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An Actual Abandoned Modern Day Rpg [5/?]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Dec 27, 2018.

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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    It's actually easy for you because I can't place illusions on you if I can't see you (I think).
    On the other hand, I could just sit in place with an illusion around me, and attempt to assassinate you. But with your quick thinking, instant reactions, and faster then lightning movement, I don't think I'll be able to do much. :L
  2. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    What would the end of the world have looked like?
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    So the main antagonists were going to be introduced Day 2 of this roleplay. They were going to be a group called the Magia Tenebris. Aka a cliche group of immortal old dark people who worship some cliche evil supernatural thing because they are psychotic.

    The group was going to find out that the Magia Tenebris has finally gained the power to summon said supernatural thing but they also find out that your group is finding all the totems and prophecized to stop some "evil doomsday".

    So basically, they would try to stop you for the rest of the roleplay.

    The end of the world would've looked like a giant storm of cliche black clouds killing everything.

    Ok well it's "tomorrow" lel.

    So I'm not really that creative rn so im just going to state the scenario.

    Chris kills Kayla, I don't know, maybe they get into some arguement about religion or some stupid reason that Kayla usually argues for.

    It's about 7 in the morning and Chris is in his house, awake and probably with some coffee.

    Suddenly, the temperature decreases rapidly and Chris gets the sudden urge to get a ton of blankets.

    The winds outside his house pick up in speed darastically creating a storm of ice and snow. Hail chatters down on his roof and the window next to him breaks into pieces.

    - [ Battle Start ] -

    - [ Opponent's Turn ] -

    A really pointy ice shard comes flying through the broken window straight at Chris.

    Since it's the opponent's turn, the only available moveset right now is One with the Element. You could do that or just straight up dodge the thing.

    (Manipulate Electricity)
    Electric Whip Lash
    (RN Between 35-95)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 35
    Max DMG: 95

    Electric Axe Strike (45-115)
    Equation: RN
    35% chance of doing half damage
    Min DMG: 45
    Max DMG: 115

    Electric Bow Shot (0-150)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 0
    Max DMG: 150
    Manipulate Electricity: can control electricity and shape it into objects, weapons. Electricity weapons don't harm the wielder, but harm everything else. additionally if there is a bettery nearby electricity can be conpresed and stored for later.

    Energy to Form Whip, Axe, or Bow: -10%

    - UNACTIVE -
    Storm Call:
    Summon a localized thunderstorm that takes 3 turns to form, it stays there for 5 turns and the user can choose a point where lightning strikes. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage. If a storm is already in progress this skill becomes upgraded and renamed to God's Wrath

    It will cost -10% Energy for three consecutive turns to form. No passive energy will be gained while forming a storm or controlling the storm.

    Summoning a storm may be cancelled anytime. Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    Lightning Strike (RN between 1-250)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 1
    Max DMG: 375

    Energy: -5%
    - UNACTIVE -
    God's Wrath: (only usable if a storm is taking place): Using some energy to take full control of a storm for 10 turns. While controlling the storm you can't regain energy unless it's magically given to you. On your turn you can make lightning strike twice on 2 different points. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage.

    It will cost -10% energy to take control of a present storm. No passive energy can be gained while controlling the storm.

    Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    God's Wrath (Damage per One Strike) (RN between 50-350)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 75
    Max DMG: 525

    Energy: -8%


    One with the element: for a turn you turn into electricity and move at the speed of lighting, you are able to fly. For the user it appears as if time has slowed down. If you pass through someone while your in this form they take a bit of damage. When your turn ends you turn back to normal and start to fall if you're in the air. If used as a reaction you can dodge an attack perfectly and also move

    If you attempt to turn back to normal while you're not 5 ft away from someone / something, there will be a penalty.

    One With the Element (RN between 5-25)
    Equation: RN*5
    Min DMG: 25
    Max DMG: 125

    Can be used during opponent's turn as a 100% Dodge.

    Energy: -30%


    Ascended mind: You can give your brain a shock to think 100x faster.

