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A Summoner-type Class

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Inceptus, Nov 27, 2015.


What do you think of my idea?

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  1. Inceptus

    Inceptus Silent forums lurker

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    I have no idea what to call this, so I'm taking suggestions on it's name!

    The whole idea of the class is that it can summon bats (Crows) to fight for it, and protect it.
    The weapon it uses is a Crow's Staff, or a wooden hoe, like a twisted staff where a crow can perch.
    Like this:
    Crow Staff.jpg

    Yes, a summoner has been suggested, but I want to give mine.
    If it gets hate, so be it.

    Anyway, time for the stats!

    Note: "Crows" have the model of bats.


    Oak Wood Staff
    Dmg: 3-5
    LV min: 1

    Max class levels required: 60

    Attacking spawns a crow that launches out around 5 blocks or until it hits an enemy to fight for you, does 15-25% damage, has a long cooldown. (About 6 seconds.) Each crow lasts 12-15 seconds, then dies. When it dies, gives you 1-2 hunger.​


    First Spell

    R -- L -- R
    -=5 Hunger=-

    Crow Strike
    Send forth two to five crow-projectiles in a straight line with medium-ish accuracy, exploding on impact and dealing a fair amount of damage per crow, each crow lasts 2 seconds and acts like a projectile.

    Tier I:
    Send two crows, Does 110% damage each crow

    Tier II:
    Send 3-4 crows, does 115% damage each crow

    Tier III:
    Send 5 crows, does 120% damage each crow

    Second Spell
    R -- R -- R
    -=4 Hunger=-

    Swarm Fade
    Morph yourself into a swarm of around 10-14 crows packed tightly, making yourself invisible and giving yourself 150% speed and one-21/2 extra block to jump. Along with that, each crow that swarms around you does a very small amount of damage when in contact with an enemy, but cannot fight on it's own, it hitting an enemy is only by chance.

    Tier I:
    10 crows, lasts 5 seconds
    10% damage each crow
    One block extra jump

    Tier II:
    12 crows, lasts 6 seconds
    15% damage each crow
    Two blocks extra jump

    Tier III:
    14 crows, lasts 8 seconds
    18% damage each crow
    21/2 blocks extra jump

    Third Spell:
    R -- L -- L
    -=7 hunger=-

    Conjured Crows
    Spawn 4-6 crows to fight for you, each one doing around half of your weapons damage. Each crow aggros on a random enemy, if there is only one enemy within a 5 block radius, it spawns 1 less crow and aggros on that.

    Tier I:
    4 crows, each lasting 18 seconds
    42-48% damage

    Tier II:
    5 crows, each lasting 19 seconds.
    44-50% damage

    Tier III:
    6 crows, each lasting 20 seconds
    46-52% damage

    Fourth spell
    R -- R -- L
    -=6 Hunger=-

    Sentry Crows
    Summon a swarm of 5-10 crows, each drawing aggro of one random nearby enemy, and healing yourself 21/2 hearts. Crows cannot die, but when the spell is used twice, it despawns all remaining crows and spawns new ones.

    Tier I:
    5-6 crows
    Lasts 15 seconds

    Tier II:
    7-8 crows
    Lasts 20 seconds

    Tier III:
    9-10 crows
    Lasts 25 seconds

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  2. Inceptus

    Inceptus Silent forums lurker

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    Bumpity bump

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Hmm... I don't know. It seems like without spells, just the basics are OP. Always having a crow around you? Plus the spells all seem the same. Send a crow, send a crow, send multiple crows, send a crow.
  4. Inceptus

    Inceptus Silent forums lurker

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    Hmm.. I see what you're saying, but the spells aren't really the same..

    Spell one: Projectile.
    Spell two: Dash
    Spell three: Summon
    Spell four: Disctract.

    Now, the basic is a bit OP come to think of it.. Fixed!

    Thank you for your feedback!
  5. Inceptus

    Inceptus Silent forums lurker

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  6. Recku

    Recku The lord of the ducks VIP

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    Did you mean: A serverlaggenerator-class?
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