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Game Mechanics Archetype Changes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by shacers, Nov 29, 2022.


Are any of these good ideas?

  1. Riftwalker Changes Yes

  2. Riftwalker Changes No

  3. Assassin Buffs Yes

  4. Assassin Buffs No

  5. Any of the Other Changes Yes

  6. Any of the Other Changes No (comment)

    0 vote(s)
  7. Riftwalker Yes, but change required

  8. Assassin Yes, but change required

  9. Any of the Other Changes Yes but change required

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    So when 2.0 beta came out (specifically mage) I made a thread asking to change riftwalker to be more "time bendy" of course without even having beta access. This was obviously met by criticism and it made sense then. But now, I see more and more people talking about how riftwalker doesn't fit, or is boring, along with many other issues about other archetypes.

    This thread is going to be a compiled list of changes I would like to see, with some additions from other people, I will put the credit to them at the bottom.

    Main Topic: Riftwalker. So riftwalker doesn't feel like it bends time, none of it's abilities make sense, (except time dilation and timelocked) yes even winded. This is because winded increases the damage enemies take, this doesn't relate to time at all, except that it increases over time. Overall after actually playing riftwalker it just feels like a polished 1.20 mage with extra speed, I barely notice timelocked when I use it.
    Here are all the changes I have for Riftwalker
    Changed to Timeless. Currently winded is actually fine, except that the description of riftwalker is "becomes more powerful as the battle drags on" but right now it "does more damage to an enemy the longer it's alive" so lets change it a bit. You will gain 1 Timeless per second you are in combat, every time you gain 1 Timeless, the cooldown increases by 1 (eg. +1/1s --> +1/2s --> +1/3s), the max amount of Timeless you can have (starting out) is 3. Timeless lasts 15 seconds and refreshes every second as long as you are dealing damage and/or you are being attacked. 1 Timeless adds +45% damage to ice snake and teleport (6 seconds = 105% damage increase to all mobs).
    Changed to More Timeless, adds 3 max timeless each (max 9), the stacking cooldown for timeless gain stops at 3 seconds so in total it would take 24 seconds to max timeless with 405% damage buff compared to the current 15 seconds for a 450% damage buff. I know this seems like a massive nerf but stay with me a bit, you'll see how this plays out.
    Breathless is kept. The damage buff scales accordingly to Timeless: 25% increased damage to meteor per Timeless.
    I know many people don't like it, personally I don't either but I think it can stay.
    Changed to Timeclock (alt name Overclock). So because Timeless already increases Teleport damage, we are going to be able to make a new ability: Timeclock/Overclock. Hitting players with ice snake will increase their attack speed and increase their mana regen by +1 and 10% respectively, this effect can stack up to 3 times (max mana regen capped at +20/5s boost), you will also gain these buffs, you can also gain them by hitting 5 enemies with ice snake within 3 seconds. Duration is 3s (can be refreshed)
    Changed to Recall (because duh). Shift teleport to set a recall beacon, all players within 3 blocks gain 50% movement speed and 25% damage until you recall back with shift teleport (5s max, after 5s the beacon decays). After recall all players affected previously and you will heal 15% max health. 10s cooldown after recall has been used.
    Changed to Rewind. If you have 6 Timeless or more, enemies hit by teleport (explosive impact counts) are now rewinded, all damage they have done to players in the last 3 seconds is healed (no revives) and they are pulled toward the location they were last in 3s ago for 3 seconds. Cooldown of 5s (after ends, like vanish). New Change: Changed to Warp Field. First of all, change the location of Gust and Time Dilation, then completely change gust. When Time Dilating at at least 50% walk speed, warp time for enemies around you; in a 6 block radius, slow enemies for half your Time Dilation above 50 (max 50% slow) and increase time between spells by a fourth of your time dilation above 50 (max 25%).
    Kept. Just to clarify, enemies hit by you will deal -3% less damage per Timeless you have for 3s.
    Changed to Quantum Blast. Shift meteor to fire a fast moving projectile that explodes in a 2 block radius for (100% x amount of Timeless you have) damage and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