    In combat, it will give Chris a 1/3 Dodging Chance for 2 turns.
    It may also allow him to deduce some information about the opponent kind of like Rose's Seek Truth but nerfed.
    Outside of combat, it will last 5-10 minutes costing no energy.

    Energy: -15%
    Revive - Unavailable -
    Chat (Talk - Doesn’t end turn)

    x5 Supercharged Batteries
    Samsung Smartphone
    x1 Rejuvenation Orb
  4. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Well for me it's literally tomorrow (2:40 am rn)
    "For fuck sake did the forcefield turn off?" I'll use one with the element to dodge while also drinking the rest of my coffee
  5. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    oh shit lmao, it's 4:44 for me.

    The icicle misses.

    There still isn't a visible target.

    More icicles begin to try and hit Chris but they all miss.

    Finally, an eagle swoops into the house and shimmers for a second before a big blast of ice covers the whole room.

    Chris is hit but barely takes any damage.

    Chris HP: [980/1000] [-20 DMG] [Slowed]

    - [ Opponent's Turn Ends ] -

    - [ Player's Turn ] -

    HP: [1250/1250]
    Base Attack: 0
    Base Defense: -10

    Dodging Chance: 70%
    Huh, an eagle caused a storm and is trying to kill you? Seems pretty strong for a mere bird. Nice joke.

    (Manipulate Electricity)
    Electric Whip Lash
    (RN Between 35-95)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 35
    Max DMG: 95

    Electric Axe Strike (45-115)
    Equation: RN
    35% chance of doing half damage
    Min DMG: 45
    Max DMG: 115

    Electric Bow Shot (0-150)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 0
    Max DMG: 150
    Manipulate Electricity: can control electricity and shape it into objects, weapons. Electricity weapons don't harm the wielder, but harm everything else. additionally if there is a bettery nearby electricity can be conpresed and stored for later.

    Energy to Form Whip, Axe, or Bow: -10%

    - UNACTIVE -
    Storm Call:
    Summon a localized thunderstorm that takes 3 turns to form, it stays there for 5 turns and the user can choose a point where lightning strikes. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage. If a storm is already in progress this skill becomes upgraded and renamed to God's Wrath

    It will cost -10% Energy for three consecutive turns to form. No passive energy will be gained while forming a storm or controlling the storm.

    Summoning a storm may be cancelled anytime. Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    Lightning Strike (RN between 1-250)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 1
    Max DMG: 375

    Energy: -5%
    - UNACTIVE -
    God's Wrath: (only usable if a storm is taking place): Using some energy to take full control of a storm for 10 turns. While controlling the storm you can't regain energy unless it's magically given to you. On your turn you can make lightning strike twice on 2 different points. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage.

    It will cost -10% energy to take control of a present storm. No passive energy can be gained while controlling the storm.

    Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    God's Wrath (Damage per One Strike) (RN between 50-350)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 75
    Max DMG: 525

    Energy: -8%


    One with the element: for a turn you turn into electricity and move at the speed of lighting, you are able to fly. For the user it appears as if time has slowed down. If you pass through someone while your in this form they take a bit of damage. When your turn ends you turn back to normal and start to fall if you're in the air. If used as a reaction you can dodge an attack perfectly and also move

    If you attempt to turn back to normal while you're not 5 ft away from someone / something, there will be a penalty.

    One With the Element (RN between 5-25)
    Equation: RN*5
    Min DMG: 25
    Max DMG: 125

    Can be used during opponent's turn as a 100% Dodge.

    Energy: -30%


    Ascended mind: You can give your brain a shock to think 100x faster.

    In combat, it will give Chris a 1/3 Dodging Chance for 2 turns.
    It may also allow him to deduce some information about the opponent kind of like Rose's Seek Truth but nerfed.
    Outside of combat, it will last 5-10 minutes costing no energy.

    Energy: -15%
    Revive - Unavailable -
    Chat (Talk - Doesn’t end turn)

    x5 Supercharged Batteries
    Samsung Smartphone
    x1 Rejuvenation Orb
  6. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Am i on drugs?" I activate the turrets just in case
  7. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The five turrets in your room begin shooting but the eagle flies around and dodges each of them gracefully.

