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A Proposal To Adding Tanking Mechanics Into The Game

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Morgan83, Mar 3, 2021.


what do you think of this suggestion and what could we do to improve it/make it more implementable

  1. like the idea very cool

    9 vote(s)
  2. its meh you suck (if you say this then you like the post but think im a big poopoohead)

    2 vote(s)
  3. i don't think this is well thought out (pls give suggestions and a reason as to why it is bad)

    2 vote(s)
  4. hey if you don't say anything after saying "its poorly thought out" youre poo

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    My idea is that we add a substat to building defensive SP and items to where tanks can pull aggro from bosses and mobs. to compliment this you would also need to change major boss fights such as the canyon colossus to not have massive spread aoe attacks being spammed. of course some would be necessary to create a danger for dps players of course but the general theme here is that it would make it possible for dps players to build things like ETW and not be useless. it would make things like warier with EFA an amazing tanking class and therefore giving warriors a place in the meta. this way you also have an incredible diversity in build paths to go and you wouldn't require defensive SP to create a useful build. i think there are merits to the current system but overall i believe that adding this type of thing to defensive Skill points would be good. i also think that the "Tank" role should be doable by any class. that way you can have an archer tank and still be just as viable (even if less optimal) as a warrior or mage tank. to be clear, i think that there should still be danger for the DPS and Mage/Healer roles in the party but i think that this change would GREATLY improve the quality of dungeons and Raids to an extremely high level.

    if this is not possible in the bounds of unmodded Minecraft then let me know and if you have rebukes or improvements to the idea please feel free to ping me and let me know ho you feel
  2. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I believe that the 'Taunt' Major ID does this.
    I agree with your sentiment here, tanks are kind of the only viable option for raids (TCC definitely and NoL too to some extent). ETW builds shouldn't be blocked out because they don't design themselves on defense. I think that the 'Taunt' major ID DEFINITELY needs to be added to more armour/accessories/weapons so that people can actually use it and play around with it in builds.
    Morgan83 likes this.
  3. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Add poll

    Also gud idea +1
    Morgan83 likes this.
  4. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    the taunt major ID is definitely a move in the right direction buuut the bosses still throw out unavoidable aoe abilities and shotgun blasts. these in my opinion really mess with the usage of glass cannon builds and make them honestly completely unviable. i think that building agility and defense should automatically make you take more aggro when hitting the boss. in order to have it possible to where a single tank is tanking
    i propose that they make the boss( and the mobs it spawns) always target the closest player with the most defenses. i think that there should be abilities that do hit the whole party but they should only do moderate damage and i think that there should also be aoe abilities that the boss throws out at the non-tank players to make it so they cant just sit still and dps.

    to balance that type of playstyle they would also have to add a way to make tanky builds have a SLIGHT damage nerf so that you cant build 150 defense and 100 strength and go melee tierstack and do huge dps as well. i think this would diversify a LOT of classes and make classes like warrior a lot more relevant in the meta without completely changing the class just yet. and as i have already mentioned, ETW is completely unusable and if you run it in high end content you are asking to be carried hard by your team and i think that that is bad for the game's diversity in build styles and i hope that something like this is implemented somehow into the game. i also feel it is an inevitable point to achieve now that they have added things like raids
    thanks! do you
    have anything to add or do you think its good as is?
    That_Chudley likes this.
  5. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    bump pls let me know what yall think of this idea :)
  6. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I don't, I think we need an actual Agro system.
    Frankly, the Major id could be changed for Force Agro for a certain amount of time, or something of that nature, but we need an agro system.
    AlleonVera and Sg_Voltage like this.
  7. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    but what about how things like ETW being unusable and divzer literally costing the same as an AZ because its actually unusable
  8. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    What does that have to do with what I said... At all?
  9. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    it doesn't I'm just asking your opinion on the state of ETW and that kind of thing. im fairly certain we both agree on the need for an actual aggro system
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