    Assassin Changes. So rn Assassin is obviously pretty weak. I won't include a Trickster idea list because the admins are probably working on it already and I don't really have ideas for it anyway.
    Here are all my ideas for shadestepper and acrobat.
    Yes very controversial, I think the simplest solution is to reduce vanish cooldown but not completely remove it (I've thought of making the damage boost have a cooldown and vanish being 0 cd but someone pointed out that made vanish an 'invurnerability' tool so ehhh) Cooldown 5s --> 3/2s this is so it can be used consistently to travel more easily and also because us casuals aren't skilled enough to live 5s without minion kills.
    Changed to either Distraction or Shock Powder. Right now it basically pulls enemies in to kill you rather than actually being used to pull enemies in front of you. So either make it like legit warp enemies right to your dagger or change it to one of these: Distraction - The closest enemy (in your field of vision) automatically turns away from you, this allows you to backstab more easily. OR Shock Powder - Stun all enemies for 1.5s in a 3 block radius upon leaving vanish.
    Kept (but reworked) or changed to Iaido. Dancing blade is useless for the class that doesn’t try to get close to the enemy, but tries to get above. So this guy (atiedebee) suggested an ability to hit a mob and bounce up, at a 70ish degree angle, maybe 3-4 blocks. It could have a cooldown of like 1-2s. OR Iaido - Like Genji’s dash (overwatch) dash would become a nearly instant movement, basically a shorter teleport. This could be used to dodge attacks more easily and travel faster.
    Acrobat only has 2 reds so how about a much needed buff: Airborne Assassin. For every 2 seconds airborne, gain a stack of Airborne Assassin +10% damage modifier to all attacks, up to a max of 40% extra damage, hitting the ground will take away 2 stacks.
    Also can jasmine bloom get a tiny range buff + start at full range and build damage?

    Other Changes
    So people have been saying that Second Chance should revive other people too, in a radius. This makes sense and should be implemented. Also regenerating skin... it would be nice if it also healed other players. I don't have much that would make paladin more... fun, but I do have these ideas.
    I haven't played trapper so take my words with a grain of salt but I feel as if minefield is a bit boring for a red ability (same with All Seeing Panatopes, did you know that panatopes mean All Seeing? So it's basically saying All Seeing All Seeing lol), so lets change it: Elemental Traps. Cycle through 3 different traps: Fire, basically the normal trap. Earth, pulls enemies in and stuns them on explosion, does less damage; and Lightning, bounces from target to target, up to 6 and does more damage the more bounces. Also keep it's trap count increase but decrease it (like 2 or 3)
    Arcanist is sort of lagging behind right now, in both survivability and damage. So how about one of these: Increase damage overall OR Arcane Shield, at max mana bank gain a quickly regenerating shield of 40% bonus hp (regenerates 8% per second), upon using arcane transfer lose the shield. You could also do this: When using arcane transfer at max mana bank gain a 30% shield that decays -5%s to you and nearby players.
    So I just thought twisted tether should be buffed by a lot. And also blood sorrow, it just doesn't seem worth it to cast blood sorrow when you can just cycle totem/haul and aura (which is insane btw).

    Thanks for your TIME (get it), no TL DR lol.

    Dancing Blade - atiedebee Game Design - Change Acrobats "Dancing Blade" | Wynncraft Forums
    Shock Powder & buffs - Daktota Game Mechanics - Rework Ideas for archetypes | Wynncraft Forums
    Buffs and changes to current abilities - random people on discord and in the game
    Recall - Hypixel Warlords