    - [ Player's Turn Ends ] -

    - [ Opponent's Turn ] -

    Aquila then performs another big undodgeable ice blast dealing slightly more damage than last time.

    Chris HP: [950/1000] [-20 DMG + -10 Cold DMG Stack ] [ Slowed ]

    The Turrets also get 10% slowness.

    - [ Opponent's Turn Ends ] -

    - [ Player's Turn ] -

    HP: [1250/1250]
    Base Attack: 0
    Base Defense: -10

    Dodging Chance: 70%
    The Cold/Slowness seems to be having a toll on your energy restoration and the damage you take as well.

    (Manipulate Electricity)
    Electric Whip Lash
    (RN Between 35-95)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 35
    Max DMG: 95

    Electric Axe Strike (45-115)
    Equation: RN
    35% chance of doing half damage
    Min DMG: 45
    Max DMG: 115

    Electric Bow Shot (0-150)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 0
    Max DMG: 150
    Manipulate Electricity: can control electricity and shape it into objects, weapons. Electricity weapons don't harm the wielder, but harm everything else. additionally if there is a bettery nearby electricity can be conpresed and stored for later.

    Energy to Form Whip, Axe, or Bow: -10%

    - UNACTIVE -
    Storm Call:
    Summon a localized thunderstorm that takes 3 turns to form, it stays there for 5 turns and the user can choose a point where lightning strikes. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage. If a storm is already in progress this skill becomes upgraded and renamed to God's Wrath

    It will cost -10% Energy for three consecutive turns to form. No passive energy will be gained while forming a storm or controlling the storm.

    Summoning a storm may be cancelled anytime. Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    Lightning Strike (RN between 1-250)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 1
    Max DMG: 375

    Energy: -5%
    - UNACTIVE -
    God's Wrath: (only usable if a storm is taking place): Using some energy to take full control of a storm for 10 turns. While controlling the storm you can't regain energy unless it's magically given to you. On your turn you can make lightning strike twice on 2 different points. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage.

    It will cost -10% energy to take control of a present storm. No passive energy can be gained while controlling the storm.

    Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    God's Wrath (Damage per One Strike) (RN between 50-350)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 75
    Max DMG: 525

    Energy: -8%


    One with the element: for a turn you turn into electricity and move at the speed of lighting, you are able to fly. For the user it appears as if time has slowed down. If you pass through someone while your in this form they take a bit of damage. When your turn ends you turn back to normal and start to fall if you're in the air. If used as a reaction you can dodge an attack perfectly and also move

    If you attempt to turn back to normal while you're not 5 ft away from someone / something, there will be a penalty.

    One With the Element (RN between 5-25)
    Equation: RN*5
    Min DMG: 25
    Max DMG: 125

    Can be used during opponent's turn as a 100% Dodge.

    Energy: -30%


    Ascended mind: You can give your brain a shock to think 100x faster.

    In combat, it will give Chris a 1/3 Dodging Chance for 2 turns.
    It may also allow him to deduce some information about the opponent kind of like Rose's Seek Truth but nerfed.
    Outside of combat, it will last 5-10 minutes costing no energy.

    Energy: -15%
    Revive - Unavailable -
    Chat (Talk - Doesn’t end turn)

    x5 Supercharged Batteries
    Samsung Smartphone
    x1 Rejuvenation Orb
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll activate gods wrath since there's a storm and strike the eagle as it's about to attack me
  9. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    wait while you're inside your house?
  10. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Could my forcefield protect my property from damage?
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    If you think it can withstand a more powerful than normal lightning strike and already more powerful than normal hail storm.
  12. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Lightning probably since I'd have buffed lightning resistance to not blow up the house on accident worst case scenario it would lower the property damage. Plus the house itself isn't that important to Chris, the only important part is the lab which is a few floors underground
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    .-. alright then.

    Chris takes control of the storm the eagle made.

    - [ Player's Turn Ends ] -

    - [ Opponent's Turn ] -

    Aquila begins charging another big ice blast since that seems to be the only thing working right now but as she does, she gets struck by a lightning blast through the roof.

