage, turns around, and one shots me. It really isn't balanced. Assassin is so short range and doesn't have an approach to the enemy, so it takes a lot of luck to get close AND to do a multihit, which is anyway one of the weakest spells. Warriors can get close with a charge, and then do an uppercut, archers don't even need to get close, and mage doesn't as well, however it can teleport if it wishes to get close. Assassin can vanish, which is the SAME speed as an archer with speed III, meaning you can't get close to them before your mana runs out. Smoke bomb is alright, it does the right amount of damage and costs the right amount of mana. Multihit needs a serious buff, as it costs more mana than smoke bomb and deals less damage. Spin attack is ok on players, but not on mobs (gives them speed and they attack you before you can react.) Vanish really shouldn't take mana up so quickly, there should just be a time limit for the vanish without it taking up all your mana. Vanish taking up mana basically means assassin has no way of approaching enemy players from a distance, which it needs to do as it's a short range class. It takes a lot of effort to get close to another player with vanish, and if you do manage to get close, you should do massive damage with your short range spells. The other classes hardly need much effort to get close, and they deal many times more damage than an assassin does.

    How assassin can be balanced: (THIS IS MY OPINION, feel free to add your own suggestions)
    - Vanish does not eat up your mana during the spell, and maybe has a 3 block jump.
    - Multihit does a LOT more damage, it's short range, and has knockback, meaning you can't hit them with another multihit again once the opponent is knocked back. Obviously it shouldn't be a one shot, but maybe a 2 shot as archers and mages can already 2 shot with their meteor/arrow storm, which have better range than multihit.
    - Spin attack is often used just before a multihit to blind and slow the opponent, and it just needs to be fixed.
    What I'm asking for might seem OP, but you have to remember than assassin is a high damage, short range class. All these spell buffs are SHORT RANGE, so even if multihit is a 2 shot, it still has a shorter range than an arrow storm or meteor for example.
    Trash likes this.
  2. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    I'm not an assassin user, but a mate told me that, in fact sucks, and i always rekt him with my other classes
  3. Elephat

    Elephat hi HERO

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    Thanks for support! (assuming this is support)
    Anárion likes this.
  4. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    is it
  5. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    And I know the mate ur talking about. It's true. I hate assassin. I only played it because I'm a completionist.
    Anárion likes this.
  6. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    But yeah, I support this. A couple of things tho.
    I agree that multi hit needs a huge buff. It needs to do way more damage than it does, considering that it's the third spell and the third spell for other classes are combat spells.
    And also, a thing about smoke bomb that it's 99.9999999999% useless in PvP. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome in PvE but it's terrible in duels. The person ur dueling can just charge/teleport/escape/run out of the smoke. Not to mention that the smoke bombs, multi hit, and spin attack are so easy to dodge. And the whole point of vanish is to approach ur enemy to land a spell but that's kind of hard to do when it eats up all ur mana. Back to my smoke bomb point. Defenders would say: Ohh just spin attack people and they would stay in the smoke. Well, I guess that would work, but the stun from spin attack only lasts a few seconds. And that's an awful lot of work considering that all the other classes only need to spam spells to win, specifically Mage with their healz ice snakes and meteors.
    Anárion likes this.
  7. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    assassin is completely fine for me
    xINothing and Stag2001 like this.
  8. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Wasn't Assassin just buffed recently? Multihit does like 400% of your damage now. (The stat page is a total lie, never trust it), a further buff would be ridiculous.

    OhHerro's thread came before said buff too, assassin has improved a lot since then.
  9. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    in this world where mage and archer are strong as heck, and if you have non mythics killing a tanky warrior is impossible, assassin needs to be saved.
  10. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    a potato can one shot an archer
    tanky warriors are just tanky
    assassin is fine
    yeah mage is indeed overpowered
    coolname2034 and Anárion like this.
  11. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Ugh. This again. Allow me to give you the short version.


    Firstly. Only the Archer's basic attack cannot hit more than one enemy at a time. All others can hit multiple enemies within their range.

    Secondly. Multihits deals 30% damage per hit and 120% damage on its final "Fatality" hit. That is a total of 420% damage, which is higher than both Bomb Arrow and Uppercut, only beat out by Meteor at 400%+100% due to Burning Ground. It is simply spread over many hits. Saying it is the weakest spell is statistically incorrect. It can hit as many enemies as is within its range. The Force upgrade(at Lv 56) allows you to alter the direction that enemies trapped within the Multihits are knocked back. Using it correctly will place enemies directly above or next to you, ripe to be brought into a successive attack. It also interrupts movement spells such as Charge and returns Teleport users in front of you to be attacked further.

    Thirdly. Spin Attack gives enemies such a high level of speed that they cannot move as well as blinding them and removing all negative effects that you have such as Slowness or Weakness whether you hit something or not, deals good damage, has a high range, can blind and debilitate even outside of its total damage range, and only costs 6 mana. It is more than sufficient.

    Fourthly. Smoke Bomb lasts for an absolute maximum of 9 hits, dependent on how long the Smoke Bomb exists before hitting the ground and thus releasing the smoke. The longer it is in the air, the less time the smoke will remain, meaning it is to be used at close-range like all of Assassin's spells. While it can inflict up to 450% damage total, that damage is spread over approximately 5 seconds, meaning using it as a strict offensive spell is useless. It is best for corraling enemies and dealing chip damage to boost what other damage you inflict by other means. This is simply detailing the spell so as to dispel your assumptions about it.




    Are you aware that removing the mana drain on Vanish would allow you to be infinitely vanished and thus, invincible and nearly completely undetectable? In addition, it was given a small "Charge" forward upon use, which can nullify fall damage and propel you forward rather quickly if used right.


    Assassin has more than enough tools at its disposal to be extremely powerful, but it is very skill-heavy. You must learn the ins-and-outs of whatever playstyle you choose for it if you hope to be effective with it. For instance, my Assassin inflicts mass damage with a spell-damage boosted Multihits, and has the mana capacity to constantly be hopping around with Vanish so I cannot be hit. It is my strategy, and thus I have learned the nuances of it in order for it to be effective. If it were not for the practice I put in, I would be flailing around madly and getting nowhere.

    It needs no buffs or nerfs at this stage. I would suggest practicing, and if your build is not kind to your playstyle, change it. Try something new.
    Luciffer, Aya, coolname2034 and 17 others like this.
  12. Uglyness

    Uglyness stupid CHAMPION

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    I like Puffles. If you are talking about the ones from Club Penguin
  13. Assassin4Lyfe

    Assassin4Lyfe That guy who somehow got into Hax, Lir, and Eco. VIP

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    I think that you're right that assassin is fine as it is, but I think that many aren't using the right types of builds or don't know how to deal with certain strategies/builds in pvp.
    Hephaestus likes this.
  14. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    God damn it, I'm SICK of these fucking threads.
    Also, assassin was already buffed.
    Also, burning ground is largely luck based, so even then Multihit has higher consistent damage
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    coolname2034 and Dohdo like this.
  15. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    I don't play with assassin cause doesn't figure in my playstile, i preffer tankyness, so i play more with my warrior
  16. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Unfortunately, mage is a batter tank. Mage is basically a better everything.
    420% according to Selvut
  17. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    Mage needs mana for heal
    Warrior can just straight out take 0 damage
    coolname2034 likes this.
  18. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    So can mage. With agility.
    Pokextreme likes this.
  19. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    So can any class, up to 80% of the time
    And I'm talking no agility
    Just taking 0 damage 100% of time
    coolname2034 and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  20. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    But raw spell damage
    And poison, but poison is BS anyways
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