    - 11/30 changed Rewind to Warp Field, lowered Quantum Blast damage 125% --> 100%, imcreased cooldown by 10s and removed Timeless consumption.
    - 12/2 made Timeclock/Overlock more clear on what it does.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
    cheese2Uman, Sauce, CatFan105 and 3 others like this.
  2. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    btw i just wanted to clarify quantum blast, people might look at it and say "oh 1125% dmg is way to much" but keep in mind it has a 20s cooldown, it takes 24 seconds to actually max charge it, and at maximum effect you are losing 315% out of the 405% damage increase you have built up.
  3. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    I'm probably the odd one out here but I really like riftwalker as it is. It plays the most like 1.20 mage out of the archetypes and I really enjoyed 1.20 mage. Not to say the suggestions aren't cool, but I'd prefer the vanilla mage playstyle. Airborne Assassin sounds cool idk about the rest I haven't really ever played assassin. Also those paladin changes are my favorite part of this whole post, as a guardian enjoyer they would be so fun to do raids with.
    trex1611, shacers and luckeyLuuk like this.
  4. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    Perhaps not gust. Got hit by an enemy dealing 99% of your hp? (panic zealot) just tp to them and heal it all back! there should be a cap of maybe 20% health healed.
    Edit: just saw that recall was from warlords. Now, time warp is quite overpowered, but it's not that bad. There are its downsides, like people bursting you after teleport. Also, it takes some skill to use, as if you time warp at the wrong time, you lose mobility. Whereas gust basically acts as an "undo" button which is quite similar to 1.20 heal.
    shacers likes this.
  5. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    yeah i just realized that healing back the last three seconds of damage is kinda op i will change that later when i have time thanks for feedback
  6. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    I considered this. But if you couldnt tell i made riftwalker very debuff/buff based so i changed it to something else. If it's too weak I might use the cap idea.
  7. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    I like everything but timelock. It is too much like default timelock, which needs to be changed.

    Sends 2 minutes building winded. Enemies have -30% damage. I have +150% meteors. "Let me use time lock and reset all my progress. Oh look it did less damage then if I just cast meteor twice."

    A large Cooldown is good enough I think.
    luckeyLuuk and shacers like this.
  8. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    I see what your getting at, I was always in doubt about if it was too weak and im happy that i have some clarification, that will be changed
    luckeyLuuk and CGS like this.
  9. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    btw there is a changelog now
  10. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    not a bump
  11. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    I am a little hesitant about this one now that I think about it. Hitting someone using Tstack would rec there dps, or getting myself from slow to super slow attack speed while trying to build Timeless would suck. The mana part is good tho. If you want to keep the attack speed modifer, maybe a shift ice snake gives the reverse effects?

    Also suggestion for Time Dilation, you don't lose sprint meter while inside the field. Or something completely different, I have avoided it because it makes me mess up parkour.
  12. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    well uh -1 attack speed means you have less interval between attacks (-2 = super slow to slow)

    im not sure what you mean by the second part lol
  13. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    So the attack speed increases? Then wouldn't that be +1 attack speed like the attack speed bonus id
    BrokenRealities likes this.
  14. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    i think im confusing myself. because even if the id says +1 faster attack means a shorter interval so i immidiately think down ok will change
    i know its extremely unlikely this will get added but bump
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
  15. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    As for my second part, I am just complaining about the speed boost from Time Dilation. I wish it was different.
  16. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    i think they should make it so you can manually toggle dilation on and off through chat so you dont fall in parkour
    luckeyLuuk and CGS like this.
  17. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    bumpity bump

    not expecting admins to actually implement these but for them to understand we want improvements
  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I want to also suggest for vanish:
    If you shift while casting a dash, it won't trigger the vanish. Similar to how shifting while casting teleport cancels the forward momentum the spell gives you. This way the player has a lot more control over vanish and can choose when to simply just dash somewhere or actually use up the vanish too.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  19. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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  20. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    Maybe I'm just dumb, but I haven't really understood some parts of riftwalker.
    Several upgrades improve the damage of teleport or the winded of teleport or whatever, but unless I'm playing it wrong, which is entirely possible, you aren't really using teleport as a combat spell all that much. Also, what ever one improved the speed of the people behind yiu didn't make much sense to me either, because riftwalker generally isn't a support class
    Also riftwalker woukd seem to indicate that it's primarily about portals & teleport8ng, as in walking through rifts, and I guess there are a few teleport upgrades but it's mainly about time & stacking damage
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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