    However, a little wooden bow appears floating above the eagle creating a little thin and weak transparent barrier protecting Aquila as the lightning comes down. Kayla's bow. The barrier and the supposedly unbreakable bow shatter into pieces but Aquila takes no damage. The sudden flash stuns her, however, allowing the turrets all to get a shot off.

    Aquila HP: [ 227/1250] [-151 DMG] [-229 DMG] [-232 DMG] [-217 DMG] [-194 DMG] [ Stunned ]

    - [ Opponent's Turn Ends ] -

    - [ Player's Turn ] -

    HP: [227/1250] [ Stunned ]
    Base Attack: -10
    Base Defense: -100
    Dodging Chance: 0%
    Well that was semi-anti climactic. But what did you expect from a bird?

    (Manipulate Electricity)
    Electric Whip Lash
    (RN Between 35-95)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 35
    Max DMG: 95

    Electric Axe Strike (45-115)
    Equation: RN
    35% chance of doing half damage
    Min DMG: 45
    Max DMG: 115

    Electric Bow Shot (0-150)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 0
    Max DMG: 150
    Manipulate Electricity: can control electricity and shape it into objects, weapons. Electricity weapons don't harm the wielder, but harm everything else. additionally if there is a bettery nearby electricity can be conpresed and stored for later.

    Energy to Form Whip, Axe, or Bow: -10%

    - UNACTIVE -
    Storm Call:
    Summon a localized thunderstorm that takes 3 turns to form, it stays there for 5 turns and the user can choose a point where lightning strikes. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage. If a storm is already in progress this skill becomes upgraded and renamed to God's Wrath

    It will cost -10% Energy for three consecutive turns to form. No passive energy will be gained while forming a storm or controlling the storm.

    Summoning a storm may be cancelled anytime. Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    Lightning Strike (RN between 1-250)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 1
    Max DMG: 375

    Energy: -5%
    - ACTIVE (1/10)-
    God's Wrath:
    (only usable if a storm is taking place): Using some energy to take full control of a storm for 10 turns. While controlling the storm you can't regain energy unless it's magically given to you. On your turn you can make lightning strike twice on 2 different points. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage.

    It will cost -10% energy to take control of a present storm. No passive energy can be gained while controlling the storm.

    Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    God's Wrath (Damage per One Strike) (RN between 50-350)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 75
    Max DMG: 525

    Energy: -8%


    One with the element: for a turn you turn into electricity and move at the speed of lighting, you are able to fly. For the user it appears as if time has slowed down. If you pass through someone while your in this form they take a bit of damage. When your turn ends you turn back to normal and start to fall if you're in the air. If used as a reaction you can dodge an attack perfectly and also move

    If you attempt to turn back to normal while you're not 5 ft away from someone / something, there will be a penalty.

    One With the Element (RN between 5-25)
    Equation: RN*5
    Min DMG: 25
    Max DMG: 125

    Can be used during opponent's turn as a 100% Dodge.

    Energy: -30%


    Ascended mind: You can give your brain a shock to think 100x faster.

    In combat, it will give Chris a 1/3 Dodging Chance for 2 turns.
    It may also allow him to deduce some information about the opponent kind of like Rose's Seek Truth but nerfed.
    Outside of combat, it will last 5-10 minutes costing no energy.

    Energy: -15%
    Revive - Unavailable -
    Chat (Talk - Doesn’t end turn)

    x5 Supercharged Batteries
    Samsung Smartphone
    x1 Rejuvenation Orb
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I shoot her again
  15. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    Another lightning strike comes down.

    Aquila HP: [-70/1250] [ -297 DMG - RM=131 ]

    The eagle shatters into a million crystals of ice.


    - [ Opponent's Turn ] -

    A flurry of icicles and ice arrows are sent as an actual angel appears in what used to be the spot of where the ice eagle was.

    Attack 1.JPG
  16. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    If I'm correct in my guessing then moving 1 square to the right would make them miss
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Attack 1-.JPG

    Well played.

