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Serious Admins And Devs Please Work A Bit More Efficiently

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by meadow, Apr 17, 2019.

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  1. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Because you can't find all the glitches sometimes it's a stupid anal one that gets through (warrior gliding, nether flying) and sometimes it's a big one.
    To be fair if they opened an open testing server everyone would have moved there so they might as well push the update without fixing it (also I doubt they want to open another server with the player capacity of Wynn just for testing).
    All my posts are counter arguments.
    Because testing isn't a net that catches the big bugs and lets small one go through. They try and glitch the game but they can't find everything.
    (Also duping isn't such a big bug, it may wrek the economy but it pales compared to bugs that let one player shut off the server).
  2. SkellySniper

    SkellySniper In a permanent state of necro

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    Look me in the face and tell me Wynncraft is not a game. It shares only one thing in common with minecraft- the physics engine. Way back when, I'd have said graphics too, but there's a whole lot you can do with server resource packs now. Combat works differently. Resource gathering works differently. Progressing works differently. This is not "just a server". This is a game. Rather in the same way people can play a game of deathmatch or a game of capture the flag in an FPS, or hunger games or spleef in Minecraft.

    "According to my player stats" has nothing to do with any of my arguments. You're using examples in Wynncraft to highlight a problem and argue for it. I may not have the greatest experience with the new updates (last time I played was before Gavel) but I at least understand how the game works. Don't need a whole lot more here.

    I never said you were throwing shit about bugs "as soon as they occur". I said you were throwing shit. That's the problem here. You're throwing shit.

    From the perspective of an older player, "major features" aren't necessarily missing. Believe it or not, there was a time when people got by without wars. And no, I haven't the faintest idea how the market works, but before it was implemented, the market was called Detlas 1 (or 2 if 1 was full) where people traded items. Worked just as well. I hardly think, given this, that wars or a market system is "critical".

    "Typical large projects" and you've already shut down your own argument. This isn't a large project. The devs spend the majority of their time doing actual day jobs. Wynncraft is literally a hobby. Don't expect your bug triage to be the first priority. Don't expect anything to get done quickly. This isn't a huge project, this isn't a paid job. Speed isn't the point here. This is something the devs decided to do, and they can just as easily decide to stop doing it if they feel like it.

    Furthermore, duplicating items is a relatively small glitch, all things considered. It broke the market, sure, but it also didn't let people skip progression, plot, or storyline, nor did it cause lag or crashes. If the person who did it had never mentioned anything, they could have just sold all of their items to the item buyer and made infinite LE. And it would never have been noticed.

    You're asking me if it's proportional? Yes, it's a glitch of exactly the same severity. Infinite bots in Overwatch was confined to custom games, where it had no impact on anyone's stats or playtime, and it was a conscious decision to do this thing. The same thing applies. It doesn't affect gameplay in any truly meaningful way. Maybe gathering quests would be easier (I don't know if this was just weapons or all items) but those tend to just be grindfests anyway.

    Nobody can find every glitch in a program. No matter what the severity, things fall through. Just because you find it critical now that it's out doesn't mean it had to have been caught earlier.

    Your definition of "open testing" seems to be release, not beta testing. Beta testing usually has some kind of payment or application process. An open beta is usually through application or payment, while "open testing" is releasing and saying "hey we got bugs so let us know when you find them".
    You've been given a refutation of each and every one of your points, and that person who you're telling off is being extremely patient with you as you repeatedly ignore their refutations.

    Maybe you really needed more research.
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