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Game Mechanics About the new BloodBath mythic weapon.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Ilikedogs, Jul 2, 2024.


Which M ID is the best?

  1. Slaughter

    1 vote(s)
  2. Hemorhhage

    2 vote(s)
  3. Everlasting fury

    1 vote(s)
  4. All of them suck LOL

    1 vote(s)
  5. Blood bath doesnt need buff

    3 vote(s)
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  1. Ilikedogs

    Ilikedogs Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    For those who didn't check update news this is the new warrior mythic coming up in the new update.
    It might be confusing for players who are unaware of the abilities of Fallen. But to be simple enough, bloodbath operates on blood pact. Which is going to receive changes in the 2.1 update, where blood pact moves more up the tree and also does not need to be corrupted to be used.
    Theoretically, this weapon sounds pretty good and interestingly played with its gimmick of using hp as mana, and its earth thunder raw stat increases incentivizing the player to play fallen and stay at low hp for maximized damage.

    HOWEVER. we got this funny warrior mythic that does the same thing but better by a lot...
    Introducing HERO
    Hero is a very fast attack speed mythic which when powdered boosts the base dps up to 745.
    Bloodbath is slow attack speed which when powdered only boosts the base dps up to something like 660.
    That is a problem as bloodbath has a 160 sp requirement while hero only has 110 and bloodbath has less base dps than hero.
    The nature of agility greatly boosts hero player's survivability and hero also adds earth thunder stats.
    while bloodbath forces the player to play glassy as a lot of the skill points go to strength and dexterity.
    hero player also has a major id that is very useful too which greatly boosts the damage and survivability of the hero player once the hero player is below half.

    To summarize hero basically has like very similar damage to the earth thunder mythic bloodbath as an air mythic. While not having any of the downsides like no mana and less max hp for bloodbath and also a huge hunk of walkspeed.

    Lets be real here nobody uses that little bit of lifesteal and most bloodbath users are gonna run fallen monk anyway.

    and -bash scream cost isnt even that useful cuz bash scream players only care about scream cost as bash cannot stack ur gonna cast 1 bash per second anyway. (Like how the hero builds are made now, they dont really care much about bash cost and 20 is sufficient enough but they need to make scream cost at most 3 or 4 mana.)


    What can we do to help bloodbath out of its awkward position????

    Nerf Hero? (JK PLS DONT I JUST GOT IT) Buffing the base attack speed? adding more powdered slots? Adding more base damage?

    Thats quite cringe for such a niche play style and its gonna be a big damage goo goo gah gah stick like divzer and cataclysm but for warrior.

    If Hero has a major id along with that much insane stats.

    I think bloodbath deserves a major id too.

    I have a few ideas that could fit thematically.

    1st Major ID
    Slaughter: Exiting corruption no longer gives a cooldown to enter corruption again.

    This helps with the awkward time fallen player have while need to wait and run around before they enter corrupted again which might bring bloodbath a more interesting unique point that hero cannot do.

    Item potential lore for this M ID:
    Formed by the countless resentments of the restless souls tortured by the source of the corruption. This spear of destruction and chaos fully corrupts the users to their soul, making them slaves of corruption eternally.

    2nd Major ID
    Hemorrhage: Everytime a single blood pact consumes more than 4 percent of your hp, your next bash will cast X (amount depending if player has quad bash or double bash) boiling bloods.

    yeah yeah ik this shit is like hellfire but with extra steps but you gotta admit its a little bit different and more fitting for how blood bath is played, adds more damage which makes it compete with hero.

    Item potential lore for this M ID
    Every past wielder of this object of annihilation have mysteriously died, rumors say their corpses were still bleeding even months after their death...

    3rd Major ID

    Everlasting fury: above 75 percent corruption, blood pact now only consumes 0.1 percent of your health and gives you 1 mana.

    This gives better health to mana convertion rate for blood bath players who constantly stays at high corruption levels and allows them to dish out more spells at high corruption levels to compete with hero dps.

    Item potential lore for this M ID

    This corrupted weapon of destruction will reap all of the magic of those with a heroic heart, but grants more and more magic to the corrupted wielders.
    Aya and Elysium_ like this.
  2. Ilikedogs

    Ilikedogs Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    If anyone got better ideas on making blood bath better pls leave your suggestions here rn its just hero but with no hp
  3. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    These are great ideas, I feel like Slaughter wouldn't be a bad option. But maybe it could be like, depending on how many spells you cast or how much health you lost, the cooldown gets reduced by x seconds. So you couldn't just spam the new Bloodlust ability lol.
    Ilikedogs likes this.
  4. Ilikedogs

    Ilikedogs Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah about the bloodlust ability im not too sure what it does specifically yet as people claimed it healed like intoxicating blood but only depends on damage so I haven't included it in slaughter but thats a way more balanced approach.
    As this is the screenshot from the official website.
    Deusphage and Elysium_ like this.
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I’d still wait until the update comes out since there are other ability tree changes coming that they haven’t revealed yet.
    Ilikedogs, point_line and Elysium_ like this.
  6. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yeah, it's possible that there are more Fallen changes that make Bloodbath even more geared towards it.
  7. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    Exactly, blood pact has been moved up the tree and we don't know how powerful it will be in 2.1. There's also an aspect that boosts damage of blood pact spells, and IMs have said it is competitive with other mythics.
    Ilikedogs and Dr Zed like this.
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Initially I thought Bloodbath was pretty blegh, but when you actually get a build for it and use it how it's intended it is pretty bonkers. As weird as this sounds, it almost plays a bit like Shadestepper, where you build up the power to deal a ridiculously high damage blow
    Aya, Ilikedogs, Samsam101 and 2 others like this.
  9. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    completely unrelated question, does bloodbath happen to have a major id that involves a 5 second cooldown
    Ilikedogs likes this.
  10. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    It doesn't need a major ID
    Ilikedogs and Elysium_ like this.
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