    - [ Opponent's Turn Ends ] -

    - [ Player's Turn ] -

    HP: [2500/2500]
    Base Attack: 500

    Base Defense: 100

    Dodging Chance: 30%
    Well that Base Attack looks oddly familiar... Sadly the Base Defense can't be the same as the dead girl. At least you could one shot Kayla. But this is a whole different story.

    (Manipulate Electricity)
    Electric Whip Lash
    (RN Between 35-95)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 35
    Max DMG: 95

    Electric Axe Strike (45-115)
    Equation: RN
    35% chance of doing half damage
    Min DMG: 45
    Max DMG: 115

    Electric Bow Shot (0-150)
    Equation: RN
    Min DMG: 0
    Max DMG: 150
    Manipulate Electricity: can control electricity and shape it into objects, weapons. Electricity weapons don't harm the wielder, but harm everything else. additionally if there is a bettery nearby electricity can be conpresed and stored for later.

    Energy to Form Whip, Axe, or Bow: -10%

    - UNACTIVE -
    Storm Call:
    Summon a localized thunderstorm that takes 3 turns to form, it stays there for 5 turns and the user can choose a point where lightning strikes. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage. If a storm is already in progress this skill becomes upgraded and renamed to God's Wrath

    It will cost -10% Energy for three consecutive turns to form. No passive energy will be gained while forming a storm or controlling the storm.

    Summoning a storm may be cancelled anytime. Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    Lightning Strike (RN between 1-250)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 1
    Max DMG: 375

    Energy: -5%
    - ACTIVE (2/10)-
    God's Wrath:
    (only usable if a storm is taking place): Using some energy to take full control of a storm for 10 turns. While controlling the storm you can't regain energy unless it's magically given to you. On your turn you can make lightning strike twice on 2 different points. Anything in a 5ft radius takes damage. If the target is covered it metal or soaked in water the damage is doubled, if they're wearing full rubber suit they take no damage.

    It will cost -10% energy to take control of a present storm. No passive energy can be gained while controlling the storm.

    Controlling a storm may be cancelled anytime.

    God's Wrath (Damage per One Strike) (RN between 50-350)
    Equation: RN*1.5
    Min DMG: 75
    Max DMG: 525

    Energy: -8%


    One with the element: for a turn you turn into electricity and move at the speed of lighting, you are able to fly. For the user it appears as if time has slowed down. If you pass through someone while your in this form they take a bit of damage. When your turn ends you turn back to normal and start to fall if you're in the air. If used as a reaction you can dodge an attack perfectly and also move

    If you attempt to turn back to normal while you're not 5 ft away from someone / something, there will be a penalty.

    One With the Element (RN between 5-25)
    Equation: RN*5
    Min DMG: 25
    Max DMG: 125

    Can be used during opponent's turn as a 100% Dodge.

    Energy: -30%


    Ascended mind: You can give your brain a shock to think 100x faster.

    In combat, it will give Chris a 1/3 Dodging Chance for 2 turns.
    It may also allow him to deduce some information about the opponent kind of like Rose's Seek Truth but nerfed.
    Outside of combat, it will last 5-10 minutes costing no energy.

    Energy: -15%
    Revive - Unavailable -
    Chat (Talk - Doesn’t end turn)

    x5 Supercharged Batteries
    Samsung Smartphone
    x1 Rejuvenation Orb
  18. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

    Likes Received:
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    I'll shoot her with gods wrath again
  19. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    Chris casts another lightning bolt but this time, Aquila seems barely fazed by it.

    Aquila HP: [2351/2500] [-149 DMG - RM=166]

    Warning: Chris Energy: 21%

    The turrets all miss.

    - [ Player's Turn Ends ] -

    - [ Opponent's Turn ] -

    The Aurora Borealis begins to form on the floor and Chris instantly feels the temperature drop another few notches.

    [ Slowed 60% ] - Moving one square on the grid now takes 1% energy.

    Hail begins to fire at a machine gun's rate against the forcefield before inevitably, Chris hears the forcefield break. Wind begins rushing in as well forcing Chris back one square and preventing him from accessing the top 6 rows of the grid.

    A ton more icicles then appear along with bows with crimson flaring arrows.

    Attack 2.JPG
  20. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I move 3 to the right
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