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Game Design Add an in-game NPC that tells you how banks work

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by AmbassadorDazz, Mar 17, 2024.

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  1. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    This is less of a feedback on unintuitive game design and more of a "make changes in-game easily digestible for players who don't bother reading the changelogs".

    Following the addition of Character Banks that store items for a single character rather than the entire account, some players got confused and frustrated as to why their items in the bank disappeared off the face of the earth. They didn't - logging in and opening the bank after the changes were made for the first time defaults the storage option to Character Storage rather than Account Storage, which should be the default bank option. And because the game doesn't directly communicate this to the player (outside of the changelogs), this makes them think that the update just nuked their whole bank.

    We're conveniently ignoring the shouts from the veterans for this one.

    Adding an in-game NPC that tells you how banks work, in the form of a Banker NPC or a small book for nonverbal (Lutho) or unintelligible/absent bankers, should be able to give the players an in-game way of knowing what changed since last time the player logged in.

    [1/?] Banker: Hello, and welcome to the Wynncraft Bank! Would you like a quick explanation of how the Ender Chest Bank works?
    [1] Yes, please.
    [2] Has anything changed since last time I came here?
    [3] No, thanks.

    [2/?] Banker: We at the Wynncraft Bank are proud to announce that, in addition to a bank that you and all your classes can use, we're also implementing bank space dedicated solely to a singular class!
    [3/?] Banker: Don't worry, none of the items in your global bank are affected. You can level these single-class banks the way you upgrade your regular bank account, and they can hold just as much storage.
    [4/?] Banker: You can freely swap between your class specific and global bank storage using the small chest icon to the right. If it has golden stripes, you're on your class specific bank. If the stripes are diamond, you're on your global bank!
    You can freely switch between the two banks at any point. Character Banks do not share their storage with other classes - only the Account Bank does.
  2. MrYoghurt2004

    MrYoghurt2004 Warrior Gang Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Good suggestion, this is definitely the number 1 most asked question by returning players, and i can only imagine those who don’t come to the forums/discord to ask and quit because they think they lost everything.

    However one minor nitpick, this isn’t true, the class bank only has a maximum of 10 pages, and it’s determined by your rank.
  3. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Good point, though most players early in the game won't have that much account or character bank space to begin with.
  4. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    good suggestion but it's unlikely that when people see their bank "gone" they will click a random npc nearby instead of going onto the forums or something
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