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Website & Forums Add RoL, the Void, etc to the map

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by strikeflame5356, May 30, 2022.



  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Right now there's a bit of a problem with the map, which is that some pretty important areas don't appear on it, the most notable being the realm of light. This is a similar problem with the void, albeit less of a problem since the void isn't really a major area. You could add them either by just including RoL where it currently is in the physical map, north of Gavel (or at least it used to be, unless it was moved), or I imagine by having 2 different maps, the current one and one that's just RoL.

    One possible drawback is that this would worsen the current problem of the map completely spoiling parts of the game to new players, when I first started playing wynncraft I found out about the SE when I was just level 30-something when I accidentally scrolled to it on the map, It's not player's faults when this happens either since the spoilers are just right in your face. I really don't know how you'd fix that though.
    That_Chudley likes this.
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