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Discussion in 'Guilds' started by CreamPancakes, May 30, 2017.

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  1. IDespiseYouAll

    IDespiseYouAll Lvl 101 Warrior CHAMPION

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    I would like to thank you for your honesty, but we are not looking for childish and immature. We appreciate you taking the time to apply though.
  2. Simmpleton

    Simmpleton Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Username: LovesChicken
    Class: Archer
    What is Your Reason For Joining: Hate playing games alone and would like to see what a guild is like
    Describe Yourself: 16 Y/O, Played before the EULA update then quit for 2 years and looking to get back into it
    What can you bring to the guild: I'm on a majority of the day and a friendly and helpful person
    Additonal Info (Optional): Fried chicken is my favorite food

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: 2
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  3. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Mr Ricardo, I am only childish when asked to be :P I can be mature if you ask.
    I still want to join your guild, I can be anything you want me to be, actually.
    Exept a hacker.
    Not a hacker.
  4. TheShadowWizard

    TheShadowWizard Newbie Adventurer

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    Username: TheShadowWizard
    Level: 60
    Class: Mage
    What is Your Reason For Joining: During my time playing here I've met one of your guildmates (DanTheBoy101) and he recommended me to join the guild. Besides that, I've played Wynncraft for a while now and I really want to grasp the full experience of playing on here. Also like most RPG's, it really is not fun going solo the whole time and having guildmates would change that significantly. In addition, as you mentioned before, this is a semi-new guild and I want to grow with it.
    Describe Yourself: Personality wise, I am willing to help out others and mostly social
    Age: 15
    What can you bring to the guild: I'm willing to help those who require assistance in quests and dungeons
    Additonal Info (Optional): I have a discord and I am pretty active

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: 2...
  5. sldashdub

    sldashdub Newbie Adventurer

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    username: sldashdub
    level: 17
    class: mage
    reason: I want to experience the community as I have never been in a guild
    about me: friendly and open-minded
    age: 13 (but I'm mature)
    what I can bring: I'm helpful with farming and willing to donate everything (not everything)
    I also have Skype

    quick test: if I have a green bucket and a red bucket what do you have?
    all the colours in the rainbow
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    bloko27 likes this.
  6. CaptainGog

    CaptainGog Bob's Apprentice and Baron of Gavel

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    Username: brokenmotor
    Level: 64
    Class: Archer
    What is Your Reason For Joining: I was looking for a cool guild and I like this one the best!
    Describe Yourself: I like to help people (and impress them) and have fun!
    Age: 15
    What can you bring to the guild: I like to help people, so I could help lower levels with difficult quests, or other stuff like that.
    Additonal Info (Optional):

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?:
    Sorry, I can't count
  7. ReptileTeeth

    ReptileTeeth Snakes! ~>°)~~~

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    Username: ReptileTeeth
    Level: 37
    Class: Archer
    What is Your Reason For Joining: because a guild sounds fun and i like to (try) to socialize every now and then
    Describe Yourself: i'm more of a collector for items than leveling up or doing quests unless someone asks me to go with them, i'm quiet (mostly) and sometimes i get really hyper.
    What can you bring to the guild: i can help others with quests or getting loot if asked, i'm not really one to bother someone to get loot or quests so you have to ask me or i'll never know.
    Additonal Info (Optional): i do not have discord but i do have Skype.

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: 2 buckets.
  8. iamabirdxx

    iamabirdxx Skilled Adventurer

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    Username: iamabirdxx
    Level: 42 35
    Class: Warrior Assassin
    What is Your Reason For Joining: I don't like playing by myself and i figure this would be a good way to have others to play with.
    Describe Yourself
    : I am all over the place when i play games mainly because i jump from game to game a lot but i constantly will stay on a game if I'm playing with people
    What can you bring to the guild: bird seed.... because iamabird .... hehe
    Additonal Info
    (Optional): tweet tweet

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: 2 buckets now go sell them for $$$$
  9. Voraxe

    Voraxe Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Username: Voraxe
    Level: 99
    Class: Warrior
    What is Your Reason For Joining: Sounds like a nice place to meet some new people ^-^ Wynncraft is always more fun with friends Cx
    Describe Yourself: Laid back and stupid
    Age: 16
    What can you bring to the guild: A new member (wow I'm hilarious) Seriously though I do enjoy helping people with quests and whatever else :D
    Additonal Info (Optional): I use discord often :>

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: 15 and a half
  10. KittenBee

    KittenBee KittyBee

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    Username: Ckeeperkiller924
    Level: 61
    Class: archer
    What is Your Reason For Joining: learn how guild wars work and see what its like
    Describe Yourself: just an every day player looking for some chaos (and wanting to bring hackforums to their knees)
    Age: almost 13
    What can you bring to the guild: just another man in the battle not much more
    Additional Info (Optional): I rather use discord that use normal chat, I love dungeons, please never call me normal I much rather be called weird... also I REALLY want pirate cove

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: Christmas themed buckets

    2 questions... 1. what is the discord instant invite... 2. how do I rank up
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
  11. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    IGN: ChargingBow831
    Level: 58 [Sorry, lacking there.]
    What is your reason for joining?: You have guild wars? You capture territories? You defend them? Count me in!
    Describe yourself: No longer Childish OR Immature
    What can you bring to the guild?: Hardworking and playful, I can fight in territory invasion and buy mobs to defend the territory
    Additional Info: I like Greek Gods. Especially Ares, or in roman Mars Ultoir.
    A question: None
    If you have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do you have?: Something is wrong with everyone, nobody said 2! XD Only joking. Im freindly. I say you would catch a Guitar. Call it Fish. You caught Fish with your buckets, ok? So every time you tune your guitar you tunafish.
    You would have no buckets, because you have a Redbucket and a Greenbucket, no buckets.
  12. ErctGOD

    ErctGOD Newbie Adventurer

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    Username: ErctGOD
    Level: 14
    Class: Assasin
    What is Your Reason For Joining: I im noob in server and i need help
    Describe Yourself
    : I am easy irresistible but also amusing (and unfortunately Brazilian and I am using google translator xD)
    Age: 16
    What can you bring to the guild: Sincerely, I do not know
    Additonal Info

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: 2, I think
  13. JustSp_ace

    JustSp_ace Skilled Adventurer

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    Username: JustSp_ace
    Level: 50
    What is Your Reason For Joining: I just want to help people, and have the guild experience
    Describe Yourself: I'm a bit shy, but generally nice and decent to be around
    Age: almost 14
    What can you bring to the guild: Lots of hours (outside of the school year), and experience
    Additonal Info (Optional): I have a discord account

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: seven dogs and a bowtie
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017
  14. BananaFlorida

    BananaFlorida Travelled Adventurer

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    Level: Level 43
    Class: Mage
    What is Your Reason For Joining: Have fun, try new things
    Describe Yourself
    : I am... Smart?
    What can you bring to the guild: I can give exp and some emeralds

    Here's a Quick Test
    If I have a red bucket and a green bucket, how many buckets do I have?: two sandcastles
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